Nursery 3 Physical and Health Education (PHE) Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 3 Physical and Health Education Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 3

Teaching young children Physical and Health Education is important for Nursery 3 children. It helps them develop strong bodies and healthy habits.

This scheme of work will introduce basic physical activities and health concepts. Children will learn the importance of exercise and proper hygiene.

The lessons include activities like running, jumping, and stretching. These activities help improve their coordination and strength.

Teachers will also teach about healthy eating and good postures. These lessons encourage children to make good choices for their health.

By the end of the term, children will have a better understanding of physical fitness and health. They will develop routines that promote a healthy lifestyle.


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Nursery 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

SourceNational Association of Proprietors of Private Schools 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of last session’s work  

– Importance of exercises and games
i. The teacher explains the meanings of exercises and games to the pupils using pictures and video clips and guides them to identify and differentiate them.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the importance of exercises and games to the body and mind.
i. Pupils identify the importance of exercise and games.

ii. Pupils mention their favourite exercise and game.
Charts Video clips

– Basic games: egg in a spoon race, sack race, blindfold and fill a basket, etc.
i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to explain the concept of some basic games to the pupils.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to participate in some basic games on the playground e.g. egg in a spoon race, sack race, etc.
i. Pupils participate in the sport activities as guided by the teacher.Playground Materials for games.

– Stretching and bending.
– Raising arms and legs.
– Skipping.
i. The teacher explains the meaning of exercise to pupils using charts and video clips.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to move parts of their body during exercise such as skipping, stretching, etc.

iii. The teacher mentions the benefits of exercise to the pupils.
i. Pupils engage in different kinds of exercises by moving parts of their body.

ii. Pupils engage in routine morning exercises to be acquainted with exercise.
Video clips Playground Skipping rope

– Leaping and hopping
i. The teacher explains hopping and leaping as types of movement to the pupils.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to leap and hop around on a playground.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to know that horses leap and frogs hop.
i. Pupils move every part of their body.

ii. Pupils hop around.

iii. Pupils mention an animal that moves by hopping.
Video clips Playground.

– Standing on one leg
– Dancing and Freezing Game
i. The teacher explains in simple terms the meaning of body conditioning and how it can be achieved through various body exercises.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to stand on one leg and see who can stand the longest time on one leg.

iii. The teacher also asks pupils to play the dance and freeze game: pupils dance while a song plays; pupils freeze immediately the song stops and the pupils who can freeze the longest is determined.
i. Pupils engage in class activities actively and they get their bodies conditioned.Video clips Playground.

– Tambourine movement.
– Basic movements e.g. walking, jogging, running, bending, etc.
i. Using video clips, the teacher guides pupils through simple movements of parts of the body.

ii. The teacher guides the pupils to move their body according to the rhythm of the tambourine.

iii. The teacher encourages pupils to walk, jog, run, bend, etc. on a playground,
i. Pupils move their body according to the rhythm of a tambourine.

ii. Pupils walk, jog, run and bend on a playground in the school as guided by the teacher.
Video clips

– Meaning of manipulative movements.
– Throwing and Catching
i. Using video clips and charts, the teacher explains the meaning of manipulative movements and guides the pupils to identify throwing and catching as manipulative movements.

ii. The teacher demonstrates throwing and catching with one of the pupils and guides pupils to pair up to demonstrate throwing and catching.
i. Pupils identify throwing and catching as manipulative movements.

ii. Pupils demonstrate throwing and catching.
Video clips. Charts

– Meaning of neuro-muscular skills
i. Using video clips, the teacher guides pupils to understand that neuromuscular skills movements done by controlling one’s muscles are and guides the pupils to identifying dancing as a neuromuscular skill.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to leap, touch their toes, double turn, squat, etc.
i. Pupils engage in neuromuscular activities such as dancing, squatting, toe-touching, etc. 

– Short distance race (25m race)
i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to explain the meaning of track events and gives examples to the pupils.

ii. The teacher demonstrates how to race on a field to the pupils and leads the pupils to engage in a 25m race.
i. Pupils engage in short distance race of 25m. 

Nursery 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

– Somersaulting
i. Using video clips, the teacher explains the concept of somersault and guides pupils to identify it.

ii. The teacher guides and warns pupils not to try anything dangerous.
i. Pupils identify somersault.Video Clips

– Elements of Physical Development: Flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, reaction, etc.
i. The teacher puts the pupils through sport activities such as walking, jogging, leaping, etc to show their flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, reaction, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the elements of physical development.
i. Pupils participate in the class activities and identify the need for them to develop physically i.e. their flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, etc.Charts Video clips

– Elements of Emotional Development: Anxiety, apathy, anger, boredom, zeal, contentment, excitement, hostility, etc.
i. The teacher puts the pupils through several sport activities such throwing and catching a ball, targeting a basket, etc. to observe and monitor the pupils’ emotional development in terms of reaction, anxiety, apathy, boredom, contentment, zeal, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the elements of emotional development and to develop and control their emotions.
i. Pupils participate in the activities and identify the need for them to develop emotionally.Charts Video clips

– Elements of Emotional Development: Cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, friendliness, fairness, hospitality, etc.
i. The teacher puts the pupils through several sport activities such as a 3-a-side football game; to observe and monitor the pupils’ social development in terms friendliness, teamwork, cooperation, tolerance, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the elements of social development and to develop their social skills.
i. Pupils participate in the class and playground activities and identify the need for them to develop socially.Playground Ball Net

– Concept of Marching Exercise
– Importance of marching
i. The teacher guides pupils to understand the concept of marching using pictures and video clips.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify the left and right legs; to march and swing the arms in rhythm.

iii. The teacher states the importance of marching to the pupils.
i. Pupils identify their left and right legs and they march and swing the arms.Playground

– Swinging
– Twisting
i. The teacher guides pupils to understand swinging and twisting as examples of body exercises.

ii. The teacher demonstrates swinging and twisting and leads the pupils to also demonstrate.

iii. The teacher lists the importance of swinging and twisting as body exercises.
i. Pupils demonstrate swinging and twistingCharts Pictures of twisting and twisting.

