NABTEB Animal Husbandry Syllabus

Succeed in your NABTEB Animal Husbandry exam with our preparation guide.

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About NABTEB Animal Husbandry Syllabus

NABTEB exams are fast approaching and if you are confused about what to read for the exams then this article is for you.

This NABTEB syllabus for Animal Husbandry has all the information you need to know about the upcoming exams. From the topics to the objectives down to the recommended textbooks, you can read with. It’s a valuable resource for you and your classmates so do well to share this with them as well.

Reading this syllabus and practising your past questions will give you an edge over other candidates who focus on just their school notes and materials.


The students should be able to highlight the importance of Animal Keeping, breeding, health, production, feeding, diseases and pests, various types of species, and their management.


Marking Guide

The trade consists of the following related courses: 

– Pig Keeping (CAH 11, 18 & 21) 

– Poultry Raising (CAH 12, 16 & 23) 

– Cattle Production (CAH 13, 17 & 24) 

– Goat and Sheep Production (CAH 15, 19, & 25) 

– Rabbit Keeping (CAH 14, 20 & 22) 

The subject/trade will have just one paper divided into two sections;

SECTION A: will comprise forty (40) multiple choice objective questions to be answered in 40 minutes. 

This section will carry forty marks. 

SECTION B: will comprise seven (7) Essay questions and students are to answer five questions in 2 hours. 

This will carry a total of 60 marks.

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Download the NABTEB recommended Animal Husbandry Syllabus

Animal Husbandry Syllabus for NABTEB Exams

1PIG RAISINGi. Locate the areas in Nigeria where pigs are raised
2PIG MANAGEMENTi. Explain why and where free range, semi intensive and intensive pigs/breeding are practiced
3PIG HOUSINGi. Explain conventional housing for pigs e.g. backyard round huts etc.
4FEEDING IN PIGSi. The importance of feeding pigs.

ii. The sources of various nutrients
5PIG FEEDING REQUIREMENTSi. Explain the various ways of maintaining a
hygienic environment in the piggery
6PIG REARINGi. The terminologies in pig rearing/keeping.
7PIG BREEEDSi. The different breeds of pigs in the tropics
8BREEDING SYSTEM IN PIGSi. Different types of mating.

ii. Merit and Demerit of each breeding system.
9PIGS NUTRITION & FEEDINGi. Explain the digestive system of pigs
10DISEASES & PESTS IN PIGSi. Explain the nutritional diseases in pigs
11THE BREEDING SYSTEM IN PIGSi. Explain out- breeding, cross breeding and in- breeding.

ii. Problems of infertility in pigs.
12NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS IN PIGSi. Nutritional requirement in pig from day one to finishing.

ii. Feed requirement of piglets, grower, fattener, breeder and finisher.
13CARE & MANAGEMENT OF PIGSi. Care and Management of sow, boars, gilt, baby pigs, growers and finishing pigs.
14ROUTINE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN PIGSi. Discuss management practices in pig rearing.
15RECORD KEEPING IN PIG MANAGEMENTi. Explain the importance of record keeping in pig production.
16PROCESSING OF PIGSi. Explain the different of pigs. slaughtering equipment.
 CAH 12, 16 & 23 – POULTRY RAISING
1POULTRY KEEPINGi. List the importance of keeping poultry to the farmers.
2POULTRY SPECIESi. Identify and show the features of domestic fowl duck etc.

ii. List and explain the general characteristics of poultry.
3POULTRY MANAGEMENTi. Explain the following poultry raising systems
4POULTRY HOUSINGi. Name common facilities in a poultry houses

ii. Explain conventional and unconventional housing.
5POULTRY FEEDINGi. Explain the nutrient required by the various classes of poultry.
6HYGIENE IN POULTRY FEEDINGi. Explain types and importance of vaccination
7TERMINOLOGIES IN POULTRYi. Explain and outline the various terminologies in poultry raising.
8CLASSES OF POULTRYi. State the characteristics of exotic birds e.g. fast growing, big-in-size etc
9INGREDIENTS IN POULTRY FEEDINGi. Explain the digestive system of a known poultry breed
10POULTRY PESTS AND DISEASESi. Identify types of endoparasites and their control measures.
11CLIMATE CONDITION IN POULTRYi. Explain the effects of climate on poultry
12ORIGIN OF THE POULTRY SPECIESi. State the differences between local and exotic breeds of poultry.
i. Explain the importance of housing in poultry with their various designs suitable for the tropics.
14POULTRY EQUIPMENTi. Describe some poultry equipment and explain their usage
15NUTRIENT REQUIRED FOR POULTRYi. State nutrient intake level of poultry.

