Nursery 2 Songs and Rhymes Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 2 Songs and Rhymes Scheme of Work was created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Songs and Rhymes Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

Young children love songs a lot hence the need for songs and rhymes in their curriculum. It is one way to spice things up in the classroom and get all the children engaged in one activity or another.

This subject is an engaging program designed to enhance young children’s linguistic and auditory skills. It involves mostly rhymes and poems and is taught using a video player or an MP3 player.

The primary aim of the Songs and Rhymes subject is to create a joyful and stimulating learning environment where children can explore language and music. With these songs and rhymes, children develop skills that enhance their ability to recognize and produce rhythmic patterns.

Teaching Nursery 2 children songs and rhymes not only supports linguistic growth but also strengthens social interaction and emotional expression. These are the two skills all children need so they can be able to express themselves and interact with others.

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Nursery 2 First Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STARi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher explains that stars are examples of heaven bodies
i. Pupils learn the rhymes by repeating the rhymes.

ii. Children also learn that star is an example of heavenly bodies.

ASSESSMENT: Can you see the star now?
Video, rhyme book
2RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAYi. The teacher uses mp3 player to teach the rhymes and song.

ii. The teacher explain that rain is a natural phenomenon
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes.

ii. Pupils learn that rain is a natural phenomenon

ASSESSMENT: Rain give us what?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
3PAT-A-CAKEi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Who made the cake?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
4OLD MACDONALD’Si. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Mention things in Old MacDonald’s farm
Mp3 player, rhyme book
5HOT CROSS BUNSi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Where can we see the star?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
6HEY DIDDLE DIDDLEi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: What jumped over the moon?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
7LITTLE JACK HORNERi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Who is little Jack?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
8MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMBi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Is Mary’s lamb big or small?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
9A LION, A LIONi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: The Lion has a big ………?
Mp3 player, rhyme book
10HEAD, SHOULDER, KNEES AMD TOESi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Touch your ears and toes
Mp3 player, rhyme book
11I HAVE TWO HANDSi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Touch your hands
Mp3 player, rhyme book

Nursery 2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1JACK AND JILL WENT UP TO THE HILLi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Who is Jack?
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
2IN A COTTAGE IN A WOODi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: What is a cottage?
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
3OLD MOTHER HUB BOARDi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Identify old mother hub board
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
4ONE LITTLE, TWO LITTLE, THREE LITTLE FINGERSi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Touch your finger
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
5RAT-TA-TAT-TATi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
6LITTLE MISS MUFFETSi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Colour little miss muffet
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
7REVIEW WEEKS 1 – 6i. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Answer review questions
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
8I SEE THE MOONi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

ASSESSMENT: Point at the moon
MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
9WHERE IS THE THUMBKINi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
10WHEN CAT WAKES UP IN THE MORNINGi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
11GOOSEY GOOSEY GENDERi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book
12PUSSY CAT, PUSSY CATi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn the rhymes and songs by repeating the rhymes/songs

ii. Pupils participate in the role-play

MP4 Player, MP3 Player, rhyme book

Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Songs and Rhymes

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1THE BO-BEEPi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Care.

Charts, and videos
2HOW MUCH IS THE DOG IN THE MEADOWi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn how to respond.

3SEE A PIN AND PICK IT UPi. The teacher recites the rhymes and sings the song.

ii. The teacher role-plays the rhymes/song.
i. Pupils learn about carefulness and safety.

4ON OUR WAY TO GRANDPARecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about farm animals.

ASSESSMENT: Colour Grandpa farm.
5OH THE BIG SHIP SAILSRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about transportation.

6DINAH BLOW YOUR HORNRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about transportation.

7DINAH BLOW YOUR HORNRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about transportation.

8DOH A DEARRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about care.

9KING JESUS WAS A LITTLE CHILDRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about growth.

ASSESSMENT: Recite and clap.
10I CAN DO ALL THINGSRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about boldness.

11THE LITTLE PIG WENT TO THE MARKETRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about manners.

12LITTLE POLY FLINDERRecitation and role-play.i. Pupils learn about the concept of size.


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