JSS3 Hausa Scheme of Work

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About JSS3 Hausa Scheme of Work

In Junior Secondary School 3 (JSS3) in Nigeria, students learn about the language and culture of the Hausa people. Hausa is one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria. It is a big part of Nigeria’s Northern culture, spoken by millions of people. 


In preparation for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), studying Hausa enhances students’ proficiency in the Hausa language, vital for effective communication and preserving cultural heritage in Hausa-speaking regions of Nigeria. By engaging with Hausa literature, traditions, and history, students develop a strong sense of identity and cultural pride. 


Studying Hausa in junior secondary schools 3 (JSS3) not only aids in achieving academic success in the BECE but also fosters linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.

Assessment Guide

The crowning event for Jss3  and the Junior Secondary school as a whole is the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) which is taken mid-third term. The assessment methods for Hausa include written examinations, which may consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and essay-type questions. These exams are conducted in a controlled environment to ensure fairness and integrity.

Furthermore, continuous assessment, which involves periodic tests, assignments, and projects conducted throughout the academic session, also contributes to the overall BECE assessment. This allows for an all-around evaluation of students’ performance and progress over time.

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JSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 Hausa Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School 3(JSS3)
 ClassJ.S.S 3
 SubjectHausa L1
 TermFirst Term
1HARSHEGarbatar da jimla mai harshen damo. Misalimyaron nana baki gare shi, ta ci wake, yaron ya koma.
2HARSHETakaitaccen bayani akan lokutan Hausa. Misali – lokaci mai zuwa, lokacin yanzu da lokaci wanda ya gabata
3ADABINazarin saukakan rubutattun waƘoƘi masu ɗango biyu-biyu zuwa uku-uku.
4ADABIGabatar da bayani akan rubtun zube.
5AL’ADAMa’anar tsaro da nau’o’ina. Misali – tsaron kai, gida, gari, kasa ds.
Ma’anar sana’a da ire-irenta. Misali – noma, Ƙiwo, rini, Ƙira, saƘa, dukanci, jima, ɗinki, gini, ds.
6HARSHEAmfani da baban baki ko karami a inda ya dace.
7ADABICi gaba da nazari akan zaɓaɓɓun rubutattaun waƘoƘi. (A kula da zubi da salonta tare da jigonta
8AL’ADABayani akan hukumomin tsaro da irin ayyukansu. Misali- yau sauda, soja (sama, kasa, ruwa) kwastan, jamian kula
da shiga da fice, yau saudan – ciki, da ganduroba.
Tsokaci akan muhimmancin sana’a. misali – dogaro da kai, kare mitunci, samun abin masarufi, haɓaka tattalin arziki
9ADABICi gaba da nazari akan rubutun zube, misali- kula da zubi da tsarin labari tare da jigonsa
10HARSHEHaɗawa ko raba Ƙalmomi inda ya dace. Misali- kodayaushe, ci gaba, barkonon-tsohuwa, matsattsaku, shasshaka, ds


JSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 TermSecond Term
1HARSHEMa’ana da nau’o’in fassara. Misali – ta baki (tafinta), da ta rubutu.

12 Jarabawa
2ADABINazari da bayanin zababbun rubutattun wasan ƘwaiƘwayo.
3ADABIMa’anar adabin baka da rukunoninsa. Misali – waƘoƘin baƘa, tatsuniyoyi, labaran gargajiya, zaurance, Karin nagana,
waƘoƘin makaɗa ds.
4AL’ADAMa’anar kare-saye da haƘƘoƘin kare saye. (kiyaye haƘƘoin mai saye daga mai sayarwa). Misali – samum biyan buƘata,
rashin illa ga lafiya, samum bayani, ds.
5AL’ADANazari akan hanyoyin haɓaka tattalin arziki na zamani. Misali – noma da kiwo na zamani, sarrafa kayan abinci”
6HARSHECikakke bayani akan rubutacciyar fassara. Misali – fassara mai yanci da mara yanci.
7ADABICi gaba da nazari akan rubutaccen wasan ƘwaiƘwayo. (kula da jigo da salon wasa)
8ADABICi gaba da bayani akan ruƘunonin adabin baƘa
9AL’ADACi gaba da bayani kan haƘƘoƘin kare saye. Misali – haƘƘin zaɓi, kai kuka, ilimantar da kai, koke ds.
10AL’ADACi gaba da nazarin hanyoyin habaka tattalin arziki. Misali – sana’o’in hannu na zamani, da cinikayyar zamani


JSS3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 TermThird Term
1ADABIMa’anar rubutaccen adabi da ruƘunoninsa
2AL’ADAMa’anar da misalan keta haddi. Misali – satar mutane, safarar mutane, azabtar da yara da gallazawa mata.
3HARSHEBayani kan auna fahimta da nau’o’in sa. Misali – na wayar da kai, fasaha da ƘirƘire-ƘirƘire
4ADABICi gaba daa cikakken bayani akan rukunonin rubutaccen adabi. Misali – rubutun zube, rubutacciyar waƘa da wasan ƘwaiƘwayo.
5HARSHECi gaba da bayani akan auna fahimta. Misali – fasahar Ƙwanfuta da sadarwa
6AL’ADAIllolin keta haddin al’umma. Misali – karuwanci, Ƙangarewa, shaye-shaye, hauka, ds


Recommended Hausa Textbooks for Junior Secondary School 3

The recommended textbooks for Hausa in Junior Secondary School 2 (J.S.S.3) include: 

  • Fahimtar Hausa Books 3 by Musa Muhammed 
  • Koyon Hausa Book  – UP Plc. 
  • Hausa English Dictionary – Sabon Kamus Na Hausa Zuwa Turanci

All JSS3 Scheme of Work

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JSS3 Hausa
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