JUPEB Chemistry Syllabus

Are you writing Chemistry in your upcoming JUPEB exams? Download the Chemistry recommended syllabus to excel in your exams. Take the first step in studying smart today.

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About JUPEB Chemistry Syllabus

Chemistry is an important subject for every science student who wants to go into the medical field or related science courses. In some schools, even Computer Science and some Engineering departments require you to write and pass Chemistry before being admitted into 200 level.

Syllabus.ng has put out a well-detailed syllabus for the JUPEB Chemistry. This material is for candidates who want to score high in their JUPEB Chemistry exam.

Study and understand the syllabus, read up on past questions, and follow the additional tips provided, we can assure you that you stand a higher chance of scoring high in your exams if you do this. With this syllabus, you don’t have to be scared of Chemistry or the exam. 

Download, read, and practice past questions and you are well on your way to scoring higher than your coursemates in the JUPEB program.

What Course Of Study Can Choose Chemistry

With a pass in your JUPEB Chemistry exam, you can study Medicine, Nursing, Anatomy, or any Natural and/or Biological science course.

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JUPEB First Semester Courses Chemistry





General Chemistry 

3 Units


Physical Chemistry 

3 Units


1MEASUREMENTSi. Units of measurement
a) Basic S.I. Units,
b) Derived units,
c) Conversion of units,
d) Significant figures,
e) Precision and accuracy,
f) Errors(systematic and random errors), g) Exact numbers
2NATURE OF MATTERi. States of matter
a) Solid, liquid and gaseous states,
b) Properties and inter-conversion.
3ATOMIC MASSESi. Definitions and calculations of molar masses of atoms and molecules based on “C scale,

ii. Use of mass spectrometry in the determination of Relative Atomic Mass and

iii. Relative Molecular mass
4ATOMIC STRUCTUREi. Dalton’s atomic theory.

ii. Discovery of sub-atomic particles
a) Various experiments that led to the discovery of neutrons, protons,
b) Electrons and nucleus (cathode ray,
c) Millikan’s oil drop,
d) Rutherford’s and Thompson’s experiments),
e) Calculations of relative abundances and isotopic mass;

iii. Planck’s Theory
a) Black body radiation,
b) Photoelectric effect,
c) Quantisation of energy;

iv. Bohr’s Theory
a) Bohr’s assumption,
b) Atomic spectra of hydrogen(no derivation is required) and
c) Determination of spectra lines, determination of ionisation energy from line spectra(when n=0);

v. Wave Theory of Atoms
a) Particle wave duality,
b) Atomic orbitals,
c) Quantum numbers(n,l,m,s),
d) Electronic ener levels,
e) Degeneracy of atomic orbitals,
f) Shapes of atomie orbitals(s,p and id orbitals)

vi. Electronic configuration of Atoms and ions
a) Aufbau principle,
b) Pauli’s exclusion principle,
c) Hund’s rule, (n+1) rule
5PERIODICITYi. Development of the modem periodic table,

ii. Building up periods,

iii. Atomic properties
a) Identifying blocks and groups of elements,
b) Periodic law.
c) Trends of atomic size,
d) Ionisation potential,
e) Electron affinity,
f) Electronegativity a and ionic radii,
g) Isoelectric species.
6MOLE CONCEPTi. Mole and Avogadro’s constant
a) Various ways of defining the molt,
b) Avogadro’s constant, molar mass.

ii. Empirical and molecular formula
a) Definition and calculations of Empirical and Molecular formulae from percentage composition by mass and combustion data.

iii. Solution Stoichiometry
a) Balancing chemical equations, calculations based on stoichiometric coefficients,
b) Reaction that involve limiting reactants,
c) Calculation of actual and percentage yields.
d) Calculation of molarity and gram concentration,
e) Preparation of standard solutions, serial dilution.
a) Definition identification of neutralization reactions.
b) Predicting solubilities.

ii. Precipitation, Oxidation and Reduction
a) Various definitions of oxidation and reduction reaction with emphasis on definition of terms of electron transfer,
b) Calculation of oxidation numbers, balancing of redox reactions by oxidation state and half-reaction method (both in acidic and basic media). OM
8CHEMICAL BONDINGi. Electrovalent/Ionic Bonding
a) Describe ionic bending using some ionic compounds e.g. NaCl,
b) Energy considerations of ionic bonding, definition of lattice energy (no derivation), properties of ionic compounds.

