Primary 3 English Studies Scheme of Work

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About English Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

English Studies for Primary 3 deals with more comprehensive topics than the preceding classes. At this stage, the pupils would have been taught the basics of English from their preceding classes, and they would begin learning parts of speech and other related topics.

The topics taught in this class include; Phonemic Awareness, Aural discrimination of sounds, Phonetic Pronunciation of diphthongs, Types of sentences, Reading charts, graphs, and calendars to obtain information, Multisyllabic words, Use of punctuation marks and capital letters, Use of auxiliary verb, pronunciations of pure vowels etc.

The educator should use teaching methods such as reading aloud, group discussions, role-playing, and creative writing exercises to engage the pupils in the class.

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

English Studies Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
SUBJECTEnglish Studies
TERMFirst term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
Review of Primary 2 Third term work 
A. Phonemic Awareness
By the end of the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words;
ii. read simple sentence, paying attention to the use of stress and
intonation in a sentence;
iii. write simple sentence using the appropraite stress and
B. Structure: Story build on road safetyBy the end of the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. listen carefully to a story;
ii. respond appropraitely to questions on the main point in the
story in their own word;
iii. recall the story in their own word;
iv. analyze the purpose of the passage;
v. discuss the lessons learnt and relate them to their daily
C. Vocabulary Building:
Teaching new words and reading
By the end of the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them
ii. recognize new words and meaning;
iii. demostrate the meaning of the new words
iv. use the new words in sentence.
D. Reading:
Oral and written comprehension
By the end of the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read simple non fiction passage correctly.
ii. develop points on how I spent my last holiday;
iii. wite a composition on “how I spent my last holiday
iv. use evedence from the passage to explain supporting ideas
v. explain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage
vi. relate the passage to issues of national values in the passage
e.g discipline.
A. Aural Discrimination of the sounds.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify vowel sounds.
ii. Produce vowel sounds correctly
iii. Distinguish the sounds from each other by pronouncing them
correctly in words and in the sentence

(b) Stucture:
-Story built on road safety;
-Charts containing simple sentences
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. provide words related to road safety;
ii. form sentences from the provided word;
iii. create dialogues on road safety .
C. Vocabulary building:
-Teaching new words and reading
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
D. Reading:
-Oral and written comprehension
By ‘the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage;
ii. analyse the purpose of the passage.
iii. use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas;
iv. explain meaning of un amt words in the passage.
v. relate passage to issues of national values in the the passage
e.g. discipline.
E. Composition
‘-How i Plan to Spend My Next Holiday
By ‘the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. recall what a composition is;
ii. develop points on how I spent my next holidays.
iii. write a composition on “I How I Plan to Spend My Next
A: Aural Discrimination of the sounds:
/u/ as in pull, and /u;/ as in pool
By ‘the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. identify vowel sounds /u/ as in pull, /u;/ as in pool;
ii. Produce the vowel sound correctly;
iii. distinguish the sounds from each other by pronouncing them
correctly in words and sentence;
B. Structure: Story built on dangers of drug
abuse drug abuse
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Provide words related to drug abuse;
ii. Form sentences from the provided word;
ii. Create dialogues on drug abuse
C. Vocabulary building: Teaching of new
words and meaning.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. dentify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
D. Reading:
-Oral and written comprehension
(poems on values)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read simple poems
ii. identify values and lesson in the given poem
E. Composition:
-Writing of poem: Once I saw a little bird.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I. read class selected poem
ii. recall poem accurately
iii. write out lines of the poem
iv. identify moral lessons from the poem.
F. Supplementary raeding 
A. phonic pronunciation of diphthongs:
/)i/foil, /ea/ etc
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify diphthongs e.g. toil, /ea/ etc.
ii.Produce the vowel sounds correctly;
iii. distinguish the sounds from each other by pronouncing them
correctly in words and sentences
B. Vocabulary building:New words and
their meanings
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. Use the new words in sentences
C. Comprehension (values)By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read simple poems;
ii. discuss the main idea of the poem
iii. use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
iv. identify values and lessons in given poems;
v. relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing: composition on my best friendBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. use simple sentences to discuss a descriptive composition
ii. write out points on “my best friend”
iii. write a composition on the given to ic
E. Pronunciation of multi syllabic words
(e.g.teacher, coffee, picture, leather etc.)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify two and three syllabic words in sentences.
ii. producae two and three syllabic word
iii. use two and three syllabic word in a sentence
A. Structure: Types of Sentence.By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain declarative sentences (statements), interrogative
sentences (questions), imperative sentences (commands),
and exclamations;
ii. identify different kinds of sentences in a passage;
iii. differentiate between the types of sentence;
iv. punctuate each type of sentence;
v. group all sentences used in the passage accordingly.
B. Vocabulary building:
-New words and meanings
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
C. ComprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage;
ii. analyse the purpose of the passage.
iii. use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas;
iv. explain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage;
v. relate the passage to issues of national values in the passage
e.g. discipline.

D. Composition :(My best friend)By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. use simple sentences to write a descriptive composition;
ii. write out points on “my best friend”
iii. complete a guided on “essay on my friend”
iv. write a composition on the given topic
A: Phonic pronunciation of diphthongs:
/ai/, /ei/ etc.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify vowel sounds;
ii. produce vowel sounds correctly;
iii. distinguish the sounds from one another by pronouncing
them correctly in words and in the sentence.
B.Structure:Regular and Irregular pluralsBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. describe regular and irregular plurals;
ii. identify regular and irregular plurals;
iii. construct sentences that have regular and irregular plurals.
C. Vocabulary BuildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. identify the meaning of the unfamiliar words;
iii. use the new words in a sentence
D. Oral and Written: Comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read selected story on their own;
ii. reproduce the story and tell the meaning;
iii. discuss the main idea of the story
iv. use evedence from the passage to discuss the sutporting ideas
v. identify values and lessons in the given story;
vi. relate the ideas and values in the passage to life experience
E. Writing poem:
“Twinkle twinkle little star”
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. learn and read the selected poem correctly
ii. demonstrate the poem;
iii. write down the selected poem in their handwriting
F. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. share with other pupils the story read;
ii. discuss lessons learnt from the book;
iii. relate events in the story to their personal lives.
7-Mid-term tests
-Open day
-Mid-term break
 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. spell and pronounce unfamiliar words in a selected text;
ii. read a selected passage fluently;
iii. discuss the main ideas of the passage orally and fluently.
A. Structure:
National values e.g. discipline and courage,
respect for elders
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. reed a selected passage on the given topic;
ii. mention related words on the topics;
iii. form simple sentences with the related words.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words’ meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and Written ComprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Read selected story on their
ii. Reproduce the stories and tell the meaning of the story
iii. Answer quesüons on the passage
D. Composition about my schoolBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition.
ii. write out point on “my school”
iii. write a composition on the given topic
Reading, chart, graph, calenders to
obtain information
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read information on chart, graph, calenders etc aloud;
ii. extract information from chart, graph, calenders etc.
iii. discuss the information delivered with other students;
iv. establish relationship between ideas using evedence from the
v. discuss the purpose of chart, graph, calenders etc.
A. Structure:
Concept of print margin
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. recognize and explain the concept of printed materials
e.g title page, illustration, chapters, margin etc.
ii. extract information from printed materials like chart, diagrams,
calender etc. infromation from dialogue.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words’ meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and Written ComprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage
ii. analyze the purpose of the passage
iii. use evedence from the passage to discuss the surporting
iv. expain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage
v. relate the passage to issues of national values in the passage
e.g discipline
D. Writing:Composition about “My parents”By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i. describe a simple format of this essay
(ii. complete a guided essay on my parent
iii. wite essay on ‘my parents’
Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. share with other pupils the story read;
ii. discuss lessons leamt from the book;
iii. relate events in the story to their personal lives.
conversation on general issuesBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify reading materials (magazines and newspapers)
ii. Differentiate between the various reading materials provided
iii. Discuss the issues raised on each materials
iv. Produce your opinions on the matters
A. Structure :Concept of prints illustration,
pictures and diagram in printed texts
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. recognize and state the components of printed materials
e.g. title page, margins etc.;
ii. extract information from printed materials like charts,
diagrams, calendars etc.;
iii. use the information in complete sentences.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words’ meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Listen actively to a story
ii. discuss the main idea of the story
iii. use evidence from the passage to discuss supporing ideas
iv. identify values and lessons in given stories.
v. relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
vi. retell the story in their own words
vii. Tell similar stories
D. Composition (a dog)By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition
ii. Write out points on “A dog”
iii. Write a composition on the ivento ic
Fluency: Reading printed materialsBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Leam new words and pronounce them
ii. Identify unfamiliar words
iii. Use them in sentences
iv. Read the materials aloud
Structure: Reading to obtain information
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify features of printed materials like charts and calendars.
ii. Look for information in printed materials
iii. List and explain features of some selected printed materials
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Learn new words and pronounce them
ii. Identify unfamiliar words
iii. Use them in sentences
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage;
ii. analyse the purpose of the passage.
iii. use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas;
iv. explain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage;
v. relate the passage to issues ef national values in the passage
e.g, discipline.
D. Writing: I.C,Tthe end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Write out important words fmm selected I.C.T materials
ii. Interpret and be able to produce words from I.C,T materials
iii. Use the wolds ina conversation

Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTEnglish Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
A. Oral ComprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage;
ii. analyse the purpose of the passage.
iii. use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas;
iv. explain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage;
v. relate the passage to issues of national values e.g. discipline.
B. Structure ColumnBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Read simple passages on the content column
ii. Re-write the passage into their notebook the spacing their
iii. Write clearly, observe the spacing between the letters in a
word, and words in a sentence.
C. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
D. Composition: How I spent my last
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
i. use simple sentence to discuss the narrative composition;
ii. write out points about how “I spent my last holiday”,
iii. write a composition on the given topic
A. Phonics pronunciation of multi syllabic
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Produce four and five syllable words
ii. Identify four and five syllabic words in sentence.
iii. Complete four and five syllabic words
B. structure: Use of capital letter,
punctuation marks in sentences
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. describe “capital letters” or “higher cases”;
ii. apply ‘capital letter’ / “higher cases” correctly;
iii. use punctuation marks (e.g. comma, semi colon etc.)
correctly in sentences.
C. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them; recognize new words
ii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iii. use the new words in sentences.
D. Oral and written comprehension
disaster risk reduction
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Answer questions on the main points in the story in their own
ii. Repeat the story in their own words
iii. Retell similar stories
E. Composition:
-How I spent my last holiday
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
Use simple sentence to discuss the narrative composition
(ii) Write out point on how “l spent my last holiday”.
(iii) Write a composition on the given topic.
Dictations for the weekLearners are to be guided to:
i. leam the following words: cabinet, caliber. Calling, capable,
carpenter, captain, capture, caption, careful.
A. Sounds /f/ and /v/By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Pronounce the sounds;
ii. Compare the sounds;
iii. dentify the sounds in words
iv. Use the sounds for dialogue
B. StructureBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Read simple passages and identify national values discussed
on them.
ii. Write the passage clearly and legibly in their exercise book.
iii. Study and understand the spacing between letters in words
and words in a sentence.
C. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify new words and pronounce them;
ii. recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
D. Oral and written comprehensio nBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read the passage fluently;
ii. explain the main ideas of the passage
iii. answer questions on the main points in the story in their
own words.
E. Writing
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
i. mention their daily activities
ii. differentiate between the use of present and past tenses
iii. Write three or four sentences on daily activities using present
and past tenses.
F. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. share with other pupils the story read;
ii. discuss lessons learnt from the book;
iii. relate events in the story to their personal lives,
A. Structure: Use of punctuation marks
and capital letters at the beginning and
end of sentence
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. understand that “capital letters” and *higher cases’ mean the
same thing
ii. apply ‘capital letter’ / Ahigher cases” correctly.
iii. use punctuation marks (e.g. comma, semi colon etc.)correctly
B. Vocabulary building
-(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Leam new words and pronounce them
ii. Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words
iii. Use the new words in sentences
C. Oral and written comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read a given passage;
ii. deduce the main ideas from the story;
iii. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own
iv. retell similar stories.

D. Writing:
Writing three to four sentences on
everyday activities
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. write three four sentences on daily activities using present and
past tenses;
ii. understand the differences between the tenses employed
(present and past tense).
application of punctuation marks in
reading and writing: Comma.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify the purpose and functions of comma in sentences.
ii. identify the correct use of a comma sentences;
A. Vocabulary building
-(Tcaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i.identify new words and pronounce them;
ii.recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
B. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own
ii. repeat the story in their own words;
iii. retell similar stories
C. Structure: Spacing in letters
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read simple passages on the content column;
ii. re-write the passage into their notebook in their handwriting;
iii. write clearly, observe the spacing between the letters in a
word, and words in a sentence.
D. Writing: Describe your class teacherBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify appropriate adjective for description
ii. complete a guided essay on ‘My class teacher
iii. write five sentences to describe their class teacher
A. Structure:
Use of Auxiliary Verbs
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. describe auxiliary verbs;
ii. pick out auxiliary verbs in sentences;
B. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. .identify new words and pronounce them;
ii.recognize new words meanings;
iii. demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
iv. use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and Written comprehension.By the end of the written lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. discuss the main idea of the story
ii. use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
iii. identify values and lessons in given story;
iv. relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing: Handwriting
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Read simple passages on the content column
ii. Re-write the passage into their notebook in their handwriting.
iii. Write clearly, observe the spacing between the letters in a
word, and words in a sentence.
E.Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Share with other pupils the story read;
ii. Discuss lessons learnt from the book;
iii. Relate events jn the story to their personal lives.
7Mid-term tests
J. Open day
K. Mid-term break
L. Homework
A. Pronunciation of consonants and
consonants clusters
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Pronounce consonants sounds in isolations in words and in
sentences correctly.
ii. Distinguish between words in each pair in isolaüon and in
sentence context
iii. Produce consonant clusters correctly
B. Structure : Making simple statements
and responding to simple command
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. produce simple statement correctly with the appropriate stress
and intonation
ii. respond to simple commands appropriately
iii. use appropriate intonation for command and response
C. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify new words and pronounce them
ii. Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words
iii.Use the new words in sentences
D. Oral and witten comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. discuss the main idea of the story
ii.use evidence from the story to discuss supporting ideas
iii. identify values and lessons in given stories;
iv.relate the ideas and values in the story to personal experience
E. Writing:
Composition on what I do on Sundays.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Use simple sentence to discuss a narrative composition
ii. Write out points on “what I do on Sundays”
iii.Write a composition on the given to topic
A. Pronunciation of pure vowels and
e.g. he/ here hare
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Make monophthongs and diphthongs correctly
ii.Differentiate between pure vowel sounds and diphthongs by
pronouncing them correctly in words and sentence context
iii. Give examples of pure vowel sounds and diphthongs
B. Structure: Use of regular and irregular
plurals in speaki ng and writing
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. recognize regular and irregular plurals;
ii. apply regular and irregular plurals to simple sentences;
iii. give examples of regular and irregular plurals and use them
in simple sentences.
C. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify new words and pronounce them
ii. Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words
iii.Use the new words in sentences
D. Oral and witten comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. deduce the main idea of the passage;
ii. analyse the purpose of the passage.
iii. use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas;
iv. explain meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage;
v. relate the passage to issues of national values e.g. discipline.
E. Writing: Compositio n on what I do on
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Use simple sentence to discuss a narrative composition
ii.Write out points on evqlat I do on Sundays”
iii. Write a composition on the iven to ic
F. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. share with other pupils the story read;
ii. discuss lessons learnt from the book;
iii. relate events in the story to their personal lives.
Continuation of vowels and diphthongsBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. make vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly;
ii. differentiate between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing
them correctly in words and sentence context,
iii. Give examples of vowel and diphthong
B. Structure: Use of regular and irregular
verbs in speaking and mfng
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. recognize regular and irregular plurals;
ii. apply regular and irregular plurals to simple sentences;
iii. give examples of regular and irregular plurals and use them
in simple sentences.
C. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. leam and pronounce new words.
ii. identify unfamiliar words and determine their meanings,
iii. use the new words in speaking and writings.
D. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own
ii. repeat the story in their own words;
iii. retell similar stories.
E. Writing composition on my best friendBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition;
ii. write out points on “my best friend”;
iii. write a composition on the given topic.
Dictations for the WeekLearners are to be guided to:
i. learn the fo!lowing words: element, engaged, enhance,
essence, evening, evident, exactly, examine, example, excited.
A. Structure
(regular and irregular plural)
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. recognize regular and irregular plurals;
ii. apply regular and irregular plurals to simple sentences;
iii. give examples of regular and irregular plurals and use them
in simple
B. Vocabulary BuildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. leam and pronounce new words.
ii. identify unfamiliar words and determine their meanings,
iii. use the new words in speaking and writings.
C. Oral and Written ComprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own
ii. repeat the story in their own words;
iii. retell similar stories.

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTEnglish Studies
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
A. Structure: Using past continuous tense
in sentence
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
(i) recognize past continuous tense in sentences;
(ii)create sentences with past conünuous tense.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) team and pronounce new words.
(ii) identify unfamiliar words and determine their meanings.
(iii)use the new words in speaking and writin s.
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i)Read the passage;
(ii) Repeat the story in their own words
(iii) Draw out the main points from the passage
(iv)Answer questions on the passage
D. Writing:
composition on (how I spent my last holiday)
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss fre narrative composition
(ii) wite out point on how “l spent my last holiday”.
(iii)Write composifions on the given topic.
Dictations for the WeekLearners are to be guided to:
i.)learn the following words: fiction, filling, finding, fitness,
forever, fortune, founder, freedom
A. Structure:
Expressing future actions in a negative
form (E.g. we will not be going to church
next Sunday)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) explain the future tense;
(ii) produce correct sentences in the simple pure tense;
(iii)answer correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted
forms of “will” and “shall”.
B. Vocabulary buildinBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) leam and pronounce new words;
(ii)identify unfamiliar words and determine their meanings;
(iii) use the new words in speaking and writings.
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) read the passage and repeat the story in their own words;
retell similar stories;
(iii)answer questions on the main points in the story in their
own words.
D. