SS2 Visual Arts Scheme of Work

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About SS2 Visual Arts Scheme of Work

The study of Visual Arts in SS2 using the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work gives students a deep dive into artistic expression and creativity. This scheme of work aims to boost students’ grasp of various art forms, techniques, and historical backgrounds. Through hands-on and theoretical lessons, students will improve their skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, and other media, nurturing both their creativity and appreciation for the cultural importance of visual arts.

In Nigeria, with its vibrant cultural heritage and contemporary art scene, studying Visual Arts offers a unique chance to connect with our history, traditions, and the modern world. This subject introduces students to essential art concepts, techniques, and principles. They learn to appreciate different art forms, from traditional crafts to modern digital art, and enhance their creative abilities through practical projects.

Assessment Guide

SS2 Visual Arts assessments include practical projects, sketchbooks, portfolios, written exams, art critiques, research projects, oral presentations, exhibitions, continuous assessments, and self/peer evaluations. These methods comprehensively evaluate students’ creativity, technical skills, and theoretical knowledge. This multifaceted approach fosters artistic development, critical thinking, and an appreciation of visual arts within a broader cultural and historical context.

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Download the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary School Two (SSS2) Visual Arts.

SS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Visual Arts

Visual Art Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 2(SSS2)
 SUBJECTVirtual Art
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
i. Still life and Nature drawings
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. View and observe objects keenly for the purpose
of drawing
2. list types of drawing and effect on surface
3. observe set objects and record them by means of
4. apply appropriate shading techniques e.g
cross-hatching, burning, line, pointillism, wash to
various sketches/drawing.

i. Styles of painting: animal hide,
skin beads, mural, impasto,
fresco tempera
ii. Still life objects eg chair.
plates, kettle
iii. Natural objects: e.g insects,
animals, bones, flower etc
iv. Figure
(a) parts of the body e.g Nose,
Eye, Mouth, Leg, etc,
(b) portrait
(c)full life painting
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand painting and its types
2. Observe the set objects appropriately
3. Apply colours unto the sketched objects with
appropriate styles
4. Apply colours unto sketched pictures that form a
composition with different techniques
5. Mix colours on the palette for painting.
3Nigerian culture festivals
i. Meaning and origin of festivals
ii. Types of festivals
iii. Functions of festivals
iv. Significance symbol of
v. Body decorations
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. Understand and list types of festivals
2. Highlight the origin and functions of festivals
3. Evaluate the importance of these festivals
alongside modern festivals.
4. Illustrate some of the symbols used for the
4History of Art
(African Traditional Art and
i. Guinea Art
ii. Kiss Art
iii. Cameroon Art
iv. Dahomey Art
v. Sierra Leone Art
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. differentiate traditional ary and modern art
2. analyze the origin and location of African
traditional art and modern art
3. identify the media use of traditional arts and be
able to use them
4. state, explain, and apply the characteristics of
African Traditional Art and effect it on their art
5Graphic Design
i. Definition of graphic design
ii. Types of graphic design
iii. Materials and tools for
graphic design
iv. Calligraphy practical
v. Practical on graphic design
e.g Book cover, book, jacket, pen,
logo and calendar design, poster
and package design
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. illustrate simple form for graphic design
2. list materials and tools for graphic design and be
able to use them effectively
3. produce a good product in graphics
4. arrange simple shapes and letters for graphic
design of various types
6Textile design on paper
i. Use of proper creative forms
ii. use paper to create format for
textile making
iii. formation of motifs e.g shapes,
figure, basic shapes
iv. use of motifs for paper creation
v. application of colour on pattern
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. create a motif
2. create a format that repeats accordingly
3. use motif and format to create pattern
4. apply colours harmoniously on pattern
8EmbroideryBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify embroidery work
2. illustrate various stitches on paper
3. transfer the stitches on fabric
4. itemize all the materials used in embroidery work
e.g needle, thread, scissors, stitching machine and
use them effectively
5. use various methods to transfer their designs on
9Furniture making
i. functions of furniture
ii. various process involved in
furniture making
iii. sourcing of wood for furniture
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Analyse various uses and functions of furniture
ii Approach furniture making using various
iii. Search and discover appropriate word for
specific furniture
iv Process or treat the wood before using
v. Create furniture in diverse form.
i. Meaning of puppetry
ii. Types of Puppetry
iii Materials and tools used for
iv. Various types of seams and
stitches used in Puppetry
v Construction of puppet
Marionette i.e Puppets used in.
a. Storytelling
b Drama
c. Shadow plays
vi. Identification of the media
locations sacred and secular
functions, forms, and contents
and characteristics of these
Nigerian accent arts.
By end of Lesson students should be able
1. Explain and give a description of a Puppet
2. State Various types of Puppet and be able to
illustrate them
3. Itemize the various materials needed for
constructing a Puppet and use them appropriately
4. Construct a Puppet using various seams and
5. Construct Puppets for
a Drama
b Storytelling
c. Shadow plays execute Nigerian arts that feature
the characteristics and forms (practical)
11Mosaic and collage composition
i. Meaning of Mosaic and
ii. Origin of Mosaic and collage
iii. Materials and tools used for
iv. Similarity and difference
mosaic and collage
v. Functions of mosaic and collage
vi. Processes of mosaic cottage
vii. Production of mosaic and
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. understand and identify mosaic and collage
2. State the origin and relevance of mosaic and
collage to modem day art
3.State all materials and tools needed for producing
mosaic and collage and know how to use them
4. Itemize the similarity and difference between
mosaic and collage
5. List the functions of mosaic and collage
6. Produce good mosaic
7. Create a beffiting collage college work


