Nursery 2 Basic Science and Technology Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 2 Basic Science and Technology Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Basic Science and Technology Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

The NAPPS Nursery 2 Basic Science and Technology scheme is a good resource for all educators. Its major aim is to ignite curiosity and foster a love for science and technology in young learners. 

This subject introduces the basic concepts of science and technology through engaging and hands-on activities. Here, children are introduced to the natural world of plants, animals, and the environment, helping them connect with and appreciate the world around them. 

They will also learn about the human body, the five senses, and simple machines that can be found around them. This curriculum is highly interactive, so students can enjoy learning.

By the end of Nursery 2, children will have basic knowledge of science and technology, their environment, and things around it

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Nursery 2 First Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science and Technology

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1ENVIRONMENTi. The teacher explains the meaning of environment.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify objects and animals that can be found in the environment.

iii. The teacher guides the pupil to suggest ways of keeping the environment clean
i. Pupils define environment by repeating after the teacher.

ii. Pupils participate by mentioning objects and animals that can be found in the environment

iii. Pupils suggest ways of keeping the environment clean
Charts, posters/pictures and videos players

– Non-living things: house, car, brick, cup, etc.
i. The teacher guides the pupils to identify and differentiate between non-living things and Living things in their environment.

ii. The teacher guides the pupils to list the non-living things they can find in their environment.
i. Pupils identify and differentiate between Non-living things and Living things in their environment.

ii. Pupils to list the non-living things they can find in their environment.
Charts, posters/pictures and videos players
3DANGEROUS OBJECTSi. Teacher gives the simple meaning of the dangerous object

ii. The teacher guides the pupil to list examples of dangerous objects e.g. broken bottles, razors, pins, sticks, etc.

iii. The teacher discusses the dangers of playing with a dangerous object and encourages the pupils how to avoid dangerous object
i. Pupils participate in discussion by mentioning examples of dangerous objects

ii. Pupils suggest ways of avoiding dangerous objects
Samples of dangerous objects like blades, pins, broken bottles etc. charts, video CDs.
4DANGEROUS LIQUIDSi. The teacher gives the simple meaning of a dangerous liquid

ii. The teacher guides pupils to list examples of dangerous liquids e.g. hot water, methylated spirit, kerosene, bleach, etc.

iii. The teacher discusses the dangers of playing with a dangerous liquid and encourages the pupils how to avoid dangerous liquid
i. Pupils participate in the discussion by mentioning examples of dangerous liquid

ii. Pupils suggest ways of avoiding dangerous liquid
Samples of dangerous liquid like Kerosene, methylated spirit, bleach etc., charts, video CDs.

Observing the parts of a plant
i. The teacher guides pupils to observe plants and trees around.

ii. With the aid of a small plant, the teacher mentions and explains the different parts of a plant – root, stem, leaf, etc.
i. Pupils identify and mention the different parts of a plant.

ii. Pupils describe the different parts of a plant.

ASSESSMENT: Draw a plant
Sample of small plants, pictures, video player
6TECHNOLOGY: MACHINESi. Teacher gives the simple meaning of Technology

ii. Teacher uses relevant songs or poems to explain the meaning of a machine

iii. Teacher guides pupils to list examples of simple machines
i. Pupils explain the meaning of technology and machines by singing along with the teacher

ii. Pupils identify some of the simple machines in the class and at home
Charts, pictures, video players
Uses at home
i. Teacher demonstrates and guides pupil on the uses of machine

ii. Teacher cautions pupils on the careful use of machines at home
i. Pupils demonstrate how machines are used in school and at home

ii. Pupils mention why it is dangerous to play with machines
Samples of simple machines, pictures of people carrying out task with simple machine, video players

– Identification of sense organs of the body.
i. With the aid of a well-labeled diagram, the teacher identifies the sense organs i.e. eyes, tongue, skin, ear, and nose.

ii. The teacher touches the sense organs on his or her body and guides pupils to do the same

iii. The teacher sings rhymes on parts of the body.
i. Pupils observe and identify the sense organs in their body

ii. Pupils demonstrate and sing rhymes loudly on parts of the body.