ii. Explain some common feed compositions.
16ROUTINE MANAGEMENT PRACTICESi. State the various routine management
practice in poultry raising debarking, despairing
of cocks, clipping, dubbing, daily supply of water, etc
17HYGIENE AND HEALTHi. Name common poultry diseases in the tropics.

ii. Explain possible causes of diseases.
18PRACTICE OF BROODING, HATCHING, SOURCING OF CHICKSi. Explain the different types of:
a. harching,
b. natural
c. artificial.
ii. Define brooding

iii. Explain types of brooding
a. hen
b. artificial.
19POULTRY PRODUCTS AND PROCESSINGi. Explain the sources of chicks.
20RECORD KEEPINGi. Describe the importance of good record keeping of various poultry products and bi- products.

ii. Explain the essence of proper recording of poultry performance.
21WAYS OF IMPROVING LOCAL CHICKENSi. Explain cock exchange programme.
 CAH 14, 20 & 22– RABBIT KEEPING 
1RABBIT KEEPINGi. Importance of raising rabbits

ii. Types of Rabbit breeds

iii. Types of Rabbits
2RABBIT HOUSINGi. Meaning of rabbit housing.

ii. Conditions necessary for setting a rabbit housing.

iii. Importance of housing a rabbit.

iv. Materials needed for construction of rabbit housing.
3RABBIT PRODUCTIONi. Reproductive features of rabbit.

ii. The main features of the male and female rabbits.

iii. The differences between male and female rabbits.
4RABBIT FEEDINGi. Common feeds of rabbit

ii. Nutritional constitution of rabbit food

iii. Classification of rabbit common food into the various nutrients.
5RABBIT HEALTHi. Definition of diseases and pests.

ii. Common rabbit diseases and pests.

iii. Symptoms and signs of diseases in rabbit.

iv. Importance of a good sanitary condition in rabbit house.

v. Ways of improving and preventing diseases and pests of rabbits

ii. Common terminologies applicable in rabbit Keeping
7THE CHARACTERISTICS, TYPES AND PROBLEMS OF RABBIT PRODUCTIONi. The general characteristics of different breed of rabbits.

ii. The mean bred and fancy type of rabbits.

iii. Some common difficulties in keeping rabbits
8THE MATERIALS USED FOR RABBIT HOUSINGi. Important features of rabbits housing.

ii. The materials used for constructing rabbit housing.
9BREEDING TECHNIQUES IN RABBITSi. Sexual maturity in rabbit

ii. Types and importance of breeding rabbits

iii. Mat using pattern in back and does.

iv. Signs of pregnancy in rabbits.

v. Sign of parturition or kindling on rabbit.

vi. The maturity ratio in rabbits.

ii. Classes of rabbits.

ii. Litter mortality in rabbit.

iii. The control measures for prevention of young rabbit mortality.

iv. Symptoms of diseases in rabbit.

v. The importance of hygiene and good building materials
12HUSBANDRY AND HANDLING PRACTICESi. Routine Management practices in rabbit keeping

ii. handling of rabbit
13FEATURES OF A GOOD RABBIT HOUSEi. Importance of hygiene and good building materials.

ii. Equipment needed in Rabbit farm and their maintenance.

iii. Difference between a maternity hatch and a next box
14HANDLING AND CARE OF RABBITi. Handling and appearance of a young rabbit care.

ii. Care of Doe to Kitten.

iii. Period of weaning.

iv. Precaution involved in handling kitten

v. Predators of rabbits.

vi. Time of rebreeding rabbit.

vii. Abortion in rabbit.

viii. Infertility in rabbit.
15IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING RABBITSi. Nutrition deficiencies in rabbits.

ii. Feed conversion efficiency of rabbit and poultry.

iii. Compounding rabbit ration.

iv. Coprophagy in rabbits
16DIGESTION OF FEED IN RABBITi. Digestion, Assimilation and absorption in rabbit

ii. Digestive system in rabbit
17RECORD KEEPING IN RABBITi. Importance of record keeping

ii. Explain the different types of record keeping
18PROCESS OF RABBITSi. Equipment used for processing rabbit.

