NECO Igbo Language Syllabus

Are you writing Igbo Language in your NECO O’level exams? Download the recommended Igbo Language syllabus to excel in your exams.

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About NECO Igbo Language Syllabus

The Igbo syllabus is designed for anyone who wants to take the NECO Igbo examination and become proficient in the Igbo language and learn about the vibrant culture of the Igbo people. By following this syllabus, you’ll gain the skills to speak, read, and write in Igbo with confidence.

The syllabus is comprehensive. It includes everything from the basics of the Igbo sound system and grammar to Igbo customs and institutions. You’ll get to learn about the different aspects of the Igbo language, like how to pronounce words correctly and structure sentences. Plus, you’ll explore Igbo culture, which will give you a better understanding of the people and their way of life. 

If you religiously study this syllabus, you will be well-equipped enough to pass your exam in flying colours.


Marking Guide & Sections

The exam has two parts, Papers 1 and 2, which are taken at one sitting. All questions and instructions are in Igbo, and you must answer using the correct Igbo orthography and meta language. Here’s what to expect in this exam:

PAPER 1: Multiple Choice

This paper consists of 60 multiple-choice questions divided into three sections: Section A: Language, Section B: Literature, and Section C: Culture. You have 1 hour to complete this section, and it carries a total of 60 marks.

Section A: Language

This section has 30 questions on various aspects of the Igbo language:

Comprehension: You will be required to read two short passages and answer 10 questions.

Composition/Letter Writing: There are 4 questions about structuring written texts.

Sound System: These 6 questions focus on pronunciation and phonetics.

Grammar: Another 6 questions test your knowledge of Igbo grammar rules.

Translation: You’ll translate words or phrases in 4 questions.

Section B: Literature

This section has 22 questions covering various aspects of literature:

Basic Principles of Literary Appreciation: These 4 questions test your understanding of key literary concepts.

Oral Literature: A total of 9 questions are split into: prose (3), poetry (3), and drama (3).

Written Literature: Another 9 questions, similarly split among prose (3), poetry (3), and drama (3). These questions are based on the set books for Paper 2.

Section C: Culture

The final section has 8 questions about Igbo culture:

Customs: Four questions are set about traditional practices and societal norms.

Institutions: Four questions are set about cultural institutions, like family structures and community roles.

PAPER 2: Composition

This section has 13 questions covering Language, Literature, and Culture. You must answer six out of the thirteen questions. This paper has 100 marks and you have 2 hours to complete it.

Section A: Language

In this section, you’ll write about language-related topics. It could involve essays, narratives, or letter writing. When writing, you should focus on clear structure, proper grammar, and correct use of the Igbo language.

Section B: Literature

In this section, you will be asked questions about literary analysis, you might discuss themes, characters, or settings in set books, or analyze poetry or drama. Be sure to reference specific examples from the texts to support your answers.

Section C: Culture

This section requires you to write about Igbo culture, including customs, traditions, and institutions. You might be asked to describe a particular cultural event, tradition, or practice, so draw on your knowledge and experience.

Marking Guide

Marks for Paper 1 are straightforward,each multiple-choice question is worth one mark, with a total of 60 marks available.

For Paper 2, the marking will be based on several factors:

Content: Does your answer address the question and provide relevant information?

Structure: Is your answer well-organized and easy to follow?

Language Use: Are you using correct grammar, punctuation, and orthography?

Creativity and Insight: Do you bring fresh insights or creativity to your answers?

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

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The NECO Igbo Language Syllabus



1Part I: Composition/ Letter WritingCandidates are advised not to spend more than 45 minutes on this section.
There will be five topics from the following essay types and candidates will
be expected to write on one of them in about 300 words:
(1) Narrative;
(2) Descriptive;
(3) Argumentative;
(4) Expository;
(5) Dialogue;
(6) Debate;
(7) Letter writing
2Part II: Sound systemTwo questions will be set for candidates to answer one of them.
The questions will test candidate’s basic knowledge of the following areas:
(a) Igbo Phonemes: Vowels, Consonants, the Syllabic nasal,
(i) their production, and
(ii) their classification.

(b) Syllable Structure.

(c) Sound Processes: vowel harmony, vowel assimilation, vowel elision
and consonants elision.

(d) Tone and tone notation.

