NABTEB Agricultural Science Syllabus

High scoring candidates study hard and smart. Knowing what NABTEB wants from you is the first step. Download the NABTEB Agricultural Sciecne syllabus today. 

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Writing Agricultural Science in NABTEB Exams

This NABTEB Agricultural Science syllabus is an invaluable resource for students preparing for the exam. It outlines the key topics as well as the main areas of focus that will be covered in the exam, such as basic agriculture, animal production, and irrigation. It also provides a list of recommended textbooks and other resources that will help you prepare. 

Having this syllabus as your study is a must if you are writing the upcoming NABTEB exams because it will help you prepare even better.

By studying the syllabus carefully, you can rest assured that you are well-prepared for the exam and have a high success rate.

Aims of NABTEB Agricultural Science Syllabus

The aims of the syllabus are to:-  

  1. Impart in the candidates a functional knowledge and practical skills in Agriculture. 
  2. Prepare candidates for further studies in Agriculture.
  3. Prepare candidates for occupation in Agriculture. 
  4. Stimulate and sustain candidates’ interest in Agriculture. 
  5. Enable the candidates to explore the rich Agricultural resources of Nigeria’s environment.

NABTEB Marking Guide for Agricultural Science

There will be two papers: 

paper 1 (Objective and Essay) and paper 2 (Practical), both of which must be taken. 

The total mark for both papers is 200 marks.  

PAPER I (Objective and Essay) 

This paper will consist of two sections; A and B. 

Section A will contain fifty (50) multiple-choice questions to be attempted in 50 minutes. 

The marks allocated for this section is 50 marks 

Section B will consist of SEVEN (7) Essay questions and candidates are expected to answer five questions in 1 hour 40 minutes.

The total mark for this section is 90 marks. 

PAPER II (Test of Practical) 

This shall be a 2-hour practical test, either the actual practical or an alternative to practical. 

It will consist of four (4) compulsory questions, for a total of 60 marks. 

NOTE: The actual practical shall be taken by schools during  May/June  Examinations  WHILE  the alternative to practical shall be taken by private candidates during Nov/Dec Examinations.

Download NABTEB Agricultural Science Syllabus


Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NABTEB recommended Agricultural Science Syllabus

NABTEB Syllabus for Agricultural Science Exam


ii. Identify the different branches/areas of agriculture
2PROBLEMS OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSi. Identify and discuss problems of agriculture development in Nigeria
3MEANING & DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBSISTENCE & COMMERCIAL AGRICULTUREi. Students should explain the meaning of subsistence and commercial agriculture
4ROLES OF GOVERNMENT IN DEVELOPMENTi. State roles of government in the provision of:
a) Agricultural Finance
b) Agricultural education
6AGRICULTURAL LAWS & REFORMSi. List land tenure system

ii. Explain
a) Inheritance
b) Individual
7MEANING & INFORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECOLOGYi. Define agricultural ecology and ecosystem

ii. Explain some basic concepts in ecology
8LAND & IT’S USESi. Students should be able to state
a) Meaning of land
b) Characteristics of land
9FACTORS AFFECTING LAND AVAILABILITY FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSESi. Identify factors affecting land availability for agricultural purposes.

ii. State raw materials in each industry
11ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING CROP & ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTIONi. State and explain climatic factors affecting crop and animal distribution and production
12ROCK FORMATIONi. Students should be able to
a. Define rock
b. Identify types of rocks

ii. List factors of soil formation
14TYPES, COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIESi. Students should be able to recognize the different types of soil

ii. Define soil pH

iii. Determine the pH of different soil types

iv. State ways of correcting soil acidity
15PLANT NUTRIENTS AND NUTRIENT CYCLEi. Students should be able to distinguish between macro and micronutrients

ii. List the macronutrients

iii. State the functions of each macronutrient

iv. State their deficiency symptoms
16IRRIGATIONi. Define irrigation

ii. Describe underground irrigation
17DRAINAGEi. Students should be able to
a) Define drainage
b) State the importance of drainage
18AGRICULTURAL POLLUTIONi. Students should be able to
a. Define pollution
b. State the causes of agricultural land pollution
19SIMPLE FARMS TOOLSi. Describe simple farm tools
20FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTSi. Identify types of farm machinery