SS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Visual Arts

 SUBJECTVirtual Art
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICLearning Objectives
1Imaginative Composition
i. Meaning of imaginative
ii. Components of imaginative
composition i.e foreground,
middle ground, background, area
of interest, compositional
arrangement of objects
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe and discuss imaginative composition
2. analyse the components of imaginative
composition and imbibe the skill of applying them
3. execute the components unto their sketches,
illustrations, and drawings.
2Imaginative compositional
drawing and painting
i. Drawing of objects from
imagination i.e pot, spoon, chair,
stove, house etc.
ii. Sketching and painting of
objects from memory i.e A motor
accident, market scene, a capenter
workshop etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the meaning of imaginative composition
2. sketch and develop objects from memory
3. sketch invisible objects and various scenes from
memory and apply colour appropriately
4. sketch objects and develop scenes from memory
and shade them appropriately
3Nature painting
i. Meaning of nature painting
ii. Natural objects i.e pawpaw,
pineapple, banana, orange, flower,
tree etc
iii. Arrangement nad components
of nature painting
iv. Application of colour in various
technique i.e impasto, fresto etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.describe nature painting and develop it practically
2. select the object that are natural i.e
a. Living thing-plant, animal
b. Non-living things-Mountain, hills, stone etc
c. Remains of living things -snail shell, skeleton,
3. organize and paint objects
4Modem art institution and other
traditional art institutions in
i. Modern art institution
a Obafemi Awolowo University
b Ahmadu Bello University
c. Adeyemi College Of Education
d. Olabisi Onabanjo University

