CIPM Professional II Level Syllabus

Starting your CIPM certification this year? Download this CIPM Professional II-level syllabus to study smart and excel in your exams

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About CIPM Professional II Level Exams

The CIPM Professional Examinations II course is an important step for HR professionals who want to advance their careers. This course builds on the foundational knowledge acquired in the earlier stages of the CIPM program, focusing on more complex and specialized areas of human resource management.

As HR professionals, you understand the importance of staying updated with the latest trends and practices in the industry. The Professional Examinations II course is designed to provide you with advanced skills and knowledge that are essential for strategic decision-making and leadership in human resources. 

The main aim of this course is to equip you with the ability to analyze and solve complex HR issues. You will learn to develop and implement effective HR strategies that align with organizational goals. 

Through this course, you will engage in case studies, practical exercises, and discussions that reflect real-world HR challenges. This hands-on approach will ensure that you can apply the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to your workplace. By completing this course, you will not only enhance your technical skills but also develop your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

In addition, the Professional Examinations II course prepares you for leadership roles in your organization. You will learn how to influence and drive organizational change, manage talent effectively, and create a positive workplace culture. 

Enrolling in the CIPM Professional Examinations II course is an investment in your professional growth. It will open up new opportunities for career advancement and help you make a significant impact in the field of human resource management.


Professional II Level in CIPM

The Professional Examinations II Level of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) syllabus is broken down into 4 modules namely: 

i. Nigerian Labour Law

ii. Employment Relations 

iii. Advanced Human Resource Management II 

iv. Labour Market Analysis 

Download CIPM Professional II Level Syllabus


Excelling your CIPM exams starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the CIPM Syllabus for Professional 2 Level now.

Course 1 : Nigerian Labour Law

About NLL

The CIPM course on Nigerian Labour Law offers a comprehensive knowledge of the rules, regulations, and laws that shape the employer-employee relationship in the country.

Understanding Nigerian labour law is important for ensuring compliance and fostering a fair and equitable workplace. This course covers key topics like employment contracts, employee rights and obligations, dispute resolution, and termination procedures. It also talks about specific laws, including the Labour Act, the Trade Union Act, and other relevant regulations. 

This course will help you anticipate and avoid legal risks, ensuring that your organization adheres to legal standards and avoids costly litigation. With this knowledge, you can create policies and practices that promote a compliant and harmonious work environment.

Aim & Competencies


The world of work is a complex one. HR Personnel could often make decisions that will negatively affect the organization, thus incurring legal consequences. These legal errors could be avoided when personnel are trained in foundational or basic principles of law. 

The syllabus covers basic legal principles that govern relationships which prima facie are in most cases contractual in nature. Students are expected to get acquainted with the legal environment of industrial or personnel relations. There is a need for global reintegration of legal principles in the world


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

i. List the legal requirements of employment contracts, including terms and conditions, and how to draft and enforce them.

ii. State the rights and obligations of employees under Nigerian labour laws, including working conditions, wages, leave entitlements, and workplace safety.

iii. Ensure organizational compliance with the Labour Act, Trade Union Act, and other relevant regulations, minimizing the risk of legal infractions.

iv. Develop and implement workplace policies that are in line with Nigerian labour laws, promoting a fair and equitable work environment, etc

Nigerian Labour Law Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations II
 LevelProfessional Examinations II
1INTRODUCTION TO LABOUR LAWi. History and sources of labour law

ii. Contracts and approaches

iii. The traditional and alternatives rules

iv. Contract of employment (Common law and statutory)

v. Essential elements of a valid contract of employment

ii. Factual implied terms and examples

iii. Common law of employment and statutory employment

iv. Constructing contract of employment
– Work rules
– Custom and practice
– Statutory implied terms

v. Drafting contract of employment

vi. Employee’s handbook

vii. Test for distinguishing contract of employment from contract for employment

viii. Duties and obligations of parties to contract of employment

ix. Mandatory and default cannon of the provisions of the Labour Act
3LABOUR RIGHTSi. Right to work

ii. Right of work

iii. Discrimination in the workplace
– Direct discrimination
– Indirect discrimination
– Wage discrimination
– Disability discrimination
– Maternity and paternity leave

iv. Sexual harassment and hostile working environment

v. Victimisation- Proceedings based

vi. Social security in Nigeria
4TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENTi. Concept of termination