ii. State the uses of farm machine
21MAINTENANCE PRACTICES AND PRE-CAUTIONARY MEASURESi. Explain the meaning of tractor/coupled

ii. List the parts and functions of a plow, harrow, and ridges
22AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATIONi. List the disadvantages of agricultural mechanization
23PROSPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANISMi. Possible ways of improving agricultural mechanization such as
developing less expensive machines and establishing agricultural engineering
schools for personnel and fabricating simple machines, etc.
24FARM POWERi. Define farm power

ii. Explain and state the advantages of human power
25FARM SURVEYINGi. Define farm surveying

ii. Survey Equipment
27HUSBANDRY OF SELECTED CROPSi. Student should be able to describe the production of the selected crops
e.g. cereal, groundnut, etc, under the following headings –
Origin – Local and common name
– Varieties/types
– Climates/soil requirements
28PASTURE AND FORAGE CROPSi. Explain the meaning of pasture and forage crops

ii. State uses of forage crops

iii. List types of pasture and characteristics of each type

iv. Identify the main pasture
29CROP IMPROVEMENTStudents should be able to;
i. Enumerate the aims of crop improvement

ii. Explain the methods of crop improvement

iii. State the Mendel’s law
30FOREST MANAGEMENTStudents should be able to;
i. Define the meaning of forest and forestry

ii. State the importance of the forest and forestry

iii. State forest regulations in Nigeria

iv. State and discuss forest management practices in Nigeria
31MEANING & IMPORTANCE OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTSi. Explain the meaning of ornamental plants

ii. Identify local ornamental plants
32COMMON TYPES OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTSi. Mention ornamental plants used for different purposes

ii. Identify ornamental plants belonging to each category
i. Identify locations or settings requiring ornamental plants

ii. Determines ornamental plants for each location.
35DISEASES OF CROPSStudents should be able to;
i. State the meaning of the disease

ii. List the effects of disease on crop production

iii. Name the important diseases of major crops

iv. State the causal organism of each disease

v. State the preventive and control measures
36PEST OF CROPSStudents should be able to;
i. Classify pests into insects and non-insects pests

ii. Classify insect pests based on their mode of mouth part

iii. Discuss the important insect pests of major crops

iv. Recognize and name the important storage insect pests of farm produce

v. State the meaning of pests
37WEEDSStudents should be able to;
i. Define weeds

ii. List various types of weeds with their botanical names

iii. List the various features of weeds
38TYPES & CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALSi. List the different types of farm animals
39ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY OF FARM ANIMALSi. Draw and label parts of a farm

ii. Dissect a farm animal

iii. Sketch these mention their farm parts function
40ANIMAL REPRODUCTIONStudents should be able to;
i. Explain the role of sex hormones in reproduction

ii. Describe the process of egg formation

iii. Explain the process of reproduction in mammals and poultry

iv. Draw and label the parts of the male and female reproductive systems.
41ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGYStudents should be able to;
i. Explain the meaning of environmental physiology

ii. State the effects of climate change
42LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENTStudents should be able to;
i. State the meaning of livestock management

ii. State the requirement for good livestock management

iii. Explain the importance of these management practices to livestock
43ANIMAL NUTRITIONStudents should be able to:
i. Classify feeds

ii. Mention sources and functions of food nutrients

iii. State the different types of rations/diet and their uses

iv. State causes and symptoms of malnutrition and their corrections in farm animals
44RANGELAND & PASTUREStudents should be able to;
i. State the meaning of range land

ii. List the importance of range land

iii. State the characteristics of the range of land

iv. Mention some common grasses of livestock range land

v. State factors affecting the level of production of herbage
45ANIMAL IMPROVEMENTStudents should be able to;
i. Explain the meaning of animal improvement

ii. State the aims of animal improvement

iii. Describe the various methods of animal improvement

iv. State the effects of each method and process on animal improvement.
46ANIMAL HEALTH MANAGEMENTStudents should be able to;
i. Define diseases

ii. State the causal organisms of animal diseases

iii. Identify some ecto and endo-parasites of livestock

iv. Name some important diseases of livestock and their casual organism
47AQUACULTUREStudents should be able to;
i. Define aquaculture and name different types of aquaculture.