ASSESSMENT: Locate the sense organs in your body
Chart of the human body, video/audio clips

– Functions of the sense organs.
i. The Teacher demonstrates and guides the pupils to:
– taste food (sweet, bitter, and sour) with their tongues
– look at objects in their environment
– feel hotness or coldness with their skin
– smell a pleasant and unpleasant substance with their nose
– identify different sounds (high and low) with their ears.
i. Pupils describe:
– tastes of what food;
– objects they see in their environment;
– feelings of touch;
– pleasant and unpleasant smells;
– the sound they hear either quiet or noisy.
Sweets, salt, lemon fruit, bitter leaf. Drum, talcum powder, shea butter.
10DRUG ABUSEi. The teacher explains the uses of drugs

ii. The teacher explains the simple meaning of drug abuse

iii. The teacher cautions and trains pupils on how to stay away from medicine, especially sweet-coated medicine
i. Pupils mention why drugs are taken

ii. Pupils mention how drugs can be abuse

iii. Pupils explain how they can stay away from medicine.
Sample drugs, charts/posters,

Nursery 2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science and Technology

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

– Definition and sources
i. With the aid of a song, the teacher gives a simple definition of water

ii. The teacher defines ‘source’ and guides the pupil to mention some sources of water e.g. rain, tap, well, etc.

iii. The teacher identifies the sources of water on a well-labeled chart
i. Pupils memorize the definition of water by singing along with the teacher

ii. Pupils mention some of the sources of water and identify them on the chart
Charts, models, video documentaries.

– Uses and properties
i. The teacher guides pupils to mention some of the uses of water e.g. bathing, drinking, etc.

ii. The teacher explains that clean water should be colorless, odorless, and tasteless.

iii. The teacher presents a bowl of clean and dirty water and asks pupils to identify which of the bowls contains clean water
i. Pupils participate in the discussion by mentioning what they use water for at home.

ii. Pupils identify clean and dirty water by carefully identifying both bowls of water.
Charts, a cup of clean and dirty water, video documentaries.

– Meaning and examples
i. The teacher explains living things as things that have life in them and non–living things as things that do not have life in them.

ii. The teacher identifies living things and non-living things from the chart and guides pupils to identify some living things in the environment.
i. Pupils define living and non-living things.

ii. Pupils identify living and non-living things on the chart.

iii. Pupils mention living and non-living things that are commonly seen in the environment.
Animal charts, video documentaries, stones, shoes

– Differences
i. The teacher guides the pupils to differentiate living things from non-living things.

ii. Teacher uses songs/rhymes to demonstrate some characteristics of living things, e.g. they move, they grow, they talk, etc., non–living things do not move, grow, or talk.
i. Pupils differentiate between living and non-living things and classify what they see in the environment as living or non-living things.

ii. Pupils sing and demonstrate some of the characteristics of living things like movement, growth, and talking.
Animal charts, video documentaries, stones, shoes
5ANIMALS AS PETi. The teacher explains a pet is a tamed animal kept at home for friendship

ii. The teacher guides students to name animals that are used as pets

iii. The teacher identifies some of the ways we take care of our pets.
i. Pupils participate by suggesting why and what animals they would love to have as a pet

ii. Pupils mention some animals used as pets in homes Pupils suggest ways of caring for pets

ASSESSMENT: Why are animals used as pets?
Charts, video, animal documentaries

– Domestic and wild animals
i. The teacher explains that domestic animals are friendly while wild animals are dangerous or harmful to humans.

ii. The teacher explains that domestic animals are found around the home because they are not dangerous.
i. Pupils give reasons why domestic animals are kept at home.

ii. Pupils group names of animals in a tabular form according to domestic animals and wild domestic animals.
Charts, video, animal documentaries

– Meaning and Examples
i. Teacher explains insects as examples of living things

ii. The teacher brings some real insects to class and shows them to the pupils.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to identify common insects such as cockroaches, beetles, mosquitoes, etc.
i. Pupils identify common insects shown to them by the teacher.

ii. Pupils use insect charts to identify insects.

iii. Pupils watch a video documentary.
Charts, video documentary
8INSECTS CONTDi. The teacher guides pupils to identify flying and crawling insects.

ii. The teacher cautions pupils that some insects carry germs and can transmit them to humans
i. Pupils participate in discussion by identifying flying and crawling insects. 
9SOILi. Explain soil as the surface of the earth where plants growi. Get children outside to see and touch soil. 
10SOUNDi. The teacher explains the meaning of sound.

ii. The teacher lists types of sounds – (soft and loud sounds).

iii. The teacher guides pupils to make sounds with different object
i. Pupils define sound say the difference between soft and loud sound.

ii. Pupils make sounds with different objects

ASSESSMENT: What is sound? Mention things in the environment that make sound.
Posters, charts, real objects like speaker, earphone, whistle etc.

Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science and Technology

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1FLOATING OBJECTS IN WATERi. The teacher explains floating as things staying on top of water.

ii. The teacher explains that some objects float because they are lighter in weight than water.

iii. The teacher demonstrates floating by using a bowl of water and a plastic cup.
i. Pupils put different floating objects like paper, leaves, plastic spoons, etc. in a bowl of water and observe what happens

ii. Pupils confirm that some object floats on water because they are lighter than water.
Bowl of water, leaves, paper, plastic spoons, etc.
2SINKING OBJECTS IN WATERi. The teacher explains sinking as things go down inside water.

ii. aThe teacher explains that some objects sink because they are heavier in weight than waters

iii. The teacher demonstrates sinking by using a bowl of water and a stone.
i. Pupils put different sinking objects like stones, iron spoons, etc. in a bowl of water and observe what happens

ii. Pupils confirm that some object sinks in water because they are heavier than water.
Bowl of water, stones, metal spoons, etc
3AIRi. The teacher discusses the existence of air in our environment e.g. the use of hand-fan, the movement of leaves on a tree, breathing in and out, etc.

ii. With the aid of a song, the teacher gives a simple definition of air

iii. The teacher demonstrates and guides the pupil to do the in-and-out breathing exercise
i. Pupils memorize the definition of air by singing along with the teacher.

ii. Pupils explain what they feel when a hand fan is blown toward them

iii. Pupils participate in the breathing exercise
Hand-fan, audio clips

– Meaning
i. The teacher defines weather as the condition of the atmosphere

ii. The teacher explains different conditions of the weather e.g. windy, sunny, cold, etc., and identifies them on a picture chart
i. Pupils move around the school compound to observe the weather.

ii. Pupils identify the different weather conditions on the picture chart on their own.

iii. Pupils compare the weather conditions in the classroom and outside the classroom e.g. hot and cold.
Classroom, charts, environment, etc.
5TYPES OF WEATHERi. The teacher explains rainy and sunny weather as types of weather and guides pupils in the activities they are expected to engage in during each type of weather:
Rainy weather: children play indoor games only and take warm or hot drinks e.g. warm or hot tea.
Sunny weather: children may play outdoor games or indoor games and take fairly cold drinks e.g. cold juice or cold tea.
i. Pupils mention activities they engage in when it is raining

ii. Pupils identify the present condition of the weather if it is rainy or sunny.
Classroom, charts, video players, environment, etc
6STONESi. Teacher explains how stones can be used in counting

ii. Teacher discusses other uses of stone e.g. to build houses, to light fire, etc.

iii. Teacher trains and cautions pupils on the dangers of throwing stones in school or at home
i. Pupils perform basic addition and subtraction operations with the use of stones.

ii. Pupils mention what stones are used for
7ANIMALS AND THEIR SOUNDSi. The teacher explains animals as examples of living things.

ii. The teacher explains why animals make different sounds (e.g. for identification).

iii. The teacher demonstrates examples of sounds made by some common animals in the environment.
i. Pupils mimic the sounds made by some animals in the environment.

ii. Pupils mention some of the reasons animals make sounds

ASSESSMENT: Mimic the sounds made by some animals
Charts, videos, animal documentaries.
8ANIMAL MOVEMENTi. The teacher explains the meaning of movement.

ii. Teachers guide the pupils to understand that animals engage in movement i.e. they move from one place to another.

iii. The teacher mimics some of the movements of animals and guides the pupils to do the same
i. Pupils mimic the sounds made by some animals in the environment.

ii. Pupils mention some of the reasons animals make sounds

ASSESSMENT: Mimic the sounds made by some animals
Charts, videos, animal documentaries.

– Meaning & Examples
i. The teacher explains the meaning of simple machines as tools that make work easier and faster.

ii. The teacher demonstrates the use of a simple machine by using a bottle opener to open a bottle cork.

iii. The teacher mentions the example of a simple machine e.g. sharpener, broom, bottle opener, etc.
i. Pupils memorize the definition of simple machines by repeating after the teacher

ii. Pupils get simple machines e.g. sharpeners, brooms, dustpans, bottle openers, and cutleries.

iii. Pupils observe and compare opening a bottle cork using a bottle opener with using one’s hand or teeth.
Charts, videos, corked bottle, bottle opener.

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