Nursery 3 Literacy (Language Domain) Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 3 Literacy (Language Domain) Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Literacy (Language Domain) Scheme of Work for Nursery 3

The NAPPS Nursery 3 Literacy (Language Domain) scheme is designed to develop essential language skills in young learners. It focuses on building a strong foundation in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This subject covers a range of language activities including storytelling, conversation practice, and basic grammar. This helps enhance children’s communication skills through interactive and engaging lessons.

The aims of the Nursery 3 Literacy (Language Domain) curriculum is to:

i. Ensure children become confident in their ability to express themselves and understand others. 

ii. Prepare young learners for more complex language tasks in primary school.

Fun learning activities such as reading aloud, role-playing, and language games will be used to explain the topics. These activities are designed to make learning fun and effective for young children.

Parents and guardians can also support their child’s language development by following the curriculum’s guidelines at home. This will help the child be even more familiar with the teachings.

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Download the NAPPS Unified Scheme of Work for Nursery 3 Literacy (Language Domain)

Nursery 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Literacy (Language Domain)

SourceNational Association of Proprietors of Private Schools 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

i. Teacher helps pupils to identify single sounds.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound single sounds “d,” “a” “i” and “k”

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the single sounds: d: dog, day, den, lid, bed, dab, bird, dad, etc. a: ant, pan, nap, fan, lad, cap, rat, bag, tank, flat, etc. i: pin, ink, fin, pit, dim, lip, fil, pic, etc. m: man, bam, film, come, mom, gum, Jim, etc. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs.

v. Teacher guides pupils to memorize spellings and to make simple sentences with sight words.
i. Pupils identify the single sounds and pronounce them.

ii. Pupils pronounce and copy words that have the single sounds.

iii. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the single sounds on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

v. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on reading the single sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on reading and building two-letter and three-letter words will provide evidence on the extent of each learner’s assimilation of the topic.
Chart on vowels and consonants Chart on two- and three-letter words Flash cards

i. Teacher helps pupils to identify single sounds.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound single sounds “d,” “a” “i” and “k”

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the single sounds: d: dog, day, den, lid, bed, dab, bird, dad, etc. a: ant, pan, nap, fan, lad, cap, rat, bag, tank, flat, etc. i: pin, ink, fin, pit, dim, lip, fil, pic, etc. m: man, bam, film, come, mom, gum, Jim, etc. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs.

v. Teacher guides pupils to memorize spellings and to make simple sentences with sight words.
i. Pupils identify the single sounds and pronounce them.

ii. Pupils pronounce and copy words that have the single sounds.

iii. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the single sounds on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

v. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on reading the single sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on reading and building two-letter and three-letter words will provide evidence on the extent of each learner’s assimilation of the topic.
Chart on vowels and consonants Chart on two- and three-letter words Flash cards
3SINGLE SOUNDS: d, a, i, m

i. The teacher guides pupils to identify and read vowel and consonant letters.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to form words with vowel and consonant sounds.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: you, me, her and we.
Pupils learn:
i. To identify the 5 vowels and the 21 consonants.

ii. To write the vowels and the consonants.

iii. To build and read three letter words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on the 26 alphabets will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on differentiating the vowels from the consonants will provide evidence on the extent of each learner’s assimilation of the topic.
Chart on single sounds Flash cards
4SINGLE SOUNDS: d, a, i, m

i. The teacher guides pupils to identify and read vowel and consonant letters.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to form words with vowel and consonant sounds.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: you, me, her and we.
Pupils learn:
i. To identify the 5 vowels and the 21 consonants.

ii. To write the vowels and the consonants.

iii. To build and read three letter words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on the 26 alphabets will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on differentiating the vowels from the consonants will provide evidence on the extent of each learner’s assimilation of the topic.
Chart on single sounds Flash cards
5DIGRAPH: th, ck, wh

SIGHT WORDS: The This They
i. Teacher helps pupils to identify digraphs and to understand that digraphs are formed by two letters but have one sound.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound digraphs “th,” “ck” and “wh.”

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the digraphs th, ck, and wh. th: the, they, this, these, those, etc. ck: lick, tick, cock, clock, mock, etc. wh: why, where, what, when, which, etc.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs and to memorize spellings.
i. Pupils identify the digraph sounds.

ii. Pupils differentiate single sounds from digraphs.

iii. Pupils circle digraphs in given words.

iv. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

v. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

vi. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the digraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on identifying the digraph sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work on blending words will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on digraph sounds Chart on single sounds Flash cards
6DIGRAPH: th, ck, wh

SIGHT WORDS: The This They
i. Teacher helps pupils to identify digraphs and to understand that digraphs are formed by two letters but have one sound.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound digraphs “th,” “ck” and “wh.”

