Nursery 3 Numeracy Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 3 Numeracy Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Numeracy Scheme of Work for Nursery 3

This NAPPS Nursery 3 Numeracy curriculum is designed to establish a solid mathematical foundation for young learners. It will focus on basic math skills like: counting, number recognition, and simple arithmetic.

Topics to be taught are  fundamental numeracy concepts including numbers, shapes, patterns, and measurements. These topics will help improve children’s understanding of math.

The aim of the Nursery 3 Numeracy curriculum is to:

  1. Help young learners become more confident in their basic math abilities. 
  2. Introduce them to a little more advanced mathematical concepts so they don’t find it so difficult as they progress 

At the end of Nursery 3, children should be able to recognize and count numbers up to 20, identify basic shapes, and understand simple patterns and measurements.

Download Nursery 3 Basic Numeracy Scheme of Work


Know what’s expected of you as an educator 

Download the NAPPS Unified Scheme of Work for Nursery 3 Numeracy

Nursery 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Numeracy

SourceNational Association of Proprietors of Private Schools 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1NUMBERS 1 – 110

Recognition of figures: 1 – 110
Counting objects 1 – 110
Tracing figures 1- 110
Reading figures written in words: 1 – 110
i. The teacher draws 110 fairly big and easy-to-count circles on a cardboard with a marker and counts along with the pupils.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 – 110 on the board and reads along with the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 110; counting objects 1 – 110; tracing figures 1 – 110; writing figures 1 – 110 and reading figures written in words 1 – 110.

iv.Teacher leads pupils to match figures with words.

v. The teacher uses an mp4 player to aid pupils’ understanding of numbers and counting.
i. Pupils gather bottle tops and count up to 100.

ii. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 100 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils learn and recite some number rhymes.

iv. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 100.

v. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers and counting.
Textbook Workbook Beads Bottle tops
2NUMBERS 1 – 120

Recognition of figures: 1 – 120
Counting objects 1 – 120
Tracing figures 1- 120
Reading figures written in words: 1 – 120
i. The teacher draws 120 fairly big and easy-to-count rectangles on a cardboard with a marker – to be used as a dummy chart – and the teacher counts along with the pupils.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 – 120 on the board and reads along with the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 120; counting objects 1 – 120; tracing figures 1 – 120; writing figures 1 – 120 and reading figures written in words 1 – 120.

iv. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures

v. Teacher uses an mp4 player to aid pupils’ understanding of numbers and counting.
i. Pupils gather beads and count up to 120.

ii. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 120 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils learn and recite some number rhymes.

iv. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 120.

v. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers and counting.
Textbook Workbook Beads Bottle tops
3NUMBERS 1 – 130

Recognition of figures: 1 – 130
Counting objects 1 – 130
Tracing figures 1- 130
Reading figures written in words: 1 – 130
i. The teacher draws 130 fairly big and easy-to-count balls on a cardboard with a marker – to be used as a dummy chart – and the teacher counts along with the pupils.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 – 130 on the board and reads along with the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 130; counting objects 1 – 130; tracing figures 1 – 130; writing figures 1 – 130 and reading figures written in words 1 – 130.

iv. The teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures

v. The teacher uses an mp4 player to aid pupils’ understanding of numbers and counting.
i. Pupils gather beads and count up to 130.

ii. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 130 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils learn and recite some number rhymes.

iv. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 130.

v. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers and counting.
Textbook Workbook Beads Bottle tops
4NUMBERS 1 – 140

Recognition of figures: 1 – 140
Counting objects 1 – 140
Tracing figures 1- 140
Reading figures written in words: 1 – 140
i. The teacher draws 140 fairly big and easy-to-count cups on a cardboard with a marker – to be used as a dummy chart – and the teacher counts along with the pupils.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 – 140 on the board and reads along with the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 140; counting objects 1 – 140; tracing figures 1 – 140; writing figures 1 – 140 and reading figures written in words 1 – 140.

v. The teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures
i. Pupils gather beads and count up to 140.

ii. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 140 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils learn and recite some number rhymes.

iv. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 140.

v. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers and counting.
Textbook Workbook Beads Bottle tops
5NUMBERS 1 – 150

Recognition of figures: 1 – 150
Counting objects 1 – 150
Tracing figures 1- 150
Reading figures written in words: 1 – 150
i. The teacher draws 150 fairly big and easy-to-count cups on a cardboard with a marker – to be used as a dummy chart – and the teacher counts along with the pupils.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 – 150 on the board and reads along with the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 150; counting objects 1 – 150; tracing figures 1 – 150; writing figures 1 – 150 and reading figures written in words 1 – 150.

v. The teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures
i. Pupils gather beads and count up to 150.

ii. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 150 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils learn and recite some number rhymes.

iv. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 150.

v. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers and counting.
6ODD AND EVEN NUMBERSi. The teacher gives a simple meaning of odd and even in relation to numbers.

ii. The teacher presents number cards and flash cards to pupils to illustrate odd numbers and even numbers.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to identify and differentiate odd and even numbers 1 and 50.
i. Pupils identify and differentiate odd and even numbers.

ii. Given a pool of numbers, pupils circle out even numbers between 1 and 50.

iii. Given a pool of numbers, pupils circle out odd numbers between 1 and 50.
Charts Flash cards
– Telling Time
– Days of the week
– Months of the year
i. With the aid of a dummy analogue clock, the teacher guides pupils to identify the seconds hand, the minute hand and the hour hand.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to tell time in O’clock e.g. 8 O’clock, 2 O’clock, 6 O’clock.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to tell time in half past format e.g. half past 2, half past 6, half past 8, etc.

Teacher guides pupils to know that there are 60 seconds in 1 minute; 60 minutes in 1 hour; 24 hours in 1 day; 7 days in 1 wee; 52 weeks in 1 year and 12 months in 1 year.
i. Pupils identify an analogue clock; what it is used for, the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.

ii. Pupils tell simple times such as 8 O’clock, 7 O’clock, 3 O’clock, etc.

iii. Pupils tell times such as half past 3, half past 10, half past 9, half past 7, etc.

iv. Pupils understand, recite and memorize the conversion of metric units of time: seconds and minutes, minutes and hour, hours and days, days and week, etc.
Flash cards Charts Clock face or Dummy clock Real wall clock

– Circle
– Triangle
– Square
– Rectangle
i. With the aid of charts, flash cards and an mp4 player, the teacher guides pupils to understand the concept of shapes.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to sing different rhymes on shapes and the teacher introduces the planes shapes to them and leads them to identify them.

iii. Teacher leads pupils to understand the relevance of plane shapes in day-to-day activities or in practical life: Rectangle – table top; Circle – Ball; Triangle – carton yoghourt; Square – wall socket, etc.

iv. Teacher guides pupils to identify shapes and colour in specified colours e.g. Colour all the square shapes blue and colour all the triangle shapes yellow, etc.
i. Pupils identify and differentiate the plane shapes as discussed by the teacher.

ii. Pupils draw the plane shapes with and without the teacher’s guidance and they colour the shapes as specified or instructed by the teacher.

iii. Pupils mention different objects in their classroom, around the school environment, at home and other places that uses these plane shapes.
Charts Flash cards Textbook Workbook

1 – 10 = i – x
i. Using charts and flash cards, the teacher explains the concept of Roman numerals with the pupils and gets them to understand it as an alternative way of writing numbers.

ii. The teacher demonstrates counting with the fingers as one of the ways of counting from numbers 1 to 10.

iii. The teacher uses flash cards to introduce Roman figures i – x as 1 – 10 and gets pupils to recite rhymes on numbers.

iv. Teacher also guides pupils to memorize the roman numerals.
i. Pupils read numbers in Roman numerals from 1 to 10.

ii. Pupils write numbers in Roman numerals 1 to 10.

iii. Pupils match numbers written in standard figure with Roman numerals.
Charts Flash cards Textbook Workbook

– Building Roman Numerals
1 – 30 = i – xxx
i. The teacher, with the use of flash cards and charts, demonstrate that higher numbers are can be written in Roman numerals through combination of lower numbers in Roman numerals.

ii. The teacher, with the use of flash cards and charts, demonstrate that higher numbers are can be written in Roman numerals through combination of lower numbers in Roman numerals.
i. Pupils read and write numbers in Roman numerals from 1 to 10.

ii. Pupils build numbers in Roman numerals from 1 – 30 with and without the guidance of the teacher.

iii. Pupils memorize key numbers written in Roman numerals.

iv. Pupils match numbers written in standard figure with Roman numerals.
Charts Flash cards Textbook Workbook

Nursery 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Numeracy

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of last term’s workRevision of last term’s workNotebook. Textbook
2NUMBERS 1 – 160

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 160
– Counting objects 1 – 160
– Tracing figures 1- 160
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 160
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 160; counting objects 1 – 160; tracing figures 1 – 160; writing figures 1 – 160 and reading figures written in words 1 – 160.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads Counting devices like beads, stones.
3NUMBERS 1 – 170

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 170
– Counting objects 1 – 170
– Tracing figures 1- 170
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 170
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 170; counting objects 1 – 170; tracing figures 1 – 170; writing figures 1 – 170 and reading figures written in words 1 – 170.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads
4NUMBERS 1 – 180

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 180
– Counting objects 1 – 180
– Tracing figures 1- 180
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 180
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 180; counting objects 1 – 180; tracing figures 1 – 180; writing figures 1 – 180 and reading figures written in words 1 – 180.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads
5NUMBERS 1 – 190

