Nursery 1 Pre-science Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 1  Pre-science Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Pre-science Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 Classes

Teaching young children Science can be very difficult especially when it comes to explaining things in simple terms. Good news! 

It doesn’t have to be so hard anymore because, with this NAPPS Pre-science scheme of work, you will learn a lot of tips on how to make your class lively and engaging. Read till the end!

The NAPPS Nursery 1 Pre-Science Scheme of Work is written to spark curiosity and a love for science in young children. The syllabus includes topics like living things, parts of the body, air and its uses, colors, waters, etc.

Children also get to learn about their surroundings, sense organs, and their functions in the most fun way ever. Materials like posters, video clips, charts, etc will be used to make the class an interactive one.

With this, children will get to experience and learn a lot about science and this might influence some to go into the field and do great things. Isn’t that great?

The main aim of the NAPPS Nursery 1 Pre-Science Scheme is to make learning about science exciting for every child. You can make that happen, just download this syllabus and start teaching.

Nursery 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Pre-science

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

– Meaning of plants
– Identification of plants
– Examples of Plants e.g. flower.
i. Exploring the environment Identifying and classifying Things in the environment into living and non–living things.

ii. The teacher with the aid of real living things, an appropriate textbook, and a chart showing pictures of living and non-living things leads pupils in discussing the topic.

iii. The teacher explains the meaning of plants to the pupils in simple terms and guides the pupils to identify plants using pictures on charts and an MP4 Player.

iv. The teacher leads the pupils to identify plants around the school and to know that plants provide food for us.
i. Pupils go around the school environment and identify plants in the school.

ii. Pupils mention that plants provide food for people.

iii. Pupils bring to class some of the living and non-living things in their community.

Pupils learn to draw and color some of these objects.
MP4 Player

– Meaning of plants
– Identification of plants
– Examples of Plants e.g. flower.
i. Exploring the environment Identifying and classifying Things in the environment into living and non–living things.

ii. The teacher with the aid of real living things, an appropriate textbook, and a chart showing pictures of living and non-living things leads pupils in discussing the topic.

iii. The teacher explains the meaning of plants to the pupils in simple terms and guides the pupils to identify plants using pictures on charts and an MP4 Player.

iv. The teacher leads the pupils to identify plants around the school and to know that plants provide food for us.
i. Pupils go around the school environment and identify plants in the school.

ii. Pupils mention that plants provide food for people.

iii. Pupils bring to class some of the living and non-living things in their community.

Pupils learn to draw and color some of these objects.
MP4 Player

-Meaning of fruits
-Identification of fruits
i. Using charts and an MP4 Player, the teacher guides pupils to identify different fruits and to know that they are from plants.

ii. The teacher shows real fruits such as orange, and pawpaw to the pupils and pictures of the orange plant (tree)and pawpaw plant (tree).

iii. The teacher guides pupils to recite nursery rhymes on fruits.
i. Pupils identify several fruits on charts, posters, and on an MP4 Player.

ii. Pupils mention where we get fruits come from.

iii. Pupils recite nursery rhymes on fruits and color drawings of different fruits.
MP4 Player

– Meaning of Animals
– Description of animals: parts of their body
– Similarities between animals and humans (Parts of their bodies)
i. The teacher uses charts and an MP4 Player to explain and identify animals to the pupils.

ii. The teacher describes the similarities between the parts of the body of animals and human beings.

iii. The teacher explains to pupils that plants don’t have the body parts of humans but animals do.
i. Pupils identify different animals on charts.

ii. Pupils mention parts of the body of animals and describe their similarity with humans.
MP4 Player

– Meaning of Animals
– Description of animals: parts of their body
– Similarities between animals and humans (Parts of their bodies)
i. The teacher uses charts and an MP4 Player to explain and identify animals to the pupils.

ii. The teacher describes the similarities between the parts of the body of animals and human beings.

iii. The teacher explains to pupils that plants don’t have the body parts of humans but animals do.
i. Pupils identify different animals on charts.

ii. Pupils mention parts of the body of animals and describe their similarity with humans.
MP4 Player

– Meaning of domestic animals (animals found at home).
– Examples of domestic animals.
i. Using charts and an MP4 Player, the teacher explains the meaning of domestic animals and guides pupils to identify domestic animals.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to mention the names of domestic animals.
i. Pupils identify and list domestic animals.

ii. Pupils color pictures of domestic animals beautifully.
MP4 Player

– The Head
– Identification of the head
– Uses of head
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher guides the pupils to identify the heads of humans.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to know and mention the uses of the head – for thinking.
i. The pupils identify the head and mention the uses of the head.

ii. The pupils touch their heads.