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the digraphs th, ck, and wh. th: the, they, this, these, those, etc. ck: lick, tick, cock, clock, mock, etc. wh: why, where, what, when, which, etc.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs and to memorize spellings.
i. Pupils identify the digraph sounds.

ii. Pupils differentiate single sounds from digraphs.

iii. Pupils circle digraphs in given words.

iv. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

v. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

vi. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the digraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on identifying the digraph sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work on blending words will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on digraph sounds Chart on single sounds Flash cards
7DIGRAPH: ph, sh, ch

SIGHT WORDS: Photo She Chart
i. Using charts, flash cards, an mp3 or mp4 player, the teacher guides pupils to understand that digraphs are formed by two letters but have one sound.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to identify and sound digraphs “ph,” “sh” and “ch” in words.

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the digraphs wh, ph, and sh. ph: photo, graph, etc. sh: she, shy, shoe, dash, flash, shirt, shirt, should, etc. ch: chop. chin, China, chart, which, church, choice, etc.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs and to memorize spellings.
i. Pupils identify the digraph sounds.

ii. Pupils circle digraphs in given words.

iii. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

iv. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

v. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the digraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on identifying the digraph sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work on blending words will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Grammar Handbook Phonics charts Flash cards
8DIGRAPH: ph, sh, ch

SIGHT WORDS: Photo She Chart
i. Using charts, flash cards, an mp3 or mp4 player, the teacher guides pupils to understand that digraphs are formed by two letters but have one sound.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to identify and sound digraphs “ph,” “sh” and “ch” in words.

iii. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words that contain the digraphs wh, ph, and sh. ph: photo, graph, etc. sh: she, shy, shoe, dash, flash, shirt, shirt, should, etc. ch: chop. chin, China, chart, which, church, choice, etc.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to form words on their own with the digraphs and to memorize spellings.
i. Pupils identify the digraph sounds.

ii. Pupils circle digraphs in given words.

iii. Pupils attempt to memorize spelling of words.

iv. Pupils make short sentences with the sight words with the teacher’s guidance.

v. Pupils pronounce and write examples of words that have the digraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on identifying the digraph sounds will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work on blending words will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Grammar Handbook Phonics charts Flash cards

SIGHT WORDS: Play Fly Greet
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify the consonant letters and sounds.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound the initial blends and thereafter, final blends.

iii. Teacher guides pupils to build words with the consonant blends.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to identify and circle the consonant blends in words.

v. Teacher leads pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: play, fly and greet.
i. Pupils identify the consonant blends and build words with the blends.

ii. Pupils differentiate the initial and final consonant blends.

iii. Pupils form short sentences with sight words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on word building using the blends will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Grammar Handbook Phonics charts Flash cards

SIGHT WORDS: Play Fly Greet
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify the consonant letters and sounds.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to sound the initial blends and thereafter, final blends.

iii. Teacher guides pupils to build words with the consonant blends.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to identify and circle the consonant blends in words.

v. Teacher leads pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: play, fly and greet.
i. Pupils identify the consonant blends and build words with the blends.

ii. Pupils differentiate the initial and final consonant blends.

iii. Pupils form short sentences with sight words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on word building using the blends will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Grammar Handbook Phonics charts Flash cards

Nursery 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Literacy (Letter Work)

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

i. The teacher guides pupils to write capital and small letters together.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to match capital letters to small letters.

iii. Teacher tell and demonstrate when it is appropriate to use the capital letters.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to spell and memorize sight words and to form simple sentences with the sight words using capital letters appropriately.
i. Pupils identify capital letters.

ii. Pupils identify when to use capital letters in sentences.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on reading the capital letters will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on the use of capital letters will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner assimilation of the topic.
Chart on capital letters.
Charts on use of capital letters.