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 190
– Counting objects 1 – 190
– Tracing figures 1- 190
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 190
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 190; counting objects 1 – 190; tracing figures 1 – 190; writing figures 1 – 190 and reading figures written in words 1 – 190.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads Charts Posters
6NUMBERS 1 – 200

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 200
– Counting objects 1 – 200
– Tracing figures 1- 200
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 200
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 200; counting objects 1 – 200; tracing figures 1 – 200; writing figures 1 – 200 and reading figures written in words 1 – 200.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads, stones
7ORDINAL NUMBERS (Positioning)

1st – 10th
i. With the aid of charts, posters and an mp4 player, the teacher explains the concept of ordinal numbers as a way of positioning or arranging.

ii. The teacher arranges ten pupils according to their heights; from 1st to 10th with the tallest coming last.

iii. The teacher relates ordinal numbers to counting of numbers: 1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd; 4 = 4th; etc.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to write ordinal numbers in words: 1st = first; 2nd = second, 3rd = third.

v. The teacher gives an exercise to pupils in the class; to solve some addition and subtraction problems.

vi. The teacher arranges the first ten pupils to finish the class exercise to enhance pupils’ understanding of ordinal numbers.
i. Pupils read and copy ordinal numbers in their notebooks as guided by the teacher.

ii. Pupils write and read ordinal numbers in words with and without the teacher’s guidance.

iii. Pupils demonstrate understanding of ordinal numbers by telling the position of pupils when arranged according to their height.
Charts Posters MP4 Player Pupils

– Descending Order
i. Teacher explains the concept of ordering to pupils and explains the meaning of descending as coming from up to down; highest to lowest; biggest to smallest; greatest to least.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to appreciate quantity value of numbers by counting 7 beads first and then 5 beads separately.

iii. The teacher leads pupils to understand that 7 is more than 5.

iv. The teacher demonstrates arranging in descending order and leads pupils to arrange numbers between 1 and 30 in descending order.
i. Pupils listen actively to the teacher.

ii. Pupils demonstrate understanding of “descending” by explaining how they descend a staircase; from the top to the bottom.

iii. Pupils engage in exercises that involves selecting the lower number between two given numbers

iv. Pupils arrange a set of random numbers between 1 and 30 in descending order.
Charts Posters Beads Textbook Picture of a staircase.

– Ascending Order
i. The teacher explains the concept of ordering to pupils and explains the meaning of descending as going from bottom to the top; lowest to highest; smallest to biggest; least to greatest.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to appreciate quantity value of numbers by counting 4 bottle tops first and then 10 bottle tops separately.

iii. The teacher leads the pupils to understand that 10 is more than 5.

iv. Teacher demonstrates arranging in ascending order and leads pupils to arrange numbers between 1 and 30 in ascending order.
i. Pupils listen actively to the teacher.

ii. Pupils demonstrate understanding of “ascending” by telling how they ascend a staircase; from the bottom to the top.

iii. Pupils arrange a set of random numbers between 1 and 30 in descending order.
Charts Posters Bottle tops Textbook Picture of a staircase.

– Half: 1/2
– One-third (One over three}: 1/3
i. Using charts and posters, the teacher explains the concept of fractions to the pupils.

ii. The teacher uses an orange cut into two equal halves to illustrate half.

iii. The teacher leads the pupils to cut a piece of paper into two equal halves.

iv. The teacher uses plane shapes to illustrate one-third and one-fourth.

v. Teacher guides pupils to understand that one-third means dividing an object into three equal parts.
i. Pupils identify half as one over two and they mention that it means cutting an object into two equal halves.

ii. Pupils identify one-third as one over three and they mention that it means dividing an object into three equal parts.

iii. Pupils demonstrate understanding of half by cutting a piece of paper into two equal parts. They demonstrate this with other objects that can be cut.

Pupils demonstrate understanding of one-third by cutting a piece of paper into three equal parts.
Charts Posters MP4 player Cardboard Orange

Nursery 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Numeracy

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
2NUMBERS 1 – 200

– Recognition of figures: 1 – 200
– Counting objects 1 – 200
– Tracing figures 1- 200
– Reading figures written in words: 1 – 200
i. Teacher guides pupils through recognition of numbers 1 – 200; counting objects 1 – 200; tracing figures 1 – 200; writing figures 1 – 200 and reading figures written in words 1 – 200.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through matching words with figures.
i. Pupils trace and write numbers 1 to 160 in their notebooks with and without the teacher’s guidance.

ii. Pupils fill in missing numbers between 1 and 160 and match figures with words.

iii. Pupils take evaluation exercises and assignments in different formats to reinforce their knowledge on numbers.
Textbook Workbook Beads, stones

– Numbers between 1 and 30
i. With the aid of charts, am mp4 player and counting devices, the teacher guides pupils to understand the quantity value of numbers.

