Nursery 3 Songs and Rhymes Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 3 Songs and Rhymes Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Songs and Rhymes Scheme of Work for Nursery 3

The NAPPS Scheme of Work for Nursery 3 is designed to engage children and teach them the joy of music and rhythm. The subject includes a wide range of songs and rhymes that will improve their vocabulary.

Children in Nursery 3 will learn traditional nursery rhymes and modern songs. Singing these regularly will help them develop their vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening skills.

The main aim of the Nursery 3 NAPPS Scheme for Songs and Rhymes is to:

i. Foster a love for music and rhythm in young children. 

ii. Provide a fun and interactive way for children to learn and grow through the power of song.

Through catchy tunes, children can learn about numbers, colors, animals, and other foundational topics. They learn to sing together, follow the rhythm, and enjoy the collective experience of making music.

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Nursery 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

SourceNational Association of Proprietors of Private Schools 
WeekTopicContentKey Skills – AssessmentLearning Resources
1THIS LITTLE PIGThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Identify a pig as an animal and colour it.

iii. Role-play it.

iv. State the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Pupils go on to:
i. To identify the big, bigger and biggest pigs.

ii. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge of the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lesson from the rhyme.
Storybooks. Picture of animals.
2OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARMThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play the song.

iii. Identify and colour the animals in old Macdonald’s farm.

iv. Describe a farm.
Pupils go on to:
i. To recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. To identify the animals in the farm.

iii. To make the sounds of the animals.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge on the rhyme. An individual activity to recite and state some moral lessons.
Storybooks. Picture of animals.
3JACK AND JILL WENT UP TO THE HILLThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. Say the moral lessons: We need to always walk, and do everything with care.
Pupils go on to:
i. To recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. To be careful while walking.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion at the beginning of the lesson will ascertain learners understanding on the meaning of the rhyme. A pair work to role-play it. An individual activity to say the moral lessons.
A bucket of water.
4TWO FAT GENTLEMENThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. Say the need to always greet with courtesy.

iv. Say the importance of greeting people.

v. State the need to always be polite.

vi. Identify and colour a fat man.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To always greet with courtesy.

iii. To state the need to be polite.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion at the beginning of the lesson will ascertain learners’ understanding on the meaning of the rhyme. A pair work to role-play it. An individual activity to say the moral lessons.
5HEY DIDDLE DIDDLEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Say some moral lessons from the role-play.

iii. Identify and colour a cat.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite rhyme/sing the song.

ii. To identify the cat, cow, etc.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to recite the rhyme and role play it. An individual activity to say the moral lesson.
6GOOSY GOOSY GANDERThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Dramatize it and say some moral lessons from the rhyme/role-play.

iii. Identify an old man.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme/sing the song.

ii. To identify the need for prayer.

iii. To identify an old man.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge in the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lessons.
7LITTLE FISHES IN A BROOKThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Dramatize.

iii. Say some duties of a father/ mother.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To identify and say the duties of each member of the family.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge in the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Fish, hook, pot
8ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Identify a shoe.

ii. Recite the rhyme.

iii. Say the moral lessons.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify a shoe.

iii. To always buckle their shoes.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge in the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
9COBBLER COBBLER MEND MY SHOEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Identify shoes that are bad.

ii. Recite the rhyme.

iii. Role play.
Pupils go on to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Identify who a cobber is.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge in the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
10FIVE CURRANT BUNSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. State the principles of subtraction.

iii. Identify buns and say what it is used for.

iv. Role play

v. Say some moral lessons.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To state the principle of subtraction.

iii. Identify money and how to make change.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learner’s previous knowledge in the topic. An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Buns, a boy, the picture of a shop

Nursery 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicContentKey Skills – AssessmentLearning Resources
1YANKEE DOODLEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. Say the moral lessons.

iv. Say the need to always observe things carefully.

v. Say the benefits of music as they play some musical instruments.
Pupils go on to:
i. To sing the song.

ii. Role-play the song.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to recite the rhyme and role play it. An individual activity to say the moral lessons.
Yankee doodle’s hat, feather.
2HUSH LITTLE BABYThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Say the benefits of not crying unnecessarily and the disadvantages of crying unnecessarily.

iii. State what we must do when we want something.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To say what we must do when we need something.

iii. Identify how bad it is to cry unnecessarily.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learners’ understanding of the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to recite the rhyme.
A bell, a ring.
3HUMPTY DUMPTYThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play the rhyme.

iii. Say some moral lessons from the rhyme.

iv. To be safety conscious.

v. Avoid playing rough/unnecessarily.
Pupils go on to:
i. Recite the rhyme / sing the song.

ii. To avoid playing rough.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to recite the rhyme A pair works to role-play it. An individual activity to say some moral lessons from the rhyme.
Rhyme book
4DINAH BLOW YOUR HORNThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play and dramatize it.

iii. Identify and name some musical instruments.

iv. Say the need to always wake up early.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify and mention some musical instruments.

iii. To always wake up early and identify the importance of work.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion to recite the rhyme and dramatize will prove learners’ knowledge on the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to say some moral lessons from the rhyme.
Picture of a railway.
5ALL THE BIG SHEEP SAILThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play the rhyme.

iii. Identify ships.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To identify a ship using picture.

