SS2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work

Download the Senior Secondary School 2 (SS2) Unified Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry to serve as a guide for educators

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About SS2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work

Animal husbandry is about learning how to breed, raise, and care for farm animals. In SS2, students study topics like animal nutrition, breeding, health care, and housing. They learn about caring for animals like cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, and pigs.

Using the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work, students get a solid understanding of animal husbandry. The curriculum also teaches them the business side of farming, including budgeting, marketing, and record-keeping.

Studying Animal husbandry in SSS2 using the Lagos state unified scheme of work combines theory, practical skills, and modern technology, preparing students for careers in agriculture and related fields. It gives them the knowledge and skills needed to manage farm animals effectively and succeed in the agricultural industry.

Assessment Guide

In SSS2 Animal Husbandry, assessment techniques combine formative (quizzes, discussions) and summative (exams, projects) methods. Formative evaluations measure comprehension, while summative assessments assess overall understanding and practical abilities via exams, demonstrations, and projects. These methods foster critical thinking and the application of knowledge in livestock management.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry

Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
 SUBJECTAnimal Husbandry
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of SSS 1 topicsBy the end of the lesson,students should be able to.
1. Recall some of the lessons taught in sss 1.
2Animal nutrition 2 Functions
and deficiency of feed nutrient
in farm animals
By the end of the lesson. student should be able to:
1. outline the function of various feed nutrient in
the body of animals
2. analyse deficiency symptoms of various animal
nutrient in farm animal.
3Sources of animal foodstuffs
a. Carbohydrates
(cereals, tuber etc)
b. Protein e.g
-animal sources (Fish meal)
-plant source(groundnut cake)
c. Fat and oil
(animal and plant source)
d. Vitamin
(animal and plant source)
e. Mineral
(animal and plant source)
f. Water
(feeding source, drinking source)
By the end of the lesson. student should be able to:
1. identify different feedstuff
2. match different feedstuff with the classes of
nutrient in supply
3. prepare feedstuff album as a reference book
4Animal Feed and Feeding
-Meaning of livestock ration and
-types of ration
(production and maintenance)
-Types of diet(layers mash,
growers balanced diet etc)
By the end of the lesson. student should be able to:
1. describe ration and diet
2. explain the meaning of balanced diet
3.distinguish between production and maintenance
4. categorize various poultry diet with reason
5-6Formulation of livestock ration
-Factors to consider in
formulating ration for farm
animals (psychological factors,
species, age etc)
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. elucidate various factors which must be
considered in feed formulation
2. Identify various feed Ingredients used for diet
3. categorise feed ingredient in plant and animal
8Malnutrition in farm animals
-Meaning, causes, symptoms
-Practical ways of checking

By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. explain malnutrition
2. identify the causes and symptoms of
3. carry out practical ways to check malnutrition in
9-10Identification of feed ingredients
used for diet formulation
e.g. blood meal, fish meal,
cotton seed cake. maize etc
-Diet formulation for different
farm animals. (starter. growers.
finisher, rabbit pellets etc)
-Practical diet formulation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the importance of feed preparation in
livestock production
2. outline the steps involved in feed preparation of
various feedstuff
3. relate the principles involved in diet formulation
to the practice of feed formulation
4. Practice feed formulation for livestock animals

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry

 SUBJECTAnimal Husbandry
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1-2Revision of last term’s work
-Processing techniques of
different farm animals
-Pre-slaughtering operation
-Slaughtering operations
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the processing techniques involved in:
a. pre-slaughtering operations
b. slaughtering operations
2. describe the processing techniques of different
farm animals
3. analyse the importance of the following
pre-slaughtering operations
i. fasting of farm animals
ii. restraining of animals
3Processing techniques of
different farm animals
-Post-slaughtering operations
-Hygienic condition in
processing farm animals
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the processing techniques involved in:
a. post-slaughtering operations of farm animals
b. hygiene condition in processing of farm animals,