ii. Covalent Bonding
a) Describe covalent bonding using simple covalent compounds e,g, CO₂,
b) Coordinate/dative covalent bonding e.g. in ammonium ion (NH4), Al,Cl,
c) Molecule, bond energy, bond length and bond polarity(Fajan’s rule),
d) Properties of covalent compounds, hybridisation concept (sp, sp sp²),
e) Shapes of simple molecules using the valence shell electron-pair repulsion theory eg. H₂O, NH, CH, etc.

iii. Intermolecular Bonding
a) Van der waals forces,
b) Permanent and induced dipoles,
c) Hydrogen bonding.

iv. Metallic Bonding
a) Describe metallic bonding in terms of a lattice of positive ions surrounded by delocalised electrons.

v. Bonding and physical properties
a) The effect of different types of bonding on the physical properties of substances (e.g. unusual high boiling point of water, miscibile of water and ethanol, nylon, polyester).
a) Statement of and calculations involving Boyle’s, Charles’, Dalton’s, Graham’s laws and Avogadro’s hypothesis.

ii. Ideal and Real Gases
a) Ideal gas equations,
b) Kinetic theory of gases (assumptions only),
c) Real gases deviation from ideal gas behaviour,
d) Van der Waal’s equation.
e) Use of the general gus equation. PV=nRT in calculations, including relative molecular mass determination
10SOLUTIONi. Phase and phase diagram
a) Interpretation of phase diagram for one component system.

ii. Ideal and non-ideal solutions
a) Definition of ideal and non-ideal solutions, Raoult’s Law

iii. Colligative Properties
a) Lowering of vapour pressure,
b) Depression of freezing,
c) Elevation of boiling point and osmotic pressure.
d) Determination of molar mass using osmotic pressure. (The derivation not required).
11THERMOCHEMISTRYi. Enthalpy change
a) Exothermic and endothermic changes,
b) Definition of enthalpy changes for processes (combustion, neutralization, hydration, formation, solution, atomization) under standard condition.

ii. Hess’ Law
a) State Hess’ law and construct energy cycles based on Hess’ law and carry out calculations based on Hess’ law
b) Use of bond energy to calculate energy changes.

iii. Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
a) Definition of entropy and Gibbs’s free energy.
b) Calculation of entropy change
c) Calculation of Gibb’s free energy change for reactions using AG AH-TAS.
d) Predicting the spontaneity of reactions
a) Faraday’s first and second laws of electrolysis and calculations based on them.

ii. Electrochemical Cells
a) Identify the substances liberated during electrolysis based on the state of electrolyte,
b) Position in electrochemical series
c) Concentration of electrolyte and
d) Nature of electrodes

iii. Fuel Cells and Batteries
a) Definitions of electrode potential standard electrode potential,
b) Cell potential Calculations of e.m.f of a cell
c) Application of Nernst equation
d) Use of cell potential to predict the feasibility of reaction Industrial uses of electrolysis.

iv. H/O₂ fuel cell,

v. Rechargeable batteries
a) Definition of rate of reaction and reaction mechanism.
b) Factors affecting rate of reaction.
c) Orders of reaction, rate constants and molecularity.
d) Calculations of order of reaction from experimental date

ii. Activation Energy Catalysis
a) Simple collision theory.
b) Definition of activation energy.
c) Arrhenius equation.
d) Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis
a) Equilibrium changes, reaction quotient (Q), equilibrium expressions (homogenous and heterogeneous equilibra).
b) Calculations of equilibrium constants in terms of concentration (K) and partial
pressure (K).
c) Relationship between Ke and K

ii. Le-Chatelier’s Principle
a) Statement and Application of Le- Chatelier’s principle to deduce the effects of changes in temperature, pressure and concentration on a system at equilibrium.
b) Definitions of acid and base in terms of; Arrhenius, Bronsted- Lowry and Lewis concept. Auto-ionisation of water.

iii. Acid-Base Equilibra
a) Acid strengths, pH solution.
b) Indicator theory
c) Solubility product, common ion effect.
d) Selective precipitation of ions.

iv. Ionic Equilibra in Aqueous System Radioactivity
a) History of Radioactivity.
b) Types of radiations.
c) Radioactive disintegration.
d) Nuclear equations, half-life, radioactive carbon
e) Detectors and applications of radioactivity.





