JUPEB Physics Syllabus

Are you writing Physics in your upcoming JUPEB exams? Download the recommended Physics  syllabus to excel in your exams. Take the first step in studying smart today.

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About JUPEB Physics Syllabus

Physics is one subject that students find hard to pass in most exams, but what if we told you there’s a way to pass your JUPEB Physics exam with flying colors? It will require some reading and dedication and you know this takes time so why not start now to read ahead?

This JUPEB syllabus below shows you a full list of topics you will be taught per semester during the duration of your JUPEB program. At the end of the series of courses in this syllabus, you should be able to:

1. Describe the properties of matter and waves, and various physical phenomena at the microscopic and macroscopic levels.

2. Analyze and apply physics laws and principles to solve real-life problems:

3. Design, implement, and draw meaningful inferences from the results of experiments:

4. Explain natural and physical phenomena using physics laws and concepts, etc

With this syllabus, you will be better prepared for your Physics class. Get ahead of your peers today and start studying with our syllabus below for success in your exams.

What Course Of Study Can Choose Physics

With a pass in your JUPEB Physics exam, you can study Medicine, Nursing, Anatomy, Computer science, or any Engineering, Natural, and/or Biological science course.

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Best candidates don’t just study hard, they study smart

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JUPEB First Semester Courses Physics





Mechanics & Properties of Matter

3 Units


Heat, Waves and optiçs

3 Units


1UNITSi. Order of magnitude,

ii. Definition of units: Length, mass, time,

iii. Unit of conversion and measurements,

iv. Methods of measuring

v. Length, Mass and Time.

vi. Basic and Derived units, Dimensional Analysis (L.M.T only)
2VECTORSi. Vector representation,

ii. Addition and Subtraction of vectors (geometrical method only),

iii. Resolution of vectors.

iv. Vector multiplication, vectors in Cartesian,

v. Coordinate system.
3PARTICLE KINETICSi. Types of motion: translational, random, oscillatory, and rotational.

ii. Linear motion: uniform velocity motion, uniform acceleration motion,

iii. Graphs of kinematic equations.

iv. Instantaneous and Average velocity and Acceleration in two or three dimensions.

v. Relative motion in one or two dimensions,

vi. Free Fall,

vii. Projectile Motion.
4DYNAMICSi. Newton’s laws of motion,

ii. Types of force Newton’s universal law of Gravitational,

iii. Equilibrium of forces,

iv. Centre of Mass and Centre of Gravity, moment of a force,

v. Linear momentum and its conservation Laws,

vi. Elastic and Inelastic collisions.

vii. Collisions in two Dimensions.

viii. Motor in inclined planes,

ix. Frictional forces.
5THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELDi. Kepler’s law of Planetary Motion,

ii. Newton’s law of Gravitation,

iii. Field strength,

iv. G and its measurement,

v. Gravitational potential,

vi. Satellite motion and escape velocity.
6WORK, ENERGY & POWERi. Work, Energy and sources,

ii. Types of energy,

iii. Conversation and Conservation of Energy, Power, the Kilowatt hour,

iv. Principle of mechanical Energy Conservation
7CIRCULAR & OSCILLATORY MOTIONi. Angular Displacement,

ii. Angular Velocity,

iii. Torque and Angular Acceleration,

iv. Angular Momentum,

v. Centripetal Acceleration,

vi. Centripetal force,

vii. Rotational kinetic energy.

viii. Work done in Rotation,

ix. Conservation of Angular Momentum.

x. Simple Harmonic Motion,

xi. Damped and Forced oscillations,

xii. Resonance.
8ELASTICITYi. Hooke’s Law,

ii. Elastic Limit,

iii. Elastic and Plastic Deformations,

iv. Ductile and Brittle substances,

v. Stress,

vi. Strain,

vii. Elastic and Plastic Behaviour,

viii. Young’s Modulus,

ix. Energy stored,

x. Energy per unit volume,

xi. Shear modulus,

xii. Bulk modulus.
9HYDROSTATICSi. Matter (Solid, Liquid and Gases0,

ii. Density,

iii. Pressure in Fluids,

iv. Change of phases,

v. Archimedes’ principle.

vi. Principle of Floatation,

vii. Stoke’s law,

viii. Terminal velocity.