2. outline the importance of the following
a. flaying
b. hygienic condition in processing animals
c. evisceration during processing of various animal
products into various forms
4-5Processing techniques of
different farm animal products
-eggs, milk, meat, skin. honey.
wool etc.
-Processing techniques of
different farm animals
i. snail shell, feathers, fur,
hooves, horn, blood, faeces/
droppings etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify different farm animal products
2. describe the processing techniques for different
animal products e.g
i. egg
ii. skin
iii. milk
iv. honey etc into forms of additional value
3. discuss the processing techniques of
i. snail shell
ii. skin
iii. feathers
iv. horn
v. hooves
vi. blood
vii. feces/droppings
6Meaning, importance of
marketing of farm animal product
-Stages involved in marketing of
animal products e.g.
a. farm level processing, grading
sorting. packaging. storage, etc
b. nature of farm animal products
c. factors influencing marketing of
farm animals products
By the end of tre lesson. students should be able to:
1. explain the importance of marketing farm
2. identify various stages of marketing different
farm animal
3. explain factors which influences the marketing
of farm animal products
4. advertise farm animal products from the school
8Marketing channel and agent
-Wholesaler, retailer, producer,
-Advantages and disadvantages of
marketing agent
-Problems facing marketing of
farm animal products
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe various marketing channels and agents
2. enumerate the various advantages and
disadvantages of different marketing agents
3. predict possible solution to problems facing
marketing of farm animal products
9Pasture and rangeland
-Meaning and importance of
pasture and forest crop
-Terminologies in pasture
spoilage, stocking density,
population, etc)
-Factors affecting the
establishment, distribution and
productivity of pasture
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify different types of pasture
2. differentiate between pasture and forest crop
3. relate the importance of pasture to livestock
4. compute the stocking density/population of a
pasture land
10a. Basic concept of
b. Entrepreneurship education
c. Qualities of an entrepreneur
d. Importance of
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the term entrepreneurship
2. examine the concept entrepreneurship
education critically
3. outline the importance of entrepreneurship
4. analyze the qualities of an entrepreneur

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry

 SUBJECTAnimal Husbandry
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1-2Pasture and rangeland
a. Preservation of forage crop
(hay, slag, straw etc)
b. Identification of common
forage crop
-grasses(elephant grass)
-legumes(centro, mucuna)
-browse plant(leucaena alfalfa)
-forbes(tridex, goat weed)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify various form of preserved forage
2. discuss different pasture and forage crop under
the following headings
i. grass
ii. legumes
iii. browse plants
iv. forbes
3. prepare hay, silage, soilage, straw etc.
3Rangeland improvement
-Meaning of rangeland
-Characteristics of rangelands
By the end of the losson. students should be able to
1. outline the characteristics of rangeland,
2. identify common rangeland
3. differenåate between pasture and rangeland.
4Methods of rangeland
improvement Reseeding,
rotational grazing, control
stocking, fertilizer application.
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to.
1. explain different methods of rangeland
2. compare various methods of rangeland
improvements with pasture management practice
3. match different rangeland improvement
methods with their corresponding importance
4. justify importance of fertilizer application
5Importance of rangeland livestock
-provision of forage to animals
-provision of hay and sillage
-space for animals to exercise etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. relate the importance of rangeland to livestock
2. justify the use of rangeland for ranching
6Animal improvements
-meaning and aims of animal
-terminologies used in animal
improvements(gene, chromosomes,
genotype, dominant gene,
recessive gene, allele, etc)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the meaning of animal improvements
2. discuss the aims of animal improvement
3. describe the various terminologies used in
animal improvement
4. predict the genotype of offspring produced in a
monohybrid crossing
8Methods of animal improvement
a. introduction
b. skeleton
c. breeding
-Merit and demerit of each method
of animal improvements
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the various methods used in farm animal
2. describe the importance of quarantine and
hybrid vigour
3. outline the advantages and disadvantages of
animal improvement
9Basic concept of marketing
a. meaning of marketing
b. methods of marketing
c. importance of marketing
d. marketing/distribution channel
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe the term marketing
2. examine the methods of marketing
3. analyze the importance of marketing
4. create a flow chart of the marketing of channel
10Marketing continued
a. product branding
b. product packaging
c. costing
d. pricing
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. highlight the factors to be considered in product
price tag
2. distinguish between the term packaging/
3. develop a feasibility study of setting up a
profitable business or a production unit
4. creativily design, a befitting package for their

Recommended Animal Husbandry Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended Animal Husbandry textbooks for SSS2 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by Babayemi O.J. et al Positive Press
  2. Current Animal Husbandry by M.C Okechukwu et al Mis-Fav Publishers 
  3. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary with workbook by Udofia Elizabeth et al University Press Plc SS 1-3 

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