SS2 Physics Scheme of Work

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About SS2 Physics Scheme of Work

Physics is often seen as the most important of the natural sciences. It involves studying matter, energy, and the basic forces that shape the universe. This field is the basis for many technological advances and helps us understand how the world works.

Studying Physics in SS2 (Senior Secondary School Year 2) using the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work is a key part of Nigerian students’ education and personal growth. SS2 is a crucial year where students build on the basics they learned in SS1 and start exploring more complex and abstract ideas.

A good understanding of Physics in SS2 is important for students who want to go on to higher education in fields like engineering, medicine, computer science, and environmental science. The Lagos State unified scheme of work prepares students well for important national exams like the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), which are necessary for getting into universities and colleges.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS2 session, students can;

  • Define projectiles and derive the various equations associated with it;
  • Describe equilibrium and distinguish between the various types;
  • Define machines; identify the types and their corresponding velocity ratios;
  • Determine latent heat and specific heat capacity of various substances;
  • Distinguish between evaporation and boiling as well as saturated vapour pressure and unsaturated vapour pressure;
  • State the law of linear momentum and use it to solve problems;
  • Analyse the concept of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM);
  • State and experimentally verify the gas laws;
  • Define waves, identify the types, and distinguish between the various properties;
  • Explain how light is refracted through rectangular prisms, glass blocks, and lenses;
  • Describe the mode of function of optical instruments;
  • Identify eye defects and their various corrections;
  • Explain vibrations in pipes and strings.

Assessment Guide

Assessment methods for Physics in SS2 in Nigeria include continuous assessment through tests and homework, practical experiments and reports, project-based assessments, written exams, and oral presentations. These varied methods ensure comprehensive evaluation, fostering students’ understanding, critical thinking, problem-solving, and preparation for national exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Physics

Physics Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1CONCEPT OF POSITION, DISTANCE AND DISPLACEMENT IN RELATION TO X – Y PLANEBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. effuse the Cartesian system to locate the position of an object on the u – v plane
– Vector representation
– Unit vector
– Addition of scalars and vectors
– Resolution of vectors and resultant
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the term “resultant of a vector”
ii. resolve a vector with respect to a given direction
iii. resolve any number of vectors into two components at right angle to each other using analytical and graphical methods
– Motion under gravity
– Calculation using these equations
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. deduce the three equations of motion from the velocity-time graph with initial velocity and constant acceleration
ii. define the terms used in the equation of motion
iii. apply and interpret the equations of motion in simple problems
4PROJECTILE AND IT’S IMPLICATIONBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the concept of projectile and projectile motion
ii. practically exemplify projectile motion and objectives that can be considered a projectile in sports and warfare
iii. distinguish between the following terms : time of flight, maximum height, range and deduce their expression
iv. solve simple problems involving range, maximum height and time of flight
– Conservation of linear momentum and conservation of energy collision
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. differentiate between momentum and linear momentum of a body
ii. establish relationship between impulse and momentum
iii. state and analyze the Newton’s law of motion as well as the inertia mass
iv. state and analyze the principle of conservation of linear momentum
v. solve simple problems based on Newton’s law of motion and the principle of conservation of linear momentum
vi. differentiate the various types of collision with examples
– Concept of equilibrium
– Center of gravity and it’s effects on stability
– Types of equilibrium and conditions for equilibrium of a body
– Moment and moment of force
– Principle of moment and it’s calculation
– Couple and moment of couple with it’s calculations
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the concept of equilibrium
ii. distinguish between static and dynamic equilibrium
iii. experiment to determine the center of gravity of objects and how it affects the stability of an object
iv. list the types of equilibrium
v. experimentally determine the conditions that must be satisfied for a body to be in equilibrium under the action of parallel and non-parallel forces
vi. solve simple problems on moment of forces and moment of a couple
– Definition of simple harmonic motion
– Displacement, acceleration, frequency and amplitude
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the term “simple harmonic motion”
ii. differentiate between displacement, acceleration, period, frequency and amplitude
iii. establish the relationship between: linear and angular speed, linear and angular acceleration, period and frequency
– Energy of simple harmonic motion
– Force, Vibration and resonance
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. deduce the energy transformation of a simple pendulum
ii. calculate the energy in the system
iii. differentiate between force, vibration and resonance
10MACHINE: TYPES AND EXAMPLESBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term ‘machine’ and compare it’s types
ii. distinguish between the following terms: velocity ratio, mechanical advantage or force ratio, efficiency and derive the relationship
iii. compare the types of machines
iv. analyze the conservation of mechanical energy and it’s applications
– Calculation and maintenance
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. list the uses of machines
ii. describe the repair and maintenance of machines
iii. investigate the location of dams for producing electricity
iv. solve simple calculations on machines

SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Physics

– Temperature and it’s measurements
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. distinguish between heat and temperature
ii. distinguish between temperature points and temperature intervals
iii. compare the instruments used in measuring temperature of objects of an environment
iv. convert a given temperature on the Celsius scale to a temperature on the Kelvin and Fahrenheit scale
– Methods to determine Specific Heat Capacity
– Calculations on specific heat capacity
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. differentiate between the “heat capacity” or “specific heat capacity”
ii. justify the fact that there is uneven rise in temperature for different substances of the same mass supplied with the same quantity of heat
iii. experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a solid by mixture method and by electrical method
iv. calculate the unknown quantities using the equation ° = mc ∆T when no change of state is involved
v. solve simple problems involving specific heat capacity
– Boiling and melting points and their determination
– Effects of impurities and their pressure on boiling and melting
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain evaporation with reference to day-to-day activity
ii. experiment to determine the melting points of a solid and boiling point of a liquid
iii. investigate the effects of impurities and pressure on melting and boiling points
iv. investigate the factors that affect evaporation
4LATENT HEAT FUSION AND VAPORIZATION AND VERIFICATIONBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the concept of latent heat
ii. distinguish between it’s types
iii. differentiate between: boiling, freezing, freezing point, solidification, vaporization, sublimation, condensation,
iv. perform an experiment to determine the boiling point on a small quantity of water
v. describe the working principle of: refrigerator, air conditioner, pressure cooker
vi. experiment to determine the specific heat of fusion vaporization of a substance using mixture and electrical method
vii. solve problems on specific latent heat fusion and vaporization
– Saturated and un-saturated vapor pressure and it’s relationship with boiling
– Demonstration of vapor pressure using simple experiments
– Humidity and relative humidity
– Dew points and it’s relationship with weather
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the term vapor pressure with reference to saturated and un-saturated vapor pressure
ii. distinguish between melting and boiling points
iii. compare boiling and evaporation with emphasis on similarities and differences
iv. distinguish between: humidity, relative humidity, dew and dew point, cloud and rain, mist and fog,
v. investigate the effects of humidity on personal comfort
vi. solve simple questions on relative humidity
– Boyle’s, Charles’, pressure, general gas laws and Graham’s law of gaseous infusion
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. state and explain the outlined laws and their applications
ii. verify laws using simple apparatus eg barometer
iii. solve simple problems involving gas laws
iv. perform experiments to verify laws
– Ripple tank
– Type of waves
– General wave equations
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the terms waves and wave motion
ii. compare: classes of waves(with examples), types of waves (with examples),
iii. distinguish terms used in wave motion
iv. derive and use the relationship between wave velocity
v. use wave equation to solve problems
– Reflection
– Refraction
– Diffraction
– Interference
– Polarization
– Application where necessary
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. investigate the properties of wave
ii. produce plain and circular waves using ripple tank
iii. demonstrate stationary waves
iv. explain the term ‘polaroid’ with emphasis on it’s applications
v. differentiate between ordinary light and plane polarized light
10LIGHT WAVESBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. investigate the sources of light
ii. compare reflection and refraction and state their laws
iii. draw ray diagrams to show the formation of images by plane and curved mirrors and explain some practical applications of these mirrors
iv. describe the rectilinear propagation of light and it’s applications
v. calculate the number of images in an inclined mirror
vi. measure angles of incidence and refraction
vii. distinguish between critical angle and total Internal refraction and state the conditions under which they occur
viii. conduct experiment to establish the relationship between critical angle and refractive index and apply it to the solution of simple problems
ix. perform an experiment to determine the mirror formula

