CIPM Professional I Level Syllabus

Starting your CIPM certification this year? Download this CIPM Professional I-level syllabus to study smart and excel in your exams

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About CIPM Professional I Level Exams

The CIPM Professional Examinations I is designed to build on the knowledge you gained at the Foundation and Intermediate levels and prepare you for more advanced concepts and responsibilities. It is a crucial step for all who are looking to advance in the field of human resource management. 

The syllabus covers areas like recruitment, employee relations, performance management, and HR policies and procedures.

In this course, you will learn about the strategic role of human resource management in organizations and how to align HR practices with business goals. You will also learn about labour laws and ethical issues and will ensure you can navigate the complex legal and moral landscape of the workplace.

One of the key focuses of this level is to develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. Hence, you will engage with case studies and real-world scenarios, and this will help you apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. 

This hands-on approach will also make you more effective in your HR role and prepare you for leadership positions.

At the end of the course, you will have a deeper understanding of how to manage people effectively, create positive work environments, and contribute to your organization’s success. Get ready to be equipped with the skills and knowledge that will make a real impact in your career.

Professional I Level in CIPM

The Professional Examinations I of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) syllabus is broken down into 5 courses namely: 

i. HR Metrics and Analytics 

ii. Organizational Behavior and Performance 

iii. Insurance, Pensions and Risk Management 

iv. Advanced Human Resource Management I 

v. Presentation Skills 

Download CIPM Professional I Level Syllabus


Excelling your CIPM exams starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the CIPM Syllabus for Professional 1 Level now.

Course 1 : HR Metrics and Analytics

About HRMA

The HR Metrics and Analytics course in the CIPM Professional Examinations is designed to equip HR professionals with the essential skills needed to make data-driven decisions. In today’s competitive business environment, analyzing HR data is important for optimizing workforce performance and driving organizational success. 

This course focuses on collecting, measuring, and analyzing HR data to provide actionable insights. It covers the development and use of key HR metrics, principles of HR analytics, and applying statistical techniques to real-world HR scenarios. 

Some topics in this course include Categories of HR Metrics, People Analytics, HR Information, etc. Ethical considerations in handling employee data and the importance of data privacy will also be learnt and discussed.

Aim & Competencies


The aim of the HR Metrics and Analytics course is to equip HR professionals with the skills to collect, analyze, and interpret HR data.

This will enable them to make data-driven decisions that enhance workforce performance and align HR strategies with organizational goals.


On completing the HR Metrics and Analytics course, you should be able to:

i. Develop and use key HR metrics.

ii. Understand and apply HR analytics principles.

iii. Analyze workforce data for strategic decision-making.

iv. Use statistical techniques in HR scenarios.

HR Metrics and Analytics Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations I
 LevelProfessional Examinations I

ii. Differences between a metric and an analytic

iii. Types of HR analytics

iv. Problem-solving processes using innovations in HR

v Challenges of HR metrics and analytics

ii Workforce (General and specific)

iii. Recruitment

iv. Productivity

v Compensation and benefits analytics

vi. Learning and development

vii HR operations
3HR ANALYTICS (PEOPLE ANALYTICS)i. Introduction to people analytics and its application

ii Data collection and standardization

iii. Basic statistics

iv. HR metrics and benchmarking

v. Data analysis and visualization using Microsoft Excel

vi. Reporting insights
4HR ANALYTICS CAPABILITY BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENTi. Internal and external analytic demand

ii. Preparing and presenting HR dashboard and commentaries
5HR INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS)i. Software and technology in HRIS
– Use of Workday, SAP, ORACLE, Ultimate software

ii. Reporting and analytic processes in HRIS

iii. HRIS implementation problems
– Search
– Plan and align
– Define and design
– Configure and test
– Training and communication
– Deployment and evaluation

Course 2 : Organizational Behavior and Performance

About OBP

Organizational Behavior and Performance in the CIPM Professional Examinations examines how individuals, teams, and organizational structures influence workplace dynamics and productivity. It delves into fundamental concepts like motivation, leadership styles, organizational culture, and teamwork dynamics. 

HR professionals need to be able to optimize employee engagement, productivity, and overall organizational effectiveness. This course also explores the impact of organizational structures on behaviour and performance, emphasizing the importance of adaptive leadership and strategic decision-making. 

Through practical case studies and real-world examples, you will gain actionable insights into implementing effective organizational behaviour strategies. These strategies aim to foster a positive work environment and drive sustainable performance outcomes. 

