NABTEB Chemistry Syllabus

High scoring candidates study hard and smart. Knowing what NABTEB wants from you is the first step. Download the NABTEB Chemistry syllabus today. 

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Writing Chemistry in NABTEB Exams

Hey there! Are you preparing to write the Chemistry exam in the upcoming NABTEB exams? Or do you know someone who is? If yes, then this page will be of great help to you.

The NABTEB Chemistry syllabus is like a roadmap that provides an overview of the topics that you need to study and what you should know after reading each topic. Studying this syllabus alongside your NABTEB past questions is an excellent way to stay ahead of your peers and score good points in your exam.

Aims of NABTEB Chemistry Syllabus

The aims of the syllabus are to:

  1. Provide knowledge in Chemistry that is appropriate for students who require its application in their various trades/vocational studies and are likely to end their study of Chemistry at the NTC level.
  2. Serve as the foundation for post-technical education.
  3. Provide students with the basic knowledge of the underlying concepts, principles, and generalizations of technological processes and products.
  4. Enable students to carry out practical and project works stated in the teaching syllabus, thus strengthening their ability in the scientific processes of observation, application, problem-solving, and formulation of mental models.
  5. Expose students to the use of S.I. units and the IUPAC system of nomenclature.
  6. Create awareness in the students of the inter-relationship between Chemistry and their various trades and its link with their work/job environment.
  7. Inculcate in the students the culture of safety precautions.

NABTEB Marking Guide for Chemistry

The examination will consist of two papers. Paper I is the theory paper, and Paper II is the practical exam.

PAPER I: This is the theory paper consisting of two parts. Part A will have fifty (50) multiple-choice objective questions, to be answered by candidates in 50 minutes for 50 marks. Part B will have five (5) essay questions from which candidates are expected to attempt FOUR (4) questions only. Each essay question carries 25 marks for a total of 100 marks to be completed in 1 hour 40 minutes.

PAPER 2 (Practical):

This shall be a 2-hour practical test that can either be an actual practical or an alternative to practical. It will have a total of three (3) compulsory questions to be completed in 2 hours for 50 marks.

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NABTEB Syllabus for Chemistry Exam

1ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS & MIXTURESi. Explain the concepts of elements, compounds and mixtures.

ii. Identify the properties e.g. melting point, boiling point, solubility etc of common substances in the laboratory. If may be used as basis for choice of separation methods.
2STRUCTURE OF THE ATOMi. Explain the concepts of atoms, molecules and ions (atomic or molecular ions)

ii. Explain the features of the atom.

iii. Draw and label the main electronic shells of the atom and explain atomic- number, isotopes, relative atomic mass (Ar), relative molecular mass (Mr) and calculate the relative atomic masses of elements that exhibit isotopy.

iv. List the main and sub- energy levels in an atom and explain the arrangement of electrons in these energy levels

v. Discuss the orbitals of atom and explain the rules for filling electrons in the sub-energy levels.

vi. Distinguish between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction.

vii. Explain the nature of the three main types of radiation.

viii. Define radioactivity. Distinguish between natural and artificial. Explain nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

ix. Define ‘Half-life’ as a measure of the stability of the atomic nucleus.

x. Write and balance simple nuclear equation.

xi. Explain the effects of radioactive radiation on human beings and state the uses of radio isotopes
3PERIODICITY OF AN ELEMENTi. State the periodic law and its application in the formulation of the periodic table.

ii. Outline the periodic properties and their trends across the period and down a group.

iii. Outline the periodic graduation of properties of the halogens.

iv. Explain the meaning of the transition metals and their characteristic properties.
4CHEMICAL BONDINGi. Explain chemical bonding and list the types of chemical combinations.

ii. Illustrate with appropriate examples electrovalent or ionic bonding. List factors that influence the formation of electrovalent compound and outline the properties of an electrovalent or ionic compound.

iii. Illustrate with appropriate examples, ordinary covalent and coordinate covalent/dative bonding. List factors which influence the formation of covalent compounds and outline the properties of covalent compounds.

iv. Draw the shape of simple molecules.

v. Explain metallic bonding. List factors that influence the formation of metallic bonds and outline the typical properties of metals..