(e) The Igbo alphabet.
3Part III: GrammarTwo questions will be set for candidates to answerly one of them.
The questions will test candidate’s knowledge of the following areas:

(a) Spelling rules.
(b) Word formation.
(c) Igbo dialects and Standard Igbo.
(d) Loan words.
(e) Igbo metalanguage (new words).
(f) Word classes: The noun, verb, pronoun, conjunction, preposition, etc.
(g) Grammatical categories: tense, number and person.
(h) Phrases and Clauses: their types and functions.
(i) Sentences: i. their constituents and types.
ii. Sentences containing Direct and Indirect Speech.
(j) Lexis and Structure.
(k) Punctuation marks.
 Section B: Literature
 Part I: Oral LiteratureThree questions will be set for this part and candidates will be required to
answer only one of them. All questions in this section will be based on the
prescribed texts.
In this part, candidates will be required to have basic knowledge of the
(a) Definition and characteristics of oral Literature
(b) Classification and functions
(c) Literary devices
(d) Folktales (ifo)
(e) Anecdotes (ụkabụilu)
(f) Legends (nk kịrị kọ/akụkọ dike)
(g) Myths (nkọmịrịkọ/akụkọokike/mmalite)
(h) Poems (abụ)
(i) Songs (uri)
(j) Proverbs (ilu)
(k) Riddles (agwụgwa)
(l) Chants (mbem)
(m) Oral drama (ejije ọnụ)
(n) Tongue twisters (okwuntụhi)
 Part II: Written Literature
Three questions will be set for this part and candidates will be required to
attempt only one. All questions in this section will be based on the prescribed
 Section C:Culture
1Customs – Omenala(a) i. Njirimara ndị Igbo-asụsụ, ejiji, omenala, ekpemekpe , agbambọ, dg.
ii. Ekele ndị Igbo n’oge dị icheiche.
(b) Mmemme -ọjị, ịtụ nzụ, ịkwọ aka ụtụtụ, ịgọ ọfọ, dg.
(c) Nnabata ọbịa.
(d) Ọmụmụ nwa – ile ọmụgwọ, ibi ugwu, ikupụta nwa, ịgụ aha, ịzụ ahịa nwa,
ịhụ eze, dg.
(e) Nkwenye – ịlọ ụwa, ọgbanje, nrọ, ihi/isi anụ, ịha/ịchụ mmiri, dg.
(f) Emume – ọfala, ịbọ ụzọ, ịwa ji/iri ji, igbu ewuukwu,iru
mgbede, ịwa akwa, akwamozu, ịgba mkpe, ịgụ afọ, mbarị, ụdara, dg.
(g) Egwuregwu – egwu ụmụaka, ịgba/ịchụ oro, ịtụ okwe, ịzụ nchọrọkọtọ,
ịkpọ okwe, mgba, ịkpọ ọga, okoso, egwu ọnwa, dg.
(h) Nsọala/Arụ – ihensọ, ebensọ, anụnsọ, osisinsọ, ime ibeeṅe.
2Institutions – Ewumewu
(a) Ewumewu ọchịchị – ezinaụlọ, ndị eze ọdịnala, nze na ọzọ,
ụmụọkpụ/ụmụada,otu ọgbọ, otu nzuzo, otu inyomdi, ụmụnna, ogbe, obodo.
(b) Ewumewu mmekọrịta mmadụ na ibe ya – alụmalụ, ezinaụlọ,
ịgọ ọgọ, nwanwa/nwadiala, ịgba ndụ, ịgba orikọ
(c) Echichi – Lọọlọ, Iyọm, Ọmụ, Ezeji, Jioke, Atama.
(d) Abamaba – Mmọnwụ,Ọkọnkọ, Ekpe, Ọmabe, Odo, Dibịa.
(e) Ewumewu akụnaụba – ike ekpe, iri ekpe, ala na ihe dị na ya.
(f) Akaọrụ – ịkpụ ụzụ, ịgba nta, ịkụ azụ, ọrụugbo, ịkwa nka, ịkpụ ite, dg.
(g) Ewumewu ofufe – ịgba afa, ịchụ aja, dg.
(h) Ngwa ofufe – ọfọ, ikenga, okpesi, ogu, ọtọnsi , dg
(i) Ihe ofufe – Ndịichie, Arụsị, Ikenga, Ala, Mmụọ mmiri, Arụsị/ Agbara
dịka Ogwugwu, Ahịajiọkụ, Agwụ, Amadịọha, Kamalụ, Agbala, Ibini Ụkpabị,
Ojukwu, Igwekaala, Idemmili, dg.

