Pre-Nursery Social Habits Scheme of Work

Download the Pre-Nursery Social Habits Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach less than 3-year old kids..

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About Social Habits Scheme of Work for Pre-Nursery Classes

Teaching children how to socialize with their parents, classmates, and people around them early is important. It is one skill that will forever be useful to them. 

This official NAPPS Pre-Nursery Social Habits scheme of work which we have compiled for you below is designed to help young children develop essential social skills and positive behaviors. This subject will teach children how to interact kindly and respectfully with others, share, take turns, and understand basic manners. 

Learning is carried out through group activities, role-playing, and storytelling. Children will also learn about empathy, cooperation, and effective communication. 

The main aim of this subject is to create a supportive environment where children can practice and build their social skills. It also lays the groundwork for healthy relationships and successful social interactions as they grow.

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Know what’s expected of you as an educator 

Download the NAPPS Unified Scheme of Work for Pre-Nursery Social Habits

Pre-Nursery First Term Scheme of Work for Social Habits

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1KNOWING AND RESPONDING TO ONE’S NAMEi. Teacher engages the pupils in a call-and-respond conversation and guides the pupils respond to their name when called.

ii. Teacher leads pupils through responding perfectly when called.
i. Pupils respond when called by the teacher.

ii. Pupils pair up and they practise calling each other and responding correctly and politely.
Video clips

– Identification of objects
– Uses of objects in the environment
i. Using charts and posters, teacher leads pupils to identify objects commonly found in the environment.

ii. Teacher lists commonly found objects in the environment and discusses their uses.
i. Pupils identify common objects in the environment e.g. car, house, tree, etc.

ii. Pupils mention the uses of common objects in the environment.
Video clips

– Learning to say “Thank you.”
i. Teacher uses video clips, charts and posters to guide pupils through saying “Thank you.”

ii. Teacher mentions examples of situations where pupils should say “Thank you”.
i. Pupils demonstrate when and how to say “thank you”.

ii. Pupils say thank you to their classmates politely.
Video clips

– Learning to say “I’m sorry.”
i. Teacher uses video clips, charts and posters to guide pupils through saying “I’m sorry.”

ii. Teacher explains the importance of saying “I’m sorry.”

iii. Teacher describes situations where pupils should say “Thank you” and gets them to say so.
i. Pupils demonstrate when and how to say “I’m sorry.”

ii. Pupils role-play to demonstrate how to say “I’m sorry.”
Video clips

– Learning to say “Excuse Me.”
– Importance of courtesy.
i. Teacher uses video clips, charts and posters to guide pupils through saying “Excuse me.”

ii. Teacher explains the importance of saying “Excuse me.”

iii. Teacher describes situations where pupils should say “Excuse me” and gets them to say so.

iv. Teacher mentions reasons pupils need to have courtesy.
i. Pupils demonstrate when and how to say “Excuse me.”

ii. Pupils role-play to demonstrate how to say “Excuse me.”

iii. Pupils mention why they need to have courtesy.
Video clips

– Examples of Simple instructions at home and school.
– How to Respond to Instructions
i. Using simple terms, charts and video clips, teacher explains the meaning of instruction to the pupils and guides them to identify simple instructions.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to respond correctly and politely to simple instructions
i. Pupils identify simple instructions.

ii. Pupils respond accurately and politely to simple instructions.
Video clips

– Examples of Simple instructions at home and school.
– How to Respond to Instructions
i. Using simple terms, charts and video clips, teacher explains the meaning of instruction to the pupils and guides them to identify simple instructions.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to respond correctly and politely to simple instructions
i. Pupils identify simple instructions.

ii. Pupils respond accurately and politely to simple instructions.
Video clips
8SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS AT SCHOOLi. Teacher lists examples of simple instructions at school e.g. “Listen attentively to your teacher.” “Do not fight your classmates.”

ii. Teacher mentions those who make simple instructions at school e.g. teachers, headmaster or headmistress, proprietor or proprietress, etc.

iii. Teacher mentions to the pupils the importance of obeying simple instructions at school.
i. Pupils identify simple instructions that they must obey.

ii. Pupils demonstrate how to obey simple instructions at school and identify those who give simple instructions.

