NABTEB Geography Syllabus

Great NABTEB candidates study hard and smart. Knowing what NABTEB wants from you is the first step. Download the NABTEB Geography syllabus today. 

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About NABTEB Geography Syllabus

Are you writing Geography in the upcoming NABTEB exams and you are one of those students who ask for areas of concentration before every exam? Then you should see this 

This is an easy-to-understand and download area of concentration for your upcoming NABTEB examinations. With this resource, you see the full list of topics to study and expect for your exams, alongside textbooks you can get to study with.

We have also answered a few questions about the exams that you may have so make sure you read to the end.

Be ahead of your peers when you download and study with our well-compiled syllabus. With this, you are sure of straight A’s all around.

Don’t pass this by!


At the end of this course, students should be able to: 

i. Show understanding of the interrelationship between man and his environment; 

ii. Describe the regional geography of Nigeria and West Africa; 

iii. State the relationship between remote sensing and Geo-informatics systems; 

iv. Show understanding of ozone layer depletion, desertification, land degradation, de- afforestation, among other occurrences affecting the world today; 

v. Discuss various geographical phenomena at the global level, in terms of industrialization, transportation, and population amongst others; 

vi. Demonstrate knowledge of man’s physical and human environment and how many lives and earns a living; 

vii. Understand and interpret topographic maps, compute statistical data, illustrate with diagrams, and carry out basic field surveys; 

viii. Prepare Business and technical graduates to take up courses in tertiary institutions of learning 

Marking Guide

The examination will be made up of two papers; 

Paper 1: will consist of two sections Section A and Section B. 

• Section A: This will comprise fifty (50) multiple-choice questions to be answered by candidates in one (1) hour for 50 marks. 

• Section B: This will comprise eight (8) Essay questions in Human and Economic Geography, and Regional Geography. 

Candidates are to answer four (4) questions only. Two (2) questions in Human and Economic Geography, and two (2) questions in Regional Geography. Each of the Essay Questions will carry 20 marks each for a total of 80 marks to be completed in two (2) hours. 

Paper 2: will also consist of two (2) sections: Section A and Section B. 

• Section A: This will be practical on Map Reading to be answered by candidates in One (1) hour for 40 marks. 

• Section B: will comprise six(6) Essay questions in Physical Geography. Three questions are to be answered by candidates in one (1) hour for 20 marks.

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NABTEB recommended Geography Syllabus

Geography Syllabus for NABTEB Exams

1TOWN/VILLAGEi. Identify physical and cultural features of their town/village

ii. Locate the physical and cultural feature in relation to the school and its surrounding/environment

iii. Describe the influence of physical and cultural features of the town/village on human activities
2THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA (LGA)i. Identify the local government headquarters;

ii. Locate the village/town, ward and LGA;

iii. Explain the locationals relationship between the LGA and other local Government Areas in the state;

iv. Describe the major physical features of the LGA in relation to the state.
3THE EARTH AND OTHER PLANARSi. Identify the components of the solar system;

ii. Describe the position of the earth in relation to the sum and other planets;

iii. Proof the shape of the earth.
4EARTH’S ROTATION & REVOLUTIONi. Describe the phenomena of earths rotation and revolution;

ii. Explain the effects of the earths rotation and revolution
5LATITUDE AND LONGITUDEi. Define latitude and longitude;

ii. Differentiate between latitude and longitude;

iii. Describe the relationship between latitude and major regions of the word;

iv. Use latitude and longitude to locate positions of towns, countries, cities, etc;

v. Deduce distances and local time from latitude and longitude
6THE EARTH’S STRUCTUREi. Identify the major spheres of the earth;

ii. Identify the component layers of the earths crust;

iii. Describe the characteristics of each Layer;

iv. Draw and label the cross section of the earths interior;

v. Explain the relationship between the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.
7ROCKSi. identify the major types of rocks;

ii. Describe the structure of igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks;

iii. State the distinguishing characteristics of different types of rocks;

iv. Explain the process involved in the formation of rock types;

v. Explain the importance and disadvantages of rocks to man.
8MOUNTAINSi. Identify major mountain types;

ii. State the distinguishing characteristics of the different types of mountains;

iii. Explain the processes involved in the formation of the different mountain types;

iv. Explain the importance and disadvantages of mountains to man.
9LOWLANDSi. Identify the major types of lowlands;

ii. Describe the characteristics of the different types of lowlands;

iii. Explain the processes involved in the formation of lowlands;

iv. Explain the importance of lowlands to man.
a) Describe water as an energy system;
b) Explain Erosion processes of running water;
c) Explain the transportional processes/effects of running water in landform development;
d) Discuss the erosion and depositional features of rivers;
e) Describe and classify river basins into different types;
f) Name major river basins in Nigeria;
g) Explain the importance to community and human development

ii. Action of winds
a) Identify and describe the processes of wind erosion;
b) Explain the features of and mode of formation of landforms;
▪ inselberg
▪ Rock pedestal
▪ Zeugen
▪ Messa and butto, etc;
c) Describe the features of wind deposition.