Aim & Competencies


The aim of the Organizational Behavior and Performance course in the CIPM Professional Examinations is to provide HR professionals with a comprehensive understanding of how the organization, leadership styles, and teamwork influence workplace behaviour and performance. 

This course will help you to foster a productive and harmonious work environment aligned with organizational goals.

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

i. Analyze organizational dynamics and structures.

ii. Understand motivational theories and their applications.

iii. Implement effective leadership styles.

iv. Manage teamwork dynamics and group processes.

v. Enhance organizational culture and climate.

Organizational Behavior and Performance Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations I
 LevelProfessional Examinations I
1UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONSi. Elements of organisation
– Culture
– People
– Structure
– Systems

ii. Organisational alignment

iii. Strategic business plan
2TEAM BUILDINGi. Purpose of team building

ii. Types of team building

iii. Team building activities

iv. Managing virtual, hybrid or physical teams/organisations

v. Teamwork

vi. Meaning of teamwork

vii. Relevance of teamwork

viii. Characteristics of teamwork

ix. Challenges of teamwork

x. Obstacles to teamwork

xi. Ways of overcoming the obstacles to teamwork

xii. Norming and forming

xiii. Group communication

xiv. Group thinking
i. Meaning of multi-generational workforce

ii. Benefits of a multi-generational workforce

iii. Challenges of managing a multigenerational workforce

iv. Characteristics of a multigenerational workforce

v. Motivating a multigenerational workforce

vi. Generational differences in the workplace

vii. Expectations for all employees

viii. Diversity and inclusion in the multigenerational workforce

ix. Conflict management in multigenerational organisation
4EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEi. Meaning of emotional intelligence

ii. Relevance of emotional intelligence

iii. Components of Intelligence

iv. Concept of self-awareness

v. Ways of improving self-awareness

vi. Concept of social awareness

vii. Methods of improving social awareness

viii. Emotional intelligence and the workplace

ix. Ways of improving emotional intelligence in the workplace

x. Characteristics of emotion and types of emotion

xi. Artificial intelligence

xii. Building healthy workplace relationships

xiii. Managing variant purposes, personalities and other crisis while maintaining synergy and delivering an objectives individuals and teams

xiv. Leading with cultural intelligence
5WORK ETHICS AND VALUEi. Standards for professionall conduct in the workplace
6MOTIVATIONi. Major content and process theories of motivation

ii. What motivates the employee in today’s business climate?

iii. Compensation and benefits

iv. Work-life balance

v. Workplace culture
7OWNERSHIP MENTALITYi. Introduction to ownership mentality

ii. Benefits of cultivating an ownership mentality

iii. Ouchi’s theory 2

iv. Differences between ownership mentality and employee mindset

v. Challenges of fostering an ownership mentality

vi. Strategies for developing an ownership mentality in the workplace

vii. The role of leadership in promoting ownership mentality

viii. Companies with a strong ownership mentality

ix. Measuring ownership mentality

x. Maintaining an ownership mentality

xi. Importance of communication and feedback in building on ownership mentality ty
8WORK BEHAVIOR AND ATTITUDESi. Organisational citizenship behaviours (OCB)

ii. Counterproductive work behaviours (CWB)

iii Implications of employees’ work behaviours and attitudes to organisational success
9ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICEi. Definition and dimension of organisational justice

ii. Theories of organisational justice

iii. Employees perception of organisational justice and implications for work atitudes and overall organisational outcome
10ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL AND POWERi. Relevance of planning and control

ii. Processes of planning and controlling

iii. Consequences of control

iv. Management by Objectives (MBO)

Course 3: Insurance, Pensions and Risk Management

About IPRM

This course is designed to provide you with a good understanding of critical concepts and practices in insurance and pensions.

In this course, you will be taught the fundamental aspects of risk, its nature, classifications, and the implications it holds for businesses and individuals alike. Have you ever wondered how insurance works? You will also be taught all about insurance, its functions and the benefits it brings, plus what makes some risks ‘insurable’ and others not.

Another key topic in this course which you will taught is risk management. You will learn how to identify, assess, and handle risks effectively. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and execute solid risk management plans, ensuring businesses and individuals can navigate uncertainties with confidence.

