JAMB Hausa Syllabus

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Writing Hausa in JAMB Exams

Are you interested in studying Languages, and any other art courses in Nigerian institutions? If yes, you should consider writing Hausa in your JAMB examination?

Hausa is one of the top 3 most spoken languages in Nigeria and some neighbouring countries and this makes it a valuable language in West Africa. 

The exam will test your level of communication and cultural knowledge and will help broaden your knowledge of this great language which is important for careers in education, Hausa translation and journalism, and international development.

Marking Guide

The JAMB exams has a total of 180 questions. Use of English is 60 questions while the other 3 subjects will be 40 questions each.  All subjects aside the Use of English is graded 2.5 marks.
For example:

If you got 30 questions correctly in JAMB use of English, your mark will be 30/60 × 100 = 50. 

If you got 28 questions over 40 in your Hausa exam,  the calculation will be 28 x 2.5 = 70% (in percentage).

If you have 30 in Accounting and Economics, it’ll be 30 × 2.5 = 75

So let’s add it all: 50 + 70 + 75 + 75 = That’s 270 over 400.


The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) 2024 syllabus in Hausa is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to enable the candidates to:

  1. Acquire the ability to read and write competently in the Hausa language;
  2. Know the basic features of Hausa grammar;
  3. Have the basic knowledge of oral and written Hausa literature;
  4. Have the ability to appreciate the culture, customs and institutions of the Hausa people;
  5. Have the ability to translate competently from English to Hausa.



The syllabus covers the following areas:

1.Harshe (Language)

2.Al’adu (culture)

3.Adabi (Literature) –oral and written literature.

Download JAMB Recommended Hausa Syllabus


Excelling your JAMB Hausa exam starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the Syllabus today.

Hausa Syllabus for JAMB Exams


Alphabetization; spelling; rules of word merger and division; punctuation, paragraphing; all in line with standard Hausa.


Contextual questions from short unseen passages of about 200 words.


Tsarin Rubutun InshaÂ’i (Composition/Letter Writing Techniques).


(a) Ire-iren fassara.
(b) Ƙa’idojin fassara.
(C) Matsalolin fassara


(a) consonants – production and classification in terms of phonation, place and manner of articulation.

(b) vowels – production and classification in terms of position of tongue and lips; monophthongs and diphthongs.

(c) tone – e.g. high, low and falling tones.

(d) syllable structure – syllable types, e.g. open and closed syllables, light and heavy syllables, syllabic categories of words – monosyllabic, disyllabic, etc.

(e) vowel length – long and short vowels.

(f) phonological processes – e.g. assimilatory: palatalization, labialization and vowel harmony; non-assimilatory: insertion and deletion.


(a) roots and stems.
(b) affixation – e.g. prefix, infix suffix and their derivational and inflectional functions.
(c) gender and number inflections.
(d) derivation of nouns and adjectives from verbs; adjectives and verbs from nouns.


(a) word classes – e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and ideophones.

(b) grammatical categories – e.g. tense and aspect (general and relative past: general and relative continuous, first and second future, habitual); mood (subjunctive and negative); gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) and number (singular and plural).

(c) sentence structure – e.g. verbal sentence, nominal phrase + verbal phrase and their components, non-verbal sentence: nominal phrase + stabilizer, nominal phrase complement + stabilizer, nominal phrases + continuous frame (yana../yake…) (+da) + nominal phrase.

(d) sentence types – e.g. simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences.

(e) clauses – types (e.g. relative and subjunctive); functions (e.g. main and subordinate).


(a) lexical aspects of word meaning – e.g. ambiguity, synonymy and antonymy.
(b) figures of speech – aspects of specialized meanings of words and phrases.
Candidates should be able to:
i. recognize the basic Hausa orthographical rules.
ii. apply the Hausa orthographical rules.
iii. detect linguistic errors, such as grammar, wrong choice of words, wrong spelling etc.

Candidates should be able to:
i. read written Hausa texts.
ii. comprehend a given Hausa text.
iii. interpret various meanings and functions of words in a given text.
iv. acquire sufficient vocabulary.
v. recognize central issues in a given text.
vi. draw conclusions based on available evidence in a given text.

Candidates should be able to:
i. acquire the knowledge of the techniques of composition writing in Hausa.
ii. recognize the different segments of composition in Hausa.
iii. recognize the different types of Hausa composition.

Candidates should be able to:
i. translate proverbial and idiomatic expressions and new words from English to Hausa.
ii. recognize the different types of translation.
iii. understand the basic techniques of translating proverbial and idiomatic expression and new words into Hausa.
iv. identify the problems of translation into Hausa.