vi. Explain vander Waal’s forces. Give examples of the compound in which they exist and explain the variation of melting points and boiling points of noble gases; halogen and alkenes in terms of vander Waal’s forces.

vii. Explain the unusually higher boiling point of HF, H20 and NH3 over HCL, H2S and PH3 respectively due to hydrogen bonding
5STOICHIOMETRY & CHEMICAL REACTIONSi. Explain symbols, formulae and equations. List the rules for writing of balanced equations and write balanced chemical equations by applying the rules.

ii. State and explain the laws of chemical combination.

iii. Explain the concepts of moles, Avogadro number and constant molar volume, mole ratio, amount of substance used, mole ratios to determine the stoichiometry of chemical reactions. Mole fraction

iv. Explain the concept of solution.
6STATES OF MATTERi. Define And explain the concept if law, theory and hypothesis as usual in science.

ii. State the postulate of Kinetic theory of matter. Explain the nature of solids, liquids and gasses, change of state of matter and diffusion using the kinetic model.

iii. State and explain the gas laws. Explain each law using the kinetic model. Represent the laws mathematically and graphically (where applicable). Derive the general gas law.

iv. State the relationship of vapour pressure with the boiling points of liquids. Describe simple methods for the determination of boiling points.

v. Classify solids. Compare the properties of the types of solids. Describe the arrangement of ions, molecules and atoms in three dimensions in the solid state. Explain melting points and describe the structure, properties, and uses of diamond and graphite
7ENERGY & ENERGY CHANGESi. Define energy. List different forms of energy. State the laws of conservation of energy and explain its units.

ii. Explain the term exothermic reactions, endothermic reactions, heat of reaction, heat of formation, heat of combustion, heat of neutralization and heat of solution. Measure and calculate heat of neutralization, heat of solution and heat of combustion.

iii. Concepts of free energy and entropy. Discussion of ∆G = ∆H – T∆S
8ACID, BASE AND SALTi. Define acid, base and salt. Explain Arrhenius theory of acids and basicity of an acid.

ii. Outline the various physical and chemical properties and chemical properties of acids, bases and salts. Balance chemical equations of ionic reactions.

iii. Explain the preparation of acids and salts by various methods.

iv. Define electrolyte and non-electrolyte. Distinguish between strong and weak electrolytes. Determine the conductances and enthalpy of neuralization of acids, bases and salts.

v. Explain the pH scale. Use it to determine the acidity and alkalinity of aqueous solutions.

vi. Explain the behaviour of weak acids and bases in water. Compare the conductances of molar solutions of strong and weak acids and bases.

vii. Explain hydrolysis and the behaviour of some salts.

viii. Explain the elementary theory of indicators: State the working oH ranges of methyl orange and phenolphthalein.

ix. Identify correctly the relevant apparatus for acid-base titrations. Carry out titrations using acids, bases and appropriate indicators.
9SOLUBILITYi. Explain the general principles of solubility.
10RATES OF REACTION & EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEMSi. Define rate of reaction. Explain factors affecting rates of reactions. Discuss the theory of reaction rates.

ii. Explain the general principles of equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle and factors affecting positions\ of equilibrium in chemical reactions
11REDOX REACTIONi. Explain the concepts of oxidation and reduction, reducing and oxidizing agents, redox reactions. Outline the rules for the determination of oxidation numbers of elements in substances.

ii. Describe electrochemical cells and outline their application

iii. Explain the principles/mechanisms of electrolysis. Discuss the factors that determine the preferential discharge of ions at the electrode and their practical applications.

iv. Explain the concept of corrosion on metals.
12BASIC CHEMISTRY OF NON-METALSi. Describe and explain the preparation, properties, and qualitative tests of some selected elements
13METALS & THEIR COMPOUNDSi. Differentiate between metals and non-metals. Discuss the general principles of extraction of metals. Describe the extraction of selected metals.

ii. Apply the activity series.
14BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRYi. Describe and explain the major classification and nomenclature, separation and purification methods and general properties of organic compounds
15CHEMISTRY OF HYDROCARBONSi. Explain the major classification of hydrocarbons. Write the general and structural formulae and identify their functional groups

ii. Explain the sources, properties and uses of the alkanes.