Recommended NECO Igbo Language Textbooks



Ton Ubesie JVQ Obinna, University Press PLC, 1993


J.C Madvekwe, Otu MK isi Aka, Longman Nigeria( Learn Africa), 1979


Inno Vzoma Nwadike, Akunuche, Pacific College Press Ltd, Obosi 2014

Abu Ndi A Hupotara (Selected Poems

Ochichi 40-41

Onye Ndu 53-55

Nne Oma 60-61

Oke OchichQ 62-63

Asila M Na Q Di Mma 65-66

Ihe Vwa 67-69

Jiri NwayQQ 92-94

Eziokwu 101-103

Mma 108-111

Nwaanyi 11 131-132

 Ala Igbo 150-151

Nd!1 M N’vwa A 151-154

OJI 168-169                               

Eluvwa By Qiili 98-100

Nwa Amaka 112-113

Egwu Orimado 113-114

Ihe Di Mma 121-122

O Rule, O Rule 123-124

Ma Q Bughi Ma Nwa 126-127

 Onye W Enyi Qnwy? 141-142



F.O.F Onwudufor, Mbe A Aba, Aka On Publishers: Akwa, 2014


G.I Nwaozuzu, Abu Agurvnqnv Ndi I bo, Univcersity of Nigeria Press Ltd: Nsukka, 2020

Abu Ndi A Hoputara( Selected Poems)

Utll Chara N’elu 4-6

Otu Ibiri                                    

Nnabe Akvwaala Akwa 9-12

Onye Kvgbu Nwankelu 13-15

Agbagbuo M Nwannunv 19-23

Onye KQQ Ji 28-29

Anyi Agawa Mba 33-34

Nnabe Agawa Nga EbuleakQ 38-41

Q Sara Anya 46-47

Mgbe O Suru 60-61

Aluo M Di Poliis 87-88

A Di                                           

Ndi Biara Ije Unu Were 95-98

Eluvwa By Qiili 98- 100

Nwa Amaka 112-113

Egwu Orimado 113-114

Ihe Di Mma 121-122

O Rule, O Rule 123-124

Ma Q Bughi Ma Nwa 126-127

 Onye W Enyi Qnwy? 141-142

Frequently Asked Questions About the NECO Igbo Language Exams

What is the structure of the NECO Igbo exam?

The NECO Igbo exam has two parts, Paper 1 and Paper 2, and they’re both taken in one sitting. Paper 1 has 60 multiple-choice questions covering Language, Literature, and Culture, and you have 1 hour to finish it. Paper 2 is a composition test with 13 questions, but you only need to answer 6, and it has 2 hours to complete. Paper 1 is worth 60 marks, while Paper 2 is worth 100 marks.

Are the questions and instructions in Igbo?

Yes, all the questions and instructions are in Igbo. Make sure you’ve master the act of reading and writing in Igbo before you take the exam.

What kind of questions will be on Paper 1?

 Paper 1 has multiple-choice questions divided into three sections: Language, Literature, and Culture. The Language section covers comprehension, letter writing, sound systems, grammar, and translation. The Literature section includes questions on set books and the basic principles of literary appreciation. The Culture section is centered on the Igbo customs and institutions.

What should I expect in Paper 2?

 Paper 2 is a composition test with 13 questions, and you have to answer 6. There are three sections: Language, Literature, and Culture. You might be asked to write essays, analyze literary works, or describe cultural practices.

Can I use English in my answers?

You only need to answer all the questions in Igbo. This includes using the correct Igbo orthography and meta language. It’s a good idea to practice writing in Igbo before the exam to make sure you’re ready.

How should I prepare for the Literature section?

For the Literature section, get familiar with the set books and understand the basic principles of literary appreciation. Read the books carefully, and think about the themes, characters, and plot. It helps to discuss the books with classmates or teachers to get different perspectives.

Any tips for the Culture section?

To prepare for the Culture section, learn about Igbo customs, traditions, and institutions. Talk to elders or family members about traditional practices, or join community events to experience the culture firsthand. The more you understand the Igbo way of life, the easier it will be to answer questions in this section.

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Best candidates excel because they study smart and hard. Know what’s expected of you.

Download the NECO recommended Igbo syllabus.


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