Candidates should be able to:
i. analyze the process of sound production and combination of sounds to form meaningful words in Hausa.
ii. appraise the importance of vowels in determining word meaning.
iii. distinguish between the phonetic attributes of sounds.
iv. recognize the number of syllables and their types in a word.
v. appraise the importance of vowels in determining meaning.
vi. analyze the phonological processes in Hausa.

Candidates should be able to:
i. explain the inflectional processes in Hausa word formation.
ii. explain the derivational process of word formation in Hausa.
iii. differentiate between the two morphological processes.

Candidates should be able to:
i. analyze the process governing word combination to form phrases; clauses and sentences in Hausa.

ii. detect linguistic errors in the grammar.

iii. observe punctuation rules.

iv. recognize ideas or thoughts in written form.
v. construct meaningful sentences for effective communication.

vi. use the appropriate tenses in spoken and written Hausa.

vii. use the appropriate gender and number in spoken and written Hausa.

viii. differentiate between types of sentence structure.

ix. distinguish between nominal and verbal phrases.

x. distinguish between types of sentences.

xi. compare types of clauses.

Candidates should be able to:
i. analyze the mechanisms of generating meanings in Hausa.

ii. build up their vocabulary.

iii. distinguish between the speech sounds of the language to reflect the acceptable grammar.

iv. recognize the significance of punctuation rules.

v. recognize the various meanings and functions of sentences in communication.

vi. use words and sentences suitable for a particular purpose.

vii. construct meaningful sentences for effective communication.

(a) Haihuwa (birth) –ɗaukar ciki da goyon ciki da haihuwa da shayarwa da alÂ’adun makon haihuwa da wanka da ɓanti da yaye da kaciya da samartaka.

(b) Aure (marriage) – ire-irensa da nema da baiko da ɗaurin aure da biki da zaman aure da saki da zawarci.

(c) Mutuwa (death) – faɗar mutuwa da wanka da salla da janaÂ’iza da zaman makoki da sadaka da takaba da gado.

(d) Tasirin zamani akan rayuwar Hausawa.


(a) tsarin zaman iyali da zaman gandu da dangantakar kishiyoyi da ‘yan uwantaka da barantaka da agolanci.

(b) maƙwabtaka.

(c) aikin gandu da na gayya.

(d) abota da ƙawance.

(e) gaisuwa da karimci.

(f) tasirin zamani a kan zamantakewa.


(a) ire-irensu – noma da ƙira da jima da kasuwanci da wanzanci da sassaƙa da farauta da dukanci da saƙa da kitso da rini da fawa da fafar ƙorai, da sauransu.

(b) yanayinsu – hanyoyin gadon su da kayayyakin yin su da matakan tafiyar da su da muhimmancinsu.

(c) kayayyaki ko amfanin da suke samarwa.

(d) sarautunsu.

(e) sanaÂ’oÂ’i masu dangantaka da jinsi – aikatau da ƙwadago; kitso da aski.

(f) tasirin zamani a kan sanaÂ’oÂ’in gargajiy


(a) na buƙatun cikin gida (household) – tufafi da karikitan cikin gida.

(b) na sauran buƙatu (others) – gine-gine da girke-girke da sauransu.

(c) tasirin zamani a kan kayayyakin buƙatuwa.


(a) na addini (religious) – irin su bikin salla da takutaha (sallar gani) da cika-ciki da saukar karatu.

(b) na gargajiya (traditional) – irin su kalankuwa da buɗar dawa, da bikin shan kabewa.

(c) na sanaÂ’a (occupational) – bikin kamun kifi da dambe da kokawa da wasan farauta da wasan maƙera da hawan ƙaho.

(d) na nisha?i – sukuwa.

(e) na yara (childrenÂ’s games) –irin su shalle da kulli-kurciya da a-sha-ruwan-tsuntsaye da gaɗa da carafke.

(f) tasirin zamani kan bukukuwa da wasanni.


(a) camfe-camfe irinsu kangida da camfi, da kambun baka.

(b) bauta irin su bori da maita da tsafi.

(c) tasirin zamani a kan camfe-camfe da bauta


(a) ire-irensu – sarki da hakimai da dagatai da masu unguwanni.

(b) na bayin sarki – shantali da jakadiya da baraya da sauransu.

(c) masu alaƙa da addini; irin su liman da alƙali.

(d) ayyukansu.


(a) ire-irensu na gargajiya: sassaƙe-sassaƙe da sauyoyi da na gari da na ruwa.

(b) na addini: layu da rubutu da ɗibbu da duba.

(c) hanyar amfani da su – sha da shafawa da surace da turare da shaƙawa da
taunawa da tsotsawa da ɗaurawa da liƙawa da ratayawa.

(d) awo da kimantawa.

(e) ayyukansu – riga-kafi da warkarwa.