iii. Pupils mention reasons they need to obey simple instructions at school.
Video clips
9SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS AT SCHOOLi. Teacher lists examples of simple instructions at school e.g. “Listen attentively to your teacher.” “Do not fight your classmates.”

ii. Teacher mentions those who make simple instructions at school e.g. teachers, headmaster or headmistress, proprietor or proprietress, etc.

iii. Teacher mentions to the pupils the importance of obeying simple instructions at school.
i. Pupils identify simple instructions that they must obey.

ii. Pupils demonstrate how to obey simple instructions at school and identify those who give simple instructions.

iii. Pupils mention reasons they need to obey simple instructions at school.
Video clips
10SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS AT HOMEi. Teacher lists examples of simple instructions at home e.g. “Do your homework now.” “Greet your parents in the morning when you wake up.”

ii. Teacher mentions to the pupils the importance of obeying simple instructions at home.
i. Pupils identify simple instructions at home.

ii. Pupils mention those who give simple instructions at home.

iii. Pupils demonstrate how to obey simple instructions at home and they mention those who give simple instructions at home.

Pre-Nursery Second Term Scheme of Work For Social Habits

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONi. Teacher revises first-terms works with pupils.i. Pupils revise first-term works with the teacher’s guidance.Charts
Video clips

– Behaving appropriately and maintain composure at home, school and public places.
i. Teacher guides pupils to behave composed and appropriately at home, school and in public places such as religious places using video clips.

ii. Teacher mentions the importance of behaving appropriately at all times everywhere.
i. Pupils demonstrate behaving appropriately and mention the importance.Video clips

– When to greet at home.
-Who to greet at home.
– How to greet politely at home.
i. Teacher uses simple terms to explain the meaning of “greeting” to the pupils.

ii. The teacher mentions the times or moments children are expected to greet.

iii. The teacher guides pupil to identify who they ought to greet at home and how to greet them.
i. Pupils identify times they ought to greet at home, who they ought to greet and how to greet them.

ii. Pupils demonstrate ways of greeting politely at home.
Video clips

– When to greet at home.
-Who to greet at home.
– How to greet politely at home.
i. Teacher uses simple terms to explain the meaning of “greeting” to the pupils.

ii. The teacher mentions the times or moments children are expected to greet.

iii. The teacher guides pupil to identify who they ought to greet at home and how to greet them.
i. Pupils identify times they ought to greet at home, who they ought to greet and how to greet them.

ii. Pupils demonstrate ways of greeting politely at home.
Video clips

– When to greet at school.
– Who to greet at school.
– How to greet politely at school.
i. With the aid of charts, posters and video clips, teacher demonstrates how pupils should greet at school.

ii. The teacher mentions the times or moments pupils are expected to greet.

iii. The teacher guides pupil to identify who they ought to greet at school and how to greet them
i. Pupils identify times they ought to greet at school, who they ought to greet and how to greet them.

ii. Pupils demonstrate ways of greeting politely at school.
Video clips

– When to greet at school.
– Who to greet at school.
– How to greet politely at school.
i. With the aid of charts, posters and video clips, teacher demonstrates how pupils should greet at school.

ii. The teacher mentions the times or moments pupils are expected to greet.

iii. The teacher guides pupil to identify who they ought to greet at school and how to greet them
i. Pupils identify times they ought to greet at school, who they ought to greet and how to greet them.

ii. Pupils demonstrate ways of greeting politely at school.
Video clips

– Meaning of clothing.
– Male and female clothing.
– Reasons for wearing clothes.
– School Uniform
i. With the aid of charts and posters, teacher explains in simple terms the meaning of clothes and guides the pupils to identify and differentiate male and female clothing.

ii. Teacher mentions reasons for wearing clothes.

iii. Teacher explains the concept of school uniform and guides pupils to identify school uniform as a type of clothing.
i. Pupils mention examples of male clothes and female clothes.

ii. Pupils mention reasons for wearing clothes.

iii. Pupils describe their school uniform.

– Meaning of clothing.
– Male and female clothing.
– Reasons for wearing clothes.
– School Uniform
i. With the aid of charts and posters, teacher explains in simple terms the meaning of clothes and guides the pupils to identify and differentiate male and female clothing.

ii. Teacher mentions reasons for wearing clothes.

iii. Teacher explains the concept of school uniform and guides pupils to identify school uniform as a type of clothing.
i. Pupils mention examples of male clothes and female clothes.

ii. Pupils mention reasons for wearing clothes.

iii. Pupils describe their school uniform.