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Physics

– Angle of deviation and calculation
– Real and apparent depth
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. perform an experiment that involves tracing light rays through a triangular prism and obtain graphically the value of the angle of minimum deviation
ii. obtain the spectrum of white light
iii. compare real depth and apparent depth and solve problems on it
– Concave and convex
– Ray diagrams:
– Lens formula and calculation
– Power of lenses
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe all the lens related terms
ii. compare the types of lenses
iii. with the aid of a diagram, distinguish between concave and convex lens
iv. trace rays of light through converging and diverging lenses and obtain images formed by the lenses at different points
v. deduce the lens formula and solve problems on lenses
vi. determine the focal length of lenses
vii. deduce the power of lenses and other related problems
– Camera, projector, telescope, microscope, periscope
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. analyze the optical principles involved in snapshot camera
ii. with the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe a photographic camera
iii. describe the formation of images by the camera and projector by tracing rats of light through them
iv. compare the formation and mode of functioning with the aid of diagram of: telescope, simple and compound microscope and periscope
– Binoculars, human eyes and it’s defects
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe the working principle of binoculars
ii. investigate the role played by some parts of the eye in the formation of images of the retina
iii. compare and contrast the eye and camera
iv. distinguish between the defects of the eye with emphasis on their causes and corrections
– Pure and impure spectrum
– Recombination of components of spectrum using color filter
– Newton Disc
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the dispersion of white light
ii. differentiate between pure and impure spectrum
iii. conduct experiment to produce a pure spectrum
iv. compare the components of spectrum using colour filter
– Colours and paints mixing
– Determination of refractive index
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. distinguish between objects via their colours and describe mixing of coloured light (addictives and substractive)
ii. experiment to determine refractive index of glass
– Production, transmission
– Speed of sound in solid, liquid, air, noise and music
– Velocity of sound
– Echo and reverberation
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe sound waves with emphasis on it’s production and transmission
ii. distinguish between: noise and music, intensity and loudness, pitch and frequency, as applied to sound
iii. determine the speed of sound in various medium
iv. explain the term echo and solve related problems
v. list advantages and disadvantages of echo
vi. explain beats and state it’s uses
vii. verify characteristics of sound
viii. investigate factors that affect the velocity of sound
– Musical instruments
– Functions of hearing aids
– Vibration in pipes and strings
– Harmonics and overtones
– Resonance
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
i. classify musical instruments into: wind, string and percussion instruments
ii. describe hearing aids and list the functions, features and types
iii. distinguish between vibration of air in strings and pipes
iv. differentiate between harmonics and overtones
v. list applications of resonance
vi. describe physical principles involved in the use of wind, string and percussion instruments

Recommended Physics Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended Physics textbooks for SSS2 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Excellence in Physics by G.O Ojuh, P, A. Ojajuni, M.O Giwa. Cambridge University Press SS 1-3
  2. Senior Cert. Practical Physics by B.L.N Ndupu, Okeke P.N. Learn Africa Plc SS 1-3 
  3. Physics Laboratory Manual by Engr. Nwoye Kenneth. Mid-Field Publishers SS 1-3 
  4. New School Physics by M.W Anyakoha. Africana First Publishers Plc SS 1-3 
  5. Senior Secondary Physics by P.N Okeke, F. N Okeke. P.N Okeke Publishing Company SS 1-3 
  6. Extension Physics by Osinubi Saheeda, Igwebuike Chinwe et al. Extension Publication SS 1-3 
  7. All Schools’ Physics by Ofojebe Tochukwu Alex. Our Saviour Press SS 1-3 
  8. Simplified Practical Physics manual by Ilo Udochukwu C. Elochukwu Akaolisah Printing Press SS 1-3 

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