(f) tasirin zamani a kansu.
Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. bayyana alÂ’adun da ke tattare da ɗaukar ciki har zuwa samartaka.

ii. bayyana tsarin zamani akan haihuwa.

iii. bayyana alÂ’adun neman aure har zuwa zawarci.

iv. bayyana tasirin zamani akan aure.

v. bayyana hanyoyin faɗar mutuwa zuwa rabon gado.

vi. bayyana tasirin zamani akan mutuwa.

vii. tantance maÂ’ana da ire-iren tasirin zamani

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. bayyana tsarin dangantaka da maÂ’amala tsakanin iyali.

ii. bayyana mahimmancin zamantakewa tsakanin Hausawa.

iii. tantance ire-iren tasirin zamani a kan alÂ’adun zamantakewa.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance ɗabiÂ’un masu sanaÂ’a.

ii. tantance kayayyakin da ake sanaÂ’antawa.

iii. tantance sanaÂ’oÂ’in maza da na mata.

iv. zayyana kayayyakin sanaÂ’oÂ’in.

v. tantance hanyoyin gadon sanaÂ’oÂ’in.

vi. zayyana amfanin kayayyakin sanaÂ’a.

vii. bayyana sarautun sanaÂ’oÂ’in.

viii. bambanta sanaÂ’oÂ’in maza da na mata.

ix. bayyana muhimmancin sanaÂ’oÂ’in.

x. tantance tasirin zamani akan sanaÂ’oÂ’in.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance kayayyakin buƙatun rayuwar Bahaushe.
ii. tantance amfanin kayayyakin buƙatun rayuwar Bahaushe.
iii. tantance tsarin zamani a kan kayayyakin buƙatu.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. zayyana ire-iren wasanni da bukukuwan Hausawa.

ii. nuna mahimancinsu.

iii. nuna yadda za a adana su kar su ɓace.

iv. nuna yadda ake gudanar da su.

v. nuna tasirin zamani a kan bukukuwa da wasanni.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance ire-ire da hanyoyin aiwatar da su.

ii. bayyana amfaninsu.

iii. bayyana rashin amfaninsu.

iv. bayyana tasirin zamani a kansu.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. zayyana su ta fuskar ire-iren muƙamai.

ii. zayyana hawa-hawan muƙami.

iii. tantance aikin kowane mai muƙami.

iv. tantance mahimmancin kowane muƙami.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. karkasa ire-iren magunguna.

ii. zayyana hanyoyin amfani da su.

iii. nuna amfaninsu.

v. nuna tasirin zamani a kan su.
Adabin Baka (Oral Literature)

Irin su tatsuniya da almara da hikaya da ƙissa da tarihi.

Irin su take da kirari da habaici da zambo da karin magana da kacici-kacici da salon maganada adon harshe

(i). ire-irensu –na fada da na jama’a da na maza da na sha’awa da sauransu:

(ii). jigo da salo da zubi da tsari da mawaƙi da kayan kiɗa da abin da aka waƙe.

(iii). waƙoƙin aiki: na niƙa da daɓe da na daka da na talla da sauransu;

(iv). Waƙoƙin yara (maza da mata); na aure da na dandali da sauransu;

Kome Nisan Dare

Waƙoƙin Mu’azu Haɗeja

Kulɓa Na Ɓarna
Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance nau ‘o’in zuben baka.
ii. amfani da kalmomin da suka dace da kan labari.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance sigogi da bayyana hanyoyin amfani da su.
ii. naƙalta da amfani da kalmomin da suka dace da maganganun azanci.

Lallai ne waɗanda za su rubuta jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance nauÂ’oÂ’in waƙoƙin aiki.

ii. tantance masu yin waƙoƙin aiki.

iii. bambance sigogin waƙoƙin yara.

Lallai ne masu ɗaukar jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance siga da tsari da jigo da salo da taurarin cikin littafin zube
tare da nazarin su.

ii. naƙaltar ƙaÂ’idojin rubutu yayin karanta rubutun zube.

iii. naƙaltar maÂ’anonin kalmomi da na jumloli domin fahimtar labari.

iv. tantance muhimman saƙonni a cikin labari da yanke hukunci game da labarin.

Lallai ne masu ɗaukar jarabawa su iya:
i. fahimtar jigo da salo da siga da zubi wajen nazarin zaɓaɓɓiyar waƙa.

ii. yin laÂ’akari da ƙaÂ’idojin rubutu musamman na waƙa.

iii. tantance maÂ’anonin kalmomi da na jumloli wajen nazarin waƙa.

iv. danganta amfani da kalmomi da jumloli da saƙon waƙa.

v. tantance muhimman saƙonni a cikin waƙa da yanke hukunci game da ita.

Lallai ne masu ɗaukar jarabawa su iya:
i. tantance yanayin wurin wasa da jigo da salo da ‘yan wasa da siga da tsarin
rubutaccen wasan kwaikwayo da aka zaɓa don nazari.

ii. laÂ’akari da muhimmancin ƙaÂ’idojin rubutu wajen fitar da maÂ’ana.

iii. naƙaltar maÂ’anar kalmomi domin fahimtar wasa.

iv. tantance muhimman saƙonni a cikin wasa da yanke hukunci game da saƙonnin.
ZubeBambale, M.B.Kome Nisan Dare
Zaria: NNPC, 2009
WaƙaHaɗeja, M.Waƙoƙin Mu’azu Haɗeja
Zaria: NNPC, 1980
Katsina, U.Ɗ.Kulɓa Na Ɓarna
Zaria: NNPC, 2011

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Recommended JAMB Hausa Textbooks


  1. Galadanci, M.K.M. (1976),Introduction to Hausa Grammar,Zaria: Longman.
  2. Junju, M.H. (1980),Rayayyen Nahawun Hausa, Zaria: NNPC
  3. Muhammad, Y.M. (2005),Fassarar Hausa,Zaria: ABU Press
  4. Sani, M.A.Z. (1999),Tsarin Sauti Da Nahawun Hausa, Ibadan: UP Plc.
  5. Sani, M.A.Z. et al (2000),Exam Focus: Hausa Language, Ibadan:UP Plc
  6. Skinner, N. (1977),Grammar of Hausa,Zaria: NNPC
  7. Yahaya, I.Y. et al (1992),Darussan Hausa 1 –3,Ibadan: UP Plc Don manyan makarantun sakandare



  1. Bichi, A.Y. (1979),Waƙoƙin Bikin Aure,Lagos: Nelson
  2. Dangambo, A. (1984),Rabe –Raben Adabin Baka da Muhimmancinsa Ga Rayuwar Hausawa, Kano: T.P.C.
  3. Gusau, S.M. (1991),Makaɗa Da Mawaƙan Hausa,Kaduna: Fisbas Media Service
  4. Ibrahim, M.S. (1977),Kowa Ya Sha Kiɗa,Zaria: Longman.
  5. Madauci, I. et al (1992),Hausa Customs,Zaria: ABU Press
  6. Umar, M.B. (1976),Ɗanmaraya Jos Da Waƙoƙinsa, Ibadan: OUP
  7. Umar, M.B. (1977),Wasannin Tashe,Zaria: NNPC

  1. Bargery G.P. (1951),A Hausa –English Dictionary and English-Hausa Vocabulary London: OUP
  2. Newman, R.M. (1997),An English-Hausa Dictionary, Ibadan: Longman.
  3. Newman and Newman (1977),Sabon Ƙamus Na Hausa Zuwa Turanci, Ibadan: UPLS
  4. kinner, N. (1993),Kamus
  5. Na Turanci Da Hausa, Zaria: NNPC.
  6. CSNL: (2006),Ƙamusun Hausa Na Jami’ar Bayero ta Kano,Kano: CSN

Frequently Asked Questions About JAMB Hausa Exam

How is the JAMB Hausa Score Calculated?

Asides from The Use of English, each question in the remaining 3 subjects is graded 2.5 marks. Hence, the three subjects carry 300 marks. For example: If you get 28 questions right in your Hausa exam, the calculation will be 28 x 2.5 = 70% (in percentage).

What is the allocated time for JAMB?

It is a two-hour exam and you are expected to complete all four papers within the allocated time frame. To do this well, try as much as possible to spend between 20-50 seconds on each question so you can have enough time to cross check your work without being in a hurry.

How do I study Hausa for JAMB?

To prepare for JAMB Hausa, study the recommended syllabus provided by JAMB, review textbooks and study past questions. You can equally attend tutorials if necessary so you can interact and learn from others.

What are some common mistakes candidates make in JAMB, and how can I avoid them?

Common mistakes people make at JAMB include inadequate time management, zero knowledge of how to operate a computer and not studying their past questions or even reading the syllabus. Most candidates just read their school notes forgetting that JAMB Is not organized by their school. You can avoid these mistakes by studying the syllabus as well as past questions, improving your time management skills, and seeking clarification on unclear concepts.

How many questions are in JAMB Hausa exam?

You will be tasked to answer 40 questions.

Do I need to attend a JAMB tutorial to pass?

Not at all. You can read and ace your exams yourself. All you need to do is to have consistent reading habit.

However, tutorials can also help you prepare better, connect with your peers, and gauge your confidence levels.

Download JAMB Recommended Hausa Syllabus


Excelling your JAMB Hausa exam starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the Syllabus today.


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