SS2 Information Technology Scheme of Work

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About SS2 Information Technology Scheme of Work

Information Technology (IT) is very important in today’s world, affecting everything we do, from how we communicate and learn to how we get medical care and do business. In Senior Secondary School 2 (SS2), IT helps students learn the basics and practical skills they need for further studies and future jobs.

The Lagos State unified scheme of work for SS2 Information Technology covers the key ideas and technologies related to computer systems. Students learn about hardware and software, including different types of computers. They study parts like the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input and output devices, and storage media to understand how these components work together.

A big part of the unified scheme of work teaches students how to operate computers and fix basic problems (troubleshooting). They learn to use different operating systems and work with essential software like word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation tools. These skills are important for their schoolwork and personal growth, helping them to handle digital information well. It also covers core topics on new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) that help students understand how fast IT is changing and what it could do in the future.

By the end of SS2, students will have a strong base in IT, with both the knowledge and the practical skills they need for further education and their future careers.

Assessment Guide

In SS2 Information Technology in Nigeria, students are assessed through continuous assessment and final exams. Methods include class tests, assignments, practical work, presentations, mid-term and end-term exams, individual and group projects, lab tests, class participation, and portfolios. These assessments evaluate both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring students are well-prepared for further education and careers in IT.

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SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

Information Technology Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
– Bits
– Nibble
– Bytes

– Kilobyte (KB)
– Megabyte (MB)
– Gigabyte (GB)
– Terabyte (TB)
– Conversion from one unit to another:
a) bits to byte and vice versa
b) nibble to byte and vice versa
c) byte to kilobyte and vice versa
d) kilobyte to megabyte and vice versa
e) megabyte to gigabyte and vice versa
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the concept of unit of storage in computers and list them
ii. differentiate among the units of storage
iii. convert from smaller unit to the larger unit and vice versa
2WORLD WIDE WEB, WEB STRUCTURE, GENESIS AND IT’S EVOLUTION (1)At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. become farmiliar with the World Wide Web
ii. become familiar with the web structure and how the web works
– Application areas of spreadsheet packages:
a) Accounting
b) Statistics
c) Calculation
d) Student’s result
– Features of MS-EXCEL
a) Environment
b) Status bar
c) Menu bar
– Definition of basic terms in MS excel
a) Wordsheet
b) Workbook
c) Cell-cell ranges
– Data Types in MS Excel
a) Number line
b) Formula
– Basic Operations in MS Excel
a) Data entry
b) Save
c) Retrieve
d) Copy, etc
e) Arithmetic calculation using formula and built in functions
f) Additional operations in MS Excel eg edit, format, print, drawing chart, etc
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain what spreadsheet package is
ii. state some examples of spreadsheet packages
iii. describe the features of a spreadsheet
iv. state application areas of spreadsheet
v. explain the basic terms in Excel and identify data types in Excel
vi. demonstrate the basic operations in excel
4EXCEL FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain what formulas and functions are
ii. use
iii. common functions
iv. numeric functions
v. string functions
vi. data line functions
vii. lookup function
5LOGIC CIRCUIT 1At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term logic gate and itemize the standard logic gate
ii. identify the symbol of each logic gate with their respective truth table
iii. construct the truth table of and write the expression for each of the standard logic gate
iv. state the uses of logic gate as building blocks for hardware electronic components in real life application
– Description of alternative logic gates
– Types of alternative logic gates:
a) NOR
c) XOR
– Symbol of each alternative logic gate
– Truth table for each alternative logic gate
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term alternative logic gate
ii. list and identify the alternative logic gate
iii. identify and construct truth table for alternative logic gate
iv. construct a simple comparator using XORVgate
7REVIEW OF TERM’S WORKMid-term project: Make a model of the basic logic gate
8JAVA INTRODUCTIONAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe JAVA as an object-oriented programming language
ii. evaluate the relative advantage of JAVA compared to other programming language
iii. mention 5 uses of JAVA
9GETTING STARTED WITH JAVAAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and use JAVA development
ii. write and explain first JAVA program
iii. use a JAVA IDE
– Variables
– Mathematical operators
– Logical operators
– Character escape codes
– Test your skills
– Data Types
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain data types and variables
ii. introduction to mathematical and logical operators in JAVA
iii. effectively use JAVA IDE to write a simple program
ii. test your skills
iii. the math class
iv. scope and lifetime of variables
v. type casting and conversions