ii. Termination under the common law

iii. Termination under statutes and statutory employment
– Dismissal with notice
– Summary dismissal for fundamental breach
– Unfair dismissal
– Dismissal and the principles of natural justice
– Remedies for wrongful dismissal

iv. Redundancy

v. ILO convention in termination and the revolutionary concept

vi. Repudiatory Breach
5REDUNDANCYi. Redundancy negotiations

ii. Redundancy benefits and calculations

iii. Qualification for redundancy payment

iv. LIFO and redundancy

v. Pre-redundancy proceedings
– Consultation with trade union

vi. Dismissal because of redundancy
6HEALTH AND SAFETYi. Safety of work

ii. Employer’s liability
– Duty of care
– Onoghue vs Stephenson
– Breach of the duty of care
– Remedies for the care
– Statutory Duties – ECA 2010 & Factories Act 1987
– Defences to employer’s liability employer’s
– Abrogation of common employment
7TRADE UNIONISM AND VOLUNTARISMi. Meaning and qualification of a trade union

ii. Registration criteria

iii. Membership of trade union

iv. Legal framework

v. Voluntarism

vi. Collective bargaining and processes

vii. Enforceability of collective agreements
– Drafting collective agreements
– Modification of industrial contract of employment via collective agreement

viii. Casualization in Nigeria – Banking sector as a case study
8TRADE DISPUTES AND SETTLEMENTi. Meaning of trade dispute within the act

ii. Trade disputes and industrial conflicts
– Strikes
– Lockouts
– Picketing

iii. Tortuous liability and trade union immunity

iv. Procedure for settlement of trade disputes
– Statutory steps
– The role of the Minister of Labour and Employment
– IAP and awards
– The instrumental referral to the NIC

ii. Jurisdiction and powers

iii. Innovations introduced by the third alteration Act, 2010

iv Composition of the Court

v. NIC and international instruments

vi. NIC and international best practice

vii. NIC criminal juridiction

viii NIC and FRG, 2009

ix. IAP and IAP Rules, 2021

ii. Application to industrial or human relations

iii. Types of ADR

iv. ADR principles

v. Benefits of using the ADR approach to settlement of industrial conflicts

vi. NIC ADR center instrument, 2015

ii. Applicability vis-à-vis Section 12 of the Nigerian Constitution, 1999 as altered

Course 2 : Employment Relations

About ER

This course introduces you to the relationship between employers, employees, and unions, preparing you with the skills needed to manage and improve workplace relationships.

As an HR personnel, you must understand employment relations so you can maintain a healthy work environment. In this course, you will learn all about communication strategies, conflict resolution, collective bargaining, and the legal aspects of employment. 

You will also learn the right way to manage interactions between management and employees, ensuring open dialogue and mutual respect.

Through this course, you will gain the ability to design and implement performance management systems that align with your organizational goals. 

This course prepares you to handle organizational changes smoothly, minimizing resistance and fostering cooperation among employees. With this, you can easily create a work environment that supports employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Aim & Competencies

This course aims to expose students to the knowledge and skills that should aid them in discussing and explaining relationship matters at work, and apply the knowledge in creating solutions to employment relations challenges in the workplace.

On completing this course, you should now be able to:

i. Develop strategies for managing organizational change, ensuring smooth transitions and minimizing resistance from employees.

ii. Understand the legal aspects of employment relations, including compliance with labour laws, employee rights, and employer obligations.

iii. Develop effective communication and negotiation skills to manage interactions between management and employees, ensuring clear and open dialogue.

iv. Understand the principles and theories of employment relations, including the roles of employers, employees, and unions in fostering a productive work environment.

