SS1 Health Education Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Health Education Scheme of Work

Health education for Senior Secondary School 1 (SSS1) in Nigeria gives students the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and improve their health. It aims to equip students with the understanding required to make informed decisions about their health, develop positive health behaviors, and contribute to the health and well-being of their communities

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Health Education in SS1 is meticulously structured to provide students with essential information about various health issues. Key focus areas include physical exercise, nutrition, first aid, and reproductive health. By covering these topics at this level, students equip themselves with the skills needed to maintain optimal health and prevent common health problems prevalent in the community.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS1 session, students can;

  • Discuss the concept of health education, summarize the philosophy of health education and factors that promote good health;
  • Identify the human skeleton among some displayed skeletons and itemize the importance of skeletons to humans;
  • Mention the injuries of the muscle cramp, cell division, and functions of the sensory organ;
  • Highlight various health services provided by the school, factors that promote general wellness;
  • Enumerate the importance of physical exercise and health;
  • Summarise the concept of good water supply;
  • Differentiate between nutrients and nutrition;
  • Explain the meaning of first aid, treatment of injuries, and qualities of a good first aider;
  • Define accident, causes of accidents and preventions;
  • Outline ways to control body weight;
  • Discuss the meaning of communicable and non-communicable diseases;
  • Highlight the concept of human reproduction, roles of the family;
  • Explain the meaning of sexual reproductive health, consumer health, mental health, and environmental health;
  • Explain the meaning of a healthy house and factors to be considered when locating a good standard house.

Assessment Guide

Assessment methods for health education in SSS1 in Nigeria include written exams to evaluate students’ understanding of health concepts, practical activities to demonstrate skills in hygiene and first aid, group discussions and presentations to assess communication and teamwork, and projects or assignments that require research and application of health knowledge. These methods aim to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of both theoretical knowledge and practical abilities.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Health Education

Health Education Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1THE CONCEPT OF HEALTH EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define health
ii. define the concept of health education
iii. highlight factors that promote good health
iv. differentiate between health and health education
2HEALTH EDUCATION IN NIGERIABy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. discuss the history of health education in Nigeria
ii. summarize the philosophy of health education in Nigeria
iii. mention the pioneers of health education in Nigeria
iv. identify prevalent health education issues in Nigeria eg polio, lasar fever
3PHYSICAL HEALTH AND HYGIENEBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define physical health
ii. enumerate factors that influence physical health eg diet, heredity, etc
iii. define hygiene
iv. demonstrate how to take care of visible body parts eg teeth, hair, nail, etc
4THE SKELENTAL SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the skelenton
ii. identify human skelenton among the displayed skelenton
iii. differentiate between bones and cartilage
iv. identify major bones of the body and their location
v. itemize importance of skelenton to humans
vi. identify major bone disorders and remedies
5THE MUSCULAR SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define muscles
ii. mention types of muscles involved in physical activities
iii. highlight importance of muscles to the human body
iv. list injuries of the muscles eg strain, wound, muscle cramp, etc
v. identify the properties of muscles
6CELLS AND TISSUES OF THE HUMAN BODYBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define cells and tissues
ii. explain the difference between cell, tissues, organs and system
iii. mention types of cells eg sex cells, bone cells, etc
iv. discuss cell division
v. tabulate differences between mitosis and meiosis
8SENSORY ORGANSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe sensory organs
ii. list the sensory organs of the human body
iii. discuss functions of the sensory organs
iv. mention types of eye, ear, skin defects and their conditions
9HEALTH SERVICESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define the term health service
ii. outline common types of health services eg traditional, family, school
iii. specify importance of health services
iv. highlight various health services provided by the school
10THEORY OF WELLNESSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define wellness
ii. explain branches of wellness eg occupational, financial, social, etc
iii. highlight factors that promote general wellness
iv. discuss the importance of general wellness in Nigerian Secondary School
v. identify the dimensions of wellness
11PHYSICAL EXERCISES AND HEALTHBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define physical exercise
ii. enumerate the importance of physical exercise
iii. outline categories of physical exercise eg low intensity, medium intensity, high intensity
iv. highlight influence of physical exercise on human health status

SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Health Education

2HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENTBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define a house
ii. explain the concept of environment
iii. state the factors to be considered when choosing a house
iv. identify governmental bodies that regulate housing and environment in Nigeria
3WATER SUPPLYBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the concept of water
ii. identify the two sources of water
iii. state the qualities of water
iv. enumerate the types of water supply
v. highlight the different ways of purifying water
vi. list methods of water storage system
4FOOD AND NUTRITIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define the concept of food and nutrition
ii. differentiate between nutrient and nutrition
iii. identify classes of food with examples
iv. test for starch and protein in food samples
v. uses of different classes of food in the body
5ADEQUATE DIET AND CALORIESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define adequate diet and calories
ii. state the quantity of calorie needs by different age groups
iii. highlight factors affecting individual calorie requirement
iv. itemize basic nutritional diseases and their symptoms
v. identify the role of adequate diet in health
vi. discuss factors influencing feeding eg choice availability, age, etc
6FIRST AIDBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define first aid
ii. highlight qualities of a good first aider
iii. list contents of a first aid box
iv. demonstrate the first aid treatment for selected injuries eg fractures, drowning, etc
8ACCIDENTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. give concept of accidents
ii. categorize accidents eg home, school, road, etc
iii. explain factors the cause accidents eg recklessness, drunkenness, etc
iv. mention ways to prevent accidents in the school
9SAFETY EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define safety education
ii. outline safety measures against sport accidents
iii. state the meaning of the terms: IDP (Internally Displaced People), Refugees, P.O.W (Prisoners of War), etc
10PHYSICAL HEALTHBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define physical health
ii. identify various body forms eg ectomorph, endomorphs, mesomorphs
iii. outline ways to corrects body weight
iv. calculate body mass index for different categories of somatotype
11HOMEOSTASISBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. give the definition of homeostasis and metabolism
ii. differentiate between catabolism and anabolism
iii. outline measurable areas of body balance eg body temperature, electrolyte balance, etc
iv. discuss factors affecting homeostasis
12DRUG EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. discuss the definition of drugs
ii. differentiate between drug abuse and drug misuse
iii. highlight reasons for prevalence of drug abuse
iv. mention agencies for combating drug abuse in Nigeria eg NDLEA, NAFDAC
v. state problems associated with drug abuse

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Health Education

2CONTACT DISEASEBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. give definition of contact diseases
ii. explain the term sexually transmitted diseases
iii. discuss the following examples of STDs: gonorrhea, syphilis, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
iv. explain other contacts diseases trea-pedis(athlete foot), ringworm, leprosy, scabies under the following sub-heading: causes, symptoms, prevention, cure
3NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASEBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define non-communicable diseases
ii. explain the examples of non-communicable diseases eg epilepsy, anthrax, anemias, diabetes, etc under the following headings: causes, symptoms, prevention/control
4HUMAN REPRODUCTIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the concept of the following: reproduction, sex, gamates, ovulation, menstruation, fertilization amd gestation
ii. describe the male and female internal and external reproduction system
iii. explain the difference between secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls
iv. explain the term conception, pregnancy, foetus, development and child born
v. outline the causes of infertility, artificial insemination and test tubes
5FAMILY AND FAMILY HEALTHBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define family and family health
ii. distinguish between family and households
iii. explain the types of family eg nuclear, compound, polygamous, joint, etc
iv. outline the roles, responsibilities and functions of the family members
v. explain the process of marriage and parenthood
6HUMAN SEXUAL EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the concept of sexuality education, sexual health, sexual reproductive rights, gender and equality
ii. differentiate between assertiveness and communication skills applicable to human sexuality

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define mental illness
ii. enumerate types of mental illness
iii. discuss ways of preventing mental illness
iv. outline the importance of mental and social health

i. define personality and personality traits
ii. identify personal problems
iii. formulate solutions to personality problems
9CONSUMER HEALTH IBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. enumerate factors affecting choice of products and services
ii. list major laws protecting consumer health in Nigeria
iii. outline agencies promoting consumer health in Nigeria
10CONSUMER HEALTH IIBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. enumerate the factors influencing choice of products and services
ii. list the major laws in protecting consumer health in Nigeria
iii. outline agencies protecting consumer health in Nigeria


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