NECO Christian Religious Studies Syllabus

Are you writing Christian Religious Studies in your NECO O’level exams? Download the recommended Christian Religious Studies syllabus to excel in your exams.

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About NECO Christian Religious Studies Syllabus

This NECO Christian Religious Studies (CRS) exam syllabus is designed to guide you through your Christian religious Studies and prepare you for the NECO exam. It is designed that by the end of your three years in Senior Secondary School, you would have gained a deep understanding of the religious, cultural, historical, and social contexts of the Bible. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

Study the Bible’s Context: You’ll be studying the religious, cultural, and historical backgrounds of the biblical materials covered in the syllabus. This will make you understand the stories, people, and events in the Bible.

Learn Moral Lessons: You’ll study selected passages and themes from the Bible to learn about biblical moral teachings. You will be taught how these lessons can be relevant to today’s world, impacting our social, political, religious, and cultural lives.

How to address Real-World Challenges: It’s not always easy to apply what we learn to real life, especially when it comes to complex issues. This course will help you identify these challenges and offer insights into how biblical concepts can contribute to peaceful co-existence and national development.

Marking Guide & Sections

The NECO Christian Religious Studies exam is made up of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. You’ll take both papers in one sitting,

Paper 1: Multiple-Choice Questions

In Paper 1, you’ll be given 50 multiple-choice questions to answer. You need to answer all 50 questions within 1 hour. This section is worth 40 marks, so each question carries less than one mark. This part of the exam is designed to test your general knowledge of key themes, stories, and concepts from the Bible.

Paper 2: Essay Questions

Paper 2 is a bit different. It has nine essay questions, but you only need to answer four of them. You have 2 hours to complete this section, and it’s worth 60 marks. The questions are divided into three sections:

Section A: Section A questions will be set from the Old Testament Themes. This section has four questions. You’ll be required to answer at least one question from this section.

Section B: Section B questions will be set from the themes from the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles: There are three questions here. You also need to answer at least one question from this section.

Section C: this section’s question will be set from the themes from Selected Epistles: This section has two questions. Again, you must answer at least one from here.

For the fourth question, you can choose from either Section A or Section B, depending on where you feel most versed in.

The Revised Standard Version (RSV)

When preparing for the exam, keep in mind that the questions will be based on the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. This is the standard text used for setting the exam questions.

Download NECO Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Syllabus


Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NECO recommended Christian Religious Studies (CRS) syllabus.

The NECO Christian Religious Studies Syllabus

1The Sovereignty of God1.1 God, the Creator
1.2 God, the Controller of the universe
Gen. 1; 2
2Leadership roles2.1 Joseph

2.2 Moses

2.3 Joshua

2.4 Deborah
Gen. 37; 1-28, 41: 1-57, 45: 115

Exodus 1;2;3;4:1-17;5: 1-5, 2223; 6: 28-30, 7; 1-7; 14;32: 1-
Numbers 13:1-33; 14: 1-19

Numbers 27: 15-23
Joshua 1: 1-9
3Parental ResponsibilityEli and Samuel1 Samuel 15: 1-26; 16: 14-23; 31: 1-13
4Consequences of Saul’s disobedience (a) David’s submission to the will of God 1 Samuel 26;
(b) David’s sin, repentance and forgiveness 2 Sam 12: 15-25
5Submission to the will of God5.1 David’s submission to the will of God
5.2 David’s sin, repentance and forgiveness
(a) Solomon’s wisdom 1 Kings 3: 3-28; 4: 29-34; 5: 112; 8
(b) The unwise decision of Solomon and Rehoboam
1 Kings 9; 15-23; 11: 1-13; 12:1-20
6Making Decisions6.1 Solomon’s wisdom
6.2 The unwise decision of Solomon and Rehoboam
(a) Religious tensions during Ahab’s reign Kings 16: 29-34; 17: 1-7; 18: 1-19
(b) Elijah at Mount Carmel 1 Kings 18: 17-46
7Supremacy of God7.1 Religious tensions during Ahab’s reign
7.2 Elijah at Mount Carmel
(a) Ahab :1 Kings 21: 1-29
(b) Gehazi :2 Kings 5
8Greed and its effects8.1 Ahab
8.2 Gehazi
2 Kings 22; 23: 1-30
9Religious reformsThe reign of King Josiah2 Kings 22; 23: 1-30
10Concern for one’s Nation10.1 The condition of the nation
10.2 Response to the state of the nation
(a) The condition of the nation: 2 Kings 24; 25;1-17

(b) Response to the state of the nation
Nehemiah 1; 2: 9-20; 4
Ezra 1; 4; 5: 1-2; 6: 13-22; 7: 110
11Faith in God11.1 Faith and courage

11.2 Faith and power
(a) Faith and courage :Daniel 3

(b) Faith and power Daniel 6
12Nature of God12.1 True religion and social justice – Amos

12.2 God’s divine love – Hosea
(a) True religion and social justice – Amos
Amos 2: 6-8; 4; 5: 1-24; 7: 1017; 8

(b) God’s divine love – Hosea
Hosea 1; 2; 3; 6
 SECTION B: Themes from the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts Of The Apostles
1Baptism and Temptation of Jesus1.1 The Baptism