– Jumping
– Bending
i. The teacher guides pupils to understand jumping and bending as examples of body exercises.

ii. The teacher demonstrates jumping and bending and leads the pupils to also demonstrate.

iii. The teacher lists the importance of jumping and bending as body exercises.
i. Pupils demonstrate swinging and twisting as guided by the teacher.Charts Pictures of jumping and bending.

– Meaning of neuromuscular skills
– Climbing
i. Teacher explains the meaning of neuromuscular activities to the pupils and show video clips and pictures of climbing to the pupils to aid their understanding.i. Pupils demonstrate climbing as guided by the teacher.Video clips Playground

– Short distance race (25m race): Running in pairs.
i. The teacher guides pupils to participate in short distance race such as 25m and pairs up pupils to race to determine the fastest 25m-racer in the class.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to understand the importance of track events such as race.
i. Pupils participate in the race.Playground

Nursery 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
2POSTURE – Good Sitting and Standing Posture

– Meaning of Posture
– Importance of good sitting and standing posture
i. The teacher explains the meaning of posture to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher uses pictures and charts to show examples of good sitting and standing postures to the pupils.

iii. The teacher lists the importance of good sitting and standing postures to the pupils.
i. Pupils take turn to demonstrate good sitting and standing postures for other pupils to see.Charts Posters Well-sized chair
3POSTURE – Good Reading and Sleeping Posture

– Meaning of Posture
– Importance of good sitting and standing posture
i. The teacher explains the meaning of posture to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher uses pictures and charts to show examples of good reading and sleeping postures to the pupils.

iii. The teacher lists the importance of good sitting and standing postures to the pupils.
i. Pupils take turn to demonstrate good reading and sleeping postures for other pupils to see.Charts Posters Well-sized chair Mattress

– Meaning of Sport Facilities.
– Examples of sport facilities: Field or playground, stopwatch, whistle, balls, gym, bibs, boots, chin guard, etc.
i. Using pictures simple terms and video clips, the teacher explains the meaning of sport facilities and equipment to the pupils and guides them to identify them.

ii. The teacher lists different facilities and equipment used in different sports.
i. Pupils take mention as many sport facilities they can.Charts Video clips Whistle Bibs

– Football
– Examples of ball games: football, table tennis, basketball, etc.
– Skills in football: Passing, dribbling, shooting, etc. Equipment: jersey, boots, whistle, ball, goalpost, etc.
i. The teacher uses video clips to explain the concept of ball games and football to the pupils and lists the examples of ball games.

ii. The teacher demonstrates simple football skills such as passing, dribbling and guides the pupils to also demonstrate the basic skills in football.
i. Pupils list examples of ball games.

ii. Pupils demonstrate the basic skills in football.
Football Boots Playground Video clips

– Basketball
– Skills in Basketball: Bouncing, throwing, etc. Equipment: Ball, boots, jersey, hoops, whistle, etc.
i. The teacher uses video clips to explain the concept of basketball to the pupils and lists the basic skills and equipment necessary in basketball.

ii. The teacher demonstrates simple basketball skills such as bouncing, throwing, etc. and guides the pupils to also demonstrate the basic skills in basketball.
i. Pupils list the basic skills and equipment necessary in basketball.

ii. Pupils demonstrate the basic skills in basketball.
Basketball Boots Playground Video clips

– Examples of indoor games: Chess, Ludo game, Card, Video games, etc.
i. With the aid of pictures and video clips, the teacher explains the meaning of indoor games and lists examples of indoor games.

ii. The teacher mentions the importance of indoor games.
i. Pupils mention and describe their favourite indoor games.Charts Posters Chess board

– Concept of table tennis
– Skills in table tennis: gripping, serving, stroking, returning etc. Equipment: Ball, table, net, bats, etc.
i. The teacher uses video clips to explain the concept of table tennis to the pupils and lists the basic skills and equipment necessary in table tennis.

ii. The teacher demonstrates simple table tennis skills such as gripping, serving stroking, etc. and guides the pupils to also demonstrate the basic skills in table tennis.
i. Pupils list the basic skills and equipment necessary in table tennis.

ii. Pupils demonstrate the basic skills in table tennis.
Ball Bats Video clips

– Concept of chess
i. Using simple terms, pictures and a real chess board, the teacher explains the concept of chess game, describes the basic rules, the number of players and the benefits of playing chess.i. Pupils identify a chess board/

ii. Pupils tell why chess is called an indoor game.
Chess board Charts

– Meaning of video games
– Examples of video games: Solitaire, Super Mario, Soccer – PES/FIFA, Temple Run, Grand Theft, Bricks, etc.
i. Using real video games on a phone or on a computer, the teacher explains the meaning of video games to the pupils and tells them why it is regarded as an indoor game.

ii. The teacher selects a video game; lists the instructions and demonstrates how to play it to the pupils.
i. Pupils mention their favourite video game and describes how to play the games and the rules of the game.

ii. Pupils take turn to play a real video game in the classroom following the rules.
Brick game Smartphone or computer

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