CHM001 Practicals

1. Sensitivity of weighing equipment, Graduation of measuring equipment, and determination of significant figures in reading

2. Preparation of standard solutions: Serial dilution;

3. Volumetric analysis: Practice in volumetric analysis, acid-base redox, and precipitation titrations. Acid-base titrimetry involving NaOH, oxalic acid, HCl, and Na, CO, Determination of percentage composition of iron using KMnO, (redox Titrimetry), Titrimetric analysis of mixtures, NaOH/NaHCO, and Na, CO/NaHCO; and

4. Introduction to the statistical analysis of data: Use of supplied dan to illustrate elements of simple statistics.

CHM 002 Practicals

1. Experiments to calculate enthalpy changes.

2. Determination of molecular mass using freezing point depression.

JUPEB Second Semester Courses for Chemistry





Inorganic Chemistry 

3 Units


Organic Chemistry 


3 Units



16PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTSi. General trends in properties of elements
a) Nature of elements, trends, in physical and chemical properties of elements
17CHEMISTRY OF HYDROGENi. Occurrence, isotopes, preparation and reactions of hydrides
a) Physical and chemical properties, extraction of group 1 metals e.g Sodium, trends in properties of their compounds.
b) Uses of group 1 metals.

ii. Group 2
a)Physical and chemical properties, extraction of group 2 metals e.g Calcium, trends in properties of their compounds. b) Uses of group 2 metals
a) Boron and Aluminium.
b) Occurrence and extraction, trends in properties of their compounds with oxygen, chlorine and hydrogen.

ii. Group 14
a) Occurrence, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties, trends in properties of oxides, hydrides, halides.
b) Greenhouse effect,
c) Uses of group 14 elements.

iii. Group 15
a) Occurrence, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties, simple oxides and nitrides, environmental impacts of NOx.
b) Uses of group 15 elements.

iv. Group 16
a) Occurrence, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties, trends in properties of oxides, hydrides and halides. Environmental impact of SOx. Uses of group 16 elements.

v. Group 17
a) Occurrence, physical and chemical properties, hydrogen halides, metal halides and inter-halogen compounds.
b) Uses of group 17 elements
20D-BLOCK ELEMENTSi. First Row Transition Elements
a) Definition of transition element, electronic configuration, atomie radii, ionization potential, variable oxidation states, formation of metal complex.

ii. Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
a) Definition of metal complex and ligands, types of ligands. Bonding in metal complexes (chain theory and its limitations, Werner’s theory).
b) Valence bond theory and hybridization concept.
c) Study of structure and magnetic properties of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.
d) Nomenclature of coordination compounds.
a) Tetravalency and -hybridization of carbon

ii. Classes of carbon compounds
a) Functional groups, homologous series,
b) Determination of molecular formula from empirical formula.

iii. Nomenclature
a) Naming of organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, alkyl halides, arenes, carboxylic acids, amines
22PURIFICATIONi. Purification of organic compounds
a) Determination of melting point, crystallization and recrystallization, simple distillation, liquid extraction, sublimation

ii. Determination of elements
a) Various methods of determining C,H, N, S and halogens in organic compounds.
b) Sodium fusion test.
23ORGANIC REACTIONSi. Covalent bond cleavage
Homolytic and heterolytic fission, free radical reaction Nucleophiles and electrophiles

ii. Types of Reactions
a) Addition, Substitution, Elimination, Hydrolysis, Condensation. COM

iii. Electronic concepts in organic chemistry
a) Inductive, steric electrometric effects.
24ISOMERISM IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDSi. Constitutional, chain, position, and functional groupgroup isomerism.

ii. Tautomerism, Stereoisomerism.

iii. Geometrical and optical
i. Alkanes, alkanes, and alkanes
Nomenclature, structure, synthesis, properties and reactions

ii. Alcohols
Nomenclature, structure, synthesis, properties and reactions(combustion, substitution to give halogenoalkanes, reaction with Na, oxidation to carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids, dehydration to alkenes, formation of esters by esterification with carboxylic acids and acyl chlorides). Classes of alcohols.
Distinguishing tests for alcohols (Lucas and Jones reagents)

iv. Alkylhalides
Nomenclature, structure, synthesis, properties and reactions

v. Carbonyl compounds (Aliphatic and Aromatic)
Nomenclature, structure, synthesis, properties and reactions ( reduction, reaction with HCN, NACN, reaction with acqueous I2.
Tests for aldehydes and ketones using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazin4-dinitrophenylhydrazin.

