NABTEB Civic Education Syllabus

Great NABTEB candidates study hard and smart. Knowing what NABTEB wants from you is the first step. Download the NABTEB Civic Education syllabus today. 

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Writing Civic Education in NABTEB Exams

Hey there! Are you are planning on writing the Civic Education examination in the upcoming NABTEB exams, this syllabus is a must-have for you. It covers a range of topics related to values, youth empowerment, cultism, and orderliness, and having a basic knowledge of these will help you score well in the exams.

Studying with a well-detailed syllabus like ours is one way to get high scores in your examinations because, with this syllabus, you know the topics and sub-topics to read as well as other study tips and materials.

Go through the syllabus and share this with your friends who will be taking this exam, will you.

Aims of NABTEB Civic EducationSyllabus

The major aims and objectives of this course are:

  1. To promote the understanding of the interrelationship between people, government, and society.
  2. To highlight the structure of government, its functions, and the responsibilities of government to the people and vice versa.
  3. To enhance the teaching and learning of emerging issues.
  4. To inculcate in students their duties and obligations to society.

NABTEB Marking Guide for Civic Education

The examination will have two papers and last for 2 hours 30 minutes.


This paper will be made up of 50 multiple-choice questions worth a total of 50 marks.


This is the essay part, to be attempted in 1 hour 40 minutes, and will comprise six questions out of which students are required to answer four (4). The total mark for this section is 60 marks.

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NABTEB Syllabus for Civic Education Exam

1VALUESi. Define and identify types of values

ii. Explain justice and selflessness,

iii. Demonstrate incidences of selfless activities
2HIV/AIDSi. Explain the meaning and the causes of HIV/AIDs;

ii. Identify the symptoms and effects of HIV/Aids

iii. State the preventive measures for HIV/AIDS

iv. Discuss the HIV/AIDS stigmatization.
3YOUTH EMPOWERMENTi. Explain the concept of empowerment

ii. State the different youth empowerment skills

iii. List the importance and benefits of the different skills

iv. Practice a specific skill
4GOALS OF CITIZENSHIPi. Define and explain the goals of citizenship education;

ii. Identify laws and rights of individuals;

iii. Mention the main functions and structures of government

iv. Explain Nationalism and major local/world civic problems

v. Enumerate nationalistic roles of individuals and groups
5CHARACTERISTICS OF DEMOCRACYi. Define and explain representative democracy and its characteristics;

ii. Explain the rule of law and maximum liberty for its citizens

iii. Examine the rule of the majority with adequate safeguards for the minority
6THE MAJOR PILLARS OF DEMOCRACYi. Define and explain the constitution;

ii. Discuss the strong institutions like the three arms of government;

iii. Define and explain federalism, state and local government.

iv. Outline citizen’s responsibilities;

v. Political parties and free press.

ii. Give a brief historical background of UDHR.

iii. The seven core freedoms of UDHR

iv. Explain the meaning of the seven core freedoms of UDHR

v. Mention the seven core freedoms of UDHR

vi. Say the roles of individuals and groups in UDHR;

vii. Explain the role of government in UDHR
8CULTISMi. Define and explain the meaning of cultism;

ii. Identify the different cult groups and their symbols;

iii. State the origin and reasons for cult groups;

iv. Explain the consequences of cultism.

v. Discuss the preventive measures against cultism
9ORDERLINESSi. Define and explain the meaning of orderliness;

ii. Enumerate some examples of orderliness

iii. State and discuss the role of orderliness in the society
10RESPECT FOR CONSTITUTED AUTHORITYi. Define and explain the meaning of constituted authority

ii. State and discuss types of constituted authority;

iii. Explain the importance of constituted authority
11IMPORTANCE OF CITIZENSHIP OF EDUCATIONi. Define and explain citizenship education

ii. Identify and describe their duties and obligations to their communities

iii. List the skills required for the promotion of our traditions, beliefs, etc.