ii. Traditional Institution
a. Oshogbo Art Center
b. Mbari Mbayo Art Center
c. Nri Art Center
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe and discuss art institution in Nigeria
2.Differentiate between modern and traditional arts
3. Select the modern arts in Nigeria and itemize the
courses they offer i.e.-Textile. Sculpture. Ceramics.
4. Discover and discuss the origin of the traditional
art institutions in Nigeria and how they operate
i. Meaning Of Pottery
ii. Materials and tools used for
Pottery making
iii. Methods of Pottery making
iv Functions of Pottery making
v. Terminologies used in pottery
vi. Differences between Pottery
and Ceramics
vii. Marketing of Pottery wares
viii. Practical modeling of wares
up to the finishing stage
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Explain meaning of Pottery
2. itemize the materials and tools used for pottery
3. Analyse the functions of each of the materials and
4. Formulate the various methods of forming pottery
5. Highlight the functions or uses of Pottery wares
6. Describe some the terminologies that are used
in Pottery wears
7. Classify the differences between pottery and
ceramic works
8. Process clay and use it to mould wares to the
9. Select various outlets for display and marketing
pottery work
6Book cover and jacket designs
i. Meaning of book cover and
jacket designs
ii. Difference between book cover
and jacket designs
iii. Elements and characteristics,
features of a book cover-spine,
blurb, flap, ISBN, author
biography and picture, book
summary, publisher address etc
iv, Practical designing of a book
cover and jacket to show
a. front cover
b. spine
c. blurb
By the end of the lesson students should be able
1. Describe and discuss what a book cover and jacket
2. Classify the differences between a book cover and
3. Highlight all the elements and features on a book
4. To design by illustrating a book cover and jacket
in pencil and finally apply a befitting colour
8 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Meaning of construction
ii. Types of construction
iii. Processes of construction
iv. Objects that could be used for
construction e.g hard bead. metal
rope etc.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss and explain construction
2. state the types of construction with various modia
3. itemize the media that are used for construction
and use them effectively
4. construct simple objects with hard board, metal
and roof following the artistic principles
i. Meaning of computer
ii. Types of computer
iii. Parts of computer
iv. Computer drives and printers
v. Corel draw window
vi. Corel draw tools
vii. Advantages and disadvantages
of computer to art and general
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. describe what a computer is
2. state the various types of computer
3. itemize the various parts and functions of a
computer and use them effectively
4. state the command and data entry device and how
to apply them
5. explain the functions of the drives and printers
6. identify the coreldraw window and how they
7. discover the corel draw tools and use them
8. analyze the advantages and disadvantages of
computer and be able to apply the experience into
the modern day art