vi. Carboxylic compounds and their derivatives
a) Nomenclature, properties, preparation from alcohols, aldehydes, and nitrites
b) Reactions of carboxylic acids with reactive metals, reduction to alcohol using LiAlH6

vii. Primary Amines
a) Hydrolysis of esters by acid and base.
b) Hydrolysis of acylchlorides
c) Preparation of alkylamines.
d) Basicity of amines in terms of their structure.
e) Reactions of amines (formation of diazonium salt) Aromaticity, Kekule structures

viiI. Introduction to aromatic compounds
26MACROMOLECULESi. Carbohydrates
a) Classes of carbohydrates.
b) Simple tests

ii. Proteins
a) Amino acids, formation of peptide bonds in peptides.
b) Simple description of electrophoresis.

iii. Polymers
a) Types of polymerization reactions and their differences.
b) Simple structures of polymers.
c) Uses of polymers
27BIOTECHNOLOGYi. Biotechnology and it’s application in food and drugs
28PETROLEUM INDUSTRYi. Constituents of crude oil, refining, cracking.

ii. Chemicals derived from crude oil.



Qualitative Inorganic Practical 

 1. Flame tests and systematic analysis of mixtures containing two salts.

2. Identification of anions: preliminary tests for anions, preparation of Na, CO, extracts, and confirmatory tests.

3. Identification of cations group I VI: Group separation and analysis of ions within a group (group analysis).


1. Reactions of simple functional groups: Simple organic tests, solubility, sodium fusion test, functional group identification(with sand carboxylic acids). emphasis on ketones aldehydes and carboxylic acids

2. Recrystallization and determination of the melting point of organic compounds

Recommended JUPEB Chemistry Textbooks

1. E. N. Ramsden: A-Level Chemistry, 4th Edition (2000). Stanley Thornes (Pub) Ltd. ISBN 0748752994.

2. Phillips Mathews: Advanced Level Chemistry.

3. Basic Organic Chemistry by B. A. Osuntogun, O. B. Familoni, and B.1.Alo; 3rd Edition (2012) University to Lagos Press.

4. Chemistry by Ted Lister and Janet Renshaw (2009)Nelson Thornes Ltd. (Pub).

5. Understanding Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry: The Learner’s Approach. by Jeanne Tan, Kim Seng Chan (2009) World Scientific (Pub).

6. Chemistry: The Central Science by Theodore E. Brown, Theodor Lawrence Brown, H. Eugene H. LeMay, Bruce E. Burster Catherine Murphy, Patrick Woodward 12th Edition (2012) Pearson Education (Pub.).

7. Martins S. Silverberg (2010). Principles of General Chemia Second edition. McGraw Hill Publishers. New York.

8. University General Chemistry, Inorganic and Physical. YO Wong, C.T. Wong, S.O. Onyiruka and L.E.S Akpanisi. Africana FEP Publishers Ltd (2002).


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Best candidates don’t just study hard, they study smart

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All JUPEB Subject & Syllabus

NOTE: Candidates are required to write 3 subjects in the qualifying examination)

JUPEB currently offers examinations in the following nineteen (19) subjects as detailed in its syllabuses. The subjects can be classified into 3 categories: Arts & Humanities, Management & Social Science and Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions About JUPEB Chemistry

How many questions will I answer in the NABTEB Chemistry exam?

The NABTEB Chemistry exam is divided into 3 papers. Paper 1 will comprise 50 objective questions and 8 essay questions for you to answer 4.

In paper 3, you will be asked to answer 2 practical questions.

Does JUPEB punish candidates for examination malpractice?

Yes, if any candidate is caught cheating in the exam he or she will be punished for examination malpractice and it could lead to the body canceling or withholding the result.


How does JUPEB set its questions?

Depending on the subject, the questions are usually divided into 2 or 3 parts: Objective, Theory, and/or Practical. Just like your school examination where you are expected to write objectives, theory, and practicals in some subjects.

What is the required grade to get admitted into any University?

You must have at least credits in your 3 subjects to gain admission into any university.

How can a candidate collect his/her certificate?

You must have at least credits in your 3 subjects to gain admission into any university.

What should I do on the day of the exam to perform well?

Stay calm and pay attention to the instructions. Do not panic whenever you see a question you don’t know. When you get confused about a question, raise your hand and ask the invigilator for clarification.

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