Whether you’re new to the world of finance or looking to deepen your knowledge, this course will provide you with practical insights and skills that are essential in today’s dynamic financial landscape. Get ready to explore, learn, and master Insurance, Pensions, and Risk Management!

Aim & Competencies


i. To make students aware of the nature of risks, historical background of insurance, functions and benefits of insurance and relevant features of insurable risks;

ii. To develop the student’s ability to understand the approach to risk management and how to create and implement a comprehensive risk management plan; and 

iii. To enable students to understand the basics of insurance as the most acceptable strategy of financial risk transfer.


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

i. Understanding different types of risks and their implications for businesses and individuals.

ii. Explain the foundational principles of insurance, including its historical development, functions, and benefits.

iii. Assess, mitigate, and manage risks through comprehensive risk management plans.

iv. Understand the concept and importance of using insurance as a primary strategy for transferring financial risks, etc

Insurance, Pensions and Risk Management Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations I
 LevelProfessional Examinations I
1COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF RISKSi. Nature and concept of risks

ii. Risks and it’s related terms

iii. Classification and types of risks

iv. Sources and environment of risk
2RISK MANAGEMENTi. Concept and meaning of risk management

ii. Traditional Versus enterprise management

iii. Risk management approaches

iv. Implementing enterprise risk management

v. Business and continuity risk management

vi. Compliance management

vii. Crisis management

viii. Data and information risk management
3RISK: CONTROLS AND PRACTICES IN HR FUNCTIONAL AREASi. Introduction to Human Resources risk management

ii. Nature of Human Resources risks

iii Sources of Human Resources risks

iv. Importance of Human resources risk management

v. Development and use of risk management software
4ORIGIN OF INSURANCEi. The Llyods of London,

ii. The historical development of insurance in Nigeria
5CONCEPT OF INSURANCEi. Concept and meaning of insurance

ii. Insurance contract

iii. The basic functions of insurance

iv. Characteristic features of insurable risk.

v. Typers of insurance companies
6INSURANCE BUSINESS PRACTICEi. Insurance underwriting

ii. Claims processing

iii. Loss adjusting

ii. General insurance

ii. Buyers

iii. Intermediaries

iv. Support service providers

v. Market associations/Self-regulatory bodies

vi. Regulatory bodies

ii. Utmost good faith

iii. Indemnity

iv. Subrogation

v. Contribution

vi. Proximate cause
10RE-INSURANCEi. Meaning and purpose of reinsurance

ii. Benefits of reinsurance

iii. Types of reinsurance arrangement

iv. Methods of reinsurance

ii. Pensions reforms acts,

iii. Participants in pension industry and pension investments

iv. Government roles in pension regulations and regulators of pension
12SOCIAL INSURANCEi. Nigerian social insurance trust fund

ii. Employee Compensation Act 2010

iii.National Health Insurance Scheme

iv. Other social insurance provisions in Nigeria

Course 4: Advanced Human Resource Management I

About AHRM

The Advanced Human Resource Management I is a comprehensive course designed for CIPM Professional Examinations I candidates like you. It teaches the strategic and operational aspects of HR management. 

This course helps enhance your understanding of advanced HR practices and their application in real-world scenarios.

It covers various topics, like Workforce Planning, Talent Management, Staffing, Rewards and Compensation, etc. In this course, you will explore strategic workforce planning and learn how to align HR strategies with organizational goals. 

You will also learn the importance of leadership in HR, and how effective leadership can drive organizational success.

Using case studies and practical examples, you will be able to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. At the end of this course, you will be better equipped with advanced skills and knowledge to effectively manage HR functions in diverse organizational settings, and be prepared for leadership roles in the HR field.

Aim & Competencies


The course will introduce candidates to human resources management principles, concepts and practices so that they would be able to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in creating solutions to people management issues in the workplace


On completing this course, you should be able to:

i. Align HR strategies with organizational goals, ensuring the effective utilization of human resources.

ii. Managing employee relations, conflict resolution, and fostering a positive workplace environment.

iii. Utilizing data and HR analytics to make informed decisions that enhance organizational performance.