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

– Definition of: data, register and bus
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the terms: register, address, bus, etc
– Types of register
a) MDR
b) CIR
c) PC
d) MAR
e) MBR, etc
– Functions of each type of register
– Differences between register and main memory
– Steps involved in data-fetch-execute cycle in a simple form
– Factors affecting speed of data transfer
a) bus speed
b) bus width
c) register size
d) clock speed, etc
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. list the types of register
ii. state the functions of each register
iii. compare register to main memory
iv. outline the steps involved in data conversion by computer
v. state factors affecting data transfer speed
– Meaning of computer security
– Sources of computer security breaches
– Malware (virus, worm, Trojan horse, spyware)
– Poor implementation of network
– Poor implementation or lack of ICT policy
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state sources of security breaches in a computer network
ii. state security measures against security breaches
iii. state the legal issues to be considered when using ICT
– Preventive measures
a) use of reliable antivirus software
b) exercising care in giving out personal and vital information
c) encryption
d) proper implementation of policy
– Legal issues
a) copyright
b) ownership right to text, audio, video and image
c) privacy of audio and video software
– Cybercrime such as identity theft, hacking, etc
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain cybercrime
ii. outline types of cybercrime
iii. briefly explain each cybercrime
– Definition of some basic terms with respect to computer files ie computer files, record, field, data item, etc
– Types of data items: numeric, alphabetic, alphanumeric
– Structure of computer files
– Types of file organization methods ie serial, sequential, indexed, random
– Methods of accessing files: serial access, sequential access, random access
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain some basic terms with respect to computer files
ii. list types of data terms
iii. construct a simple sketch of computer file structure
iv. itemize four methods of file organization
v. describe the four file organization methods
vi. list the methods of file accessing
vii. describe the types of assessing file methods
– Classification of computer files:
a) master file
b) transaction file (movement file)
c) reference file
d) backup file
– Criteria for classifying file
a) nature of content
b) organization methods
c) storage medium
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. list computer file classification
ii. state the criteria for classifying computer files
-Basic operation on computer files ie creation , deletion, copy, update, view, open, close
– Steps involved in creating sequential file eg Exam file with Maths and Eng (H-O-E) using BASIC file processing statements
– Steps involved in accessing sequential file using BASIC file processing statements
– BASIC file processing statements to read and display EXAM FILE
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. list basic operations on computer files
ii. state the steps involved in creating sequential files using BASIC processing statements
iii. state the steps involved in accessing sequential file using BASIC processing statements
iv. read and display content of file
– Effects of file security
a) data loss and causes
b) data corruption
c) data becomes unreliable
d) overwriting
– Methods of file security
a) use of backup
b) use of reliable antivirus
c) password
d) proper labelling of storage devices
e) encryption, etc
– Differences between computer files and manual files
– Advantages of computerised files ie more secure, fast to access, less labourous, neatly modified
– Limitations
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe file insecurity
ii. state the effects of file insecurity
iii. highlight methods of file security
iv. distinguish between computer files and manual files
v. highlight the advantages of computerised files over manual files
vi. briefly explain the limitations of computerized file system
– Using keyboard class
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain JAVA keyboard class
ii. use the JAVA keyboard class
iii. write a program involving the keyboard class
10JAVA CONSOLE INPUT IIAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. use the scanner class
ii. use swing components
11JAVA CONTROL STATEMENTS IAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. the IF statement
ii. guessing game (guess JAVA) : (The program asks the player for a letter between A and Z. If the player presses the correct letter on the keyboard, the program responds by printing the message “RIGHT”)
12JAVA CONTROL STATEMENTS IIAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. switch statements (case of)
ii. nested switch
iii. mini-project – JAVA Help System (Help JAVA)

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

– Definition of word processing
– Definition of word processor with examples
– Definition of text document