iii. Glacial Action
a) Describe the characteristics features of glacial actions in: highland, and lowland areas;
b) Explain the modes of formation of these features and landforms
c) Locate the countries/regions where features are found;
d) State the economic importance of the features/landforms

iv. Action of Waves
a) Distinguish between waves tides and currents;
b) Explain the process of wave erosion;
c) Describe the characteristic landforms/features of coastal erosion
a) Define earthquakes;
b) Explain the origin and focus of earthquakes;
c) Explain its causes;
d) Locate earthquake prone regions on world map;
e) Describe the effects of earthquakes on the environment

ii. Vulcanicity
a) Identify vulcanicity;
b) Describe vulcanicity processes;
c) Locate volcanic regions on a world map;
d) State the characteristics features of landforms in the regions

iii. Karst (Limestone) Topography
a) identify Karst regions in Nigeria and the world;
b) State the characteristics of Karst topography
c) Identify and describe the surface and underground features of karst regions
d) Explain the importance of karst region to man
12DENUDATIONAL PROCESSESi. Explain the concept of denudation;

ii. Identify denudational processes;

iii. Explain the factors affecting denudation
13WEATHERINGi. Define weathering;

ii. Identify types of weathering;

iii. Explain the process of each type

iv. Explain the effects of weathering on the environment
14MASS MOVEMENTi. Define the concept of mass movements

ii. Identify types of mass movements

iii. Describe the processes involved in the different types of mass movement,

iv. Explain the effect of mass movement
15THE ENVIRONMENTi. Explain the meaning of the environment,

ii. Identify the different types of environment;

iii. Describe the components of the different environment;

iv. Classify the different environments and their components into three major domains

v. Explain the importance of the e environment to life
16WEATHERi. Explain the concept of weather

ii. Identify weather elements;

iii. List the instruments for measuring weather

iv. Describe the attributes of weather

v. Make accurate measurement of weather elements

vi. State the importance of weather on physical and human activities
17CLIMATE Ii. Explain the meaning of climate

ii. List major elements of climate

iii. Distinguish between climate and weather;

iv. Locate the major climatic regions on the map of the world

v. Explain the influence of attitude, latitude, wind, ocean currents, etc on climate

vi. State the importance of climate on physical and human activities
18CLIMATE IIi. Identify climatic factors;

ii. Explain the effects of these factors on weather and climate;

iii. Identify and explain the characteristics of major climatic types;

iv. Locate and describe the distribution of the climatic types
19CLIMATIC CLASSIFICATIONi. Describe the two climatic major classification systems;

ii. Identify and explain the major and sub- categories of koppens classification system;

iii. Plot combined temperature and rainfall graphs of the classification systems;

iv. Group and locate major climates of the world using the two classification systems;

v. State the advantages and disadvantages of the two classification systems.
20ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCESi. Define environmental resources;

ii. Discuss the different types of environmental resources.

iii. Give examples of each type,

iv. Relate human resource quality to size, education, health etc.

v. Explain the importance of each type of environmental resources.
21RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCESi. Explain the concept of renewable and non-renewable resources;

ii. Give example of each type;

iii. State the advantages of each type
22ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMSi. Describe environmental problems and their causes;

ii. Explain their effects on human activities;

iii. Suggest solutions to the problems
23ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIONi. Explain environmental conservation;

ii. Discuss the different methods of environmental conservation;

iii. Give examples of each type;

iv. Explain the need/importance of environmental conservation.
24CLIMATIC CHANGEi. Explain the causes of climatic change.

ii. Discuss the consequences of climatic change.

iii. Explain measures the Nigerian government can take to prevent or remedy the problems.
25NIGERIA: LOCATION AND POSITIONi. Describe the location and position of Nigeria with reference to her latitude. Longtitude, boundaries and neighbours.

ii. Describe Nigeria by size and distance.

