Primary 3 Basic Science Scheme of Work

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About Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Basic Science for Primary 3 covers the fundamental science topics suitable for pupils of that age group. The scheme of this class is designed to expose the pupils to measurement of length and mass, forms of energy etc.

Some of the topics covered in this class are; measurement of length, measurement of mass, forms of energy, mirror-length formation, forms of technology, air in motion, water, soil, plants etc.

The educator should make sure to explain the new terms to the pupils with concrete examples and they should be encouraged to do the same. By the end of the academic session, the pupils should be able to understand the concept of measurement(length mass and time); put these standards of measurement in use; identify air in motion and its importance to the environment; plants and animals as living things in the society; identify the various forms of energy and how they improve daily activities.

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTBasic Science
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Basic 2 work 
2Measurement of Length
-Meaning of length
– instruments of measuring length
-Standard metric units of length
-Practical demonstrations of measuring
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the methods of obtaining length from their
past experiences;
ii.explain the meaning of length;
iii. describe various instument for measuring length;
iv.identify the metric units of measuring length (mm, cm);
v. measure and record the length, breadth and height of
objects around them;
vi. analyse reason for differences in length
3Measurement of Mass
-Meaning of mass
instruments of measuring mass
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the methods of obtaining mass from their past
ii. explain the meaning of mass;
iii. mention various instruments for measuring mass or
iv. identify the metric units of measuring mass (g kg);
v. measure and record the weight of objects in the
vi. compare masses of objects;
vii. analyse reasons for differences in mass
4Measurement of Time
-Meaning and instruments of specified
-Standard metric unit of time
-Sprcified activities within specified
time frame.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the meth0ds of obtaining time from past
ii. explain the meaning of time
iii. mention instrument for masuring time;
iv. identify the units of measuring time (seconds, minutes,
hours, weeks months and years);
v: discuss how specified time task are performed within
specified time frame.
5Forms of Energy
-Light Energy
-Meaning of light energy
-Sources of light energy
– Uses of light energy
By the end of the lesson, pupils shouldbe able to:
i. explain the meaning of light energy,
ii. identify different sources of light energy,
iii. describe uses of light energy to man;
iv. analyse the importance of light in their envimnment
6Mirror- Image Formation
-Properties of light
-Plane mirrors
-Reflection of light
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify characteristics of light;
ii. describe types of mirrors;
iii. demonstrate reflection of light using shiny surfaces;
iv. explain the applications of reflection of light.
8Forms of Technology I-
Underdeveloped Technology
-Forms of technology
-Examples of underdeveloped
-Characteristics of underdeveloped
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify forms of technology;
ii. examine examples of technology:
a.. farming with hoes and cutlasses;
b. using of town crier,
c. use of stones to make fire;
d. use of animals like donkeys, camel etc for
iii. discuss the characteristics of underdeveloped
9Forms of Technology
-Developed Technology
-Examples of developcd technology
-Characteristics or developed
By the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to:
i. identify forms of developed technology;
ii. examine xamples of devclopcd technology
a. farrning with harvesters and tractors;
b. using of public address systems;
c. use of lighters:
d. use of ships, airplanes, jets etc for transportaion.
iii. discuss the characteristics of developed technology
iv. compare underdeveloped technology with developed
10Forms of Technolog Ill:
-General uses of Technology
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify forms of technology:
ii. examine examples of modern day technology;
iii. discuss uses of modern day technology;
iv. analyse the importance of modern day technology;
v. discuss the importance of modern technology in
everyday activities.



Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTBasic Science
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of 1st term workRevision of 1st term work
2Air In Motion I
-Meaning of wind
-Effects of wind
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of wind;
ii. describe the effect of wind on human and non-living
things balloons,windmill etc) ;
iii. demonstate how wind works.
3Air in Motion Il
-Harmful effects of wind
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify the useful effect of wind
ii. explainthe harmful effect of wind on living and
non-living things.
iii. demostrate the bad effect of wind.
-Uses of water
-sources of water
-conposition of water
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. explain the method of obtaining water in their localities
ii. sources of water
iii. examine the composition of water
iv. describe uses of water
v. analyze the importance of water.
5Qualities of water
-Meaning of water
-Qualifies of good/pure
-Contamination of water
-Dangers of drinking bad water
By the end of the leson, pupils should be able to
i. mention the methods of determining good quality water
from their past
ii. the qualities of good water
iii. differentiate between good and bad water,
iv. list the qualities of good water;
v. substances that can contaminate water making it unfit
for use;
vi. discuss the dangers of drinkng bad water.
– Purifying water
-Reasons for purifying water
-Methods of purifications
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify the reason for purifying water;
ii. explain different various methods of purifying water
like boiling filtering, adding alum etc;
iii. demonstrate med10ds of purifying water
– Packaged water
-Reasons for packaging
-Samples of packaged water
-Features of safe packaged water
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. compare packaged hater with unpackaged ones;
ii. identify different packaged water,
iii. discuss reasons for packaging water
iv. describe the features of safe packaged water
9Soil I
– Imporünce to plants
-Componens of the soil,
-Uses of soil to plants
By the end of tie lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify’ the components of soil;
ii. discuss the uses of soil to plants:
iii. Medium for plant to grow
iv. Sources of nutrients and air
v. demonstrate the planting of the secd in the soil
 Soil Il- Importance to animals
-Animal in the soil.
-Uses of soil to animals
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify animals living in the soil (earthworms etc);
ii. discuss the uses of soil to animals:
iii. surface for human activities like farming, building,
pottery making etc.;
iv. highlight the nutrients animals derive from the soil