Advanced Human Resource Management Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations I
 LevelProfessional Examinations I
 AbbreviationAHRM I

ii. Staffing process

iii. Recruitment
-Recruitment policy
– Recruitment procedure

iii. Selection
– Shortlisting
– Interviewing
– Pre-employment medicals
– References
– Certificate verification
– Offer of employment
– Acceptance of offer of employment

iv. On-boarding
– Reception upon resumption
– Documentation
– Induction
– Deployment
– Follow-up

v. Exit management
2REWARDS, COMPENSATION AND BENEFITSi. Overview of compensation and benefits

ii. Compensation policy

iii. Determination of compensation and benefits

iv. Payroll management

v. Elements of compensation and benefits

vi. Pension scheme

vii. PAYE management

viii. Employee compensation scheme (ECA and claims process)

ix. Financial incentives

x. Non-financial incentives

xi. Guaranteed pay

xii. Variable pay

xiii. Overtime pay

xiv. Executive compensation

xv. Expatriate compensation

ii. Talent management policy

iii. Talent pool selection

iv. Talent attraction

v. Talent retention

vi. Talent development

vii. Talent career management

viii. Talent career pathing

ix. Succession planning

x. Rewarding talent

ii. Comparative and international Human Resource Management

iii. Globalization and multinational corporations

iv. Structures of multinational corporations

v. Culture and international Human Resource management

vi. Global talent management

vii. Expatiate management

viii. Organizational diversity climate

ix. Global HR management techniques in managing diversified workforce
5HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT)i. Definition of concepts-Training, Development, Education, Learning)

ii. Responsibilities of the L&D Management

iii. L&D process

iv. Types

v. Methods

vi. Evolution

vii. Career planning and development

viii. Stages in career development
6WORKFORCE PLANNINGi. Workforce level audit

iii. Workforce/manpower planning process

iii. Determination of manning requirements

iv. Line Managers’ role in manpower planning

v. HR professionals role in manpower planning

vi. Executive role in manpower planning

vii. Manpower plan templates

viii. Business strategy and manpower plan
7PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTi. Overview of performance management

ii. Performance objective setting

iii. Performance measurement and evaluation

ii. Change management policy

iii. Types of change

iv. Change management leadership

v. Considerations in change management

vi. Change management process

vii. The place of people in change management

viii. Replacement plans in change management

ix. What is in for me concept

x. Communication in change management

ii. Various disciplines contributing to OB challenges

iii. Leadership in modern organizations

iv. Understanding corporate culture

v. Managerial styles

vi. Team and team management

vii. Psychological and social contracts

viii. Organisational citizenship behaviour

Course 5: Presentation Skills

About PS

Presentation Skills is part of the CIPM Professional Examinations I syllabus and it is designed to equip you with basic communication and presentation abilities. This course will focus on developing the skills you need to deliver effective and engaging presentations in a professional setting.

Key areas covered include body language, PowerPoint presentation techniques, report writing, data sharing and interpretation, etc. You will learn how to adjust your presentations to suit different audiences, ensuring clarity and impact. 

The main aim of this course is to teach the importance of clear, concise, and persuasive communication.

There will be more practical sessions in this course as this will allow you to practice and perfect your presentation skills. 

At the end of this course, you will have the confidence to deliver professional presentations, communicate ideas, and engage with your audience properly.

Aim & Competencies


In corporate organizations and educational institutions, presentation has become one of the major tools for the dissemination of information to select gatherings. Both online and onsite presentations have gained wider acceptance for different purposes. 

This course is designed to expose students to the tasks and techniques of presentation to enable them to demonstrate cutting-edge information delivery.


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

i. Understand and assess the needs, expectations, and interests of different audiences and tailor presentations accordingly.

ii. Use visual aids, like slides and charts, to enhance the delivery and understanding of your presentation.

iii. Write and deliver messages that are clear, concise, persuasive, and engaging.

iv. Manage and overcome anxiety related to public speaking..

Presentation Skills Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations I
 LevelProfessional Examinations I
1GROUNDWORK PREPARATION FOR PRESENTATIONi. Establishing the objectives of presentation: Determining the title of a presentation

ii. Preparing the content

iii. Determining what should constitute the key points for presentation

iv. Taking cognizance of the audience background, expectation and interests

v. Determining the duration of a presentation (Timing)
2PLANNING AND STRUCTURE FOR PRESENTATIONi. The introduction, techniques of introduction

ii. Body (Main contents)

iii. Content outlining

iv. Structuring the material

v. Conversion of text from Word to PowerPoint

vi. Briefness of points or ideas
3USING VISUAL AIDSi. Types of visuals, media of visuals

ii. What visuals should display

iii. Using charts, graphs, figures, tables and other illustrations

ii. Audience profiling

iii. Politeness, courtesy, watching for signs of approval, disapproval, boredom and motivation, ethics of presentation

