NECO Further Mathematics Syllabus

Are you writing Further Mathematics in your NECO O’level exams? Download the recommended Further Mathematics syllabus to excel in your exams.

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About NECO Further Mathematics Syllabus

This NECO Further Mathematics syllabus is a guide that will give you directions and instructions about your upcoming exams. It is a must-have for all who are preparing for the NECO Further Mathematics exam. 

The syllabus aims to test your:

i. Understanding of Elementary and Higher Mathematics; 

ii. Knowledge of aspects of Mathematics that can meet the needs of potential Mathematicians, Engineers, Scientists and other professionals. 

iii. Ability to analyze data and draw valid conclusions from logical, abstract and precise reasoning skills. 

With this syllabus, you are sure to meet the expectations of this exam and come out of the hall smiling. So download, study and share with your friends.


Marking Guide & Sections

There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken. 

PAPER 1:   

This paper will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions, covering the entire syllabus. Candidates will be required to answer all questions in 1 hour for 40 marks. The questions will be drawn from the sections of the syllabus as follows: 

Pure Mathematics – 30 questions 

Statistics and probability – 4 questions 

Vectors and Mechanics – 6 questions 

PAPER 2:  

This will consist of two sections, Sections A and B, to be answered in 2 hours 30 minutes for 100 marks.

Section A – This will consist of eight compulsory questions that are elementary in type for 48 marks. The questions shall be distributed as follows:   

Pure Mathematics – 4 questions 

Statistics and Probability – 2 questions 

Vector and Mechanics – 2 questions 

Section B – will consist of seven questions of greater length and difficulty put into three parts:

I: Pure Mathematics – 3 questions 

II: Statistics and Probability – 2 questions 

III: Vectors and Mechanics – 2 questions 

Candidates will be required to answer four questions with at least one from each part for 52 marks. 

Download NECO Further Mathematics Syllabus


Best candidates study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you. 

Download the NECO recommended Further Mathematics syllabus  

The NECO Further Mathematics Syllabus

Sets1.1 Idea of a set defined by a property, Set notations and their meanings
1.2 Disjoint sets, Universal set and complement of set
1.3 Venn diagrams, Use of sets And Venn diagrams to solve problems.
1.4 Commutative and Associative laws, Distributive properties over union
and intersection
SurdsSurds of the form √ , a√ and a+b√ where a is rational, b is a positive
integer and n is not a perfect square.
Binary OperationsProperties: Closure, Commutativity, Associativity and Distributivity,
Identity elements and inverses.
Logical Reasoning4.1 Rule of syntax: true or false statements, rule of logic applied to
arguments, implications and deductions
4.2 The truth table
Functions5.1 Domain and co-domain of a function
5.2 One-to-one, onto, identity and constant mapping
5.3 Inverse of a function
5.4 Composite of functions
Polynomial Functions6.1 Linear Functions, Equations and Inequality
6.2 Quadratic Functions, Equations and Inequalities
6.3 Cubic Functions and Equations
Rational Functions7.1 Rational functions of the form
Q(x) = ()
!() ,g(x) ≠ 0.
where g(x) and f(x) are polynomials
7.2 Resolution of rational functions into partial fractions
Indices and Logarithmic Functions8.1 Indices
8.2 Logarithms
Permutation And Combinations9.1 Simple cases of arrangements
9.2 Simple cases of selection of objects
Binomial TheoremExpansion of (a + b)n . Use of (1+x)n ≈1+nx for any rational n,
where x is sufficiently small. e.g (0.998)1/3
Sequences and Series11.1 Finite and Infinite sequences
11.2 Linear sequence/Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) and Exponential
sequence/Geometric Progression (G.P.)
11.3 Finite and Infinite series
11.4 Linear series (sum of A.P.) and exponential series (sum of G.P.)
11.5 Recurrence Series
Matrices and Linear Transformation12.1 Matrices
12.2 Determinants
12.3 Inverse of 2 x 2 Matrices
12.4 Linear Transformation
Trigonometry13.1 Trigonometric Ratios and Rules
13.2 Compound and Multiple Angles
13.3 Trigonometric Functions and Equations
Co-ordinate Geometry14.1 Straight Lines
14.2 Conic Sections
Differentiation15.1 The idea of a limit
15.2 The derivative of a function
15.3 Differentiation of polynomials
15.4 Differentiation of trigonometric Functions
15.4 Product and quotient rules.
Differentiation of implicit functions such as ax2 + by2 = c
15.5 Differentiation of Transcendental Functions
15.6 Second order derivatives and Rates of change and small changes (∆x),
Concept of Maxima and Minima
Integration16.1 Indefinite Integral
16.2 Definite Integral
16.3 Applications of the Definite Integral
Statistics17.1 Tabulation and Graphical representation of data
17.2 Measures of location
17.3 Measures of Dispersion
17.4 Correlation
Probability18.1 Meaning of probability
18.2 Relative frequency
18.3 Calculation of Probability using simple sample spaces
18.4 Addition and multiplication of probabilities
18.5 Probability distributions
Vectors19.1 Definitions of scalar and vector Quantities
19.2 Representation of Vectors
19.3 Algebra of Vectors.
19.4 Commutative, Associative and Distributive Properties.
19.5 Unit vectors.
19.6 Position Vectors.
19.7 Resolution and Composition of Vectors
19.8 Scalar (dot) product and its application
19.9 Vector (cross) product and its application
Statics20.1 Definition of a force
20.2 Representation of forces
20.3 Composition and resolution of coplanar forces acting at a point
20.4 Composition and resolution of general coplanar forces on rigid bodies
20.5 Equilibrium of Bodies
20.6 Determination of Resultant
20.7 Moments of forces
20.8 Friction
Dynamics21.1 The concepts of motion
21.2 Equations of Motion
21.3 The impulse and momentum equations
21.4 Projectiles

Recommended NECO Further Mathematics Textbooks

1. Odili et al Further Mathematics.

2. T.R Moses Spectrum New Further Mathematics.

3. Hardwood Ordinary Level Mathematics.

Frequently Asked Questions About the NECO Further Mathematics Exams

What topics are included in the NECO Further Mathematics syllabus?

The syllabus covers topics like calculus, matrices, complex numbers, probability, and statistics.


Is the NECO Further Mathematics exam difficult?

The exam can be challenging, but with thorough preparation and practice, you can do well.


What resources can I use to study for the NECO Further Mathematics exam?

Use the recommended textbooks above, and past question papers, to prepare

Are there any specific strategies for solving complex number problems?

 Yes, practice regularly, understand the basic concepts, and familiarize yourself with different problem-solving techniques.


How can I improve my problem-solving skills for the NECO Further Mathematics exam?

Practice past questions, and review your mistakes to learn from them.


What are some common mistakes to avoid in the NECO Further Mathematics exam?

Common mistakes include not reading instructions, misreading questions, calculation errors, and not showing all your workings.

How can I manage my time effectively during the NECO Further Mathematics exam?

Practice time management by timing yourself during practice tests and allocating time to each question during the exam.

Download NECO Further Mathematics Syllabus


Best candidates study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you. 

Download the NECO recommended Further Mathematics syllabus  


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