ix. Bernoulli’s principle,

x. Pitot-static Tube Principle.
10HYDRODYNAMICSi. Molecular properties of Fluids,

ii. Viscosity,

iii. Surface tension,

iv. Adhesion,

v. Cohesion,

vi. Capillarity,

vii. Drops and Bubbles,

viii. Bernoulli’s principle,

ix. Pascal principle,

x. Reynold’s Number,

xi. Turbulent and Laminar Flow,

xii. Poiseuille’s Equation.
11IDEAL GASESi. Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law and Pressure Law.

ii. Equation of state,

iii. Kinetic Theory Of Gases,

iv. Pressure of a Gas,

v. Kinetic Energy of a molecule.

ii. Specific Heat Capacity,

iii. Latent Heat,

iv. Internal Energy,

v. Thermal Conductivity,

vi. Blackbody radiation.
13THERMODYNAMICSi. Work done by Gas,

ii. Internal energy of Gas,

iii. First and Second law of Thermodynamics,

iv. Concepts Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes’.
14ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVESi. Electromagnetic spectrum.

ii. Applications of Components of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
15GEOMETRICAL OPTICSi. Rectilinear Propagation of Light.

ii. Laws of Reflection and Refraction,

iii. Reflection on plane and curved mirrors,

iv. Refraction at Plane surfaces,

v. Total Internal Reflection,

vi. Critical Angle,

vii. Dispersion by Prism.

ii. Formation of Images by Lenses, the eye,

iii. Defects of Vision.

iv. Optical Instruments (camera, refractor and reflector telescopes,

v. Simple microscope,

vi. Compound microscope and ophthalmoscope).
17OSCILLATION OF WAVESi. Classification of Waves,

ii. Wave Parameters,

iii. Graphical Representation of Waves,

iv. Wave equation,

v. Progressive and Stationary Waves,

vi. Reflection,

vii. Refraction,

viii. Diffraction,

ix. Principle of Superposition,

x. Interference.
18WAVE THEORY OF LIGHTi. Wave-Particle Nature of Light,

ii. Huygens’ Principle.

iii. Interference and Diffraction,

iv. Coherent Sources,

v. Young’s Double Slit Fringes.

vi. Diffraction of Light Waves,

vii. Resolving Power,

viii. Diffraction Grafting Polarization and its Applications.
19SOUND WAVESi. Pitch,

ii. Loudness,

iii. Quality,

iv. Intensity of Sound,

v. Decibel, Beats and Application.

vi. Doppler principle of Sound,

vii. Waves in strings and pipes.

JUPEB Second Semester Courses for Physics





Electricity & Magnetism

3 Units


Modern Physics 


3 Units


20ELECTRONICSi. Coulomb’s Law,

ii. Gauss’s Law and application,

iii. Concepts of an Electric field,

iv. Force Between point charges,

v. Electric field at a point,

vi. Electric potential,

vii. Potential due to a point charge and charged sphere,

viii. Relationship between Electric field and Electric potential,

ix. Equipotential surfaces.
21CAPACITORSi. Capacitors and capacitance,

ii. Dielectric and Relative permittivity,

iii. Capacitors in series and parallel,

iv. Energy stored in a capacitor,

v. Effects of dielectrics,

vi. Charging and discharging in C-R Circuit Time constant.
22CURRENT ELECTRICITYi. Electric Current,

ii. Potential difference,

iii. Resistance and resistivity,

iv. Ohm’s law, ohmic and Non ohmic conductors,

v. Resistors in series and parallel,

vi. Electromotive Force and circuit,

vii. Electrical power,

viii. Electrical energy and efficiency, cells in series and parallel,

ix. Kirchhoff’s laws,

x. Temperature coefficient of resistance,

xi. Principle of potentiometer and Wheatstone Bridge,

xii. Galvanometer.
23MAGNETIC FIELDi. Earth’s Magnetic Field,

ii. Concepts of Magnetic Field,

iii. Magnetic Flux and flux density –B (of solenoids, straight Conductors and narrow Circular coil).
24FORCE ON A CONDUCTOR & MOVING CHARGEi. Force on a current-carrying conductor,

ii. Force Between current-carrying conductors,

iii. Fleming left-hand Rule,

iv. Torque, application to moving coil meters,

v. Ampere’s Law ,

vi. Biot-Savart’s law

ii. Lenz Law,

iii. Fleming right-hand rule,

iv. Dynamo,

v. Transformer,

vi. Eddy current, current in L-R circuit, self and mutual inductance,

vii. Energy in coil, motors and Generators.
i. Characteristics Of alternating current(period ,frequency, peak value and Root-Mean-Square value as applied to an alternating current and voltage),