SIGHT WORD: Egg Add Ink Comb
i. With the aid of charts, flash cards, an mp3 or mp4 player, the teacher leads pupils to read consonant blends.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to identify words with double consonants and to build words with double consonants.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through making simple sentences with consonant blends and double consonants.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words.
i. Pupils identify words with double consonants.

ii. Pupils blend words with double consonants.

iii. Pupils write words with double consonants on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on identifying the double consonants will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work blending words will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner have understood the topic.
Chart on double consonant sounds.
Flash cards
3ALTERNATIVE SPELLINGS: (ai: ae, ay) (ee – ea) (igh, y, ie) (oi -oy) (ou -ow)

SIGHT WORDS: Be Was Like Here
i. The teacher guides pupils to understand that alternative spellings are different ways of spelling a particular sound in different words.

ii. The teacher gives examples of alternative spellings to aid the pupils’ understanding:
See : Sea Tie : Thigh Teem : Team

iii. The teacher states the need for forming alternative words and guides the pupils to form words with alternative spellings of sounds.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: be, like.
i. Pupils identify the different alternative spellings.

ii. Pupils blend words using the alternative spellings.

iii. Pupils listen and write words with alternative spellings with and without the teacher’s guidance

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and make simple sentences with the sight words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on word building using the alternative’ will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Charts on alternative spellings.
4ALTERNATIVE SPELLINGS: (ai: ae, ay) (ee – ea) (igh, y, ie) (oi -oy) (ou -ow)

SIGHT WORDS: Be Was Like Here
i. The teacher guides pupils to understand that alternative spellings are different ways of spelling a particular sound in different words.

ii. The teacher gives examples of alternative spellings to aid the pupils’ understanding:
See : Sea Tie : Thigh Teem : Team

iii. The teacher states the need for forming alternative words and guides the pupils to form words with alternative spellings of sounds.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: be, like.
i. Pupils identify the different alternative spellings.

ii. Pupils blend words using the alternative spellings.

iii. Pupils listen and write words with alternative spellings with and without the teacher’s guidance

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and make simple sentences with the sight words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on word building using the alternative’ will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Charts on alternative spellings.
5TRIGRAPHS: are, air, tch, ure

SIGHT WORDS: Hair Match Pure
i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, an mp3 or mp4 player, teacher explains the meaning of trigraphs as 3-letter words that have a single sound.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify trigraphs and to read words with trigraphs:
are: bare, care, rare, mare, etc. air: hair, fair, pair, etc. tch: itch, match, patch, pitch, stitch ure: sure, lure, pure, cure, etc

iii. The teacher guides pupils to form words with trigraphs on their own and to make simple sentences with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to read and match trigraph to the appropriate pictures.
i. Pupils identify trigraphs in in isolation.

ii. Pupils circle trigraphs in words.

iii. Pupils build words with trigraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and form sentences on their own with the sight words

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on blending words with trigraphs will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Chart on trigraph, flash cards MP3 player MP4 player
6TRIGRAPHS: are, air, tch, ure

SIGHT WORDS: Hair Match Pure
i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, an mp3 or mp4 player, teacher explains the meaning of trigraphs as 3-letter words that have a single sound.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify trigraphs and to read words with trigraphs:
are: bare, care, rare, mare, etc. air: hair, fair, pair, etc. tch: itch, match, patch, pitch, stitch ure: sure, lure, pure, cure, etc

iii. The teacher guides pupils to form words with trigraphs on their own and to make simple sentences with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to read and match trigraph to the appropriate pictures.
i. Pupils identify trigraphs in in isolation.

ii. Pupils circle trigraphs in words.

iii. Pupils build words with trigraphs on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and form sentences on their own with the sight words

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on blending words with trigraphs will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Chart on trigraph, flash cards MP3 player MP4 player
7THE USE OF: ‘a’ and ‘an’.

SIGHT WORDS: There Live Four
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify the five vowel letters and the 21 consonant letters.

ii. The teacher explains to the pupils when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through making sentences with ‘a’ and ‘an’ and to match ‘a’ and ‘an’ to appropriate pictures.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with sight words: there, live, four.
i. Pupils identify the vowel letters and the consonant letters.

ii. Pupils match ‘a’ and ‘an’ to the correct pictures.

iii. Pupils identify when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ in simple sentences such as: – This a bag. – That is an egg.

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and form simple sentences with the sight words,

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on identifying the vowels and consonants. Individual work on when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Chart on ‘a’ and ‘an’; – an apple – an orange – a boy etc.
8THE USE OF: ‘a’ and ‘an’.

SIGHT WORDS: There Live Four
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify the five vowel letters and the 21 consonant letters.

ii. The teacher explains to the pupils when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through making sentences with ‘a’ and ‘an’ and to match ‘a’ and ‘an’ to appropriate pictures.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with sight words: there, live, four.
i. Pupils identify the vowel letters and the consonant letters.

ii. Pupils match ‘a’ and ‘an’ to the correct pictures.

iii. Pupils identify when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ in simple sentences such as: – This a bag. – That is an egg.