iii. Locate states, local government areas and their headquarters on the political map of Nigeria.
26ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIONi. Explain environmental conservation;

ii. Discuss the different methods of environmental conservation;

iii. Give examples of each type;

iv. Explain the need/importance of environmental conservation.
27POPULATION OF NIGERIAi. Explain the increase in growth of Nigerians population.

ii. Account for the structure and distribution pattern of the population.

iii. Describe the influence of HIV/AIDS and Ebola on population quality.

iv. Explain population movement patterns and associated problems.
28RESOURCES OF NIGERIAi. Identify and classify the different resources found in Nigeria.

ii. Locate where these resources are found on the map.

iii. Explain the importance of these resources to Nigeria.
29AGRICULTUREi. Describe major agricultural practices in Nigeria.

ii. Identify major cash and food crops of Nigeria.

iii. Locate where these crops are found on the map.

iv. Explain the importance of agriculture;

v. Discuss the problems of agriculture in Nigeria

vi. Suggest solutions to the problems.
a) Identify the major modes of transportation in Nigeria;
b) Draw maps of Nigeria showing road and rail transportation systems;
c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different transportation modes;
d) Explain the problems of transportation in Nigeria;
e) Suggest solutions to transportation problem

ii. Communication in Nigeria
a) Identify the major communication networks/elements in Nigeria.
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different communication elements/networks.
c) Explain the problems to communication in Nigeria.
d) Suggest solutions to communications problems in Nigeria.
31MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES IN NIGERIAi. Define manufacturing industries;

ii. Classify the industries as primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary industries;

iii. Locate the major industrial zones on a map of Nigeria;

iv. Identify problems of manufacturing industries;

v. Suggest solution to industry
32COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN NIGERIAi. Identify major commercial activities in Nigeria;

ii. Describe the major commercial areas in Nigeria;

iii. Locate the major commercial zones on a map of Nigeria;

iv. Discuss the importance of commercial activities;

v. Explain the importance of the stock exchange and capital Market to the commercial activities in Nigeria
33ECOWASi. Identify major commercial activities in Nigeria;

ii. Describe the major commercial areas in Nigeria;

iii. Locate the major commercial zones on a map of Nigeria;

iv. Discuss the importance of commercial activities;

v. Explain the importance of the stock exchange and capital Market to the commercial activities in Nigeria

ii. Identify with examples the differentiate between map and plan

iii. Differentiate between map and plan

iv. State the uses of maps;

v. Identify and describe types of scales and their attributes;

vi. State the merits and demerits of the various types of scales;

vii. Convert from scale to actual measurement
35MAP DISTANCESi. Identify units for expressing map distance;

ii. Measure distance on a map and convert it to actual distance;

iii. Convert actual distance to a map
36MAP REDUCTION AND ENLARGEMENTi. Reduce a map to a given proportion.

ii. Enlarge a map to a given proportion.

iii. Plot details on enlarged/reduced maps.

iv. Compare and contrast scales on an enlarged map and a reduced map.

v. Write new reduced/enlarge maps.

ii. Identify and interpret physical features as represented on a map;

iii. Identify and interpret cultural features on maps;

iv. Explain the effects of physical and cultural features on human activities.
38DIRECTION AND BEARINGi. identify major cardinal points;

ii. Describe ways of showing direction;

iii. Indicate and determine direction and bearing on a map;

iv. Use direction and bearing to find the location of points on the field.
39REPRESENTATION OF RELIEF FORMSi. Identify physical features on topographical maps.

ii. Describe methods of representing these features (relief) on maps.

iii. Construct topographical maps using the methods to represent physical features in their discrete forms.
40TRANSPORTATIONi. Identify and describe different modes of transportation.

ii. List transportation means associated with each mode.

iii. Highlight the merits and demerits of each transportation mode/mean;

iv. Explain the contributions of transportation to economic development.

v. Identify transportation problems and suggest ways of solving them.
41INDUSTRYi. Identify and classify industries

ii. Discuss the major industries in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

iii. Locate major industries area in Africa, Asia, Europe, America, etc.

iv. Describe the factors that encouraged these locations.
42POPULATIONi. Describe world population in term of size, density, structure and distribution patterns.

ii. Account for the variation in world population.
43SETTLEMENTi. Identify types of settlements;

ii. Describe each settlement type in terms of population, economy, administration, etc;

iii. Explain the influence of soil weather, etc. On settlement location;

iv. Identify and explain the major settlement patterns;

v. Explain the factors responsible for the development of each pattern

vi. Identify and discuss the problems of industrial development in Nigeria and the rest of the world.

