Nursery 1 Health Habits Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 1  Health Habits Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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Nursery 1 Scheme of Work for Health Habits

Teaching young children the importance of cleanliness and basic health practices is important. This will help them be more aware of their environment and strive to keep it in good condition.

The aims of the NAPPS Nursery 1 Health Habits Scheme of Work are to:

i. Foster a lifelong appreciation for health and wellness, 

ii. Ensuring that children develop good habits from an early age.

We recommend this NAPPS Nursery 1 scheme of work for Health Habits. With this scheme, children are taught basic health and hygiene practices including personal care, nutrition, and safety.

Children are also taught important habits like hand washing, brushing teeth, etc. The lessons are made simple and enjoyable, using materials like story books, flashcards, posts, and video clips. 

Anything to make it easy for children to understand and adopt these healthy habits should be used.

Nursery 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Health Habits

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

The head, neck, chest, elbow, etc.
i. The teacher with the aid of charts showing pictures of the human body identifies and explains to pupils the different parts of the human body and their functions

ii. The teacher teaches children songs and uses drama to reinforce the topic.
i. Pupils actively participate in the lesson by listening and performing the teacher’s instructions.

ii. Pupils learn to identify parts of their body.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

The head, neck, chest, elbow, etc.
i. The teacher with the aid of charts showing pictures of the human body identifies and explains to pupils the different parts of the human body and their functions

ii. The teacher teaches children songs and uses drama to reinforce the topic.
i. Pupils actively participate in the lesson by listening and performing the teacher’s instructions.

ii. Pupils learn to identify parts of their body.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Washing hands before and after eating and after using the toilet
-Washing hands after play, after touching animals.
-Washing the hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
i. Teacher emphasizes the importance of hand washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, after touching animals.

iii. The teacher uses meal time and toilet time to teach this topic.

iv. Use songs and drama to teach hand washing.
i. Pupils learn the importance of washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. Pupils demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, and after touching animals.

Pupils wash their hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Washing hands before and after eating and after using the toilet
-Washing hands after play, after touching animals.
-Washing the hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
i. Teacher emphasizes the importance of hand washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, after touching animals.

iii. The teacher uses meal time and toilet time to teach this topic.

iv. Use songs and drama to teach hand washing.
i. Pupils learn the importance of washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. Pupils demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, and after touching animals.

Pupils wash their hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Washing hands before and after eating and after using the toilet
-Washing hands after play, after touching animals.
-Washing the hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
i. Teacher emphasizes the importance of hand washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, after touching animals.

iii. The teacher uses meal time and toilet time to teach this topic.

iv. Use songs and drama to teach hand washing.
i. Pupils learn the importance of washing before and after meals and after the use of the toilet.

ii. Pupils demonstrate how to wash their hands after play, and after touching animals.

Pupils wash their hands after touching refuse and after sneezing
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing and coughing)
i. Teacher with demonstration emphasizes the importance of covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing, and coughing.

ii. The teacher instructs pupils on the proper use of toilet paper and handkerchief when coughing, sneezing, and yawning.
i. Pupils learn the importance of covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing and coughing.

ii. Pupils learn the proper use of toilet papers and handkerchief when coughing, sneezing and yawning.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing and coughing)
i. Teacher with demonstration emphasizes the importance of covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing, and coughing.

ii. The teacher instructs pupils on the proper use of toilet paper and handkerchief when coughing, sneezing, and yawning.
i. Pupils learn the importance of covering the mouth and nose when yawning, sneezing and coughing.

ii. Pupils learn the proper use of toilet papers and handkerchief when coughing, sneezing and yawning.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
8HOW TO STAY HEALTHYi. Teacher with the aid of a good textbook and charts showing how to care for parts of the body teaches children the importance of good health and how to stay healthy

ii. The teacher uses rhymes, songs, drama, and class demonstrations to teach children the topic.

iii. The teacher mentions the various ways of staying healthy e.g. Bathing regularly. Sleep early. Avoid wearing dirty clothes. Avoid walking bare-footed. Brush your teeth regularly. Eat a balanced diet. Always wash your hands. Take time to play and exercise. Avoid dirty places. Drink treated and clean water only.
i. Pupils learn the importance of good health and how to stay healthyLearning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
9HOW TO STAY HEALTHYi. Teacher with the aid of a good textbook and charts showing how to care for parts of the body teaches children the importance of good health and how to stay healthy

ii. The teacher uses rhymes, songs, drama, and class demonstrations to teach children the topic.

iii. The teacher mentions the various ways of staying healthy e.g. Bathing regularly. Sleep early. Avoid wearing dirty clothes. Avoid walking bare-footed. Brush your teeth regularly. Eat a balanced diet. Always wash your hands. Take time to play and exercise. Avoid dirty places. Drink treated and clean water only.
i. Pupils learn the importance of good health and how to stay healthyLearning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
10HOW TO STAY HEALTHYi. Teacher with the aid of a good textbook and charts showing how to care for parts of the body teaches children the importance of good health and how to stay healthy

ii. The teacher uses rhymes, songs, drama, and class demonstrations to teach children the topic.

