SS2 Economics Scheme of Work

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About SS2 Economics Scheme of Work

Economics in senior secondary school 2 (SSS2) is a subject that explores the basic ideas and theories of economics. This includes studying how people, businesses, governments, and countries decide to use resources to meet their needs and wants.

The Lagos state unified scheme of work for Economics in SSS2 covers important topics like supply and demand, types of markets, national income, money and government spending policies, international trade, and economic growth. It mixes theory with practical examples to help students understand the economic forces that shape societies.

Understanding economics helps students become economically literate, so they can think critically about economic data, news, and trends. It provides a strong base for careers in business, finance, public policy, and international relations, and prepares students with the skills needed for further studies and success in these fields.

Achievement Standards

At the end of SSS2, students can;

  • Distinguish and calculate variance and deviations (mean and standard) of any given data.
  • Create the best and the simplest methods for solving a simultaneous equation.
  • Analyse the concept of utility, explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with the aid of a diagram, and relate marginal utility and demand curve to utility maximization;
  • Analyse the concept of change in demand and change in quantity demanded, change in supply, and change in quantity supplied. Evaluate the effects of changes in demand and supply on the equilibrium quantity of a given commodity;
  • Describe the elasticity of demand with a diagram and calculate the types of price elasticity of demand with the illustration of a diagram;
  • Explain the elasticity of supply with a diagram, calculate and illustrate with a diagram the types of price elasticity of supply also able to account for the effects of elasticity of supply;
  • Define cross elasticity of demand, distinguish between price elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand;
  • Analyse price control, and legislation; identify and differentiate the types of price control, and also illustrate with the aid of a diagram to show price and control properly;
  • Appraise the meaning of rationing and hoarding; differentiate between rationing and hoarding; justify the effects of rationing and hoarding on the economy of the country;
  • Describe the concept of the Production Possibility Curve (PPC) with a graphical illustration.
  • State the law of variable proportion and distinguish between the concepts of Total Product (TP), Average Product (AP), and Marginal Product (MP);
  • Explain and state the types of costs with a diagram and illustration. Differentiate between short and long-run costs;
  • State the formula for calculating various concepts of revenue; calculate revenue using graphs, schedules, and curves;
  • Enumerate factors affecting labour force and suggest solutions; describe the efficiency of labour force;
  • Distinguish between demand and supply of labour; analyze the concept of wage determination and describe types of unemployment;
  • Explain the meaning of trade union and its objectives;
  • Distinguish between perfect and imperfect market; illustrate market equilibrium position using graphs;
  • Describe an imperfect market and its types with graphic illustration; analyse price determination and determine the equilibrium position of a market;
  • Analyse the meaning of location and localization of industry with the factors affecting location and localization of industry;
  • Justify the advantages and disadvantages of localization of industry in Nigeria;
  • Analyze inflation and deflation; enumerate the causes and types of inflation and deflation in Nigeria’s economy;
  • Evaluate the effects of inflation and deflation on Nigeria’s economy and how it can be controlled in Nigeria;
  • Analyse the concept of taxation with the types, justify the advantages and disadvantages of taxation on the Nigerian economy;
  • Explain the incidence of taxation and its effects on the economy and citizens of a nation.
  • Differentiate between recurring expenditures of a firm, individual, and the government, identify and estimate effects of public expenditures on economic growth in Nigeria;
  • Explain budgets and their types;
  • Estimate the impacts of budget on the economy of a country and also analyze how deficit can be financed;
  • Describe revenue allocation in Nigeria;
  • Analyse the concept of the National income of a country, enumerate the problems, uses, and limitations to the National income of a country;
  • Describe the circular flow of income and analyze the concepts of savings, investments, and consumption;
  • Analyse the meaning of the multiplier and its effects; calculate the value of the multiplier.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 2, students are assessed in Economics based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests), and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Economics