ii. Different processing method in rabbits

iii. Importance of slaughtering and processing

iv. Uses of rabbit products and bi- products e.g. blood, fur, feaces
1CATTLE KEEPINGi. Importance of cattle to the farmer and beef consumers
2CATTLE BREEDS IN NIGERIAi. Various breeds of cattle in Nigeria
i. Various terminologies in cattle keeping e.g. bull, culling in-cow, calf, heifer, calling, yearly etc.

ii. Importance and uses of the various equipment in cattle farming e.g. shovel, head pan, wheel barrow, fork, drum, rope, sprayer, troughs etc.
4CATTLE HOUSINGi. Importance of housing in cattle keeping.

ii. Materials required for the construction of cattle housing.
5CATTLE FEEDINGi. Various forages consumed by cattle.

ii. Nutritional requirement of cattle.
6CATTLE DISEASE, PESTS AND SIMPLE CONTROL CONDITIONSi. The causes of diseases and pest in cattle.

ii. Treatment and care of affected animal
7CATTLE IDENTIFICATIONi. Various ways of identifying cattle in the farm.

ii. Methods of identifying cattle in the farm e.g. ear tag, branding, etc
8CATTLE BREEDSi. Carious breed of cattle and their features.
9HYBRID BREEDSi. Carious breed of cattle and their features.
10CATTLE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENTi. The various management systems of cattle production

ii. Advantages and disadvantages of cattle production
11FEEDS & FEEDING OF CATTLEI. Common foods for cattles

ii. Feeding pattern of cattle

iii. Importance of feed to cattle production
12HYGIENE & HEALTH CAREi. Importance of hygiene and health for cattle production.

ii. Ways of manure disposal for a hygienic environment.

iii. Causes of infection in cattle.

iv. Diseases and pest control in cattle production.
13REPRODUCTION IN CATTLEi. Definition of reproduction.

2. Features of male and female reproductive organs.
14PRODUCTS & BY-PRODUCT OF CATTLEi. The importance of milk from cattle.

ii. The uses of hides from cattle.
15RECORD KEEPINGi. The usefulness of record keeping in cattle production.
i. The breed best suited for your locality.

ii. The feeds and feeding requirements: water, protein, energy, vitamins, minerals.

iii. Requirements for dry season feeding e.g. browse, plants and crops residues, hay, silage production (forage consolation).
17HEALTHCARE AND QUARANTINE PURPOSEi. Importance of isolation of new or sick animal.

ii. Basic principle of health control:
a. Regular observation routine check
b. Disposal of dead animal

iii. Importance of health record.

iv. Definition of the term vaccination.

v. Method of worm prevention.

vi. Methods of tick control

vii. Some skin and hoof problems.

viii. Ways of control and prevention of the problem
i. Basic management systems of the following classes of cattle: Colt, Heifers, In-cow, Bull and Dairy Cow.
19REPRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES IN CATTLE PRODUCTIONi. Definition of maturity in cattle.

ii. The symptoms to show when the cattle are on heat.

iii. Explanation of the term abortion.

iv. The likely causes of abortion in cattle.

v. Measures to prevent abortion in cattle
20RECORD KEEPINGi. Importance of good records keeping.

ii. Keeping proper record of farm activities.

iii. Cost benefit analysis of record keeping.

iv. Record book for evaluation auditing

ii. Use of the following products from cattle beef: blood, bones hides, horn
22SELECTION OF REPLACEMENT STOCKi. Features to look out for in selecting a good heifer or bulls.

ii. Importance and use of heifer or bull.
1GOATS AND SHEEP PRODUCTIONi. Explain the importance of goats and sheep raising
2GOATS AND SHEEP BREEDSi. Identify the breeds of Goats and Sheep.

ii. List the breeds of Goat and Sheep
3GOATS AND SHEEP MANAGEMENTi. Explain different types of goat sheep farms management.

ii. State the advantages and disadvantages of the system of management
i. Explain types of goats and sheep farm housing.

ii. Describe the types of housing for goats and sheep e.g. conventional and non-conventional housing.

iii. Identify the local raw materials used for the construction of goats/sheep house.
i. Explain the nutrient requirements of sheep and goats e.g. carbohydrates, protein, fat and oil etc.
6HEALTH & HYGIENE IN SHEEPi. The importance of clean environment of the growth of goats and sheep.

ii. The types and uses of vaccination in goats and sheep.
i. Terminologies in goats and sheep farming e.g. bull, culling in-cow, calf, heifer, calling, yearly etc.