SS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Visual Arts

 SUBJECTVirtual Art
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Basic shapes and designs
i. Meaning of basic shapes and
ii. Types of basic shapes and
iii. Basic shapes and geometrical
shapes-Circle, square, triangle,
rectangle etc
iv. Materials and tools used for
designing basic design
v. Practical approach(pencil work)
to basic design
vi. Practical approach(colour
appreciation) to basic design
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. recognize and identify basic shapes and non-basic
2. illustrate and arrange basic and non-basic shapes
into a basic design
3. itemize the materials that are needed for making
a basic design
4. design a basic design either in pencil or colour
following the basic principles
5. Construct a basic design with non-basic shapes
either in pencil or colour that are placed
2Indigenous decorative motifs
i. Meaning of motifs
ii. What are indigenous
decorative motifs.
iii. Types of decorative motifs,
floral, animal, objects etc
iv. Format for motifs making.
Half drop, diamond, mirror,
simple repeat etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe a motif.
2. Explain what indigenous motifs are
3. State and illustrate different types of motifs floral,
manmade, half drop
4. Use various motifs to create patterns
5. Create patterns with various formats
3Calabash decoration
i. Meaning and types of calabash
ii. Types of calabash decoration
iii. Uses of calabash decoration
iv. Marketing and outlets for
calabash decoration products
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify a calabash
2. state and illustrate types of calabash
3. analyze types of calabash decoration
4. design or produce various types of calabash
5. value uses or function of decorated calabash
6. itemize various ways or outlet for buying and
selling calabash products
4Calabash decoration
i. Practical decoration of calabash
ii. Practical decoration of calabash
iii. Practical decoration of calabash
iv. Practical decoration of calabash
-mounted beads
v. Practical decoration of calabash
vi. Practical decoration of calabash
vii. Foreign influence and value of
calabash decoration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. create kalash decoration with the underlisted
materials-painting, engraving, scotching, beads,
cowries, coin, carving etc
2. itemize the influence of foreign countries on the
production of designed calabash
3. interpret the values of calabash decoration
5Indigenous education motifs
(body decoration-tattoo)
i. meaning of body decoration
ii. tools and motifs used in body
iii. Types of tattoo meant for body
decoration-animation form, zoomorphic,
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. state the meaning of body tatoo
2. identify the origin and importance of body tattoo
in the indigenous setup
3. itemize the materials and tools used for body
4. highlight the techniques of tattoo making by being
able to effect it on the body -spiral lines, animation,
zoo phonics etc
6Indigenous decorative motifs
-(moral designs)
i. Meaning of motifs
ii. Mural designs motif and their
iii. Sample of indigenous mural
motifs-Yoruba Sango wand, snakes
birds, geometric shapes
iv. Material and tools use for
making mural designs.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify motifs
2. state the meaning of mural design and be able to
identify them
3. identify mural design motifs and their origin
4. create [radically indigenous motifs
5. state the materials and tools use for making/
creating mural designs and use them effectively
8Indigenous craft making (Basket
and mats)
i. What is basket
ii. place in Nigeria where basket
are mostly made
iii. materials and tools for basket
iv. products from basket making
v. products frorn mat making
vi. uses and functions of Basket
and Mat
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify a basket material
2. describe types of basket and mats
3. State Towns and States in Nigeria ard even
beyond that are good in Basket and Mat making
4. List and use the materials and tools for baskets
making basket and mat
5. Itemize various products from Basket and mat
making and be able to make
6. Analyse the various uses and functions of baskets
and mat.
7. Construct/weave a basket and mat
9Indigenous crafts (cloth weaving)
i. Meaning of Craft
i. Types of crafts.
iii. Materials and tools for making
/weaving cloths
iv. Products from cloth weaving
v. Places in Nigeria and beyond
where clothes are weaved
vi. Products from cloth weaving
—aso ofi, kente.
vii. Functions of weaved clothes.
viii. Basic pineapples of weaving
– warp. welt shuttle. loom
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify indigenous craft
2. State types of Craft discuss them.
3. List materials and tools for making/weaving
clothes and use them effectively.
Items by products from doh
4. Highlight Towns and States in Nigeria that are
good in cloth weaving.
5. Itemize the products from cloth weaving
– Aso Ofi. Alaan. Kente
6. Value the functions of weaved
10Modern Nigerian art and artists.
i. Meaning of contemporary
Nigerian arts and artists.
ii. Origin and development of
modern artistic expression in
iii. Modern Nigerian art-sculpture,
ceramic, textile, graphics
iv. Nigerian studio artist
-Aina Onabolu, Akinola Lasekan,
Ben Enwonwu, Yusuf Grillo,
Ladi Kwali, Kolade Oshinowo,
Uche Okeke
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. State the meaning of contemporary artist
2. discover the origin and development of modern
3. Discuss and identify the modern Nigerian arts
4. Identify Nigerian studio artists and art educators.
11African Art History
-Nigeria-Ife, Benin, Nok etc
-Upper Volta-Mossi, Bobo
-Liberia- Dangerous
-Gabon-Fang, Bakwere
i. Origin of African art
ii. Identification of African art
iii. Religious and geographical
location of African art
iv. Characteristics of various
African art
v.Functions of these African arts
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. state the origin of African art
2. select the various locations of African traditional
3. identify all the African traditional arts
4. state the distinct characteristics of each African
5. itemize and value the functions of all African
traditional arts

Recommended Visual Arts Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 2

The recommended Visual Arts textbooks for SSS2 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Integrated Visual Arts for Secondary Schools by Bayo Okunlola et al Bounty Press 
  2. NERDC Guide to Visual Art Examination by Bayo Okunlola  Sea Publishers 
  3. Certificate Art for Junior and Senior Secondary Schools by UPL Publishers.


  1. A3 size Sketch Pad      
  2. Pack of Pencil Colours (with long pencil colours)      
  3. A packet of felt tips    
  4. A3 or A4 size tracing paper  
  5. Palette (big size) and palette knife (plastic type)    
  6. Charcoal or charcoal pencils (2)    
  7. Sets of calligraphy pens    
  8. Ink Rot ring or Stadler    
  9. Drawing instruments / Maths Set    
  10. Poster colour (A pack of 12 bottles)    
  11. Pack of hog brushes    
  12. Pack of sable brushes    
  13. Pack of B pencils 

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