– Application areas: offices, publishing, journalism, education, article, etc
– Factors available in a word processor: type, edit, store, move/copy and paste,etc
– Features: editing, formatting, justification, search and replace, spell check/thesaurus, file merging
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain word processing and word processor
ii. explain text document
iii. mention examples of word processor
iv. mention application areas of word processing
v. state the facilities involved in word processing
vi. use word processor to fine-tune text using it’s features
– Definition of system development cycle
– Description of system development cycle
a) Preliminary study
b) Feasibility study
c) Investigative study
d) Analysis
e) Design
f) Implementation
g) Maintenance
h) Study review
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain system development cycle
ii. describe system development cycle
iii. outline the stages in system development cycle
iv. describe each stage of the system
v. draw the SOLC diagram
– Definition of a program
– Characteristics of a good program: accuracy, readability, efficiency, generality, clarity, etc
– Precautions ie do not rush, be stable, steady and patient during program writing, not step skipping, follow order of execution
– Steps involved in program development:
a) problem definition
b) problem analysis
c) flowcharting
d) desk checking
e) program coding
f) program compilation
g) program testing/debugging
h) program documentation
– Description of each stage above
– Examples of:
a) interpreted programs (BASIC, JavaScript, LISP, python)
b) compiled program (COBOL, FOTRAN, C, C++, etc)
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain programs
ii. state the characteristics of a good program
iii. state the precautions to be taken when writing a program
iv. list the steps involved in program development
v. briefly describe each step in program development
vi. list examples of interpreted and compiled programs
vii. draw a flow diagram on how:
a) a computer works
b) interpreter works
viii. describe each of the steps above
ix. list examples of interpreted and complied programs
4INTRODUCTION TO MS EXCEL AND BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATORSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the structure of excel
ii. navigate the excel platform
iii. use simple editing tool
iv. perform arithmetic operations like: addition, substraction and multiplication, etc
– Definition of algorithm
– Functions of algorithm
– Characteristics of algorithm: Finite, ambiguous, effective, etc
– Writing algorithm for:
a) computing average of a given set of numbers
b) evaluation of equator
c) computing out the first ten odd numbers, etc

– Explain flowchart
– Characteristics of flowchart
– Flowchart symbols, IQ processes, decision, etc
– Use of flowchart symbols
– Flowchart diagram for a given problem solving
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain algorithm
ii. highlight functions of an algorithm
iii. state and describe the characteristics of an algorithm
iv. write a simple algorithm for problem solving
v. explain flowchart
vi. highlight the functions of flowchart
viii. list and identify flowchart symbols
ix. state the use of each flowchart symbol
x. draw flowchart for a given problem solving
6EXCEL: DATA VALIDATION, FILTERS, GROUPINGAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain:
i. data validation
ii. data filter
iii. grouped and ungrouped data
iv. adding images to screenshots
8EXCEL: FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain what formulas and functions are
ii. use: common functions , numeric functions, string functions, date/time functions, lookup function
9EXCEL: LOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND CHARTSAt the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. understand what logical functions are
ii. be able to use IF, AND, OR, Nested IF and NOT functions
iii. be able to create charts on Excel
iv. explorer different types of charts in Excel
– Definition of graphics and graphic packages
– Examples of graphic packages ie CorelDraw, Paint, Photoshop,Lightroom, Harvard Graphics, etc
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain graphics
ii. list examples of graphic packages
– Features in activating and exiting CorelDraw
a) tools
b) colour palette
c) printable areas, etc
– Simple design using CorelDraw
a) business card
b) school logo
c) Nigerian National flag
d) invitation card
e) certificates
f) letter headed, etc
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state features in CorelDraw environment
ii. use the features of CorelDraw to make simple designs
iii. save works as different formats on CorelDraw

Recommended Information Technology Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended textbooks for Information Technology in SSS2 include;

Computer/ICT textbook by Oliver .E. Osuagwu, Abraham .C. Deme et al – Africana First Publishers Plc.

Mechanics of certificate computer learning by Lord Boi – Boateng – Format Publishers Ltd. 

New Computer Studies by J.O.E Otuka, A. F Akande – Learn Africa Plc SS 1-3.

Comprehensive Textbook on Data Processing with Workbook by Maduabuchi U.V, Olufemi G.U et al – New Age Press Ltd. 

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