1.2 The Temptation
(a) The Baptism
Matthew 3:13-17 Mark 1: 9-11; Luke 3: 21-22

(b) The Temptation
Matthew 4: 1-11; Mark 1: 12-13; Luke 4:1-13
2The Call and Demands of Discipleship Matthew 4: 18-25; 8: 18-22; 9:9-13 ;
Mark 1: 16-20; 2: 13-17; Luke 5: 1-11; 9: 57-63; 14: 25-33
3Jesus’ Teaching on forgiveness Matthew 6: 12,14-15; 18:21-35
4The Trials of Jesus4.1 Jesus at Gethsemane

4.2 Peter’s Denials

4.3 Condemnation of Jesus
(a) Jesus at Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36-56; Mk 14: 32-52;

(b) Peter’s Denials
Matthew 26: 69-75; Mark 14: 66-72; Luke 22: 54-62

(c) Condemnation of Jesus
Matthew 26:47-75 Mark 14: 53-72; Luke 22: 66-71; 23: 1-12
5The Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus(a) Crucifixion and burial

(b) The Resurrection
Matthew 27: 32-66
Mark 15: 16-47;
Luke 23: 26-56

Matthew 28:1-10
Mark 16: 1-14; Luke 24: 1-
6Fellowship in the Early Church

 Acts 1:15-26; 2:41-47; 4:32-37; 5:1-11; 6:2-6
7The Holy Spirit and the Mission to the Gentiles(a) The Holy Spirit at Pentecost

(b) Mission to the Gentiles

Acts 2

Acts 9; 11:1-18
8Opposition to the Gospel Message Acts 4:1-31; 5:17-42; 6:8-9; 7:1-10; 12:1-24
   (a) Faith and Works
James 1: 2-27; 2:14-26

(b) Impartiality
James 2:1-13

(c) Effective Prayers
James 1: 2-8; 5:13-18
 SECTION C Themes from selected Epistles
1The Epistles of James(a) Faith and Works
(b) Impartiality
(c) Effective Prayers
James 1: 2-27; 2:14-26
James 2:1-13
James 1: 2-8; 5:13-18
2The Epistle of 1 Peter(a) Good Citizenship
(b) Christians Living among non-Christians
(c) Interpersonal Relationship among Christians
1 Peter 2:13-17
1 Peter 2:1-25
1 Peter 5:1-11
3The Holy Spirit and the Mission to the Gentiles7.1 The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
7.2 Mission to the Gentiles

Recommended NECO Christian Religious Studies Textbooks


1. The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version)

2. New Clarendon Bible Series

3. Bright, John: History and Religion of Israel

4. Anderson, B. W.: The Living World of the Old Testament.

5. Kee. H. C. & Young: The Living World of the New Testament 

6. Cambell, D. B. J.: The Synoptic Gospels

7. New Bible Commentary – Cambridge.


8. Quarcopom T.N.O History and Religion of Israel AUP, Ibadan, 1986

9. Dickson Kwesie

i. History and Religion of Israel Darton L&T 1968

ii.From the institution of monarchy to the fall of the Northern Kingdom. 


10. Guy, H.A -The Life of Christ – The Acts of the Apostles

11. Pobee, John S Matthew and Mark for Schools.

12. Dickson K .A The Gospel According to Luke (Accra, Asempa Publishers)  

13. Awolabi Joshua Simple Approach to Christian Religious Knowledge Elis Association ,Lagos 2011.

Frequently Asked Questions About the NECO Christian Religious Studies Exams

What topics are covered in the NECO Christian Religious Studies exam?

The exam covers a wide range of biblical themes and stories. Questions from the Old Testament, Synoptic Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and selected Epistles will be set.

How is the exam structured?

There are two parts to the exam: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is a multiple-choice section with 50 questions that you have to answer in 1 hour. Paper 2 has nine essay questions, but you only need to answer four, and you have 2 hours to complete them. Each paper has a different scoring system, in which Paper 1 is worth 40 marks and Paper 2 is worth 60 marks.

Can I use my Bible during the exam?

 No, you can’t use your own Bible during the exam. However, it’s important to know that the questions are based on the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible. So, when you’re studying, make sure you’re using the RSV to prepare.

How should I choose which essay questions to answer in Paper 2?

You should choose your questions by picking the ones you can answer confidently. Since you only need to answer questions with at least one from each section. 

How do I prepare for the essay questions in Paper 2?

You have to understand the themes of the stories in the syllabus before you sit for this exam. To understand the themes, you should also study the syllabus to know which topic to focus on. You can try summarizing key stories or themes in your own words, and think about how they apply to contemporary issues.

How much time should I spend studying for the NECO CRS exam?

It depends on your current level of knowledge and your study habits. Consistency is key, so you can utilize your regular study time and focus on different parts of the syllabus. You could spend more time on sections you find difficult and less on those you know.

How are the essay questions graded in Paper 2?

The essay questions will be graded based on how well you understand the question by in depth explanation, the clarity of your writing, and your ability to explain biblical themes. You should support your answers with biblical references where possible to earn more marks.


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