iii Describe and explain the process of refining petroleum

iv. Explain the sources, properties and uses of alkenes.

v. Explain the sources, properties and uses of alkynes.

vi. Describe the structure and properties of the benzene (both physical and chemical).
16CHEMISTRY OF ALKANOLSi. Explain the sources, nomenclature, structure, classification, properties and laboratory test of alkanas.
17BASIC CHEMISTRY OF ALKANOIC ACID & ALKANOATESi. Explain the sources, nomenclature, structure, properties, uses and test of alkanoic acids and alkanoates
18CHEMISTRY OF SOME MACRO-MOLECULESi. Explain the source, properties and important uses of some macro-molecules
19APPLICATION OF CHEMISTRY IN IMDUSTRIESi. Differentiate between types of chemical industries, their raw materials and explain alloy, their composition and uses
20PRACTICALSi. General skills and Principles Candidates are expected to be familiar with the following skills and principles Measurement of length, mass and volume. Preparation and dilution of standard solutions. Filtration, recrystallization and melting point determination. Measurements of heats of neutralization and solution. Determination of pH values of various solutions by colorimetry. Determination of rates of reaction from concentration versus time curve.

ii. Quantitative Analysis Acid-base titrations:
Preparation of standard solutions. Primary and secondary standard. The use of standard solutions of acid and alkalis and the indicators, methylorange and phenolphthalein to determine
a) The concentrations of acids and alkaline solutions.
b) The molar masses of acids and bases and water of crystallizations.
c) The solubility of acids, bases and salts.
d) The percentage purity of acids and bases. Candidates are expected to be conversant with calculations on both direct and back titrations. Calculation should be to 3 significant figures.

iii. Qualitative Analysis: No formal scheme of analysis is required.
(a) i. Characteristics tests for the following cations with dil. NaOH and NH3(aq).
(1) NH4+; Ca2+ Pb2+; Cu2+; Fe2+; Fe3r; A13+; and Zn2+ (2) Confirmatory tests for the above cations.
(b) i. Characteristic action of dil. HCI on solid samples or aqueous solutions and concentrated H2SO4 on solid samples of the following: CI-, SO32-, CO32-, NO32- , SO42-
ii. Confirmatory tests for the above anions.
(c) comparative study of the halogens, displacement reactions.
(d) H 2 S.
(e) Characteristic tests of the Note: following gasses: O 2 ; H 2 ; NH 3 ; CO 2 ; HCI; and SO 2
Note: that the use of litmus paper will not be accepted as a confirmatory chemical test except for the identification of ammonia gas. ,
e) Characteristic test tube reactions of the functional groups in the following simple organic compounds. Alkenes, Alkanols, Alkanoic acids, sugars (using Fehling’s and st, Benedict’s solutions only), starch (iodine test only) and protein (using the Ninhydrin te xanthoproteic test, Biuret test and Millon’s test only).

Recommended NABTEB Chemistry Textbooks

Frequently Asked Questions About NABTEB Chemistry Exam

What topics are covered in the NABTEB Chemistry syllabus?

The NABTEB Chemistry syllabus covers topics such as the periodicity of an element, chemical bonding, states of matter, and organic chemistry, among others.

How can I effectively study for the NABTEB Chemistry exam?

To study effectively for the NABTEB Chemistry exam, create a study schedule, study with the syllabus above, and recommended textbooks, and practice past questions.

How is the NABTEB Chemistry exam structured?

The NABTEB Chemistry exam typically consists of theory and practical papers. The theory paper will have multiple-choice and essay questions, while the practical paper will have short structured, and practical questions to assess your laboratory skills and techniques.

Are there any specific lab experiments or practical skills required for the NABTEB Chemistry exam?

Yes, you should be familiar with common laboratory techniques, safety procedures, and some experiments. A full list of practical topics can be seen in the syllabus above.

Are there past questions or sample papers available for practicing NABTEB Chemistry?

Yes, you can get a copy of Chemistry NABTEB past questions at bookstores around you. it’ll be available anytime soon. 

How does the NABTEB Chemistry exam compare to other similar exams?

The NABTEB Chemistry exam may have similarities with other exams like WAEC or NECO Chemistry exams in terms of content coverage and assessment methods but the exam pattern and syllabus are different from each other.


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