Employment Relations Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations II
 LevelProfessional Examinations II
1OVERVIEW OF CASE STUDYi. Learning objectives

ii. Introduction/essence of case studies

iii. Types of case studies

iv. Issues in case studies/case study analysis

ii. Elements of labour management relations

iii. Nature and emergence of employment contract

iv. Origin of industrial relations

v. Nature and scope of industrial relations

vi. Parties in industrial relations

vii. Factors influencing the practice of industrial relations

viii. Comparative industrial relations
3EMPLOYEE RELATIONSi. Learning objectives

ii. Contexts of employment relations

iii. Transition from industrial relations to employment relations

iv. Parties in employment relations

v. Civil societies in employment relations

vi. Host communities and corporate social responsibilities

vii. Role of the state in employment relations

ii. Industrial/Employment relations Theories
– Frame of reference perspectives – Unitary, Pluralistic, and Radical Perspectives)
– System theories – J.T. Dunlop’s, Alton Craig.
– Interactional theories – Social action, Symbolic interaction; and Human Relations Theories
– Conflict theories – Marxists; Non-Marxists and Neo – Marxists
– Theory of state in industrial relations
5TRADE UNIONSi. Introduction

ii. Definition of trade union

iii. Features of a trade union.

iv. Functions of a trade union

v. Trade union theories

vi. Types of trade union

vii. Trade union structures and internal government in Nigeria

viii. Factors influencing trade union growth

viii. Development of trade union in Nigeria

ix. Central Labour (Trade Union) Organization

x. Problems of Trade Union in Nigeria

ii. Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)

iii. International Labour Organisation (IL0)

iv. Commonwealth Trade Union Group (CTUG)

ii. Factors responsible for late formation of employers associations in Nigeria

iii. Types of employers associations.

iv. Functions of Employer’s associations

v. Structure and activities of employer’s association

vi. Central organisation of employers associations

vii. Nigerian Employers Consultative Association


ix. MAN


ii. Structure and organization

iii. Functions

iv. Relationship with counterpart organizations

ii. Definition of a trade dispute

iii. Types of disputes

iv. Causes and manifestations of workplace disputes

v. The good and the bad sides of trade disputes

vi. Conflict management strategies

vii. Definition, categories and types of strikes

viii. Statutory machinery for settlement of trade disputes in Nigeria

ix. Alternative Dispute Resolution Machinery (ADR)

ii. Definitions of the concepts of collective bargaining

iii. Theories of collective bargaining

iv. Pre-requisites of effective collective bargaining

v. Legal framework for collective bargaining in Nigeria

vi. Structure of collective bargaining

vii. The gains of collective bargaining to the parties

viii. Public sector collective bargaining

ix. Negotiation
– The art of negotiation
– Principles of negotiation
– Ground rules for negotiation
– Tactics of negotiation
11EMPLOYER’S/EMPLOYEES’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESi. Employers’ rights and responsibilities

ii. Employees’ rights and responsibilities

iii. Duties/obligations of employers

iv. Duties/obligations of employees

v. Concept of management rights/prerogatives

vi. Communication at the workplace

vii. The role of management in socio-economic development

viii. The role of trade unions in socio-economic development

ix. Industrial democrаcу
12OTHER RELEVANT ISSUESi. Unemployment and industrial relations

ii. Wage determination

iii. Industrial relations under the military regime

iv. Industrial relations under the civilian regime

v. Emerging issues in employment relations

vi. The future of employment relations in Nigeria

Course 3: Advanced Human Resource Management II

About AHRM 2

The third course in the CIPM Professional Examinations II is Advanced Human Resource Management II. This course will explain more about the world of HR, strategies and practices that shape modern organizations. 

This course will help develop the skills needed to manage people and ensure they are not just resources but form parts of a thriving workplace.

You will be taught topics like career management, employee engagement, HR digitization, etc. These topics will broaden your knowledge about HR practices and help you make better decisions in your place of work.

In the end, you will have the skills to take on complex HR challenges with confidence. Good luck with your study!

Aim & Competencies


This course will help students to demonstrate the knowledge of Human Resources Management principles, discuss issues surrounding people management, and apply the knowledge in solving human resource management challenges in the workplace.


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

i. Understand the need for workplace relationships and develop skills to manage conflicts and promote a harmonious work environment.

ii. Explain the legal framework governing HR practices, ensuring adherence to regulations and ethical standards in all HR operations.

iii. Implement strategies that foster growth and adaptation in your organization.