– The Head
– Identification of the head
– Uses of head
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher guides the pupils to identify the heads of humans.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to know and mention the uses of the head – for thinking.
i. The pupils identify the head and mention the uses of the head.

ii. The pupils touch their heads.

– The Mouth and the Teeth
– Identification of the Mouth
– Identification of the Teeth
– Uses of the mouth and the teeth.
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher guides the pupils to identify the mouths and the teeth of humans.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to know and mention the uses of the mouth and the teeth.
i. The pupils identify the mouth and the teeth and mention their uses.

ii. The pupils touch their mouths and lips.

iii. Pupils color the picture of the mouth beautifully.

– The Lips and the Tongue
– Identification of the Lips
– Identification of the Tongue
– Uses of the lips and the tongue.
i. With the aid of charts and posters, the teacher guides the pupils to identify the lips and the tongue of humans.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to know and mention the uses of the lips and the tongue.
i. The pupils identify the lips and the tongue and mention their uses.

ii. The pupils touch their lips and show their tongue by pushing it out.

iii. Pupils color the pictures of the lips and the tongue beautifully.

Nursery 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Pre-science

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of first-term works.Revision of first-term works.MP4 Player

– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue
i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.
i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips

– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue
i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.
i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips

– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue
i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.
i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips

– Description of air: invisible but can be felt.
– Air is a substance that occupies space.
i. The teacher demonstrates to pupils the existence of the air by leading pupils in simple actions like breathing in and out, blowing with their mouth or by using a paper fan, blowing air into a balloon, blowing bubbles in water, etc. Some of the objects that need air are footballs, bicycle tubes, vehicle tubes, and balloons.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to make bubbles using straw, water, and detergent.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to understand that air cannot be seen but can be felt and that air occupies space in several objects like balloons, car tires, etc.
i. Pupils make bubbles using straw, water and detergent.

ii. Pupils describe the properties of air.

iii. Pupils tell how they know air exists even when they cannot see it.
Video clips

– Breathing
– Cooling
– Filling balloons, tires, etc.
i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to describe the uses of air in simple terms.

ii. The teacher demonstrates breathing in and out of air, fanning and cooling with air, and inflating a balloon in the classroom.
i. Pupils breathe in and out.

Pupils fill in air into a balloon.

iii. Pupils cool themselves by fanning with a hand fan.
Hand fan

– Air as a means of transportation: airplane, helicopter, kite, etc.
– Smell can be perceived in air too.
i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to guide pupils to understand that some objects move in the air e.g. airplanes, drones, kites, balloons, helicopters, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to understand good smells and bad smells are perceived through the air.
i. Pupils move kites or balloons in air.

ii. Pupils colour pictures of objects that move in air beautifully.
Video clips

– Description of water
– Clean and Dirty Water
i. The teacher describes water in simple terms and uses a bowl of water to guide pupils to understand the topic better.

ii. The teacher compares clean water with dirty water and guides pupils to differentiate.
i. Pupils identify the type of water that is usable.Bowl of water
Bottled water
Video clips

– Objects that float on water.
– Objects that sink in wa
i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher guides pupils to understand where people get water from e.g. tap, river, rain, well, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify objects that float on water and those that sink in water.
i. Pupils mention where the water from.

ii. Pupils identify objects that can float or sink in water by practicing it in class using familiar objects to children such as feathers, nylon, balloons pencils, keys sponges, etc.
Charts Posters Bowl of water Stone, feather, nylon, spoon, etc.
10USES OF WATERi. The teacher guides pupils to identify several uses of water at home and school.i. Pupils mention what they use water for at home and schoolCharts

Nursery 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Pre-science

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of second term’s workRevision of second term’s workMP4 player

– Definition of Simple Machines.
– Identification of Simple Machines
– Uses of Simple Machines
i. The teacher explains the meaning of simple machines to pupils in simple terms. The teacher uses charts and video clips to lead pupils to identify simple machines and to aid their grasp of the topic.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to identify the uses of common simple machines at home and school.
i. Pupils identify simple machines in the school, home, and their surroundings.