ii. Explain the meaning of fish farming

iii. State the importance of farming

iv. State the conditions necessary for sitting in a fish pond

v. Establish and maintain a fishpond

vi. Identify different fishing tools and their uses.
48APICULTURE OR BEE KEEPINGStudents should be able to;
i. State the meaning of agriculture

ii. List different types of bees

iii. State the importance of beekeeping

iv. Prepare equipment for beekeeping and produce quality honey

v. State various methods of beekeeping and their
49BASIC ECONOMIC PRINCIPLESStudents should be able to;
i. List the basic economic principles

ii. Discuss the basic economic principles
50FACTORS OF PRODUCTIONi. Define factors of production

ii. Mention examples of factors of production

iii. Discuss each factor of production
51PRINCIPLES OF DEMANDi. State the meaning of demand

ii. State the law of demand

iii. List the factors that affect the demand for agricultural goods and services.
52PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLYi. State the law of supply

ii. List the factors that affect supply; movements along the supply curve and the shift variables

ii. Explain the meaning of price stabilization and control
54FUNCTIONS OF A FARM MANAGERi. Explain the meaning of farm manager

ii. State the functions of a farm manager
55PROBLEMS FACED BY FARM MANAGERSi. State the problems that farm managers face in the production process
56AGRICULTURAL FINANCEStudents should be able to;
i. Define agricultural finance

ii. State and discuss the importance of agricultural finance

iii. Determine and discuss sources of farm financing

iv. Mention types of credit based on periods and sources of credit

v. Mention problems faced by farmers in procuring agricultural credit

vi. State the meaning of agric-business

vii. State the source of funds for the capital market
57FARM RECORDS & ACCOUNTi. State the importance of farm records and account

ii. State types of farm records.

iii. Develop a farm record.
58MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCEi. State the meaning and importance of agricultural marketing

ii. List the various marketing agents/channels

iii. State the advantages and disadvantages of the various channels

iv. List the functions performed by marketing agents

v. Importance of exports to agricultural development
59AGRICULTURAL INSURANCEStudents should be able to;
i. Define agricultural insurance

ii. Name types of insurance that can be taken by agricultural operators
60AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIONi. State the meaning and importance of agricultural extension.

ii. List agricultural extension programs in Nigeria.

iii. State some methods of disseminating information to farmers.

iv. State some methods of disseminating information to farmers.

v. List problems faced by agricultural extension agents in Nigeria.

Recommended NABTEB Agricultural Science Textbooks

  1.  Essential Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary School by O.A. IWENA.
  2. Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary School by M.K. KOMOLAFE & D.C. TOY.
  3. Senior Secondary Agricultural Science by O.A. AKINSANMI
  4. A textbook of Agricultural Science for School & College by A.C. ANYANWU, B.D.
  5. Prescribed Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary School.

Frequently Asked Questions About NABTEB Agricultural Science Exam

What's the pass mark for NABTEB Agricultural Science?

 There is no official pass mark, but scores above 50 are considered good. However, you should try to score as high as you can because the higher you score, the better your chances of admission to your chosen course and institution.

How long does it take to complete the NABTEB Agricultural Science exam?

The entire exam takes 3 hours 30 minutes.  We would advise you to spend about 3-5 minutes on each question so you can have enough time to go over your work again. Do not spend too much time on questions you do not know. 

What topics does the NABTEB Agricultural Science exam cover?

The NABTEB Agricultural Science exam covers topics like irrigation, land and its uses, drainage, simple farm tools, etc. A full list of topics to study is listed above.

How is the NABTEB Agricultural Science Score Calculated?

Each section in the exam has its allocated mark and your score will be based on how well you do in every section.

Paper 1 has two sections; the total number of marks for section A is 50 marks and for section B, it is 90 marks.

Paper II is the practical section which will carry 60 marks.

Can I use my NABTEB results to study abroad?

Yes, some schools abroad accept NABTEB results in place of WAEC but it all depends on the school and program you are applying for.

How many questions are in NABTEB Agricultural Science?

You will be required to answer 50 multiple-choice questions, 5 theory questions, and 4 practical questions based on the syllabus listed above.

Are there any tips for passing?

Here are a few tips for you; Start studying early enough. Do not do last-minute reading. You should also try practising your time management skills.

Another tip is to study past questions regularly and ensure you get a good night’s rest a day before your exam.

Good luck!


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