JUPEB Visual Art Syllabus

Are you writing Visual Art in your upcoming JUPEB exams? Download the recommended Visual Art syllabus to excel in your exams. Take the first step in studying smart today.

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About JUPEB Visual Art Syllabus

Have you been looking for reliable study material that will give you a glimpse of what your JUPEB Visual Art program will look like? Here at Syllabus. ng, we have provided you with the recommended JUPEB syllabus. 

This syllabus contains the list of topics for each semester where your lectures will be gotten from. This is where your lecturers will get the topics for each semester. 

Having this syllabus as your study partner is a good way to guarantee your success in your JUPEB Visual Art exam. Top it up by practising past questions and you will surely come out of the exam hall with a smile.

What Course Of Study Can Choose Visual Art

With a pass in your JUPEB Visual Art exam, you can study Creative arts, Theatre Arts, or any course that requires creativity and gain admission into 200 level without stress.

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JUPEB First Semester Courses For Visual Art





Art History 

3 Units


Two Dimensional Design 

3 Units


1ART HISTORYi. Art Movements: Abstract Expressionism, Surrealism, Cubism, Abstraction, Pop Art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art, Expressionism Issue-based art, and globalization

ii. Renaissance Art of Europe

iii. Nubian and Egyptian art general overview

iv. African Art of the Sub-Saharan region-Masking traditions, Classical sculptures from Nigeria, Nok, Igboukwu, Ife, Benin, Tsoede, owo, and other artistic traditions

v. Identification of works of artists across the globe Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Bruce Onobrakpeya, Yussuff Grillo , Malangatana Valente, David Koloane, El Salahi, Skunder Boghosian
2PAINTINGi. Painting would introduce the candidates to various materials and methods in drawing as well as in painting.

ii. Candidates are to have a broad understanding of various media such as charcoal, oil, gouache, watercolor, and acrylic.

iii. They should be taught to explore tone, color, composition, context, and media.

iv. One practical assignment on any three of the topics listed below should be submitted for evaluation.
a. Landscape and Seascape
b. Drawing-general drawing from nature, still life, imaginative composition
c. Figure Studies
d. Still-life
e. Portraits
One practical project exploring the candidate’s ability to produce engaging textile art would be assigned deriving from any of the topics listed below.
i. General knowledge of tools, materials associated with dyeing, screen-printing techniques, and on and off loom processes. The basic design for textile production and use of color and principles of design.

ii. Dyeing as an art general discourse of textile traditions in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. An introduction to the socio-cultural significance of cloth in Africa. The course would also expose the candidates to the various fabrics that abound in Nigeria -Sanyan, Akwete, Kijipa, and Etu. Kente cloth from Ghana, Kanga and Mud cloth from Mali. Textile production centers such as Asoke weaving in southwestern Nigeria, and cloth dyeing in Kano, Abeokuta. It would conclude with studies on the contemporary usage of cloth, dress, and textile.

iii. Methods and techniques of dyeing fabrics and fibers-processes of batik, stitching, and other resist methods.

iv. Methods and techniques of silk painting, screen printing, and painting with fabric acrylics

v. Textile construction. Using fibers through the stitching, knotting, weaving, or looping technique. Using alternative media in addition to fabrics and fiber to explore other creative means of making two-dimensional or three-dimensional designs

vi. Exploring fashion-making of fashion accessories, garment construction, body adornment, and other fashion accouterments. Designing costumes, set design, and props.
4GRAPHICSCandidates should be familiar with
i. Illustration techniques –lettering and designing for posters, magazines, billboards, brochures, and leaflets

ii. Advertising students should demonstrate their ability in graphic communication. How to sell a product logo design, posters, billboards, and signposts
Various techniques of photography should include:
i. Depth of field in photography

ii. Lighting

iii. Tone and color

iv. Framing

v. Film speed/ shutter speed

vi. Editing

vii. Transitions

viii. Developing of films

ix. Experimentation-image scanning and manipulation with the computer, using creative spaces for photographic work, darkroom practices, and multiple exposure methods Still Creating and presenting images as PowerPoint, pho shop techniques, website development, and the use of sound for both still and moving images where appropriate; and

xi. Moving imagery production should be introduced to various processes and techniques beyond the presentation of still images alone. These would include animation, PowerPoint, digital editing-making short documentaries, creating storyboards, use of sound and moving images,
6DRAWINGVarious printmaking methods taught should include:
i. Relief printing

ii. Lino print

iii. Monoprint

iv. Etching

v. Screen printing

vi. Collagraph

JUPEB Second Semester Courses for Visual Art





Three Dimensional Design 

3 Units


The Decorative Art & Other Craft Decorations 

3 Units


7SCULPTUREi. Under sculpture, students would explore the basic theory of modeling, relief work, assemblage and casting.

ii. There will also be a practical assignment in any of the topics listed below showing the candidate understanding of the processes involved.
a. Materials and methods in sculpture
b. Making simple forms and relief sculpture
c. Studies in sculpture in the round
d. Casting techniques in sculpture
e. Metal assemblage
8CERAMICSi. Theory of materials and methods of ceramics.