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and form simple sentences with the sight words,

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on identifying the vowels and consonants. Individual work on when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Chart on ‘a’ and ‘an’; – an apple – an orange – a boy etc.
9USE OF: ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some.’

i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, an mp3 and mp4 player, the teacher explains the use of “a”, “an” and “some” and states the thumb rule of using “a”, “an” and “some”.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the vowel and consonant letters and explains when to use ‘a ’and ‘some’.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to match ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’ to the appropriate pictures.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to make simple sentences with ‘a’, “an” and “some”.

v. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: do, they, give.
i. Pupils identify the vowels and the consonants.

ii. Pupils identify when to use ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’.

iii. Pupils match ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’ to the correct pictures.

iv. Pupils make simple sentences with “a”, “an” and “some” with and without the teacher’s guide.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on mentioning things with ’a’ and ‘some’ will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’. Charts on vowels and consonants.
10USE OF: ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some.’

i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, an mp3 and mp4 player, the teacher explains the use of “a”, “an” and “some” and states the thumb rule of using “a”, “an” and “some”.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the vowel and consonant letters and explains when to use ‘a ’and ‘some’.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to match ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’ to the appropriate pictures.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to make simple sentences with ‘a’, “an” and “some”.

v. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorize and make short sentences with the sight words: do, they, give.
i. Pupils identify the vowels and the consonants.

ii. Pupils identify when to use ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’.

iii. Pupils match ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’ to the correct pictures.

iv. Pupils make simple sentences with “a”, “an” and “some” with and without the teacher’s guide.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on mentioning things with ’a’ and ‘some’ will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘some’. Charts on vowels and consonants.

Nursery 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Literacy (Language Domain)

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1READING: Blends Digraphs Trigraphs

SIGHT WORDS: Shirt Clock Hair
i. The teacher guides pupils to read digraphs, consonant blends, trigraphs and double consonants in words.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to build words with the blends, digraphs and trigraphs.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through the basic rules of reading and leads pupils to read simple sentences.

iv. The teacher introduces decodable readers –and aids pupils to read brief passages guided by pictures.

v. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words: shirt, clock and hair.
i. Pupils read and understand the basic reading rules.

ii. Pupils read simple sentences using simple easy-to-use reading book.

iii. Pupils make simple sentences on their own with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iv. Pupils spell, memorize and construct sentences with the sight words.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on identifying reading rules will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Chart on rules of reading, single sounds, digraph sounds, and trigraphs. Reading book

SIGHT WORDS: Old Should Young
i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, posters and an mp4 player, the teacher describes a noun to the pupils and aids them to identify nouns.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to read and circle nouns, to identify and cross out words that are nouns.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to read and write simple sentences with nouns.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make simple sentences with the sight words: old, should, young.
i. Pupils identify nouns in isolation and in simple sentences.

ii. Pupils associate noun words with objects and real-life things.

iii. Pupils read the decodables in simple sentences and they identify the nouns.

iv. Pupils write examples of nouns on their own and form simple sentences with nouns with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on saying some nouns will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on noun, objects in and outside the class. MP4 player Reading book

SIGHT WORDS: Old Should Young
i. With the aid of flash cards, charts, posters and an mp4 player, the teacher describes a noun to the pupils and aids them to identify nouns.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to read and circle nouns, to identify and cross out words that are nouns.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to read and write simple sentences with nouns.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make simple sentences with the sight words: old, should, young.
i. Pupils identify nouns in isolation and in simple sentences.

ii. Pupils associate noun words with objects and real-life things.

iii. Pupils read the decodables in simple sentences and they identify the nouns.

iv. Pupils write examples of nouns on their own and form simple sentences with nouns with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson on saying some nouns will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Chart on noun, objects in and outside the class. MP4 player Reading book

SIGHT WORDS Upon Little What
i. With the aid of charts, posters, flash cards and an mp4 player, the teacher describes a verb as a word the shows an action.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to read a short passage and circle the verbs in the passage.

iii. The teacher demonstrate verbs to the pupils and guides them to also demonstrate some verbs.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to write examples of verbs on their own and to make simple sentences with the verbs with and without the teacher’s guidance.

v. Teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words.
i. Pupils identify verbs in isolation and in sentences.

ii. Pupils match words with pictures.

iii. Pupils practise the doubling rules by adding ‘ing’.

iv. Pupils write examples of verbs on their own and form simple sentences with verbs with and without the teacher’s guidance.