ii. Types of goats and sheep e.g. billy, nanny, kid kidding, whether, flock, chevron, servicing, suckling meat of sheep ram, ewe, lamb, suckling and flock.

iii. Breeding methods of goats and sheep.

iv. Care for breeding sheep and goats.

v. The age range of puberty in sheep and goats.

vi. Care for the breeding billy-goat, ram and nanny.

vii. Definition of puberty, oestrus, ovulation, fertilization, servicing, gestation and parturition.
8BREEDING SELECTION, CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF GOATS AND SHEEPi. The taints selection of goats and sheep.

ii. Qualities of goats and sheep suitable for reproduction.

iii. The method of production of milk and meat for cross breeding.

iv. Parturition process in goat and sheep.

v. The care of new born kids and lambs.

vi. Signs of difficult birth.
9NUTRITION AND FEEDING OF SHEEP AND GOATSi. The feeding practice of goats and sheep.

ii. The essential feed supplements
10COMMON DISEASES OF GOATS AND SHEEPi. Common diseases of goats and sheep.

ii. The condition of sick goat and sheep.

iii. Internal and external parasites.

iv. Importance of vaccinations of goats and sheep.
1. The use of sheep and goat products and by products e.g. meat, blood, bones, hides and skin, dung
12THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF GOATS AND SHEEPi. The male and female reproductive system of sheep and goats.

ii. Signs of ostreus
13CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF KIDS AND LAMBSi. Process of weaning kids and lambs.

ii. Care for breeding and lactation
14PASTURE MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION BY SHEEP AND GOATSi. Importance of pasture to sheep and goat.

ii. Types of pasture materials e.g. legumes (centrosema) grass, and ropogon gayemens.

iii. Types of grazing management applicable in Nigeria.

iv. Definition of hay and silage.

v. The differences between hay and silage.

vi. Silage to sheep and goat.

ii. Typical goat and sheep house.

iii. Dimension of the pen/padlock for sheep and goat.

iv. The effect of climate on type of housing.

v. Effect of climate on nutrition of sheep and goat.
16DISEASE AND PESTS OF SHEEP AND GOATi. Disease and pest of sheep and goat.

ii. Nutritional disorder.
17BREEDING SYSTEMSi. Breeding system in sheep and goat

ii. Problems of infertility in sheep and goats.

iii. The productive hormone
18SLAUGHTERING AND PROCESSING OF SHEEP AND GOATSi. The processes of slaughter and preservation of sheep and goat
19SANITATION OF ABBATOIR AND SLAUGHTER SLABSi.The level of sanitation required in the meat slaughtering house.

ii. The effects of dirty slaughter slab.

iii. The importance of meat inspectors

Recommended NABTEB Animal Husbandry Textbooks

1. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1-3 Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council by NERDC, 2000

2. Essential Animal Husbandry textbook by G.C Banerjee

3. Principles of Animal Husbandry SHS1-3

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NABTEB recommended Animal Husbandry Syllabus


How long does it take to complete the NABTEB Animal Husbandry exam?

The entire exam takes 2 hours 40 minutes. We would advise you to spend about 3-5 minutes on each question so you can have enough time to go over your work again. Do not spend too much time on questions you do not know. 

How long does it take to complete the NABTEB Agricultural Science exam?

The entire exam takes 3 hours 30 minutes. We would advise you to spend about 3-5 minutes on each question so you can have enough time to go over your work again. Do not spend too much time on questions you do not know. 

What topics does the NABTEB Animal Husbandry exam cover?

The NABTEB Animal Husbandry exam is divided into 5 Sections and each section has unique topics under it. We would advise you to take a look at the full list of topics for each section above.

How many questions are in NABTEB Animal Husbandry?

You will be required to answer 40 multiple-choice questions, and 5 theory questions based on the syllabus listed above.

What's the pass mark for NABTEB Animal Husbandry?

There is no official pass mark, but scores above 50 are considered good. However, you should try to score as high as you can because the higher you score, the better your chances of admission to your chosen course and institution.

How is the NABTEB Animal Husbandry score Calculated?

Each section in the exam has its allocated mark and your score will be based on how well you do in every section.

For this exam, there will be just one paper divided into two sections; the total number of marks for section A is 40 marks and for section B, it is 60 marks.

Can I use my NABTEB results to study abroad?

Yes, some schools abroad accept NABTEB results in place of WAEC but it all depends on the school and program you are applying for.

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