ii. The teacher gives a simple definition of greater and less.

iii. The teacher leads pupils to identify the greater number between two given numbers by counting out objects like beads separately and then comparing. 7 boxes are more than 4 boxes, so 7 is greater than 4. It also means 4 is less than 7.

iv. The teacher introduces the symbol of greater than by folding his right arm as the symbol of “greater than” and folds the left arm as a symbol of “less than”.

v. The teacher leads pupils to identify the right symbol to come in-between two numbers to indicate which is greater and which is lesser.
i. Pupils participate actively in the class discussion and answer the teacher’s questions.

ii. Pupils identify the greater number when given a set of two numbers.

iii. Pupils identify the lesser than number when given a set of two numbers.

iv. Pupils identify and draw the greater than and less than symbols in their notebook with and without the teacher’s guidance. They fold their arms to differentiate the symbols.

v. Pupils identify the greater number between two numbers between 1 and 30.

vi. Pupils identify the lesser number between two numbers between 1 and 30.

vii. Given two numbers, pupils fill in the blank with either greater than or less than.
Charts Posters Beads, stones, bottle tops, etc. MP4 Player Textbook Workbook

– Numbers between 1 and 50
i. The teacher introduces the symbol of greater than by folding his right arm as the symbol of “greater than” and folds the left arm as a symbol of “less than”.

ii. The teacher writes numbers 1 to 50 on the boards and plays an MP4 lesson format on greater and less than to aid pupils’ understanding of the topic.

iii. The teacher leads pupils to fill in blanks appropriately with either < or >.
i. Pupils listen attentively to the teacher and participate actively in the class discussion.

ii. Pupils differentiate between greater than and less than by folding their right arm and left arm respectively.
Charts Beads MP4 Player Textbook Workbook

– Tens and Units
i. With the aid of charts, posters and other relevant teaching aids, the teacher explains the concept of place value in relation to numbers.

ii. The teacher leads the pupils to use an abacus to arrange the place value of numbers between 1 and 99 and to interpret the place value number on abacus.
i. Pupils identify an abacus and its representation.

ii. Pupils identify the tens and units place values of numbers.

iii. Pupils arrange an abacus for numbers between 1 and 99.

iv. Pupils interpret and abacus arrangement and write the number represented.
Abacus Charts Posters MP4 Player
6LENGTHi. The teacher explains the concept of length to the pupils using charts, posters and an mp4 player.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to take measurement of short distance or objects in the classroom with the use of tape rule or ruler.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to compare the lengths of two objects or distances and to use “shorter than” or “longer than” to describe the objects relative to each other e.g. A is longer than B D is shorter than E
i. Pupils identify a tape rule and a ruler and they mention what they are used for.

ii. Pupils measure the length of short objects.

iii. Pupils compare the length of two different objects or distances and identify which is shorter or taller.
Tape rule Ruler Charts

– Addition of numbers with sum less than 20
i. With the aid of charts, an mp4 player and counting devices, the teacher explains the concept of addition to the pupils as “putting together”.

ii. Teacher demonstrates simple addition of numbers whose sum is not greater than 20 and leads pupils to do the same with and without the teacher’s assistance.
i. Pupils listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation and demonstrate addition with counting devices.

ii. Pupils carry out simple addition of numbers as demonstrated by the teacher.
MP4 Player Counting devices like beads, stones, etc. Textbook Workbook

– Substraction of numbers not more than 20
i. With the aid of counting devices and other relevant teaching aids, the teacher explains the concept of subtraction to the pupils as “taking away” or “removing”.

ii. The teacher demonstrates simple subtraction of numbers not more than 20 and leads pupils to do the same with and without the teacher’s guidance.
i. Pupils listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation and demonstrate subtraction with counting devices.

ii. Pupils carry out simple subtraction of numbers not more than 20 as demonstrated by the teacher.
MP4 Player Counting devices like beads, stones, etc. Textbook Workbook
9SIMPLE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF NUMBERS USING PLACE VALUESi. Teacher demonstrates simple addition and subtraction of numbers by arrangement in place values:i. Pupils carry out addition and subtraction of numbers by arrangement in place values as instructed and guided by the teacher.MP4 Player Counting devices like beads, stones, etc. Textbook Workbook
10MONEY: N1 – N30i. With the aid of several teaching aids including but not limited to charts, flash cards, real items or groceries, the teacher discusses the meaning of money with the pupils and its uses.

ii. The teacher provides a shopping corner in the classroom and places a price tag on each item and leads the pupils to interpret the setup.

iv. The teacher guides pupils to role-play buying and selling of commodities between N1 – N30 involving collection of change.
i. Pupils listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation and identify the corner shop a place to buy and sell.

ii. Pupils identify buying and selling and how to calculate change after buying.
Shop items Real money

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