SS2 Islamics Religious Studies (IRS) Scheme of Work

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About SS2 IRS Scheme of Work

Islamic Religious Studies is important in providing students with a thorough understanding of Islamic teachings, history, and cultural significance. For SS1 students, this subject introduces them to the essential principles of Islam and fosters a deeper appreciation and practice of their faith.

The significance of Islamic Religious Studies goes beyond academic learning. It plays a crucial role in shaping students’ moral values, ethical behavior, and sense of community. By exploring the life of Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, Hadith, and the rich tradition of Islamic scholarship, students gain insights into their religion’s spiritual and practical dimensions. This knowledge promotes personal growth and holiness, while also preparing students to contribute positively to society by upholding values like justice, compassion, and integrity.

In essence, Islamic Religious Studies in SS2 is crucial for developing well-rounded individuals who are knowledgeable about their faith, ethical in their actions, and committed to fostering a harmonious society. This developmental study can be achieved using the Lagos state unified scheme of work for SSS2, and it equally sets the stage for lifelong learning and spiritual growth, ensuring that students become responsible and informed members of the Muslim community and the wider world.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 2, students are assessed in Islamic Religious Studies based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests), and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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Download the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary School Two (SSS2) Islamic Religious Studies (IRS).

SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for IRS

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Welcome Test & Al Qur’an
i. The study of Surah
Al Qa’raih (Q101)
ii. The study of Suratul-
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. translate the Sirah into English
2. interpret the theme and state the subject matter
of the Sirah of the surah
3. evaluate the lessons contained therein
2Sawn(Fasting)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe Dawn (Fasting) and examine the kings
2. justify those exempted from fasting and reasons
and examine the things that vilaite fast
3. analyze the benefits/significance of sawn
-spiritual, social and moral
3Features of political
administration of the Prophet
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe the political administration of the
2. appease the leadership qualities of the prophet-
equality, justice and fair play
3. evaluate the features of the political
administration of the four rightly guided caliph i.e
leadership styles and conflict resolution
The study of Hadith
i. 10th
ii. 11th
iii. 12th of An nawawi’s
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. translate Ahadith to English
2. discuss the hadith to determine its theme and
subject matter
3. evaluate the lessons therein
5Moral teachings of Islam
i. Bribery
ii. Corruption
iii. Cybercrime
iv. Stealing
v. Vandalism
vi. Embezzlement
vii. Fraud
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. define bribery. corruption, cybercrime, stealing,
vandalism, embezzlement and fraud
2. outline the effects of these social vices in the
3. discuss the islamic teachings on these vices
(Q2:188, Q81:1-5)
6Hajj and UmrahBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. define hajj and outline the prerequisite
(conditions) for the performance of hajj
2. relate the types and rites of hajj and describe
Al-Mawaqit/station of ihram and contrast hajj and umrah and analyze
the significance of hajj
7Mid Term Test/Open Day/Mid Term Holiday
8Features of islamic economic
system with special emphasis
on the practice of the Prophet
and the Khulaffar Rashidun
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss the practice of the prophet (SAW) on
islamic economic system and itemise its feature
2. examine the practice of Khulaffar-Rashidun
islamic economic system
3. compare and contrast the islamic economic
system with other system of economics with special
reference to halal and haram, Ribah, Usury, Tattif,
Zakah and Sadaqah, Baytul Mayl, .
9Al Qur’an
i.The study of Suratul
Asr Q 103
ii. The study of Surah Al
Humazah (Q 104)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. translate the surah into English
2. interpret the theme and state the subject matter
of the surah
3. evaluate the lessons contained therein
The study of the Hadith
i. 13th
ii. and 14th of An Nawawi’s
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. translate Ahadith to English
2. discuss the hadith to determine its theme and
subject matter
3. evaluate the lessons therein
11JihadBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss the concept of jihad
2. consider the various kind of jihad and manners of
executing each of them
3. evaluate the greatest kind of jihad i.e Jihadun-
Nafs and its application

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Visual Arts

 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
Qur’an SüratuI-Falaq (Q1133)
and Süratun-Nås (Q114)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to
1. translate the Sirah English
2. determine the themes of the chapters and tell
why they are Mu’awwidhatayn
3. evaluate the lessons therein
i. the study of Hadith 34th
and 35th
ii. 38th and 41st of
An-Nawawi’s collection
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. recall the translation of Hadith 34th, 35th, 38th
and 41st of AnNawåwis Collections in English.
2. examine the subject matters of the Ahadith
3. infer the lessons/significance of the Ahadith
3The contribution of some
selected Muslim sages to the
world civilization
i. Ibn Rushd
ii. Ibn Khaldun
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. narrate briefly the life of Ibn Rushd and Ibn
2. consider their contributions to the field of
3. determine their relevance to modern science and
western knowledge
i. Meaning
ii. Types(Rajin and Ba’in)
iii. Kind of marriage cessation
in Islam i.e Talaq, khul, Faskh
and Mubarah
iv. and other condemned types
of talaq
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. describe the meaning and the position of islam on
2. relate the types, kind and other condemned types
of talaq
3. examine the purpose of idah and enumerate the
various kind of idah with their duration
4. critique the curiosity of children after divorce
and the implication of Talaq
i. Mirath
ii. wasiyyah
iii. Significance of inheritance
in Islam e.g economic
empowerment of the widow(s),
widower, parent(s), sibling(s),
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the term mirath and wasiyah
2. outline the general principle of mirath and justify
the wisdom in giving sons greater shares than
3. infer the implications/significance of inheritance
6Project the moral lessons from and Hadith
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. prepare and submit a write-up on the islamic
teachings of the following virtues
a. enjoying righteousness and forbidding evil
b. concept of leadership and followership
c. justice
d. religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence

2. prepare and submit a write-up on the islamic
teachings of the following virtues
a. bribery, corruption and stealing
b. cigarette smoking and drug addiction
c. gambling and alcoholism
d. arrogance and extravagance
e. adultery and fornication and its harbingers
(porgraphy and obscenity)
f. miserliness and greed
7Mid Term Test/Open Day/ Mid Term Holiday
8Revision and Examination

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for IRS

Recommended IRS Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended Islamic Religious Studies textbooks for SSS2 include but are not limited to the following:

Islamic Studies for Senior Secondary Schools Book 1 -3 by Aisha B. Lemu  UP Plc

Exam Focus on Islamic Studies (for SS3 students only) JAMB series (SS3)

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