iii. The teacher mentions the various ways of staying healthy e.g. Bathing regularly. Sleep early. Avoid wearing dirty clothes. Avoid walking bare-footed. Brush your teeth regularly. Eat a balanced diet. Always wash your hands. Take time to play and exercise. Avoid dirty places. Drink treated and clean water only.
i. Pupils learn the importance of good health and how to stay healthyLearning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

Nursery 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Health Habits

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of the first term’s workRevision of first term’s work 

-Care of the mouth, teeth and tongue.
-Functions of the mouth, teeth and tongue Mouth – to talk, eat, and sing Teeth – to bite, chew, tear, and grind Tongue – to taste, swallow and talk How to care for the teeth, mouth and tongue – Bruch regularly – Avoid sweets – Rinse mouth after eating – Use floss, and use mouth wash
– Visit the dentist regularly
i. The teacher with the aid of a chart showing pictures of children with clean teeth, dirty teeth, and sore teeth states;
1. Reasons why we need to daily care for our teeth:
2. When to wash hands and feet: morning and night and after every meal
3. Materials to care for the mouth: chewing stick or toothpaste and brush, cup and water Drama, Songs, and Rhymes reinforcing the lesson.

ii. The teacher demonstrates the best ways to care for our mouth and Pupils participate in the demonstration.

iii. The teacher should emphasize the importance of not using another person’s brush but sharing toothpaste.
i. Pupils participate in Drama, Songs, and Rhymes which reinforce the lesson.

ii. Pupils demonstrate and practice the best ways to care for their mouths.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Care of the mouth, teeth and tongue.
-Functions of the mouth, teeth and tongue Mouth – to talk, eat, and sing Teeth – to bite, chew, tear, and grind Tongue – to taste, swallow and talk How to care for the teeth, mouth and tongue – Bruch regularly – Avoid sweets – Rinse mouth after eating – Use floss, and use mouth wash
– Visit the dentist regularly
i. The teacher with the aid of a chart showing pictures of children with clean teeth, dirty teeth, and sore teeth states;
1. Reasons why we need to daily care for our teeth:
2. When to wash hands and feet: morning and night and after every meal
3. Materials to care for the mouth: chewing stick or toothpaste and brush, cup and water Drama, Songs, and Rhymes reinforcing the lesson.

ii. The teacher demonstrates the best ways to care for our mouth and Pupils participate in the demonstration.

iii. The teacher should emphasize the importance of not using another person’s brush but sharing toothpaste.
i. Pupils participate in Drama, Songs, and Rhymes which reinforce the lesson.

ii. Pupils demonstrate and practice the best ways to care for their mouths.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

– Identifying and avoiding harmful and sharp objects
i. Teacher shows pupils pictures of harmful objects to the body
1. Nails
2. Pins
3. Blade
4. Broke bottles
5. Open fire
6. Naked electric wire
7. Unprescribed drugs
i. Pupils identify and avoiding harmful and sharp objectsLearning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

– Identifying and avoiding harmful and sharp objects
i. Teacher shows pupils pictures of harmful objects to the body
1. Nails
2. Pins
3. Blade
4. Broke bottles
5. Open fire
6. Naked electric wire
7. Unprescribed drugs
i. Pupils identify and avoiding harmful and sharp objectsLearning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
6ROAD SAFETYi. Teacher teaches the topic with the aid of an appropriate textbook, video clips, and charts with pictures of road safety

ii. The teacher uses drama to reinforce the topic

iii. Teacher instructs pupils on how to avoid accidents on the road
– Obey traffic lights
– Avoid playing in the middle of the road
– Avoid walking in the middle of the road
– Ask adults to help you get across the road
– Always use the pedestrian bridge where there is one
i. Pupils participate in drama to enhance mastery of the topic.

ii. Pupils practice how to avoid accidents on the road.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
7ROAD SAFETYi. Teacher teaches the topic with the aid of an appropriate textbook, video clips, and charts with pictures of road safety

ii. The teacher uses drama to reinforce the topic

iii. Teacher instructs pupils on how to avoid accidents on the road
– Obey traffic lights
– Avoid playing in the middle of the road
– Avoid walking in the middle of the road
– Ask adults to help you get across the road
– Always use the pedestrian bridge where there is one
i. Pupils participate in drama to enhance mastery of the topic.

ii. Pupils practice how to avoid accidents on the road.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
8CLEANLINESS. (Talking care of our environment)i. The teacher explains to the pupils the importance of living in a clean environment e.g. to avoid sickness and diseases.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to ensure surroundings both at home and school are free from dirt like biscuit wrappers, sweet wrappers, nylons, pieces of waster paper, food crumbs, etc.