v. Pupils spell, memorise and make simple sentences with the sight words with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on identifying verbs will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Chart on verbs, making actions. Reading book Grammar book Workbook Flash cards

SIGHT WORDS Upon Little What
i. With the aid of charts, posters, flash cards and an mp4 player, the teacher describes a verb as a word the shows an action.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to read a short passage and circle the verbs in the passage.

iii. The teacher demonstrate verbs to the pupils and guides them to also demonstrate some verbs.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to write examples of verbs on their own and to make simple sentences with the verbs with and without the teacher’s guidance.

v. Teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words.
i. Pupils identify verbs in isolation and in sentences.

ii. Pupils match words with pictures.

iii. Pupils practise the doubling rules by adding ‘ing’.

iv. Pupils write examples of verbs on their own and form simple sentences with verbs with and without the teacher’s guidance.

v. Pupils spell, memorise and make simple sentences with the sight words with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work on identifying verbs will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Chart on verbs, making actions. Reading book Grammar book Workbook Flash cards

SIGHT WORDS: Yellow There Your
i. The teacher guides pupils to identify the nouns and verbs in isolation and in sentences.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to read a short passage and then underline or circle the verbs and nouns in the passage.

iii. The teacher writes some simple sentences on the board and asks pupils to copy the simple sentences into their notebooks and then identify the nouns and verbs in each sentence.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to read action pictures and then make sentences from them.

v. Teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words: yellow, there and your.
Pupils learn:
i. To identify nouns.

ii. To identify verbs.

iii. To match nouns to their verbs.

iv. To read words with verbs and nouns.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on stating nouns and verbs. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Chart on nouns and verbs, objects in the class.

SIGHT WORDS: Yellow There Your
i. The teacher guides pupils to identify the nouns and verbs in isolation and in sentences.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to read a short passage and then underline or circle the verbs and nouns in the passage.

iii. The teacher writes some simple sentences on the board and asks pupils to copy the simple sentences into their notebooks and then identify the nouns and verbs in each sentence.

iv. The teacher leads pupils to read action pictures and then make sentences from them.

v. Teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words: yellow, there and your.
Pupils learn:
i. To identify nouns.

ii. To identify verbs.

iii. To match nouns to their verbs.

iv. To read words with verbs and nouns.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on stating nouns and verbs. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has ascertained the topic.
Chart on nouns and verbs, objects in the class.

SIGHT WORDS Because Them Put
i. The teacher further explains to pupils the meaning of noun and verb and helps the pupils to identify nouns and verbs in sentences.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to match sentences with sets of pictures of nouns and verbs.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to make sentence. with corresponding pictures of a noun and a verb (an action)

iv. Teacher leads pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words: because, them, put.
i. Pupils define a noun and a verb.

ii. Pupils match sentences with pictures.

iii. Pupils form meaningful sentences from pictures with and without the teacher’s guide.

iv. Pupils spell, memorise and make sentences with the sight words with and without the teacher’s guide.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Flash cards Charts Reading book

SIGHT WORDS Because Them Put
i. The teacher further explains to pupils the meaning of noun and verb and helps the pupils to identify nouns and verbs in sentences.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to match sentences with sets of pictures of nouns and verbs.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to make sentence. with corresponding pictures of a noun and a verb (an action)

iv. Teacher leads pupils to spell, memorise and make short sentences with the sight words: because, them, put.
i. Pupils define a noun and a verb.

ii. Pupils match sentences with pictures.

iii. Pupils form meaningful sentences from pictures with and without the teacher’s guide.

iv. Pupils spell, memorise and make sentences with the sight words with and without the teacher’s guide.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge. Individual work will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has understood the topic.
Flash cards Charts Reading book

SIGHT WORDS Their Want Once
i. Teacher guides pupils to make meaningful sentences.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to read and match sentences with pictures and to make sentences with words or pictures

iii. The teacher leads pupils to read blends.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to say the basic rules of reading.

v. Teacher guides pupils to read simple passages in reading books and to read decodables

vi. Teacher guides pupils to spell, memorise and make sentences with the sight words with and without the teacher’s guide. he sight words – their, want, once.
i. Pupils make meaning sentences with pictures, words and at random with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils read blend and say the basic rules of reading.

iii. Pupils read simple passages in their reading textbooks with and without the teacher’s guidance very frequently.

ACTIVITY: Whole class activity at the beginning of the lesson will provide evidence on the extent to which learners can apply their knowledge on the topic. Individual work reading will provide evidence on the extent to which each learner has assimilation of the topic.
Reading book Charts Flash cards Mp4 player

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