ii. Pupils bring some machines to school for identification and discussion.

iii. Pupils identify uses of the simple machines.
Charts Video clips Bottle opener, scissors, etc

– Definition of Simple Machines.
– Identification of Simple Machines
– Uses of Simple Machines
i. The teacher explains the meaning of simple machines to pupils in simple terms. The teacher uses charts and video clips to lead pupils to identify simple machines and to aid their grasp of the topic.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to identify the uses of common simple machines at home and school.
i. Pupils identify simple machines in the school, home, and their surroundings.

ii. Pupils bring some machines to school for identification and discussion.

iii. Pupils identify uses of the simple machines.
Charts Video clips Bottle opener, scissors, etc

– Identification of colors
– Uses of colors
i. The teacher uses charts and posters to identify colors.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to identify primary colors: blue, red, and yellow and other secondary colors such as green, pink, brown, etc.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color different drawings in specified colors.
i. Pupils sort and classify objects and materials according to their colours.

ii. Pupils should make beautiful designs from colourful papers provided by teacher.

iii. Pupils should colour objects with their colour pencils or crayons.

– Identification of colors
– Uses of colors
i. The teacher uses charts and posters to identify colors.

ii. The teacher leads pupils to identify primary colors: blue, red, and yellow and other secondary colors such as green, pink, brown, etc.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color different drawings in specified colors.
i. Pupils sort and classify objects and materials according to their colours.

ii. Pupils should make beautiful designs from colourful papers provided by teacher.

iii. Pupils should colour objects with their colour pencils or crayons.

– Meaning of soil.
– Types of soil: Clay, loam, and sandy soil.
– Uses of soil.
i. Teacher explains the meaning of soil in simple terms.

ii. Teacher collects samples of soils and displays them to the pupils.

iii. Teacher guides the pupils to identify each type of soil and the uses of the soils.

iv. Teacher guides children in touching, observing and describing the colour and the texture of each soil.
i. Pupils identify and mention the name of each soil sample.

ii. Pupils use clay soil in making various items.
Clay soil
Loamy soil
Sandy soil

– Meaning of soil.
– Types of soil: Clay, loam, and sandy soil.
– Uses of soil.
i. Teacher explains the meaning of soil in simple terms.

ii. Teacher collects samples of soils and displays them to the pupils.

iii. Teacher guides the pupils to identify each type of soil and the uses of the soils.

iv. Teacher guides children in touching, observing and describing the colour and the texture of each soil.
i. Pupils identify and mention the name of each soil sample.

ii. Pupils use clay soil in making various items.
Clay soil
Loamy soil
Sandy soil

– Kerosene: for cooking Petrol: for powering generators, vehicles, etc.
– Detergent and soap: for washing and bathing.
i. Teacher teaches with the aid of charts and video clips showing pictures of some chemicals used at home and their uses.

ii. Teacher gets real kerosene, petrol, detergents and soaps and displays them to the pupils to aid their grasp of the topic.

iii. Teacher demonstrates the use of some of the chemicals e.g. putting kerosene in a stove, washing a handkerchief with detergents and washing hands with soap
i. Pupils actively participate in the discussion by listening to teacher, responding to questions and asking questions during lesson

ii. Pupils identify different chemicals and their uses.

Pupils identify the chemicals they usually uses and demonstrate how they use them.

– Kerosene: for cooking Petrol: for powering generators, vehicles, etc.
– Detergent and soap: for washing and bathing.
i. Teacher teaches with the aid of charts and video clips showing pictures of some chemicals used at home and their uses.

ii. Teacher gets real kerosene, petrol, detergents and soaps and displays them to the pupils to aid their grasp of the topic.

iii. Teacher demonstrates the use of some of the chemicals e.g. putting kerosene in a stove, washing a handkerchief with detergents and washing hands with soap
i. Pupils actively participate in the discussion by listening to teacher, responding to questions and asking questions during lesson

ii. Pupils identify different chemicals and their uses.

Pupils identify the chemicals they usually uses and demonstrate how they use them.

– Disinfectants, antiseptics, and pesticides: for killing germs and pest
i. Teacher brings disinfectants, antiseptics and pesticides to the classroom.

ii. Teacher guides pupils to identify the chemicals and their uses.
i. Pupils identify and demonstrate the uses of disinfectants, antiseptics and pesticides.Disinfectants

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