– Clothes suitable for cold weather
– Clothes suitable for hot weather
i. Using charts and posters, teacher guides pupils to identify different clothes during different weather conditions.

ii. Teacher shows samples of real clothes that could be worn during hot weather and cold weather.
i. Pupils identify different clothes suitable for hot weather and cold weather.Charts
Sleeveless Sweater

– School uniform
– Sport jersey
– Apron
i. Using pictures and video clips, teacher guides pupils to identify some special clothing such as apron, school uniform, jersey, overall, etc.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to know where each special cloth is worn and the importance.
i. Pupils identify special clothing and they mention where each type of special clothing is worn.Apron
School uniform

Pre-Nursery Third Term Scheme of Work for Social Habits

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONi. Teacher revises first-terms works with pupils.i. Pupils revise first-term works with the teacher’s guidance.Charts
Video clips

– Meaning of food
– Examples of local foods e.g. Pounded yam
– “Iyan”, “Amala,”
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher uses simple terms to explain the meaning of food to the pupils and guides them to identify some Nigerian foods.

ii. Teacher uses pictures to guide pupils through identification of local foods.
i. Pupils identify local foods.

ii. Pupils mention their favourite local food.
Video clips

– Meaning of food
– Examples of local foods e.g. Pounded yam
– “Iyan”, “Amala,”
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher uses simple terms to explain the meaning of food to the pupils and guides them to identify some Nigerian foods.

ii. Teacher uses pictures to guide pupils through identification of local foods.
i. Pupils identify local foods.

ii. Pupils mention their favourite local food.
Video clips

– At home
– In school
– Public places
i. Teacher explains the meaning of respect to the pupils in simple terms and demonstrates simple ways in which pupils can show respect to others.

ii. Teacher mentions places where people have to show respect to others.
i. Pupils identify simple ways of showing respect and they demonstrate in simple role-playCharts
Video clips

– At home
– In school
– Public places
i. Teacher explains the meaning of respect to the pupils in simple terms and demonstrates simple ways in which pupils can show respect to others.

ii. Teacher mentions places where people have to show respect to others.
i. Pupils identify simple ways of showing respect and they demonstrate in simple role-playCharts
Video clips

– Parents
– Elders in the community
– Teachers etc.
i. Using charts and posters, teacher guides pupils to identify people to be respected at home, school and public places.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to understand the importance of respecting their parents, teachers and elders in the community.
i. Pupils identify people they have to respect.

ii. Pupils mention the importance of showing respect to others.
Video clips

– Parents
– Elders in the community
– Teachers etc.
i. Using charts and posters, teacher guides pupils to identify people to be respected at home, school and public places.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to understand the importance of respecting their parents, teachers and elders in the community.
i. Pupils identify people they have to respect.

ii. Pupils mention the importance of showing respect to others.
Video clips

– Methods of showing respect to others e.g. running errands, greeting, etc.
i. Teacher uses pictures and video clips to show simple ways to respect people e.g. greeting people, running errands, obedience to elders.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to demonstrate showing respect to elders in a simple role-play.
i. Pupils demonstrate ways of showing respect to people in a simple role-play.Charts
Video clips

– Nigeria is my country.
– “I am a Nigerian.”
– Reciting the National Anthem.
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify Nigeria as their country and to recite different rhymes on Nigeria.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to mention that they are Nigerians and they recite the Nigeria national anthem.
i. Pupils mention that they are Nigerians.

ii Pupils recite the national anthem of Nigeria.
MP3 Player
Flag of Nigeria

– Nigeria is my country.
– “I am a Nigerian.”
– Reciting the National Anthem.
i. Teacher guides pupils to identify Nigeria as their country and to recite different rhymes on Nigeria.

ii. Teacher leads pupils to mention that they are Nigerians and they recite the Nigeria national anthem.
i. Pupils mention that they are Nigerians.

ii Pupils recite the national anthem of Nigeria.
MP3 Player
Flag of Nigeria

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