iii. Case study
5BODY LANGUAGEi. Eye contact, body movement, standing position, posture and other gestures

ii. Case study
6PSYCHOLOGY OF PRESENTATIONi. Voice control and pronunciation

ii. Gaining confidence

iii. Overcoming stage fright

iv. Physical appearance

ii. Presentation style;

iii. Visibility/Lighting;

iv. Signs from the audience;

v. Level of understanding of the audience,

vi. Size of the venue;

vii. Physical discomfort,

viii. Quality of the sound system/Microphone;

ix. Ventilation;

x. Use of handout printed copy

of PowerPoint Test
8POWERPOINT PRESENTATION TECHNIQUESi. Knowledge of Powerpoint software package features is paramount;

ii. Creativity

iii. Use of assimilation devices such as storytelling, props, humour, proverbs, jokes, case scenarios and discussion
9REPORT WRITINGi. Methodology and features of report writing,

ii. Types of report,

iii. Language of Report,

iv. Appendix,

v. Understanding the following terms:
– Evidence,
– Claims,
– Hypothesis,
– Archive,
– Bibliography/References
– Controversial questions,
– Distractions,
– Difficult member of the audience,
– Unethical conduct
11MASTERING THE 4 P’S: PREPARING, PRACTICING, POLISHING AND PERSUADINGi. Processes of preparation, practicing, polishing and persuading,

ii. Activities and tasks involved in each “P” component
12TECHNIQUES OF VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONi. Tools for virtual presentation

ii. Best practices

iii. Integration of multimedia and other equipment

iv. Online presentation
13DATA SHARING AND INTERPRETATIONi. Meaning and examples of Data sharing

ii. Tools for data sharing

iii. Rules and steps in data sharing and presentation
14GLOBAL PRESENTATION AND DIVERSITYi. Features of multi-cultural diversity,

ii. Perception

iii. Varieties of English across the globe,

iv. Understanding gender-sensitive words,

v. Taking note of standard pronunciation of words (i.e. foreign words/technical expressions)
15PRESENTATION OF TECHNICAL INFORMATION TO AN AUDIENCE OF NON-PROFESSIONALSi. Use of Illustrations i.e. diagrams, pictures, maps, etc

ii. Listing of technical information and numbering pattern

iii. Breaking information into segments,

iv. Use of simple words/non-technical synonyms/terms to represent technical elements

Exemption for Some Courses

1FoundationHolders of OND/NCE and its equivalent in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Management courses
2Intermediate IHolders of degree (HND/Bachelor) in Management and Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Law do not need to write the CIPM Intermediate I exam.
3Intermediate IIHolders of degree (HND/Bachelor) in Human Resources Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management or an M.Sc/MBA in Management and Social Sciences, M.Phil, LLM, Associate certificate (by Examination only) of other relevant and recognised Institutes
4Professional ITo be exempted from taking the CIPM Professional Examinations I, you will need to have an M.Sc/MBA/PHD in Human Resources Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel
5Professional IIThere are no exemptions for this level. All aspiring HR personnel will have to take this course and pass it before they are issued their certificates

Frequent Asked Questions About CIPM Professional I Level

What topics are covered in the CIPM Professional Examinations I syllabus?

The syllabus covers HR analytics, Emotional intelligence, Team Building, Insurance and Risk Management, Staffing, etc.


How are the CIPM Professional Examinations different from the Foundation level?

This level builds on the basics learned at the Foundation level, focusing more on strategic HR management, analytical skills, and real-world applications.


Some recommended materials include the CIPM official textbooks, study guides, past question papers, and relevant HR management books.


How much time should I dedicate to studying for the CIPM Professional Examinations?

It’s advisable to study for at least 10-15 hours per week for 3-4 months to thoroughly cover the syllabus and prepare for the exams.


Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the CIPM Professional Examinations I?

Yes, you need to have completed the CIPM Foundation level or have an equivalent qualification in human resource management.


How can I register for the CIPM Professional Examinations I?

You can register through the CIPM official website:


What career opportunities can I pursue after passing the CIPM Professional Examinations I?

Successful completion can lead to roles like HR manager, recruitment specialist, employee relations manager, and other strategic HR positions in various industries.


Download CIPM Professional I Level Syllabus


Excelling your CIPM exams starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the CIPM Syllabus for Professional 1 Level now.


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