SS2 Physical Education Scheme of Work

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About SS2 Physical Education Scheme of Work

Physical Education (PE) in Senior Secondary School 2 (SSS2) is a mandatory subject that focuses on fitness, health awareness, teamwork, discipline, and overall well-being among students. 

The Lagos State unified scheme of work for SSS2 PE includes a variety of activities like athletics, team sports (football, basketball, volleyball), and individual sports (swimming, athletics). These activities aim to give students a broad understanding of physical activity, improving their skills and encouraging teamwork.

The PE scheme of work in SS2 also emphasizes values such as fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for rules. By engaging in competitive and non-competitive physical activities, students learn ethical behavior and develop leadership skills, preparing them for future responsibilities as citizens and athletes.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS2 session, students can;

  • Describe the meaning of physical education and its objectives;
  • List and explain the branches of physical education;
  • Discuss physical education in Greece, Nigeria, and West Africa;
  • Justify the use of technology in sports;
  • Highlight the examples of modern technology used in sports and state its economic importance;
  • Discuss the history of the game of soccer and demonstrate the basic skills of soccer game;
  • Draw a standard soccer pitch, label it correctly, and list officials in the game of soccer;
  • Explain the meaning of National Competition and list types of National Competitions;
  • Highlight the different types of National Sports Festivals and state the importance of National Sports Festivals and Institution Sports Festivals;
  • Explain the meaning of athletics;
  • Identify the scope of athletics;
  • Demonstrate the methods of starting races on the track ;
  • Apply the command in starting a race. Highlight the phases of running and strategies;
  • Describe relay races, and identify types of relay races;
  • Demonstrate the method of baton changes, change-over-zone;
  • Highlight the rules and regulations of relay races;
  • Demonstrate the basic skills in hurdle events, list hurdle events, and identify facilities/equipment in hurdle;
  • Construct a hurdle stand and discuss the rules and regulations of the hurdle race;
  • Explain the meaning of field events. Mention the scope of field events;
  • List the phases of jumps. Name the equipment/facilities of the jumps;
  • Highlight the concept of throwing events. Describe a missile in athletics;
  • List types of throws and describe the phases with examples;
  • Demonstrate the skills and techniques in throws. Identify equipment and facilities for throws;
  • Discuss the history of Volleyball and outline the court specifications;
  • Demonstrate basic skills and team formation in the volleyball game;
  • Identify the equipment/facilities of the volleyball game;
  • Mention the rules and regulations in volleyball and state the officials of volleyball;
  • Narrate the history of basketball and outline the court specification in basketball;
  • Demonstrate basketball team formation and skills in basketball;
  • Identify the equipment and facilities in basketball and mention the rules and regulations;
  • State the officials in basketball e.g. umpire, timekeeper, recorder, etc;
  • Tell a brief history of the handball game. Draw the handball pitch and label it correctly;
  • Demonstrate the skills and techniques of the handball game;
  • Highlight the rules and regulations of the handball game;
  • List officials and explain their duties in handball games;
  • Define ossification. Identify bones and joints of the human skeleton;
  • Discuss types of bones with examples;
  • Define joints and describe types of joints in the skeletal system;
  • List types of movements in the joints e.g flexion, extension abduction,adduction;
  • Explain the functions of the human skeleton;
  • Define Somatotype. Highlight body types eg endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph;
  • State characteristics of body types;
  • Mention the advantages and disadvantages of body types to physical performance;
  • Define the muscular system. Mention types of muscles and their location;
  • Discuss functions of muscles concerning movement;
  • Explain types of muscle contractions eg isometric and isotonic contractions;
  • Differentiate between isometric and isotonic contraction of muscles;
  • Highlight the history of badminton. Draw and label the badminton court and racket;
  • Demonstrate the basic skills in the game of badminton;
  • List the facilities and equipment of badminton and state the rules and regulations of badminton;
  • Highlight the concept of drugs, and types of drugs, and identify reasons for using drugs and the effects of hard drugs on athletes;
  • Discuss the effects of doping in sports and mention the effects of anabolic steroids on sports;
  • Discuss the dangers of anabolic steroids to sports performance;
  • Narrate a brief history of Hockey; draw and label a Hockey pitch.

Assessment Guide

In SS2, Physical Education assessments typically involve practical demonstrations of skills in various sports and physical activities. Students are evaluated on their ability to perform techniques correctly, understand game strategies and rules, and participate in team activities. Written exams may also assess theoretical knowledge on sports physiology, nutrition, and sports psychology. Overall, assessments aim to gauge practical abilities and theoretical understanding in PE.


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SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Physical Education

Physical Education Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
2INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the meaning of physical education
ii. list the importance of physical education –
iii. explain the objectives of physical education
3TECHNOLOGY IN SPORTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term “technology” in sports
ii. justify the use of technology in sports
iii. highlight examples of modern technology used in sports
iv. state the economic importance of sports
4SOCCERBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. discuss the history of the game of soccer
ii. describe the basic skills of soccer eg dribbling, shooting, etc
iii. draw a standard soccer pitch and label correctly
iv. list the officials in the game of soccer
5NATIONAL COMPETITIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of national competition
ii. list types of national competitions
iii. highlight the different national competition festivals
iv. state the importance of both national sports festival and institutions involved in sports festivals
6TOURNAMENTBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define tournaments
ii. list types of tournaments eg knock-out, single elimination, etc
iii. mention factors that determine choice of tournaments
iv. highlight advantages and disadvantages of tournaments
8RACKET GAMES: TABLE TENNISBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. tell a brief history of table tennis
ii. list equipments used in table tennis
iii. draw the table tennis racket and label it
iv. mention skills and techniques in table tennis
v. highlight the basic rules of table tennis
9CORRECTIVE AND ADAPTIVE P.E PROGRAMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of handicap
ii. identify forms and characteristics of handicap eg deafness, mental retard, physically challenged, etc
iii. differentiate between normal and corrective adaptive physical education program
iv. list social and emotional problems of the handicap
10FIELD TRIP TO ANY SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR THE HANDICAPBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. discover the true living condition of the handicap
11BALL GAME: HANDBALLBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. tell a brief history of handball
ii. draw the handball pitch and label correctly
iii. demonstrate the skills and techniques of the handball game
iv. highlight the rules and regulations of the handball game
v. list the officials and explain their duties in the handball game

