Nursery 1 Social Habits Scheme of Work

Download the Nursery 1  Social Habits Scheme of work as created by the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS) as a guide for educators and parents to teach kids.

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About Nursery 1 Scheme of Work for Social Habits

Looking for good teaching material that will make children look forward to your class? You are in the right place, go on and read this article till the end.

It’s no news that it can be difficult dealing with children especially when they are shy and quiet. Hence the a need for every school to include social habits in their scheme.

The NAPPS Nursery 1 Social Habits scheme of work helps young children develop the essential social skills they will need. It will teach children the importance of sharing, taking turns, listening, and calmly expressing emotions.

Lessons will be taught using posters, charts, or video clips. Other interactive forms like group activities, and storytelling, can also be used.

The NAPPS Nursery 1 Social Habits Scheme of Work aims to:

i. Lay a strong foundation for healthy social interactions in children.

ii. Encourage positive relationships as children continue to grow and learn.

iii. Foster a sense of belonging and friendship among children. 

With this subject, children get to learn about empathy, cooperation, and respectful communication from a young age.


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Know what’s expected of you as an educator 

Download the NAPPS Unified Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 Social Habits

Nursery 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Social Habits

WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources

(Talking about self)
i. The teacher guides pupils to introduce themselves by their names, sex, and age to the class.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to touch and name various parts of their bodies and their uses.

iii. The teacher introduces songs, games, and plays that involve name-calling.
i. Pupils introduce themselves by name to their classmates.

ii. Pupils touch and name various parts of their bodies and their uses.

iii. Pupils sing songs and participate in games and play that involve name-calling.
Video clips

– Greeting with appropriate courtesy
i. The teacher explains the meaning of simple courtesy to the pupils using charts and video clips.

ii. The teacher encourages pupils to show simple courtesy in their conduct.

iii. The teacher demonstrates the way boys and girls should greet with courtesy.
i. Pupils demonstrate greeting with courtesy.Video clips

– Saying “Thank you.”
i. The teacher encourages pupils to be grateful always and to say “thank you” to their peers and “Thank you Sir/Ma” to their elders.

ii. The teacher identifies some situations in which pupils need to say thank you.
i. Pupils demonstrate and tell what they would say if a classmate found their lost notebook for them.Video clips

– Saying “I am sorry.”
i. Teacher encourages pupils to show remorse easily and not to be hard, especially when they make mistakes.

ii. Teacher identifies some situations in which pupils need to say “I am sorry.”
i. Pupils demonstrate and mention what they would say if they mistakenly stepped on a classmate.Video clips

Identifying the members of the family
i. Teacher uses chart to show members of the family and teach children their names, sex, and duties in the family.i. Pupils identify members of their family, their sex, role and duties in the familyVideo clips
6MY FAMILYi. The teacher gives the simple meaning of family.

ii. The teacher guides Pupils to mention the members of a nuclear family and the position they hold in their respective families.
i. Pupils mention the members of a nuclear family and the position they hold in their respective familyCharts,
Posters on family tree.
7MY FAMILYi. Teacher guides pupils to mention the members of their extended family and their names.

ii. The teacher guides Pupils to make a family tree on a chart.
i. Pupils mention the members of their extended family and their names.

ii. Pupils make a family tree on a chart.
Posters on family tree.
8ROLES OF MEMBERS OF THE FAMILYi. Teacher discusses the roles of the Father, Mother, and Children.

ii. Teacher guides the pupils to mention the roles of their parents.

iii. Teacher guides Pupils to describe and demonstrate their roles in their families.
i. Pupils mention the roles of their parents and demonstrate or describe their roles as children in their family and at home.Charts,
Posters on family tree.
9ACTIVITIES AT HOME AND IN SCHOOLi. Teacher guides the Pupils to discuss the various activities carried out at home and in the school.

ii. The teacher guides the Pupils to mention their daily activities at home and in school.

iii. The teacher guides the Pupils to demonstrate how to listen and carry out given instructions.
i. Pupils discuss various activities carried out at home and in the school.

ii. Pupils mention their daily activities at home and in the school.

iii. Pupils practice listening to and carrying out instructions accurately.
Chart, Posters, Videos, and Audio.

Knowing the name of your school, teachers, and friends at school
i. The teacher writes the name of the school, and its address, his or her parent’s / guardian’s name, and the pupil’s name on the board and leads the children in pronouncing them.i. Pupils pronounce the name of the school, and its address, his or her parent’s / guardian’s names.Video clips

Nursery 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Social Habits

TermSecond Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of first-term works.Revision of first-term works.MP4 Player


– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue

i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.

i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips


– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue

i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.

i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips


– The sense of sight: Eyes
– The sense of smell: Nose
– The sense of hearing: Ears
– The sense of touch: Skin
– The sense of taste: Tongue

i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher explains the meanings of sense and organs to the pupils in simple terms.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify their sense organs and to describe what they do with each sense organ.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to color pictures of the sense organs beautifully.

i. Pupils learn to use their senses by:
– Touching objects and expressing the feeling whether such objects are cold, hot, warm, soft strong, rough, or smooth
– Tasting substance to tell whether they are sweet, bitter, salty or sour.
– Observing objects to tell whether they are near, far, straight or bent.
Video clips


– Description of air: invisible but can be felt.
– Air is a substance that occupies space.

i. The teacher demonstrates to pupils the existence of the air by leading pupils in simple actions like breathing in and out, blowing with their mouth or by using a paper fan, blowing air into a balloon, blowing bubbles in water, etc. Some of the objects that need air are footballs, bicycle tubes, vehicle tubes, and balloons.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to make bubbles using straw, water, and detergent.

iii. The teacher guides pupils to understand that air cannot be seen but can be felt and that air occupies space in several objects like balloons, car tires, etc.

i. Pupils make bubbles using straw, water and detergent.

ii. Pupils describe the properties of air.

iii. Pupils tell how they know air exists even when they cannot see it.