Advanced Human Resource Management II Syllabus

Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations II
LevelProfessional Examinations II
AbbreviationAHRM 2

ii. ICT ond globalization

iii. Child labour

iv. Peeple living with disability and work

v. The effects of migration

vi. Skill shortages

vii. Demographic and generational shift

viii. Heath challenges

ix. ILO fundamental rights conventions

x. Cross-country legislation

ii. Career planning

iii. Career pathing

iv. Career development

v. Models and stages of career development

vi. Career progression

vii. Career plateau

viii. Acting appointment

ix. Transfer and redeployment management

x. Transfer and redeployment policies
– Transfer and redeployment benefits

xi. Employee’s role in career management

xii. Employer’s role in career management
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTi. Overview of employee engagement

ii. Employee engagement policy

iii. Employee engagement drivers/factors

iv. Measurement of employee engagement

v. Improving employee engagement level

vi. Importance of employee engagement

vii. Levels of employee engagement

viii. Elements of employee branding

ix. Value proposition
EMPLOYEE WELLNESS, SAFETY AND HEALTHi. Conceptual clarification of terms

ii. Causes and effects of workplace Injuries
– Fatigues, stress and Presenteeism, etc.

iii. The goals and benefits of workplace safety and health

iv. Dynamic management of workplace wellness, safety and health

v. Technology adoption in managing the workplace
WORKFORCE PLANNING AND TALENT MANAGEMENTi. Advanced techniques in workforce planning
– Quantitative techniques
– Qualitative techniques

ii. Use of metrics in workforce valance analysis

iii. Roles and benefits of talent management

iv. Components of talent management

v. Frameworks in talent management
– Role management –
– Competency management
– Goal tracking and alignment
THE NEW WORLD OF WORKi. The use of technology, automation, robotic, Al, ChatGPT

ii. Skills and education required for work

iii. Location of work

iv. Timing of work

v. New forms of work arrangement: Virtual work, Non-standard work arrangements, flexible time and compressed work week

ii. Organisational goals and target setting

iii. Accountabilities
– Performance management tool
– Balanced score card

iv. Performance management
– Performance management automation

v. Performance appraisals
HR DIGITALIZATIONi. Meaning and components of digitization

ii. Uses and benefits of HR digitization

iii. Functional areas in HR digitization
– Design thinking agility
– Data orientation
– Network leadership

iv. Challenges in HR Digitization

v. Digitization practices
– Paperless process
– Employee self-service app
– Automation
– Virtual reality network

vi. Digital platform and culture
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIONi. Meaning and language of diversity

ii. Basic dimension

iii. Basic demographics

iv. Understanding cultural diversity

v. HR valuing and management diversity

vi. Approaches to workplace diversity and inclusion

Course 4: Labour Market Analysis

About LMA

The Labour Market Analysis course is designed to prepare you to be able to assess and interpret labour market data, understand the factors influencing employment trends, and analyze the demand for various skills and professions. The course will allow you to explore different methods for forecasting labour market needs, and examine economic factors and how they shape employment opportunities.

In this course, you will also learn how to evaluate wage determination and its impact on the workforce. Understanding these principles is important for every HR personnel.

At the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the labour market and its analysis, and this will help you to contribute effectively to workforce planning and strategic decision-making in organizations. 

Aim & Competencies


This course seeks to enhance students’ general understanding and functioning of market dynamics for wage, labour and the application of labour market concepts and theories at the corporate and governmental levels of the national economy.


On completing this course, you should be able to:

i. Develop strategies for effective workforce planning based on labour market analysis,

ii. Analyze and interpret labour market data to identify trends and patterns.

iii. Understand the factors influencing job availability, including economic cycles and industry growth.

iv. Identify gaps between available skills in the market and job requirements, and propose strategies for addressing these mismatches.

Labour Market Analysis Syllabus

 Syllabus For CIPM Professional Examinations II
 LevelProfessional Examinations II

ii. Functions of the labour market

iii. Types and classification of labour

iv. Classification of skills

v. Peculiar problems of the labour market

vi. Labour as a unique factor of production

vii. Approaches to the study of the labour market

viii. Conceptualising the Nigerian Labour Market
2THE CONTEXTi. Labour market context

ii. Recent bends in the Nigerian economy

iii. Labour market implications of recent economic trends

iv. Case study
3MICRO-ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONSi. The supply of labour

ii. The demand for labour

iii. The equilibrium

ii. Wage determination by market force

iii. Wage determination through individual negotiation

iv. Minimum wage

v. Economy of the organisation

vi. Collective bargaining

vii Case study

ii. Existing work pattern in Nigeria

iii. Shift working

iv. Overtime working

v. Part-time work

vi. Regular schedules

vii. Compressed workweek

viii. Flex-time working

ix. Case study

ii. What then is internal labour market (ILM)?