vii. Industrial development in Nigeria and the rest of the world.
44SETTLEMENT INTERACTIONi. Discuss types of settlements interactions;

ii. Explain settlements interaction patterns with respect to migration

46. Geo-political Issues (land Reclamation)
i. Explain the concept of land reclamation.

ii. Describe the various methods for land reclamation.

iii. Explain the importance of land reclamation.
45TRADEi. Define trade;

ii. Explain the different types of trade;

iii. Explain why trade occurs;

iv. Explain the impotrance of trade
46TOURISMi. Define tourism.

ii. Identify and locate tourist centres on a map.

iii. Explain the importance of tourism.

iv. Identify problems of tourism and suggest solutions to the problems.
47BASIC CONCEPT OF GISi. Explain the meaning of GIS and geographic data;

ii. Describe the sources of geography;

iii. Distinguish between geographic data and GIS;

iv. State the importance of geo-referencing;

v. State the uses of the GIS and geographic data.
48COMPONENTS OF GISi. Identify GIS hardware and software;

ii. State the uses of the GIS software;

iii. Distinguish between positional;

iv. and relational data

v. State the rules for GIS

ii. Storage

iii. Retrieval

iv. Manipulated

v. Data
a) Positional
b) Relational

vi. Procedures: sets of rules

vii. People: expert
50GIS DATAi. Identify sources of data in GIS environment;

ii. Collect data for GIS

53. Satellite Remote Sensing
i. Define the following concepts, remote sensing, satellite and satellite remote sensing;

ii. Explain the applications of remote sensing;

iii. Explain the relationship between remote sensing and GIS

Recommended NABTEB Geography Textbooks

1. Comprehensive Certificate Geography for Schools and Colleges by Iboaya B. A. (2013) (Revised Edition). 

2. Human Geography by Fellmann, D. et al (2005) (Seventh Edition) New York: McGraw Hill. 

3. Introduction to Geography by Getis, A. et al (2004) (Ninth Edition) New York: McGraw Hill.

4. Contemporary World Regional Geography by Bradshaw, M. et al (2004), New York: McGraw Hill. 

5. A Regional Geography of Africa by Okunrotifa, P.O. and Michael, S. (2000) (New Edition), Essex: Longman. 

6. Map Reading for West Africa by Nimaku, D.A. (2000), Essex: Longman. 

7. General Geography in Diagrams for West Africa by Bunnet, R.B. and Okunrotifa, P.O. (1999), China: Longman. 

8. Geography: An Integrated Approach by Waugh, D. (1995), (Second Edition) China: Nelson. 

9. A New Geography of West Africa by Iloeje N.P. (1991), Hong Kong: Longman. 

10. Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Adeleke, B.O. and Leong, G.C. (1990) (West African Edition), Ibadan: Oxford. 

11. A New Geography of Nigeria by Iloeje N.P. (1982), (New Edition) Hong Kong: Longman. 

12. Geographical Region of Nigeria by Udo, R.K. (1970), London: Longman. 

13. New Secondary Atlas by Collins-Longman (1981), Hong Kong: Sheck Wah Tong.

14. Macmillan Secondary School Atlas.

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NABTEB recommended Geography Syllabus


How many papers are in the NABTEB Geography exam and what is the allocated mark for each?

The NABTEB Geography exam has 2 papers. Paper 1 has two sections and the total number of marks is 130 marks while the total number of marks for paper 2 is 100 marks.

What is the allocated time for the NABTEB Geography exam?

It is a five-hour exam. Paper 1 which has 2 sections will last for 3 hours and Paper 2 which also has two sections will last for 2 hours. To maximize time well, try as much as possible not to spend so much time on each question so you can have enough time to cross-check your work without being in a hurry.



How can I study Geography for NABTEB?

To prepare for the NABTEB Geography exam, study the recommended syllabus provided, review textbooks, and study past questions. Organize and participate in group reading sessions so you can learn from your peers as well.


How can I effectively manage my time during the NABTEB Geography examination?

It’s easy, spend at least 2 minutes for every objective question and at least 5 minutes for essay and practical questions. If you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and come back later, to avoid wasting too much time on a question. 



What are some common mistakes candidates make in their NABTEB exams, and how can they avoid them?

Common mistakes people make in their exams include inadequate time management, not studying their past questions, or even reading the syllabus. You can avoid these mistakes by downloading and studying the syllabus above, practicing past questions using that opportunity to develop your time management skills, and seeking clarification on topics you don’t understand.


Are there any tips for passing?

Try as much as possible to read and understand the syllabus, study regularly, practice past questions as well as time management, and stay calm and focused. 



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