Nursery 2 Handwriting Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 2 Handwriting Scheme of Work was created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Handwriting Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

The NAPPS Nursery 2 Handwriting scheme of work is a structured program aimed at laying a strong foundation for writing proficiency in young learners. This curriculum includes the following key topics: letter formation, tracing and copying, basic strokes and patterns, letter writing, etc

With this subject, children will learn how to write both upper and lower-case letters, numbers, shapes, and patterns. They will gradually move on to write simple sentences.

The main aim of the Handwriting subject is to:

i. Equip children with the skills necessary for clear and legible writing. 

ii. Ensure that children develop the confidence and ability to express themselves in written form.

Good handwriting skills are necessary for effective communication and will help students perform better in other subjects. This is a must-teach for all nursery 2 children 


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Know what’s expected of you as an educator 

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Nursery 2 First Term Scheme of Work for Handwriting

WeekTopicContentKey SkillsLearning Resources
1GRIPPING OF PENCIL AND SCRIBBLINGi. Tripod grip.i. Gripping with the tall, thumb and pointing finger.

ACTIVITY: Gripping exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
2GRIPPING OF PENCIL AND SCRIBBLINGi. Tripod grip.i. Gripping with the tall, thumb and pointing finger.

ACTIVITY: Gripping exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
3TRACING OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LINES AND STROKESi. Tracing of preschool patterns.i. Identifying and tracing of preschool patterns.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise
Handwriting workbook.
4TRACING OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LINES AND STROKESi. Tracing of preschool patterns.i. Identifying and tracing of preschool patterns.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise
Handwriting workbook.
5TRACING OF RIGHT, LEFT AND DOWN FACING CURVESi. Tracing of preschool patterns.i. Identifying and tracing of preschool patterns.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
6TRACING OF RIGHT, LEFT AND DOWN FACING CURVESi. Tracing of preschool patterns.i. Identifying and tracing of preschool patterns.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
7TRACING OF CIRCLESi. Tracingi. Identifying and tracing circle.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
8TRACING OF NUMBERS 1,4,7,9i. To identify the numbers.

ii. Tracing of numbers.
i. Tracing of numbers.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise.
Handwriting workbook.
9TRACING OF NUMBERS 2,3,6,8i. To identify the numbers.

ii. Tracing of numbers.
i. Tracing exercise.

ACTIVITY: Training exercise.
Handwriting workbook.

ACTIVITY: Tracing exercise.
Handwriting workbook.

Nursery 2 Second Term Scheme of Work For Handwriting

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicContentKey SkillsLearning Resources
1TRACING AND DRAWING VARIOUS PATTERSi. To look and trace various patterns.i. Gripping with the tall, thumb and pointing finger.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
2TRACING AND DRAWING VARIOUS PATTERSi. To look and trace various patterns.i. Gripping with the tall, thumb and pointing finger.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
3TRACING NUMBERS 1 – 5i. To trace number 1 – 5.

ii. To look and copy number 1 – 5.

iii. To write number 1 – 5 from memory.
i. Tracing of numbers.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
4TRACING NUMBERS 1 – 5i. To trace number 1 – 5.

ii. To look and copy number 1 – 5.

iii. To write number 1 – 5 from memory.
i. Tracing of numbers.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
5TRACING NUMBERS 6 – 10i. To trace number 6 – 10.

ii. To look and copy number 6 – 10.

iii. To write number 6 – 10 from memory.
i. Tracing of numbers.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
6TRACING NUMBERS 1 – 10i. To trace number 1 – 10.

ii. To look and copy number 1 – 10.

iii. To write number 1 – 10 from memory.
i. Tracing of numbers.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
7TRACING AND WRITING SOUNDS c, e, 0, a, i, r, x, zi. To identify the sounds.

ii. Combination of the letters.
i. Tracing of sounds.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
8TRACING AND WRITING SOUNDS p, g, y, q, ii. To identify the sounds.

ii. Combination of the letters.

iii. To look and copy.
i. Tracing of sounds.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
9TRACING AND WRITING k, t, d, f, ki. To identify the sounds.

ii. Combination of the letters.

iii. To look and copy.
i. Tracing of sounds.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
10TRACING AND WRITING n, m, w, v h, l, si. To identify the sounds.

ii. Combination of the letters.

iii. To look and copy.
i. Tracing of sounds.

ACTIVITY: Tracing and drawing exercise.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
11REVISION  Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.

Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Handwriting

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicContentKey SkillsLearning Resources
a – i (Lowercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
A – I (Uppercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
3TRACING AND WRITING 11-20i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
j – s (Lowercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
J – S (Uppercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
s – z (Lowercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
S – Z (Uppercase)
i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
8TRACING AND WRITING 21-30.i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
9TRACING AND WRITING OF NUMBER: 41 – 50i. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.
10WRITING OF NUMBERS AND LETTERS TAUGHTi. To identify the letters and numbers.

ii. To trace the letters and numbers.

iii. To look and copy the letters and number.
i. Tracing of numbers and letters.

ACTIVITY: Tracing of numbers and letters.
Handwriting workbook. Tracing Book.

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Know what’s expected of you as an educator 

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