iii. The teacher demonstrates to pupils how to sweep the surroundings pick up dirt and properly dispose of it in the waste bin.
i. Pupils learn to make their school and class environment clean using brooms, brushes, dirt packers, disinfectants, etc.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
9CLEANLINESS. (Talking care of our environment)i. The teacher explains to the pupils the importance of living in a clean environment e.g. to avoid sickness and diseases.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to ensure surroundings both at home and school are free from dirt like biscuit wrappers, sweet wrappers, nylons, pieces of waster paper, food crumbs, etc.

iii. The teacher demonstrates to pupils how to sweep the surroundings pick up dirt and properly dispose of it in the waste bin.
i. Pupils learn to make their school and class environment clean using brooms, brushes, dirt packers, disinfectants, etc.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
10CLEANLINESS. (Talking care of our environment)i. The teacher explains to the pupils the importance of living in a clean environment e.g. to avoid sickness and diseases.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to ensure surroundings both at home and school are free from dirt like biscuit wrappers, sweet wrappers, nylons, pieces of waster paper, food crumbs, etc.

iii. The teacher demonstrates to pupils how to sweep the surroundings pick up dirt and properly dispose of it in the waste bin.
i. Pupils learn to make their school and class environment clean using brooms, brushes, dirt packers, disinfectants, etc.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

Nursery 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Health Habits

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of second term’s workRevision of second term’s work 
2GOOD TABLE MANNERSi. Teachers demonstrate to pupils at mealtime how to sit at the table and how to use the spoon, fork, or hand during mealtime.

ii. The teacher emphasizes the importance of silence, less talk, play, and movement while eating e.g. we talk less, and stop playing when eating to avoid food from going to the wrong place in our body so that we will not be choked by the food.
i. Pupils learn how to sit at the table and how to use the spoon, fork, or hand during meal time.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
3GOOD TABLE MANNERSi. Teachers demonstrate to pupils at mealtime how to sit at the table and how to use the spoon, fork, or hand during mealtime.

ii. The teacher emphasizes the importance of silence, less talk, play, and movement while eating e.g. we talk less, and stop playing when eating to avoid food from going to the wrong place in our body so that we will not be choked by the food.
i. Pupils learn how to sit at the table and how to use the spoon, fork, or hand during meal time.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

Avoiding accidents at home and school
i. The teacher teaches the topic with the aid of an appropriate textbook, video clips, and charts with pictures of the home and home appliances.

ii. The teacher uses drama to reinforce the topic.

iii. Teacher instructs pupils on how to avoid accidents at home
– stay away from the kitchen and hot substances
– stay away from electrical fittings
– avoid taking drugs without adult supervision
– stay away from electronics
– stay away from heavy furniture and sharp objects
i. Pupils participates in drama.

ii. Pupils learn how to avoid accident at home.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

Avoiding accidents at home and school
i. The teacher teaches the topic with the aid of an appropriate textbook, video clips, and charts with pictures of the home and home appliances.

ii. The teacher uses drama to reinforce the topic.

iii. Teacher instructs pupils on how to avoid accidents at home
– stay away from the kitchen and hot substances
– stay away from electrical fittings
– avoid taking drugs without adult supervision
– stay away from electronics
– stay away from heavy furniture and sharp objects
i. Pupils participates in drama.

ii. Pupils learn how to avoid accident at home.
Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Causes of illness, diseases, and how to avoid them
i. Teacher with the aid of pictures, explains the causes of illness and diseases.
Some of the causes of illness and diseases
1. dirty environment
2. Bad eating habits
3. Lack of rest

ii. Teacher explains some signs or symptoms one sees when ill, and what one should do when ill.
 Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

-Causes of illness, diseases, and how to avoid them
i. Teacher with the aid of pictures, explains the causes of illness and diseases.
Some of the causes of illness and diseases
1. dirty environment
2. Bad eating habits
3. Lack of rest

ii. Teacher explains some signs or symptoms one sees when ill, and what one should do when ill.
 Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
1. Christmas
2. Sallah
3. Easter
i. Teacher explains with the aid of pictures and the calendar our religious festivals, their dates of observance and their significance to each religious group.

ii. Show pupils films on the topic
i. Pupils learn the meaning and the purpose of Christmas, Sallah, and Easter.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
1. Christmas
2. Sallah
3. Easter
i. Teacher explains with the aid of pictures and the calendar our religious festivals, their dates of observance and their significance to each religious group.

ii. Show pupils films on the topic
i. Pupils learn the meaning and the purpose of Christmas, Sallah, and Easter.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.
10TOILET HYGIENEi. The teacher with the aid of showing pictures of different toilets and items found in the toilet (toilet rolls, water, soap, etc.) explains to pupils how to use the toilet. The teacher demonstrates the proper use of the toilet

ii. Teacher takes pupils to the toilet and teaches them to practice simple hygiene before and after toilet use – sitting properly on the toilet. Use of tissue paper or water, proper disposal of tissue paper, washing of hands after toilet use, and wiping of hands with a towel
i. Pupils practice simple hygiene before and after using the toilet.Learning Stamps, Story Book, Picture Books, Chart Posters, and Videos.
Flashcards, Picture Charts, and jigsaw puzzles.

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