SS1 Technical Drawing Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Technical Drawing Scheme of Work

Technical Drawing is a key part of science and technical education. It teaches students how to create accurate and detailed drawings of objects, buildings, and systems. This subject helps students develop skills to visualize and communicate ideas through drawings, which are important in engineering, architecture, and industrial design.

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing in SS1 is carefully designed to teach students the basics of technical drawing. It covers topics such as geometric constructions, orthographic projections, isometric drawings, and how to use drawing tools and materials. Each topic builds on what students have previously learned, helping them move from simple to more complex ideas step by step.

Studying Technical Drawing in SS1 with this scheme gives students a strong and thorough introduction to the subject. It provides the important skills and knowledge needed for future studies and careers in engineering, architecture, and other technical fields.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS1 session, students can;

  • Adequately know the safe working habits;
  • Distinguish between various types of lines;
  • Understand the techniques of dividing lines;
  • Identify parts and properties of a circle;
  • Distinguish between the various types of angles;
  • Know the technique for inscribing a triangle in a circle;
  • Know the technique for circumscribing a triangle;
  • Distinguish between various types of polygons;
  • Differentiate between plain and diagonal scales;
  • Understand the techniques for the reduction and enlargement of plain figures;
  • Can construct a tangent to a circle from a given point outside the circle;
  • Know how to determine figures of equal areas;
  • Can plot and trace the loci of given points;
  • Know how to construct various types of prisms, pyramids, and cones;
  • Understand the principles and importance of surface development;
  • Understand the principles guiding dimensioning;
  • Know the various techniques used in drawing isometric circles.

Assessment Guide

Assessment methods for technical drawing in SSS1 include practical assignments, where students create detailed drawings and projects; written tests to evaluate their understanding of theoretical concepts; and continuous assessment through class participation and exercises. Additionally, students may undergo practical examinations, demonstrating their proficiency with drawing instruments and CAD software. 

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing

Technical Drawing Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL DRAWINGAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. understand career opportunities that require technical drawing skills
ii. justify the specific use of various types of drawing materials
2SAFE WORKING HABITSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. practice good/safe working habits
3BOARD PRACTICEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. fix drawing sheet to the drawing board
ii. sharpen pencil into cornical shape using sandpaper
iii. draw borderlines and title block
4LINES (TYPES OF LINES)At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify the various types of lines and their applications
ii. draw types of lines correctly
iii. differentiate between perpendicular and parallel line
5LETTERING AND NUMBERINGAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. distinguish between upper and lower case letters
ii. write numbers 0 – 9 correctly
6PLANE GEOMETRY (DIVISION OF LINE)At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. bisect given lines
ii. trisect given lines
iii. divide a given line into a number of equal parts
iv. divide a line into given ratios and proportion
8CIRCLESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. mention and identify different types of circles
ii. identify various parts and properties of a circle
iii. divide a circle into a number of equal parts
iv. recognize objects that are circular around them
– Construction and measurement of angles
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. comprehend that the vertical wall forms angular relation with the ground
ii. recognize angles in terms of rotation
iii. classify and describe angles
iv. relate angles to shapes
v. identify and state whether angles are more or less than a right angle and order them in sizes
10TRIANGLESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify the roof truss of a building with a low ridge roof
ii. label and explain the parts of a triangle
iii. describe various types of triangles
iv. construct various types of triangles
v. inscribe, circumscribe and ascribe a circle to a triangle
vi. differentiate between an inscribed, circumscribed and ascribed circle
11QUADRILATERALSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe quadrilaterals and use it’s properties to recognize various objects in a classroom
ii. construct various types of quadrilaterals


SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing

– Properties and construction of polygons
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. recognize polygon shaped sign boards on the roads with respect to its properties
ii. mention and differentiate between various types of polygon
iii. construct regular and irregular polygons on different sizes using different methods
– Properties and construction of polygons
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. recognize polygon shaped sign boards on the roads with respect to its properties
ii. mention and differentiate between various types of polygon
iii. construct regular and irregular polygons on different sizes using different methods
– Properties and construction of polygons
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. recognize polygon shaped sign boards on the roads with respect to its properties
ii. mention and differentiate between various types of polygon
iii. construct regular and irregular polygons on different sizes using different methods
4SCALESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. place dimensions on objects using the appropriate scale
ii. explain the term scale and it’s uses
iii. list types of scales
iv. distinguish between plain and diagonal scales
v. read measurements on plain and diagonal scales
vi. express a scale as a representative factor (RF)
5ENLARGEMENT AND REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the applications of enlargement and reduction of plane figures
ii. enlarge and reduce plain figures based on ratios of areas
iii. reproduce plain figures to a given scale
6ENLARGEMENT AND REDUCTION OF PLANEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the applications of enlargement and reduction of plane figures
ii. enlarge and reduce plain figures based on ratios of areas
iii. reproduce plain figures to a given scale
8EQUAL AREAS OF SIMILAR FIGURESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. outline the principles of determining figures of equal areas
ii. convert the shape of a plain figure to another of equal area by construction
iii. determine areas of plain figures graphically
9EQUAL AREAS OF SIMILAR FIGURESAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. outline the principles of determining figures of equal areas
ii. convert the shape of a plain figure to another of equal area by construction
iii. determine areas of plain figures graphically
– Properties and construction of tangents
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the relationships between centers, normal and tangents
ii. explain the principles and applications of tangency
iii. construct tangents to a circle of a given point outside the circle
iv. construct tangents to two equal and unequal circles
v. explain the practical application of tangency
– Properties and construction of tangents
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the relationships between centers, normal and tangents
ii. explain the principles and applications of tangency
iii. construct tangents to a circle of a given point outside the circle
iv. construct tangents to two equal and unequal circles
v. explain the practical application of tangency

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing

2LOCI, PARABOLA, HYPERBOLA ECLIPSEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and explain common types of loci
ii. construct different types of loci
iii. plot and trace the loci of given points
iv. plot and trace the loci in a simple crank mechanism
3LOCI, PARABOLA, HYPERBOLA ECLIPSEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and explain common types of loci
ii. construct different types of loci
iii. plot and trace the loci of given points
iv. plot and trace the loci in a simple crank mechanism
4LOCI, PARABOLA, HYPERBOLA ECLIPSEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and explain common types of loci
ii. construct different types of loci
iii. plot and trace the loci of given points
iv. plot and trace the loci in a simple crank mechanism
5PRISMAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe prism
ii. recognize objects with the shape of a prism eg cube, maths set
iii. construct various types of prism
iv. use cardboard to produce prism
6PYRAMIDS AND CONEAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe pyramids and cones
ii. identify objects that look like pyramids and cones eg buckets, funnel, etc
iii. construct various types of pyramids
iv. use cardboard to produce pyramid and cone
8SURFACE DEVELOPMENTAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the principles and importance of surface development
ii. construct surface development of fustrum of solids, right and oblique solids
9SURFACE DEVELOPMENTAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the principles and importance of surface development
ii. construct surface development of fustrum of solids, right and oblique solids
10DIMENSIONINGAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. measure the size of the student bench, door, blackboard, etc in millimeter
ii. explain and apply the principles guiding dimensioning with illustration
iii. visualize a box having a circle or irregular curve
11CONSTRUCTION OF ISOMETRICAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain isometric drawing and isometric axis
ii. draw blocks involving lines, arcs and circles
iii. describe the various techniques used in drawing isometric circle
iv. visualize a box having a circle or irregular curve
v. draw an isometric cube showing isometric eclipse

Recommended Technical Drawing Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended Technical Drawing textbooks and materials for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Basic Technical Construction Methods by Yode-Owolade A.O.   
  2. Technical Drawing for Schools and Colleges by J. N. Green – Spectrum  


  1. Drawing Board with T-square  
  2. Drawing Kit    
  3. French/Flexible Curve    
  4. Mathematical set 


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