iii. Features of internal labour market

iv. ILMs and Trade Unions

v. Efficiency of ILMs

vi. Case study
7SOCIAL AND MACRO ECONOMIC PROCESSi. Dual labour market hypothesis

ii. The various social sector

iii. The Nigerian informal sector
8UNEMPLOYMENTi. Types of unemployment

ii. Problems of unemployment

iii. Solutions to unemployment

iv. Theories of unemployment

v. Case study

ii. Theory of migration

iii. Regional restrictiveness and employment prospects

iv. International migration of Nigerian Labour

v Case study

ii. Objectives of trade union

iii. Importance of trade union in employment.

iv. Trade union and employment

v. Trade union and wage determination

vi. Effects of strike on union members

vii. Trade union and conflict resolution

viii. Case study

ii. Types of inflation

iii. Causes of inflation

iv. Inflation and employment

v. Effects of inflation on workers

vi. Wage and income policy in Nigeria

ii. Gender and industrialization

iii. Women in paid employment

iv. Reasons for increase of women in paid employment

v. Women experiences in employment

ii. Employee

iii. Employer

iv. Employability knowledge

v. Attitudes required for employability
14MODERN LABOUR LEGALIZATIONi. Principles of basic modern legislation

ii. Social justice

iii. Social welfare

iv. Social security

v. Social equality

vi. Social equity


Exemption for Some Courses

1FoundationHolders of OND/NCE and its equivalent in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Management courses
2Intermediate IHolders of degree (HND/Bachelor) in Management and Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Law do not need to write the CIPM Intermediate I exam.
3Intermediate IIHolders of degree (HND/Bachelor) in Human Resources Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management or an M.Sc/MBA in Management and Social Sciences, M.Phil, LLM, Associate certificate (by Examination only) of other relevant and recognised Institutes
4Professional ITo be exempted from taking the CIPM Professional Examinations I, you will need to have an M.Sc/MBA/PHD in Human Resources Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel
5Professional IIThere are no exemptions for this level. All aspiring HR personnel will have to take this course and pass it before they are issued their certificates

Frequent Asked Questions About CIPM Professional II Level

What is the CIPM Professional Examinations II Level?

The CIPM Professional Examinations II Level is the final stage of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) program. At the end of this level, you will be issued a certificate of completion from the Institute.


Who is eligible to enrol in the CIPM Professional Examinations II Level?

The CIPM Professional Examinations II course is an important step for HR professionals who want to advance their careers. This course builds on the foundational knowledge acquired in the earlier stages of the CIPM program, focusing on more complex and specialized areas of human resource management.


As HR professionals, you understand the importance of staying updated with the latest trends and practices in the industry. The Professional Examinations II course is designed to provide you with advanced skills and knowledge that are essential for strategic decision-making and leadership in human resources. 


The main aim of this course is to equip you with the ability to analyze and solve complex HR issues. You will learn to develop and implement effective HR strategies that align with organizational goals. 


Through this course, you will engage in case studies, practical exercises, and discussions that reflect real-world HR challenges. This hands-on approach will ensure that you can apply the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to your workplace. By completing this course, you will not only enhance your technical skills but also develop your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.


In addition, the Professional Examinations II course prepares you for leadership roles in your organization. You will learn how to influence and drive organizational change, manage talent effectively, and create a positive workplace culture. 


Enrolling in the CIPM Professional Examinations II course is an investment in your professional growth. It will open up new opportunities for career advancement and help you make a significant impact in the field of human resource management.


How long does it take to complete the Professional II Level?

The duration varies, but it typically takes about 6 to 12 weeks to complete, depending on your mode of study


What is the mode of study for the Professional Examinations II Level?

CIPM offers flexible study options, including classroom-based learning, online courses, and self-study materials to accommodate different learning preferences and schedules.

Are there any exams for the Professional Examinations II Level?

Yes, students must pass a series of exams to complete this level. The exams test knowledge and understanding of the subjects covered in the syllabus.


What is the pass mark for the Professional Examinations II Level exams?

The pass mark for each exam is usually 50%. Candidates must achieve at least this score to pass each module.

Download CIPM Professional II Level Syllabus


Excelling your CIPM exams starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the CIPM Syllabus for Professional 2 Level now.


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