ASSESSMENT: An individual activity to recite the rhyme will prove each learner’s understanding on the meaning of the rhyme. An open class activity to identify ships and say some moral lessons from the rhyme.
Rhyme book
6TOUCH A FRIEND’S HANDSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Describe your friend.

ii. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

iii. State the importance of greeting.
Pupils go on:
i. To describe a friend.

ii. To sing the song.

iii. To state the importance of greeting.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to describe a friend will prove learners’ knowledge of the topic. An individual activity to state the importance of greetings will prove learners’ understanding of the rhyme.
Rhyme book
7FIVE BALLOONSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Identify 5 balloons for number 5.

iii. State the need to always be safety conscious (moral lessons).
Pupils go on :
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify number 5 for five balloons.

iii. To state some safety rules.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learners understanding on the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to recite the rhyme.
8FIVE BALLOONSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Identify 5 balloons for number 5.

iii. State the need to always be safety conscious (moral lessons).
Pupils go on :
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify number 5 for five balloons.

iii. To state some safety rules.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to ascertain learners understanding on the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to recite the rhyme.
9THIS LITTLE PIGThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play the rhyme.

iii. Say the moral lessons eg It is not good to cry unnecessarily. We need to be disciplined.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To role-play the rhyme.

iii. To identify how bad it is to cry unnecessarily.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to prove learners’ knowledge on the rhyme (meaning of the rhymes). An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Picture of three pigs.
10THIS LITTLE PIGThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play the rhyme.

iii. Say the moral lessons eg It is not good to cry unnecessarily. We need to be disciplined.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To role-play the rhyme.

iii. To identify how bad it is to cry unnecessarily.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to prove learners’ knowledge on the rhyme (meaning of the rhymes). An individual activity to state the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Picture of three pigs.

Nursery 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicContentKey Skills – AssessmentLearning Resources
1PIGGY ON THE RAILWAYThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Describe the terms.

ii. Recite the rhyme.

iii. Say the importance of caring for others.

iv. State the need to be safety conscious.

v. Role-play piggy on the railway.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To always say sorry.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion to ascertain learner’s knowledge on the importance of caring for others. An individual activity to state the need to be safety conscious.
2FIVE LITTLE BIRDSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Identify and describe birds.

ii. Role play the 5 little birds.

iii. Recite the rhymes.

iv. Say the lesson from the rhyme.
Pupils go on:
i. To identify the birds.

ii. To recite the rhyme.

iii. Identify five moral values.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to recite the rhyme and identify birds will prove learner’s knowledge in the rhyme. An individual activity to say the moral lessons from the rhyme.
3MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMBThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Describe a lamb.

ii. Recite and role-play the rhyme.

iii. Say the need to always do the right thing at the right time.

iv. Say the need to always adhere to the school rules.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To obey rules.

iii. To always do the right things at the right time.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity (discussion) will prove learners’ knowledge of the meaning of lamb. An individual activity to state the need to always do the right things at the right using the class rules as a case study.
4HERE WE GO AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSHThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite rhyme and show the actions.

ii. State some benefits of playing with our friends at the right time.
Pupils go on:
i. To always brush in the morning and at night.

ii. To recite the rhyme.

iii. To care for the body.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity at the beginning of the lesson to ascertain the learners’ knowledge on the rhymes/actions. An individual activity to state some benefits of playing with our friends at the right time.
5OLD MOTHER HUSBANDThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. State the need to always plan ahead of time.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To identify the need to plan ahead of time.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion to ascertain learners’ knowledge of the rhyme and old. An individual activity to recite the rhyme and state the need for proper planning (planning ahead of time).
6SING A SONG OF SIXPENCEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. Identify and mention some of our duties as children.

iv. State the need to be careful or safety conscious.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify the rules of members of the family.

iii. To identify other currency.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion will prove learners’ understanding of the rhyme. An individual activity to identify and mention some of our duties as children and state the need to be careful/safety conscious.
A bird, money , bread.
7SING A SONG OF SIXPENCEThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme and sing the song.

ii. Role-play it.

iii. Identify and mention some of our duties as children.

iv. State the need to be careful or safety conscious.
Pupils go on:
i. To sing the song.

ii. To identify the rules of members of the family.

iii. To identify other currency.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion will prove learners’ understanding of the rhyme. An individual activity to identify and mention some of our duties as children and state the need to be careful/safety conscious.
A bird, money , bread.
8DING DONG BELLThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Role-play the rhyme.

iii. State the consequences of being naughty (moral lesson).

iv. State the need to always help others.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To state the consequences of naughtiness.

iii. To always help others.

ASSESSMENT: An open class discussion at the beginning of the lesson will prove learners’ knowledge on the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to state the need to always help others.
A bell, picture of a cat.
9PICKETY HICKTEY MY BLACK HENThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite rhyme.

ii. Describe a black hen.

iii. Say the moral lessons from the rhyme.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To identify the hen as a bird.

iii. To identify the egg as a source of protein.

ASSESSMENT: A whole class activity to ascertain learners’ understanding of the meaning of the rhyme. An individual activity to prove each learner’s level of assimilation of the moral lesson from the rhyme.
Picture of a hen, eggs
10CLAP CLAP HANDSThe teacher guides pupils to:
i. Recite the rhyme.

ii. Identify our hands as part of our body.

iii. Say the things we do with our hands.
Pupils go on:
i. To recite the rhyme.

ii. To identify the hand as part of the body.

ASSESSMENT: An open class activity to identify our hands as part of the body. An individual activity to state what we do with our hands and the moral lessons from the rhyme.
A picture of human hands.

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