NABTEB Commerce Syllabus

Ace your NABTEB Commerce exam with our comprehensive study guide.

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About NABTEB Commerce Syllabus

The NABTEB Commerce syllabus focuses on equipping students with the knowledge and skills in business activities. It covers areas like business organization, trade, marketing, and sales promotion. If you are looking to get into careers in business management, accounting, marketing, or entrepreneurship, then this syllabus is a must-have for you.

Information is key and this information below is the key to success in your NABTEB Commerce exam so read to the end.


This exam aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of:  

(a) Purpose and scope of Commerce and its situation in the general environment in which Commercial activities are performed. 

(b) The organization and operation of the various types of business. 

(c) Trade and the various commercial services. 

Marking Guide

This exam will have just one paper divided into two sections and will last for 3 hours and 20 minutes duration.  

Section A – will comprise 50 multiple-choice types of questions and will last for 50 minutes.

The total number of marks for this section is 25%.

Section B – which is the essay part will consist of 10 questions of which you will be asked to answer 5 questions. It will last for 2 hours 30 minutes and will carry 75% of the total marks for the exam.

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Commerce Syllabus for NABTEB Exams

1INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCEi. List and explain functions of commerce?
2GOODS AND SERVICESi. Categorize goods and services and distinguish between consumable and durable goods.

ii. Documents used and terms connected with buying and selling of goods and services.
a) Explain documents used in buying and selling of goods and services.
3ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTIONi. Explain factors of production

ii. Enumerate advantages and disadvantages of specialization
4OCCUPATIONi. Explain the meaning of occupation

ii. Categorise the types of occupation.
A. Home Trade
B. Foreign Trade

i. Identify the channels of distribution and discuss the procedure and documents used in purchasing and selling.

ii. Explain the various terms of trade, the role of the ministry of Trade & Industry and the Regional Groupings as related to Internal Trade and Foreign Trade.
6BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONi. Describe forms of business organizations
and explain the procedure for the formation and
functions of each type.
7MONEYi. Define money

ii. Explain the forms and function of money
8BANKING & FINANCEi. Distinguish between functions of central bank and specialized banks and the stock exchange.
9CREDITi. Explain credit

ii. Explain the sources of credit to any business
10TRANSPORTi. Describe the various forms of transportation and factors determining the mode of transportation
i. Explain the importance of insurance to business and individuals, and distinguish one type of insurance from the other explaining the basic principles.

ii. Analyse the procedure for effecting insurance contracts.
12COMMUNICATIONi. Explain the importance of communication and discuss factors.
13ADVERTISINGi. Explain the meaning of advertising.

ii. Describe the various types of advertising
14MARKETINGi. Explain the importance and functions of marketing in the economy.
15FACTORS INFLUENCING BUSINESS ACTIVITIESi. Enumerate the factors that influence business activities
16BUSINESS CAPITAL PROFIT & TURNOVERi. Identify profit and turnover.

ii. Explain various methods of calculating profit
17LEGAL ASPECT OF BUSINESSi. Describe areas of law that relate to business

ii. Explain some laws that guide the buyers and sellers.
18CONSUMER PROTECTIONi. Explain the various laws that guide the consumers.

ii. Explain consumer protection.

ii. Explain some forms of public relations work in an organization.
20SALES PROMOTIONi. Explain the concept of sales promotions.

ii. Analyse the different forms sales promotion can take.
21PERSONAL SELLINGi. Give the meaning and functions of personal selling.
22NATIONALIZATION & INDIGINIZATIONi. Explain the meaning and objectives of Nationalization

Recommended NABTEB Commerce Textbooks

1. Senior Secondary Commerce, Book One, two, and three by M. O. Odedokun, P. C. Udokogu and C. O. N. Oguji.

2. Basic Marketing- McCarthy Jerome, E. William Perreault Jr.

3. Marketing – G. B. Giles ( The M & E handbook services)

4. Consumer Behaviour – Prof. Achumba ( University of Lagos)


What topics are covered in the NABTEB Commerce exam?

The NABTEB Commerce exam covers topics like Trade, Organization of Production, Communication, Transport, Public Relations, and a host of others.

How can I prepare effectively for the Commerce exam?

To prepare effectively for the Commerce exam, study the given syllabus above, and textbooks on commerce, and practice past questions.

These three things will guarantee you success in your exams.

What career opportunities can studying Commerce with NABTEB open up for me?

Studying Commerce with NABTEB can open up career opportunities in business management, accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship, and related fields.

Are there any practical aspects to the Commerce exam?

No. There is no practical paper in the NABTEB Commerce exam.

What are the passing grades for the NABTEB Commerce exam?

The grade points for NABTEB are as follows: A= 5 points, B= 4 points, C= 3 points, D= 2 points, E= 1 point, F= 0 point (failed grade).

1 additional point is added when a candidate scores A, B, C, D, or E in all three subjects e.g. a candidate with B, D, or C has 10 points.

How long does it take the NABTEB results to be out?

The results are released 90 days after the examination.

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

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