NECO Food and Nutrition Syllabus

Are you writing Food and Nutrition in your NECO O’level exams? Download the recommended Food and Nutrition syllabus to excel in your exams.

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About NECO Food and Nutrition Syllabus

Do you want to pass your upcoming NECO Food and Nutrition examination in one sitting? Then you should download a copy of this syllabus and read this article till the end.

This NECO Food and Nutrition syllabus is designed to equip you on how to achieve that goal. This syllabus will help you understand the structure of the exam and the topics that will make up your exam questions.

The general aims and objectives of the syllabus are for candidates to: 

i. Acquire basic knowledge about foods and nutrition; 

ii. Understand the relationship between nutrition and health; 

iii. Identify career opportunities in foods and nutrition and acquire skills for further studies; 

iv. Apply the general principles underlying meal planning, selection, preparation and serving of food to feed families and other consumers for different occasions; 

v. Understand the need for planning an efficient and safe kitchen; choose, use, care and store kitchen equipment and tools effectively, etc

Marking Guide & Sections

This marking scheme and section will guide you on what you should expect in your NECO Food and Nutrition exam. The exam consists of three papers: Papers 1, 2 & 3.

Paper 1

Paper 1 comprises 60 multiple-choice questions that should be answered in just 1 hour. Each correct answer will earn you a mark, make sure to read each question carefully before selecting your answer.

Paper 2

In Paper 2, you will be given 6 essay questions, but don’t worry, you only need to answer 4 of them. Each question is worth 10 marks and the paper lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes, choose wisely and remember to support your answers with clear explanations.

Paper 3

This paper will put your practical skill to the test, this paper carries the highest mark and it will be taken for 3 hours. You will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge of food preparation, kitchen safety, and more. The visiting examiner will be there to guide you, so stay focused and show off everything you learned and more as this section will determine the success of your examination.

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Best candidates study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you. 

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The NECO Food and Nutrition Syllabus

1NUTRITION AND HEALTH1.1 Introduction to Foods and Nutrition
(a) Meaning
(b) Basic knowledge of Nutrition
(c) Importance of Human Nutrition
(d) Factors affecting Foods and Nutrition
(e) Food Habits

1.2 Careers associated with Foods and Nutrition
(a)Careers associated with Foods and Nutrition
(b)Factors that influence career choices
(c)Characteristics required for Foods and Nutrition careers

1.3 Basic Food Nutrients
(a)The nutrients and their nutritive values
(b)Functions of the different nutrients
(c)Sources of the different nutrients
(d)Dietary deficiencies
(e)Metabolism,(digestion and absorption of foods carbohydrate, protein, fat).
(f)Knowledge and use of food composition table
(g)Food tests: simple physical and chemical tests of food stuffs to detect presence of
nutrients in foods e.g. proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

1.4 Meal Management
(a) Meal Planning
(i) Meal planning terms
(ii) Reasons for planning meals
(iii) Factors in planning meals
(iv) General principles of meal planning
(v) Meal patterns
(b) Special Nutritional Needs
(i) Nutritional needs for different groups e.g. pregnant, lactating mothers, infants and
children, adolescents, adults and the aged, vegetarians.
(ii) Planning meals for people in health condition e.g. HIV & AIDS, invalids, convalescents,
overweight, underweight, hypertension, diabetes etc
(a) Types of kitchen e.g. traditional, modern, institutional.
(b) Planning different types of kitchen.
(c) Factors to consider when planning.
(d) Cleaning agents and abrasives (commercial and local).

2.2 Kitchen equipment and tools
(a) Classes and types of equipment
(b) Selection, use, care and storage of large and small equipment, fixtures and appliances.

2.3 Safety in the kitchen
(a) Types of kitchen accidents
(b) Causes and prevention of accidents
(c) Content and use of first aid box
(d) Simple first aid treatment

2.4 Sanitation in the kitchen
Personal Hygiene
3FOOD COMMODITIES3.1 Animal and animal products
3.2 Cereals/grains
3.3 Fruits and vegetables
3.4 Legumes and oily seeds
3.5 Fats and oils
3.6 Starchy roots and plantain
4.2 Food preservation
4.3 Food storage
5FOOD PREPARATION5.1 Principles underlying cooking
5.2 Methods of cooking
5.3 Transfer of heat
5.4 Cooking terms
5.5 Food additives
6.2 Basic ingredients in flour cookery
6.3 Raising agents
6.4 Batters and doughs
6.5 Cakes
6.6 Pastries
6.7 Yeast Mixtures
6.8 Cake Decoration Icing
7BEVERAGES7.1 Classification of beverages
7.2 Importance of beverages
7.3 Principles underlying preparation of beverage
11ART OF ENTERTAINING11.1 Entertainment
11.2 Table setting and etiquette
11.3 Meal Service Style
12EXPERIMENTAL COOKERY12.1 Research into Local dishes and Drink
12.2 Experiments
13CONSUMER EDUCATION13.1 Consumer Education
13.2 Food Budgeting
13.3 Food Purchasing

Recommended NECO Food and Nutrition Textbooks

Frequently Asked Questions About the NECO Food and Nutrition Exams

What topics are included in the NECO Food and Nutrition syllabus??

The syllabus covers topics like; food science, nutrition, meal planning, food preparation, and food safety.


Will there be a practical section in the NECO Food and Nutrition exam?

Yes, there will be a practical aspect where you will be assessed on your cooking skills, food presentation, and application of nutritional knowledge.


What resources can I use to study for the NECO Food and Nutrition exam?

You can use Food and Nutrition textbooks, cookbooks, and past questions to prepare for the exam.


How can I improve my practical skills for the NECO Food and Nutrition exam?

 Practice cooking various dishes, focus on presentation, and understand the nutritional content of the foods you prepare.


What are some common food and nutrition terms I should know for the exam?

Terms like macronutrients, micronutrients, balanced diet, calorie, metabolism, and foodborne illness.


What career opportunities can studying food and nutrition through the NECO syllabus lead to?

Studying food and nutrition can lead to careers in dietetics, nutrition counselling, food science, culinary arts, and health education.


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Best candidates study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you. 

Download the NECO recommended Food & Nutrition syllabus  

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