ii. Resistive circuit,

iii. Capacitive circuit,

iv. Inductive circuit,

v. Capacitance- Resistance Circuit, Inductance –Resistance circuit,

vi. L-C-R Series circuit,

vii. Resonance L-C-R circuit,

viii. Power in A.C Circuit, parallel circuit.
27ATOMIC STRUCTUREi. The Nucleus (proton and neutron),

ii. The Electron,

iii. specific Charge,

iv. Isotopes,

v. Milikan’s Experiment,

vi. Cathode Ray electroscope,

vii. Types of spectrum,

viii. Hydrogen Spectrum,

ix. Spectra Series
28ELEMENTS OF MODERN PHYSICSi. Defect of the wave theory,

ii. The Ultraviolent catastrophe,

iii. Photo Electric Emission,

iv. Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen Atoms, and Energy levels of the atom,

v. Excitation Absorption and Emission,

vi. Fraunhofer Lines.

vii. Interaction of Radiation with matter,

viii. Laser principle.
29X-RAYi. Nature and properties of X-rays,

ii. Crystal Definition,

iii. Bragg’s Law, moseley’s Law,

iv. X-ray,

v. Absorption spectra.
30WAVE PARTICLE DUALITYi. Electron Diffraction,

ii. De Broglie Formula.

iii. Momentum and Energy, Duality ,

iv. Compton Effect.

v. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle

ii. Mass Excess and nuclear binding Energy.

iii. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion,

iv. Geiger-Muller tube,

v. Radioactivity Decay – half life and decay constant, ,

vi. Nuclear Relations,

vii. Isotopes,

viii. Nuclear Energy,

ix. Einstein Mass-Energy relation
32INTRODUCTION TO SEMI-CONDUCTORSi. Intrinsic Semiconductors,

ii. Energy Bands in solids,

iii. Doping of semiconductors; p-n junction diodes,

iv. Half and full wave rectification,

v. The bridge Rectifier,

vi. Transistor as an Amplifier and switch.
33APPLIED PHYSICSi. Basic Applications of physics to the Life Sciences,

ii. Fundamental principles and Application of Ultrasound,

iii. X-ray and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Recommended JUPEB Physics Textbooks

1. Ike E.E (2014) Essential Principles of Physics, Jos ENIC publishers

2. Ike E.E (2014) Numerical Problems and Solutions in Physics, Jos ENIC publishers

3. Nelson M. (1977) Fundamentals of Physics, Great Britain, Hart Davis Education

4. Nelson M. and Parker … (1989) Advanced Level Physics, (Sixth Edition) Heinemann

5. Okeke P.N and Anyakoha M.W. (2000) Senior Secondary School Physics, Lagos, Pacific Printers

7. Olumuyiwa A. and Ogunkoya O. O (1992) Comprehensive Certificate Physics, Ibadan: University Press Plc.

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Best candidates don’t just study hard, they study smart

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All JUPEB Subject & Syllabus

NOTE: Candidates are required to write 3 subjects in the qualifying examination)

JUPEB currently offers examinations in the following nineteen (19) subjects as detailed in its syllabuses. The subjects can be classified into 3 categories: Arts & Humanities, Management & Social Science and Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions About JUPEB Physics

What's the pass mark for JUPEB Physics?

There is no official pass mark, but scores above 50 are considered good. However, you should try to score as high as you can because the higher you score, the better your chances of admission to your chosen course and institution.

How long does it take to complete the JUPEB Physics exam?

The objective and theory exam takes 3 hours. For the practical section, it could take between 2-3 hours.

What topics does the JUPEB Physics exam cover?

The JUPEB Physics exam will cover all the topics listed in the syllabus above. Go through them and study.

Should I do Physics in JUPEB?

If you are interested in pursuing careers in the medical or engineering field, you will have to write Physics in JUPEB.


How many questions are in the JUPEB Physics exam?

You will be required to answer 50 multiple-choice, 4 essay questions, and some practical questions based on the syllabus listed above.

Are there any tips for passing?

Here are a few tips for you:

-Start studying early enough. Do not do last-minute reading. You should also try practicing your time management skills.

Another tip is to study past questions regularly and ensure you get a good night’s rest a day before your exam.

Good luck!


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