ii. Practical classes to cover modeling and hand building techniques, wheel throwing and various ways of improvising.

iii. One practical project would also emanate from the series of topics listed below.
a. Terminologies associated with ceramics-bisque, greenware, grog, kiln, cones, oxides, kaolin, ball clay.
b. sculpting in clay using various techniques-hand building, slip casting and wheel throwing techniques, slab building, drying, firing, decorating and painting with slip and oxides, glazing.
i. Candidates would be taught various methods and materials in simple jewelry production such as Bead stringing, simple metal casting techniques, sheet metal work and using found objects.

ii. Other indigenous art traditions as well as an emphasis on recycling art. Such other crafts include basket weaving, paper mache art, and wirework.

iii. There will be one practical project in beadstring or any other area listed below.
a. materials and methods of jewelry manufacture.

b. Exercises in beadstringing, worework

c. Simple casting procedures, cire perdue, centrifugal casting, cuttlefish casting, sandcasting techniques.

d. Exploration of Indigenous materials , stones, bones, shells, wood, buttons, paper and fabrics

Recommended JUPEB Visual Art Textbooks

1. Mark Antiff and Patricia Leighten (2001) Cubism and Culture, Thames and Hudson, London.

2. Egonwa Osa. D. (1996): African Art History

3. Audiovisual Aids e-learning materials. The Women and Youth Art Foundation series in beadwork, Goldsmithing, wirework, and Tie and Dye

4. Scott Kelby (2006) The Digital Photography Book

5. The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression by Bruce Barnbaum (2010)

6. History and Practice of the Art of Photography by Henry Hunt Snelling (2012) 

7. The Photographer’s Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman (2007) 

8. Digital Landscape Photography: In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams by Michael Frye (2010)

9. Betterfhoto Basics: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Taking Photos Like a Pro by Jim Miotke (2010)

10. The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression by Bruce Bambaum (2010) 

11. The Photographer’s Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman (2007)

12. Ceramic Design Course: Principles, Practice, and Techniques: A Complete Course for Ceramicists by Anthony Quinn (2007)

13. 250 Tips, Techniques, and Trade Secrets for Potters: The Indispensable Compendium of Essential Knowledge and Troubleshooting Tips by Jacqui Atkin (2009)

14. The Ceramics Bible: The Complete Guide to Materials and Techniques by Louisa Taylor (2011)

15. The Essential Guide to Mold Making & Slip Casting (A Lark Ceramics Book) by Andrew Martin (2007) 

16. Alternative Kilns & Firing Techniques: Raku Saggar Pit Barrel (A Lark Ceramics Book) by James C. Watkins and Paul Andrew Wandless (2006)

17. Ceramics for Beginners: Wheel Throwing (A Lark Ceramics Book) by Emily Reason (2010)

18. The Complete Jewelry Making Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques: A Beginner’s Course for Aspiring Jewelry Makers by Jinks McGrath 2007)

19. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C (2nd Edition) by James D. Foley. Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, and John F. Hughes (1995) 

20. Art: A World History by Elke Linda Buchholz, Susanne Kaeppele, Karoline Hille and Irina Stotland (2007)

21. Art: A World History by DK Publishing (2002) 

22. World Art History and Its Objects by David Carrier (2009)

23. The Printmaking Bible: The Complete Guide to Materials and Techniques by Ann d’Arcy Hughes and Hebe Vernon-Morris (2008)

24. Block Printing: Techniques for Linoleum and Wood by Sandy Allison and Robert Craig(2011) 

25. The Complete Printmaker: Techniques, Traditions, Innovations by John Ross (1991)

26. A Handbook of Indigo Dyeing by Vivien Prideaux (2012)

27. Dyeing and Screen-Printing on Textiles: Revised and updated by Joanna Kinnersly-Taylor (2011)

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Best candidates don’t just study hard, they study smart

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All JUPEB Subject & Syllabus

NOTE: Candidates are required to write 3 subjects in the qualifying examination)

JUPEB currently offers examinations in the following nineteen (19) subjects as detailed in its syllabuses. The subjects can be classified into 3 categories: Arts & Humanities, Management & Social Science and Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions About JUPEB Visual Arts

What is the structure of the JUPEB Visual Art exam?

The exam will consist of 50 multiple-choice/objective questions, 8 essay-type questions for you to answer 4, and a practical section based on topics in the syllabus above.

What topics are covered in the JUPEB Visual Art syllabus?

The syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including graphics, drawing, painting, history of art, etc

How can I prepare effectively for the JUPEB Visual Art exam?

To prepare effectively, we would advise you to study the syllabus thoroughly, find and practice past questions, participate in group discussions, and seek clarification on topics you don’t understand from your lecturers.


Yes, a full list of recommended textbooks is listed above.

What are some tips for excelling in the JUPEB Visual Art exam?

Some tips include understanding the topics in the syllabus, reading and understanding instructions on the exam day, practicing time management before exams, and being as detailed as possible when answering theory questions.


How important is the JUPEB Visual Art exam for university admission?

This exam is important if you are seeking admission into universities through the JUPEB program. It contributes to the overall assessment of your academic abilities and is your ticket to moving on to the 200 level in university.



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