iv. Say how to promote consciousness, integrity, and unity
12CAPITALIST DEMOCRACYi. Define and explain capitalist democracy and its characteristics

ii. Describe how political parties compete for power through elections;

iii. Explain how employment can alleviate poverty;

iv. Describe what promotes guaranteed employment, free education, medical care, etc.
13MEANING & FORMS OF APATHYi. Define political apathy in its various forms;

ii. Give reasons for political apathy;

iii. Explain why leaders fail to protect the interests of their followers.
14POPULAR PARTICIPATIONi. Define popular participation in politics;

ii. Give reasons why people do not participate in politics;

iii. Describe how popular organizations are formed
15HUMAN RIGHTSi. Define human rights;

ii. Identify what may lead to limitations of human rights

iii. Describe what happens during emergency periods
16DRUG USE AND ABUSEi. Define drug use and drug abuses

ii. Identify types of drugs and how they can be abused

iii. Effects of drugs & drug abuse
a) Describe the symptoms of drugs
b) Demonstrate some behavior of an addict

iv. Prevention of drug abuse
a) Identify how drug abuse can be prevented
b) List some of the government agencies working to prevent drug abuse

v. Drug law, enforcement & administration
a) Identify some of the drug laws from the government;
b) Describe some of the activities of drug law enforcement age
17RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOODi. Explain the meaning of responsible parenthood;

ii. State and discuss the role of responsible parents;

iii. Explain the importance of responsible parenthood in national development
18TRAFFIC REGULATIONi. Define and explain the meaning of traffic regulations;

ii. Enumerate some traffic regulations;

iii. Mention the roles of individuals and government in maintaining traffic regulations
19INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSi. Define and explain the meaning of inter-personal relational relationships; –

ii. Enumerate and explain types of interpersonal relationships

iii. State basic skills that promote interpersonal relations
20INTER-COMMUNAL RELATIONSHIPSi. Explain the meaning of inter-communal relationships;

ii. State the importance of inter-communal relationships;

iii. Enumerate and explain the skills for resolving inter-communal conflicts

ii. List and discuss three characteristics of human rights;

iii. Classify and differentiate between the categories of human rights
22FIGHTING POLITICAL APATHYi. Say the meaning of political apathy

ii. List and discuss three ways of fighting political apathy
23PUBLIC SERVICEi. Say the meaning of public service;

ii. List and discuss reasons for the short-coming in the public service;

iii. Mention and explain ways of improving the public service in Nigeria
24CIVIL SOCIETYi. Explain the meaning of civil society;

ii. Identify the functions and needs of civil society;

iii. State the qualities and problems of civil society

iv. Popular Participation
a) Explain the meaning of popular participation;
b) State and explain types of popular participation;
c) Enumerate and explain the need for popular participation in civil society
d) Explain traditional and modern modes of popular participation
25DEMOCRACYi. Explain the meaning of democracy;

ii. Identify the importance and problems of democracy;

iii. Explain the processes of democracy;

iv. Rule of law
a) Explain the meaning and importance of the rule of law;
b) State the processes of rule of law;
c) Identify and explain the problems of the rule of law.

v. Constitutional Democracy
a) Explain the meaning and types of constitutional democracy;
b) State and explain the features of constitutional democracy;
c) Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of constitutional democracy.
d) Identify and explain the key concepts of constitutional democracy
26HUMAN TRAFFICKINGi. Explain the meaning of human trafficking;

ii. State the causes of human trafficking

iii. Mention the effects and consequences of human trafficking;

iv. Say government and individual efforts to stop human trafficking

Recommended NABTEB Civic Education Textbooks


  1. Pathfinder Global Civic Education by I. A. Adeoti.
  2. Civic Education for SSS by Okunloye et al.
  3. Cosmopolitan Civic Education for SSS by Adeshola Olubunmi et al.
  4. Round-Up Government by Ibiyemi Oyeleye et al.
  5. Rasmed Civic Education for SSS by Oyekunle Oyelami et al.

Frequently Asked Questions About NABTEB Civic Education Exam

How many questions are in the NABTEB Civic Education exam?

In all, you will be asked to answer 50 objective questions in Paper 1 and four theory questions.

What are the main topics for Civic Education in NABTEB?

All the topics in the syllabus above are important as your questions can come from either of them.

How do I study Civic Education for NABTEB?

To prepare for NABTEB Civic Education, study the recommended syllabus provided above, review textbooks, and study past questions. You can equally attend group sessions so you can learn from others.

What are some common mistakes candidates make in NABTEB, and how can I avoid them?

Common mistakes for candidates during their NABTEB exams include inadequate time management, not studying their past questions, or even reading the syllabus. You can avoid these mistakes by studying the syllabus above as well as past questions, improving time management skills, and seeking clarification on unclear topics.

How can I effectively manage my time during the NABTEB Civic Education examination?

It’s easy, spend at least 5 minutes on each question so you can have enough time to cross-check your work. If you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and come back later, to avoid wasting too much time on a question.

The recommended NABTEB Civic Education Textbooks are listed on the top page of this article. Some of them include:

  • Cosmopolitan Civic Education
  • Civic Education for SSS
  • Pathfinder Global Civic Education 

A full list of the textbooks is listed above.

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

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