JSS3 Igbo Scheme of Work

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About JSS3 Igbo Scheme of Work

In Junior Secondary School 3 (JSS3) in Nigeria, students learn about the language and culture of the Igbo people. Igbo is one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria. It is a big part of Nigeria’s southeastern culture, spoken by millions of people. 


In preparation for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), studying Igbo enhances students’ proficiency in the Igbo language, vital for effective communication and preserving cultural heritage in Igbo-speaking regions. By engaging with Igbo literature, traditions, and history, students develop a strong sense of identity and cultural pride. 


Studying Igbo in junior secondary schools 3 (JSS3) not only aids in achieving academic success in the BECE but also fosters linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.

Assessment Guide

The crowning event for Jss3  and the Junior Secondary school as a whole is the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) which is taken mid-third term. The assessment methods for Igbo include written examinations, which may consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and essay-type questions. These exams are conducted in a controlled environment to ensure fairness and integrity.

Furthermore, continuous assessment, which involves periodic tests, assignments, and projects conducted throughout the academic session, also contributes to the overall BECE assessment. This allows for an all-around evaluation of students’ performance and progress over time.

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JSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Igbo

 Igbo Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School 3(JSS3)
 ClassJ.S.S 3
 TermFirst Term
1ỌNỤỌGỤGỤ (0-1000)1. Ịgụ ọnụọgụgụ (0-5000)
2. Ịgụ ọnụ ọgụgụ na-agarirị (501-1000)
2OMENALAa) Nkọwa Omenala
b) Ịgụ nwa aha na ndị o metụtara
c) Ịhụ nwata eze na ndị o metụtara
d) Mgbanwe na-abatagasị n’omenala ndị a
3AGỤMAGỤ: ỊGỤ IDUUAZỊ A HỌPỤTARAa) Nkọwaodee akwụkwo, isiokwu, ndị nisiokwu akụkọ ya
b) Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ iduuazị
c) Nkọwa mkpụruokwu na okwu ọhụrụ batara n’ihe a gụrụ
4OMENALAA i) Nkọwa Omenala
ii) Ile ọbịa na mkpọpụta ihe ndị ụfọdụ ndị Igbo ji ele ọbịa. Ya bụ ihe ndị na-anọchi anya ọjị.
B) Ọmụmụ ilu na nkọwa ilu ụfọdụ dị mfe.
5AGỤMAGỤ: IDUUAZỊ1. Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ Iduuazị a họpụtara 2. Nkọwa usoro okwu na okwu ọhụrụ ndị bata n’ihe a gụrụ
3. Ntụle agwa ndị gbara elu n’iduuazị
4. Nchịkọta akwụkwọ ejije na ihe mmụta sitere n’akụkọ
6NSOROEDIDEa) Nkọwa na ọmụmụ iwu ndakọrịtaụdaume
b) Iwu nsụpe dịka o metụtara ndekọ na ndesa mkpụrụokwu
c) Ndepụta mkpụrụokwu ndị nwere ndakorịta na ndị dara n’iwu ndakọrịtaụdaume
7NSOROEDIDEa) Ọrụ “na” na-arụn’ahịrị – okwu dịka mbuụzọ, nnye- makangwaa, njikọ na isingwaa.
b) Nkụzi “na” dịka Njikọ
c) Inyegasị ọmụmaatụ ha n’ahịrịokwu
8ỤTỌASUSỤi. Ọmụmụ “na” dịka mbuụzọ
ii. Inyegasị ọmụmaatụ ha
9ỤTỌASỤSỤa) Ọmụmụ “na” dịka isingwaa
b) Ọmụmụ “na” dịka nnyemaka ngwaa
c) Iwepụtagasị ọmụmaatụ ha
10A. IBI N’UDOa) Nkọwa ihe bụ ibi n’udo
b) Ụzọ dị iche iche e si ebi n’udo
c) Uru na Ọghọm dị n’ibi n’udo
 B. MPỤ ULEa) Nkọwa ihe bụ mpụ ule
b) Ụzọ dị iche iche e si eme mpụ ule
c) Ọghọm dị n’ime mpụ ule.
 C. NRỤRỊTAỤKAOlee ndị a ga-aka ata uta gbasara mpụ ule. Ọ bụ ndị nne
na nna ka ọ bụ ụmụakwụkwọ?
11AGỤMAGỤ: IDUUAZỊ1. Ọgụgụ iduuazị
2. Nchịkọta isiokwu na ndịnisiokwu akụkọ
3. Nkọwa ihe mmụta dị n’akụkọ
4. Ntụle agwa ndị batara n’akụkọ
5. Omenala Igbo ndị batara n’akụkọ

JSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Igbo

 TermSecond Term
1AGỤMAGỤ: ABỤ EDEREDEa) Ịkọwa odee abụ na akwụkwọ abụ ya
b) Ọgụgụ abụ abụọ ndị a họpụtara
c) Ntụle abụ, isiokwu, asụsụ nka na ihe abụ na- akọ maka ya na nkenke
d) Ịkọwa ihe mmụta dị n’abụ
e) Nkọwa okwu ọhụrụ ndị batara n’abụ
2ỌGWỤa) Nkọwa ihe bụ ọgwụ
b) Onye kwesiri inye ọgwụ
c) Ebe e kwesiri ịzụta ọgwụ d) Mgbe e kwesiri ịnụ ọgwụ
e) Nsogbu dị n’ịzụ na ịṅụ ọgwụ
f) Ịnụ ogwụ aghara aghara na ọghọm ya
3AGỤMAGỤ: ABỤ EDEREDEa. Ọgụgụ abụ abụọ a họpụtara
b. Ntụle abụ, isiokwu/ ihe abụ na-akọ maka ya na asụsụ nka
c. Nkọwa ihe mmụta dị n’abụ
d. Itụle asụsụ nka ndị batara n’abụ
e. Nkọwa okwu ọhụrụ batara na ha
4NKEBIOKWUa) Nkọwa nkebiokwu
b) Ụdị nkebiokwu dị iche iche dịka: nkeaha, kenkọwa, nkembuụzọ na nkenrụaka
c) Mmebe ahịrịokwu ndị nwere nkebiokwu.
5EDEMEDE KỌMPOZISHỌNa) Nkọwa edemede kompozishọn
b) Nhazi ya
c) Ide otu edemede nkọwa
6NKEBIOKWUa) Nkọwa nkebiokwu
b) Ọmụmụ nkebiokwu keaha
c) Ọmụmụ nkebiokwu kenkọwaha
d) Ọmụmaatụ gasị n’ahịrịokwu
7NKEBIOKWUa) Ọmụmụ nkebiokwu kenrụaka
b) Ọmụmụ nkebiokwu kembuụzọ
c) Ọmụmaatụ ha gasị n’ahịrịokwu
8AGỤMAGỤ: ABỤ EDEREDEa. Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ abụ abụọa họpụtara
b. Ntụle abụ, isiokwu/ ihe abụ na-akọ maka ya na asụsụ nka
c. Nkọwa ihe mmụta dị n’abụ
d. Nkọwa okwu ọhụrụ batara na ha
9AGỤMAGUNgụgharị akwụkwọ abụndị a họpụtara na nchịkọta ha.
10EDEMEDE1. Nkọwa edemede
2. Edemede dị iche iche
i) Leta nke onye
ii) Leta anamachọihe
iii) Edemede mkparịtaụka


JSS3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Igbo

 TermThird Term
2AGỤMAGỤ: EJIJE EDEREDE1. Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ ejije a họpụtara
2. Ntụle odee ejije, ihe ejije na-akọ maka ya na asụsụ nka odee
c) Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ ejije
d) Nkọwa okwu ọhụrụ bataran’ejije
3OMENALAa) Ile ọmụgwọ
b) Ibi ugwu
4OMENALA na-agarịrịa) Iri ji ọhụrụ
b) Ịwa ọjị
5AGỤMAGỤ: Ejije ederedei) Ọgụgụ akwụkwọ ejije a họpụtara
ii) Nkọwa usoro okwu na okwu ọhụrụ ndị batara n’ihe a gụrụ
6ỤTỌASỤSỤ: NKEBIAHỊRỊOKWUi) Nkọwa ihe bụ nkebiahịrịokwu
ii) Ụdị nkebiahịrịokwu dị iche iche
iii) Ọmụmụ nkebiahịrị keaha na izipụta ya n’ahịrịokwu
7ỤTỌASỤSỤi) Nkebiahịrị kenkọwa
ii) Izipụta nkebiahịrị kenkọwa n’ahịrịokwu
iii) Nkebiahịrị kembuụzọ na nzipụta ha n’ahịrịokwu
8AGỤMAGỤ: EJIJE EDEREDE1. Ọgụgụ ejije a họpụtara
2. Nchịkọta akwụkwọ ejije a gụrụ
3. Ntụle agwa ndị kara pụta ihe n’ejije
4. Nchịkọta akwụkwọ ejije na ihe mmụta sitere n’ejije

Recommended Igbo Textbooks for Junior Secondary School 3

The recommended textbooks for Igbo include:

  • Usoro Omumu Igbo (Uto Asusu, Agumagu na Omenala) maka junio Sekondiri na Bezik Edukeshon J. C Onuora (Okammuta) – Patmonic Printers & Publishers  
  • Omenala Igbo (The Book of Igbo Custom) F. C Ogbalu – University Press Company
  • Omenala Maka Junio Sekondiri N’ Usoro 6- 3-3-4  by F.C Ogbalu – University Press
  • Odinala ndi Igbo by Tony Ubesie – University Press
  • Nka Edemede Igbo maka Ndi Sekondiri na Koleeji  by Patty Ifeagwsie, Chinwe Okafor – Mid-Field Publishers Ltd 
  • Mbem Na Egwu Igbo (Igbo Poems & Songs)  by F.C Ogbalu – Varsity Publishing Co. Ltd
  • Olu Umunwanyi Mba Africa by Nwaogu N. Ijeoma – Pacific Publishers Ltd

All JSS3 Scheme of Work

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