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTBasic Science
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readines test/
Revision of 2nd term work
Readines test/ Revision of 2nd term work
2Meaning and Charactetistics of plants
-Clases Of plants
-Characteristics of plants
By the end of the lesson, pupils should able to:
i. say the meaning of plant
ii. identify and classify plants,
iii. describe the characteristics of plants (presence of
chrolphyll, defect to rays of light, have celulose. etc.)
3Uses of plants
-Classes of plants based on life span
-Uses of plant
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention examples of classes of plants;
ii. examine plants based on their life span
(annual, biennial, perennial etc.);
iii. describe the uses of plants (food, medicine, hcrbs,
furniture, wood as fuel, fruits etc.
iv. analyze the importance of plants in thc environment
4Plants – As living things
-Features of plants
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i.identify the features of plants in the locality;
ii. explains these observed features of animals
5Plants -As living things
-Plane exhibiting characteristic of living
By the end of the leson. pupils should be able to:
i.Differentiate between plants and non-living things
ii. Discuss plant exhibiting the cahracteristics of living
things (growth. reproduction; feeding movement
iritability etc
iii. Compare plants and animals as living
6Meaning and characterisucs of animals
-Animals in their habitats
-Classes of animals
-Characteristics of animals
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify animals and their habitat;
ii. describe the classes of animals
(lower and higher animals);
iii. describe the characteristics of animals
iv. Compare lower animal with higher animals
8Uses of animals
-uses of animals
-Useful products from animals
Byffe end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. describe common uses of animals;
ii. identify useful products from animals;
iii. examine other uses of animals
(sport, games, security, transpon etc.)
iv. analyse the importance of animals their environment
9Animals – As living things
By the end of the lesson, pupils be able to:
i. identify the features of animals in the locality
ii. explain the observed features ofanimals
10Animals – As living things
by the end of the class pupils should be able to:
i. Discuss animals exhibiting the characeristics of living
things. feeding, movement, irritability etc
ii. Differentiate between animals and other living things
iii. Compare plants and animals as living things

Recommended Basic Science Textbooks for Primary 3

Main Text

1. T. Dayo — Odukoya et al, New Gen. sci & Tech For Pry sch 3, Pearson, 2015.
2. P. Asun et al, Basic sci & Tech for Pry schs 3, Learn Africa, 2014.
3. A.F. Orukotani et al, Classic Sci & Tech for Pry schs 3, Thursday, 2012.
4. Mrs El. Kehinde et al, Basic Sci & Tech Made Easy for Pry, Fika Dove, 2017.
5. Chris Ijiyemi, Foundations of Basic Sci & Tech Bk 3, Metropolitan, 2016.
6. A.T Hassan et al, Modular Pry Sci & Tech Bk 3, Evans, 2016.
7. Nwabenu M.O. et al, Spectrum Basic Sci & Tech for Pry Sch, Spectrum Books, 2016.
8. Baranaras. Gankon et al, Stan Basic Sci & Tech for Pry 3, UPL, 2016.
9. Lynn Pocok et al, Smart Basic Sci & Tech Pry 3, Cambridge, 2016.
10. EF Bamidele et al, Basic Sci & Tech for Pry 3, Melrose, 2016.
11. Rasmed, Progress in Basic Sci & Tech Highway to IT. PHE for Pry, Rasmed, 2016.
12. E.O. Adeniyi et al, Basic Sci & Tech for Pry 3, WABP, 2016.

Basic Science and Tech -Workbook
13. A.F. Orukotan et al, Classic Sci & Tech for Pry Sch Wk Bk, Thursday, 2016.
14. Lynn Pocok et al, Smart Basic Sci & Tech Work Book Pry 3, Cambridge, 2016.
15. Baranaras. Gankon et al, Stan Basic Sci & Tech for Pry 3, UPL, 2016.
16. M.B. Ogunnihyi et al, Macmillan Basic Sci & Tech Work Book, Macmillian, 2014.
17. P. Asun et al, Basic sci & Tech Work Book for Pry schs 3, Learn Africa, 2014.
18. A.T Hassan et al, Modular Pry Sci & Tech Wk Bk 3, Evans, 2016.
19. E.O. Adeniyi et al, Basic Sci & Tech WorkBook for Pry 3, WABP, 2016.
20. Harriman, et al, Extension Modern Basic Sci & Tech, Extension, 2016.

Teacher Guide
21. P. Asun et al, Basic Sci & Tech for Pry Tr’s Guide, Learn Africa, 2016.


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