JUPEB Islamic Studies Syllabus

Are you writing Islamic Studies in your upcoming JUPEB exams? Download the recommended Islamic Studies syllabus to excel in your exams. Take the first step in studying smart today.

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About JUPEB Islamic Studies Syllabus

Having good study material that gives proper direction is a must for every student and as someone writing Islamic Studies, this JUPEB syllabus is what you need to ace your exams and get admitted into 200 level at your chosen University.

This program covers the four principal areas of Islamic Studies which are: 

i. Tarikh (Islamäic History)

ii. The Qur’an

iii. Hadith and

iv. Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)

It is expected that you already have basic knowledge of these areas as you will be expected to discuss certain topics about the religion like; the principles and history of Islam as a religion, the main features of the Qur’an, and a host of others. The full list of topics is outlined in the syllabus below so do well to read and share with your friends.

What Course Of Study Can Choose Islamic Studies

With a pass in Islamic Studies, you can study Law, Political science, International Relations, or any Art-based course.

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JUPEB First Semester Courses Islamic Studies





History of Islam

3 Units


Qua’ ānic Studies

3 Units


1ISS001: HISTORY OF ISLAMi. An Appraisal of the Jahiliyyah Period and the Significance of the Islamic Reforms.

ii. The Biography of Muhammad

iii. Life and Achievements of the Khulafa Rashidün.

iv. An overview of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties

v. Life and Achievements of “Umar ibn Abdul Azie.

vi. Life and Achievements of Life and Achievements of Härün ar-Räshid

vii. Impact of the spread of Islam to West Africa

viii. The Hausa-Fulani Jihäd

ix. The Kanem-Bonu Empire.

x. Muslim-Non-Relations
2ISS003: QUA’ĀNIC STUDIESi. Definition and Types of Tawhid (Tawhid ar-Rubübiyyah, Tawhid al-lähiyyah and Tawhid al-Asma’ was-Sifit).

ii. Types and Implications of Shirk

iii. An Analysis of the Names and Attributes of the Qur’an.

iv. Comparison of features of the primary and secondary sources of Shart ah

v. Nature and Implication of Engaging in Different Forms of Shirk

vi. The Islamic concept of Ibadah

vii. Forms and Purposes of Taharah

viii. The Observance, Types, and Values of Sulär

ix. The Regulations Governing Zakat and Sadaqah and the values of both

x. The Regulations Governing Sawm.

xi. Types of Fasts and the Significance of Fasting

xii. . The Conditions, Performance, and Performance of Hajj and Umrah

xiii. The Islamic Marriage and Divorce and comparison with Marriage and Divorce Practices in other Cultures.

JUPEB Second Semester Courses for Islamic Studies






3 Units




3 Units


4ISS002: TAWHÎD & IBĀDĀTi. Analysis of the Names and Attributes of the Qur’an.

ii. Authenticity of the Qur’an as a Divine Book

iii. Arrangement and Means of Preserving the Qur’anic Text

iv. The Emergence of ar-Rasm al-‘Uthmam

v. The Distinction between the Makki and Madani sarwar

vi. Asbabun-Nuzül and an-Näsikh wal-Mansükh

vii. Ethics of Interpreting the Qur’an

viii. A Study of the Text, Translation, and Interpretation of the Juz “Amma.
i. Definition and Values of Hadith

ii. The Relationship between Hadith and Sunnah

iii. Types of Hadith (Nabawi and Ouchus)

iv. Basic Form of the Hadith (Isnad and Matn)

v. Determining the Authenticity of Hadith

vi. The Runwar and the Muhadithin

vii. The Six Standard Works and Biographies of Compilers

viii. The Mu’jam of at-Tabarani and Jami’ of Ibn ‘Athir

ix. Textual Analyses of an-Nawawi’s Collection

x. J. A Critical Appraisal of Salih al-Bukhari

Recommended JUPEB Islamic Studies Textbooks

1. The Holy Qur’an: Test, Translation and Commentary

2. Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The Holy Qur’an: Test, Translation and Commentary Washington, DC: Amanah, 1989.

3. Ali, Maulana M., The Religion of Islam.eBookit.com, 2011.

4. Ash-Sharif, Muhammad M. Ibn Kathir Tafür 10 Vols. Riyadh: Darus-Salam Publications, 2000, Bell, Richard. Introduction to the Qur’an. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 

5. Burton, John. An introduction to the Hatch. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1994.

6. Doi, Abdur-Rahman 1. Sharah Islamic Law London: Ta Publishers, 2008.

7. Fawzan, Salih, A Summary of Islamic jurisprudence. 2 Volx. Riyadh: Al-Maiman Publishing House, 2009.

8. Hamidullah, M. Introduction to Islam. Ankara: Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi, 1997.

9. Haykal, M. H. The Life of Muhammad. Plainfield: American Trust Publications, 2005.

10. Hitti, Philip K. History of the Arabs: From Earliest Times to the Present. London:Macmillan, 10″ ed., 2002. 

11. Hiskett, Mervyn. The Development of Islam in West Africa. London: Longman, 1984.

12. Holt, P.M., et al., eds. Cambridge History of Blam, 2 Vols. Cambridge, UK:

13. Cambridge University Press, 1970. 

14. Khan, Muhammad Muhsin, Translation of Sahih al-Bukhari Ankara: Hilal Yayinlari, 1976. 

15. Phillips, Bilal, Usoold-Hadeeth. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2007.

16. Trimingham, JS. Islam in West Africa Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1959,

17. Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Mecca Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. 1953.

18. Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Medina. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1956.

19. Zarabozo, J. Commentary on the Forty 40 Hadith of an-Nawaw 2 Vols. Denver: Al-Basheer Company for Publications and Translation, 2010.

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Best candidates don’t just study hard, they study smart

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All JUPEB Subject & Syllabus

NOTE: Candidates are required to write 3 subjects in the qualifying examination)

JUPEB currently offers examinations in the following nineteen (19) subjects as detailed in its syllabuses. The subjects can be classified into 3 categories: Arts & Humanities, Management & Social Science and Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions About JUPEB Islamic Studies

What are the benefits of studying Islamic Studies in the JUPEB program?

Aside from the chances of you getting admission into 200 level after a few months, you also get a solid foundation in Islamic knowledge, ethics, and values.

How does the JUPEB Islamic Studies syllabus compare to other secondary school Islamic Studies curricula?

The JUPEB Islamic Studies syllabus covers more advanced topics compared to the usual secondary school curricula, which prepares students for higher education.

Are there any specific skills or knowledge areas that JUPEB Islamic Studies aims to develop?

The syllabus will help develop your knowledge of the Religion including cultural practices, traditions, festivals, etc.

What are the career prospects for those who excel in JUPEB Islamic Studies?

Some career paths for people who excel in the JUPEB Islamic Studies include Islamic Law, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, or any Art-based course.

Should I do Islamic Studies in my JUPEB program?

If you are a Muslim or you have always been fascinated with the Islamic Religion then sure, you can go ahead and study Islamic Studies. 


What are the prerequisites or background knowledge required to excel in JUPEB Islamic Studies?

To excel in this course, you should have a strong interest in Islamic studies, cultural sensitivity, and basic knowledge of Islamic history, and ethics.

What will the exam questions for JUPEB Islamic Studies be like?

It will be divided into two sections; a multiple-choice question section and an essay section.


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