Video clips


– Breathing
– Cooling
– Filling balloons, tires, etc.

i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to describe the uses of air in simple terms.

ii. The teacher demonstrates breathing in and out of air, fanning and cooling with air, and inflating a balloon in the classroom.

i. Pupils breathe in and out.

Pupils fill in air into a balloon.

iii. Pupils cool themselves by fanning with a hand fan.

Hand fan


– Air as a means of transportation: airplane, helicopter, kite, etc.
– Smell can be perceived in air too.

i. The teacher uses charts and video clips to guide pupils to understand that some objects move in the air e.g. airplanes, drones, kites, balloons, helicopters, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to understand good smells and bad smells are perceived through the air.

i. Pupils move kites or balloons in air.

ii. Pupils colour pictures of objects that move in air beautifully.

Video clips


– Description of water
– Clean and Dirty Water

i. The teacher describes water in simple terms and uses a bowl of water to guide pupils to understand the topic better.

ii. The teacher compares clean water with dirty water and guides pupils to differentiate.

i. Pupils identify the type of water that is usable.Bowl of water
Bottled water
Video clips


– Objects that float on water.
– Objects that sink in water

i. With the aid of charts, posters, and video clips, the teacher guides pupils to understand where people get water from e.g. tap, river, rain, well, etc.

ii. The teacher guides pupils to identify objects that float on water and those that sink in water.

i. Pupils mention where the water from.

ii. Pupils identify objects that can float or sink in water by practicing it in class using familiar objects to children such as feathers, nylon, balloons pencils, keys sponges, etc.

Charts Posters Bowl of water Stone, feather, nylon, spoon, etc.
10USES OF WATERi. The teacher guides pupils to identify several uses of water at home and school.i. Pupils mention what they use water for at home and schoolCharts

Nursery 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Social Habits

TermThird Term 
WeekTopicTeachers ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesLearning Resources
1REVISIONRevision of last term’s work  
2OUR ENVIRONMENTi. The teacher guides pupils to explain the meaning and importance of the environment.

ii. The teacher guides the Pupils to differentiate between a dirty environment and a clean environment using pictures and states the advantages of a clean environment.
i. Pupils explain the meaning and importance of environment.

ii. Pupils differentiate between a dirty environment and a clean environment using pictures and state the advantages of a clean environment.
Videos and Audio.
3OUR ENVIRONMENTi. Teacher guides Pupils to mention ways of taking care of their environment and discuss how to keep the environment clean at all times.i. Pupils mention ways of taking care of their environment and discuss how to keep the environment clean at all times.Chart,
Videos and Audio.
4GOOD MANNERSi. Teacher guides Pupils to discuss good manners, stating examples of good manners and demonstrating them.

ii. The teacher guides Pupils to sing songs and rhymes on Good Manners.
i. Pupils discuss good manners, stating examples of good manners and demonstrating them.

ii. Pupils sing songs and rhymes on Good Manners.
Videos and Audio.
5GENDER FAIRNESSi. Teacher guides Pupils to discuss the following; Gender, Fairness, and Gender fairness.

ii. Teacher guides Pupils to discuss the need to treat each other fairly and respect each other’s gender.

iii. The teacher guides the Pupils to differentiate between fair and Unfair treatment encouraging them to choose fairness at all times.
i. Pupils discuss the following; Gender, Fairness, and Gender fairness.

ii. Pupils discuss the need to treat each other fairly and respect each other’s gender.

iii. Pupils differentiate between fair and Unfair treatment encouraging them to choose fairness at all time.
Videos and Audio.
6HELPING OTHERSi. Teacher guides Pupils to explain the values attached to helping others.

ii. The teacher demonstrates How to render help to others guiding Pupils to do the same.

iii. Pupils are encouraged to always help their parents, elders, siblings, friends, etc.
i. Pupils explain the values attached to helping others. Pupils demonstrate how to render help to others.

ii. Pupils encourage themselves to always help their parents, elders, siblings, friends, etc.
Videos and Audio.
7PEOPLE AND THEIR PROFESSIONSi. Teacher explains profession and guides Pupils to mention different professions, where they work and what they do.

ii. Teacher guides Pupils to state what they would like to do (Profession) when they grow older.
i. Pupils mention different professions, where they work and what they do.

ii. Pupils state what they would like to do (Profession) when they grow older.
Videos and Audio.
8TRANSPORTATION IN MY NEIGHBOURHOODi. The teacher explains the concept of transportation.

ii. Teacher guides the Pupils to differentiate between the traditional and modern means of transportation.
i. Pupils discuss the concept of transportation.

ii. Pupils differentiate between the traditional and modern means of transportation.
Videos and Audio.
9MEANS OF TRANSPORTATIONi. The teacher describes the following means of transportation with examples; Transportation by Land, Air, and Water.

ii. Teacher guides the Pupils to differentiate between the means of transportation and list their most preferred and most used means.
i. Pupils differentiate between the means of transportation and list their most preferred and most used means.Chart,
Videos and Audio.
10OUR COUNTRYi. The teacher leads the pupils to recite the National Anthem and Pledge.

ii. The teacher draws the Nigerian Flag Colours and discusses what the colors stand for.

iii. Teacher guides the Pupils to mention the number of states in Nigeria and their state of Origin.
i. Pupils recite the National Anthem and Pledge.

ii. Pupils discuss the national flag and what the colours stand for.

iii. Pupils mention the number of states in Nigeria and their state of Origin.
Videos and Audio.

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