Economics Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICLearning Objectives
1Students Readiness
-Assessment Test
-Basic Tools for Economic
-Measure of Central Tendency
(mean, median. mode using
grouped data)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. recall the last term’s work and provide
appropriate answers to the assessment questions
given by the teacher to determine their progress;
2. appraise the basic tools for economics analysis
3. calculate the measure of central tendency using
grouped data.
2Measure of Dispersion
Range, variance, mean
deviation, standard deviation
-Simple linear equation
(Simultaneous equation)
By the end of the lesson, students sh0uld be able to:
1. distinguish between mean deviation and
standard deviation;
2. calculate variance and deviation
(mean, and standard) of a given data
3. create the best and the simplest method for
solving a simultaneous equation.
3Theory of Consumer Behaviour
-Concepts of Utility
(TU, AU, MU)
-Law of Diminishing Marginal
-Relationship between marginal
utility and demand curve,
utility maximization.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. analyse the concept of utility;
2. explain the law of diminishing marginal utility
with a diagram;
3. relate marginal utility and demand curve to
utility maximization.
4Demand and Supply
-Change in quantity demanded
-Change in demand
Change in quantity supplied
-Change in supply effect of
changes in demand and supply
on equilibrium price and
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. analyse the concept of change in demand and
change in quantity demanded, change in supply and
change in supply demanded.
2. evaluate the effects of changes in demand and
supply on equilibrium quantity of a given
5Elasticity of demand
-Meaning, types and
measurements of elasticity of
demand (Graphical illustration)
-Importance of elasticity of
demand to consumers,
producers and government.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe elasticity of demand with a diagram
2. calculate and illustrate with diagram, the types
of price elasticity of demand.
3. justify the effect of elasticity of demand.
6Elasticity of supply
-Meaning, types and
measurements of elasticity of
supply (Graphical illustration)
-Importance of elasticity of
demand to consumers,
producers and government.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe elasticity of demand with a diagram
2. calculate and illustrate with diagram, the types
of price elasticity of demand.
3. account for the effect of elasticity of demand.

8Income Elasticity of Demand
-Type(positive and negative)
-Measurement of income
elasticity of demand
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. analyse income elasticity of demand,
2. identify and differentiate the types of income
elasticity of demand with a diagram illustration.
3. appraise ways of measuring income
9Cross Elasticity of Demand
-Measurement of cross elasticity
of demand.
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. define cross elasticity of demand.
2. distinguish between price elasticity of demand
and cross elasticity of demand.
3. calculate cross elasticity of demand.

10Price Control
-Types (minimum and maximum)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. analyze price control legislation
2. identify and differentiate the types of price
3. illustrate diagrams to price control on a diagram
11Rationing and Hoarding
-Meaning of Rationing and
-Effects of rationing and hoarding
-Black market and its effects
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. appraise the meaning rationing and hoarding;
2. differentiate between rationing and hoarding
3. justify the effects of rationing and hoarding on
the economy of the country

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Economics

 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Student Readiness
-Assessment Test
-Production Possibility Curve
-Meaning and graphical
-Laws of variable proportion
-Concept of Total, Average and
Marginal Productivity.
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to.
1. describe the concept of PPC with graphical
2. state the laws of variable proportion
3.distinguish between the concept of TP,AP and MP
2Cost Concept
-Meaning of Cost to an
Accountant and Economics
-Meaning of Cost of production
-Types of Cost (TC, FC, VC, AFC.
-Short and long-run Cost
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. evaluate the accountant’s and economists view
of cost
2. state and explain the types of with a diagram and
3. differentiate between short and long-run cost.
3Revenue Concept
-Meaning of Revenue concept to
an economist
-Types (Total, average and
marginal Revenue)
-Graphical illustration,
Mule and curve
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. relate the meaning of cost according to
economists to be meaning of revenue.
2. state the formula for calculating the various
concepts of revenue.
4. calculate revenue using graphs, schedules and
4Economic System
-Meaning of Economic System
-Types of Economic System
(Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed
Economy, and Welfarism)
-Features of each Factors to be
considered in the adoption of
economic system
-Advantages and Disadvantages
of each System
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. define economic system.
2. distinguish between the three economic system,
with their features,
3. outline the factors affecting the adoption of
economy system.
4. Justify the advantages and disadvantages of each
economic system.
5Labour Market
-Meaning of Labour Market
-Concept of Labour Force
-Factors affecting the size of
labour force
-Efficiency of Labour
0-Mobility of labour
(meaning, types and importance)
By the end of lesson, students should be able to:
1. analyse the concept of labour market/labour
2. enumerate factors affecting labour force and
suggest solutions.
3. describe efficiency of labour force.
6Supply and Demand for labour
Meaning of Supply and Demand
for Labour
-Wages Determination
(meaning and types)
-Trade Union
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1.distinguish between demand and supply of labour
2. analyze the concept of wages determination
3. describe unemployment and its types
4. explain trade union and its objectives
8Market Structure
-Meaning and Types of Market
(perfect and imperfect)
-Perfect Market(meaning,
features and equilibrium position)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to
1. analyze market and its types
2.distinguish between perfect and imperfect market
3.illustrate market equilibrium position using graph
9Imperfect Market
-Meaning and types with graphic
-Price determination
-Equilibrium Position
(short and long-run)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. describe imperfect market and its types with
graphical illustration
2. analyze price determination
3. determine equilibrium position(short and long
run) of a market (perfect and imperfect)
10Industries in Nigeria
-Meaning of plants, firm, industry
factory, and industrial estate.
-Types of industries
(mining, construction etc)
-Strategies for industrialization
-Link between agricultural and
industrial development.
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1.distinguish among industrialization, plant and firm
2. identify the types of industry
3. create strategies in industrialization
4. suggest solution to the problem of
industrialization in Nigeria as a country.
11Location of industry
-Meaning of Location of industry
-Factors affecting location of
-Localization of industries
-Factors affecting localization of
-Advantages and disadvantages of
localization of
By the end cf lesson, students should be able to:
1. analyse the meaning of location and localization
of industry,
2. identify the factors affecting location and
localization of industry,
3. justify the advantages and disadvantages of
localization of industry in Nigeria.

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Economics

 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Students Readiness
-Assessment Test
-Motives for holding money
-Demand and supply of money
-Elementary quantity theory of
-Value of money and price level
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. analyse different motive of holding money
2. explain demand and supply of money
3. expatiate the quantity theory of money
4. evaluate the value of money and price level
2Financial Institution
-Money market (meaning,
functions and instruments used)
-Capital market (meaning,
functions and instruments used)
By the end of tho lesson. students should be able to:
1. Distinguish between money market and capital
2. Recall the functions and instrument used in
money market.
3. Recognize the functions and instrument used in
capital market.
-Meaning. types, causes of
-Effect of inflation
(positive and negative)
-Control of inflation Deflation
(meaning of deflation, causes,
effects and control)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. analyze inflation and deflation
2. enumerate the causes and types of inflation and
deflation in Nigerian economy
3. evaluate the effect of inflation and deflation on
Nigerian economy
4. Proffer way out on how inflation and deflation
can be controlled in Nigeria
4Public Finance
-Meaning and objectives
-Taxation, meaning
-Types-direct and indirect taxes
-Advantages and disadvantages
of each type
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. describe public finance with its objectives
2. analyze the concepts of taxation with its types
3. justify the advantages and disadvantages of
taxation on the Nigeria economy system
5Sources of Government Revenue
-Incidence of taxation/effect
-Structure of public expenditure
-Recurrent and capital expenditure
-Effect of public expenditure on
economic growth
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. explain the incidence of taxation and its effects on
the economy and citizen of a nation
2. differentiate between recurrent and capital
expenditure of a firm,individual and the government
3. identify and estimate effect of public expenditure
on economic growth in Nigeria.
Meaning, types and importance
-National debt (meaning and types)
-Financial deficit budget
-Revenue allocation in Nigeria
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. describe and explain budget and its type
2. estimate the impacts of budget in the economy of
a country
3. analyze how deficit budget can be financed
4. describe revenue allocation in Nigeria.
8Capital Market
-Meaning and functions
-Stock exchange
-How stock exchange operates
-Primary and Secondary market
-Development Bank(functions)
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. recollect/reminisce the meaning of capital market
and its functions
2. describe stock exchange
3. analyze how stock market operates
4. appraise the meaning and functions of
Development Bank.
9National Income
-Meaning and concepts(GDP,GNP,
NNP, etc)
-Measurement of national income
-Problems of measuring national
-Uses of national income
-Limitations of national income
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to
1. analyze the concept of national income
2. discuss and describe the measures and methods of
measuring the National income of a country
3. explain the expenditure approach
4. enumerate the problems, uses and limitations to
National income of a country.
10Theory of Income Determination
-Circular flow of income
-Concepts of investment
-Consumptions and savings
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. describe circular flow of income
2. analyze the concept of savings, investments and
11Theory of Multiplier
-Meaning of Multiplier
-Equilibrium level of income
-Multiplier effect
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to:
1. analyze the meaning of multiplier
2. describe multiplier effects
3. calculate the value of multiplier

Recommended Economics Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended Economics textbooks for SSS2 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Fundamentals of Economics for SSCE, NBCE, UTME, and similar Examinations by R. A. I. Anyawuocha Africana First Publishers Plc.
  2. New System Economics by Ewa Udu, G.A Agu 
  3. Africana First Publisher Plc SS 1-3 
  4. New Economics K. Nnadi, A. Falodun, et al Learn Africa SS 1-3 
  5. Model Economics by Amafor C.C, Anidike S.U Mid-Field Publishers SS 1-3 
  6. Comprehensive Cert. Economics by A. Aderinto, S.H Abdullahi University Press SS 1-3   
  7. Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) Economics Past questions and answers 

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