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Physical Education

1ATHLETICS : THEORY AND PRACTICAL OF TRACK EVENTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of athletics
ii. identify the scope of athletics eg track and field events
iii. list events in track events and give examples eg sprints races (100m), middle distance (800m), long distance (3000m, 5000m, 10000m), and marathon, relay, etc
– Standing
– Crouching
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. demonstrate the methods of starting races in track events
ii. identify two major methods (standing and crouching)
iii. apply the command in starting races eg “oh your marks, set, go”
iv. highlight the stages of running and strategies
v. construct or draw a standard track and label correctly
3ATHLETICS: RELAY RACES (THEORY AND PRACTICAL)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of relay races
ii. identify types of relay races
iii. demonstrate the methods of baton changes
iv. explain the meaning of changeover
v. highlight the rules and regulations of relay races
4ATHLETICS: HURDLESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe hurdle race
ii. list hurdling events eg 100m (for women), 110m (men)
iii. demonstrate the basic skills in hurdle eg take-off, acceleration, clearance, etc
iv. construct a hurdle stand
v. discuss the rules and regulations of a hurdle match
5SKELENTAL SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the skelental system
ii. identify bones and parts of the human skeleton
iii. discuss types of bones with examples
iv. define joints and describe types of joints
v. list types of movements in the joints
vi. explain the functions of the skelental system
6FIELD EVENTS: THEORY 2 PRACTICAL ON JUMPSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of field events
ii. mention the scope of field events
iii. list the phases of jumps
iv. name the facilities and equipments for jumps
v. highlight the rules and regulations and safety precautions
– Types of throws (discus, short-put, javelin, hammer)
– Phases in throws
– Skills and techniques
– Materials and facilitates
– The rules and regulations
– Officials and duties
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. highlight the concepts of throwing events
ii. describe a missile in athletes
iii. list the types of throws and describe the phases with examples
iv. demonstrate the skills and techniques in throwing events
v. identify the tools and equipments for throws
9BALL GAMES: VOLLEYBALLBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. discuss the history of volleyball
ii. outline the court specifications
iii. demonstrate basic skills and team formation eg blocking, service, digging, etc
iv. highlight volleyball team formation
v. identify equipments and facilities in volleyball
vi. mention the rules and regulations of volleyball
vii. state the officials of volleyball eg referee, umpire, etc
– History of basketball
– The court dimension
– The skills/techniques eg dribbling
– Team formation/ playing strategy
– Rules and regulations
– Officials and duties
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. narrate the history of basketball
ii. outline the court specifications of the game
iii. mention the skills in basketball
iv. demonstrate basketball team formation
v. identify the equipments and facilities for the game
vi. mention the rules and regulations
vii. state the officials in basketball

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Physical Education

1SOMATOTYPEBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define somatotype
ii. highlight body types
iii. state characteristics of each body type
iv. mention the advantages and disadvantages of each body type to physical performance
2MUSCULAR SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. mention types of muscles and their location
ii. discuss the functions of muscles in relation to movement
iii. type of muscle contractions
iv. differentiate between isometric and isotonic contraction of muscles
3POSTURE/POSTURAL DEFECTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define posture and postural defects
ii. discuss postural defects
iii. mention the causes of postural defects
4NERVOUS SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. draw and label the structure of the nervous system
ii. differentiate between voluntary and involuntary actions
iii. highlight the disorders of the nervous system
5NUTRITIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define nutrition
ii. classify food into types
iii. define balanced and un-balanced diet
iv. discuss functions of food
v. draw a simple dietary plan for athletes (before, during and after competitions)
6HOCKEY GAMES (THEORY AND PRACTICALS)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. narrate brief history of hockey
ii. draw and label the hockey pitch
iii. demonstrate the basic skills in the game of hockey eg passing, dribbling, etc
iv. list the facilities and equipments of hockey eg stick, ball, etc
v. outline rules and regulations used in hockey games
vi. mention the terminologies in hockey
8DRUG EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define drugs
ii. list the various types of drugs
iii. highlight reasons why people use drugs
iv. mention the effects of hard drugs on an athlete’s performance
v. define doping in sports
vi. discuss the effects of doping in sports
viii. mention the effects of anabolic and steroid in sports
9DRUG EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define drugs
ii. list the various types of drugs
iii. highlight reasons why people use drugs
iv. mention the effects of hard drugs on an athlete’s performance
v. define doping in sports
vi. discuss the effects of doping in sports
viii. mention the effects of anabolic and steroid in sports
10RACKET GAMES: BADMINTON(THEORY AND PRACTICAL)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. highlight the history of badminton
ii. draw and label the badminton court
iii. demonstrate the basic skills and techniques in badminton eg rally, grip, smash, etc
iv. list the facilities and equipments in badminton
v. state the rules and regulations in badminton
vi. mention badminton officials and their duties
vii. explain terminologies in badminton

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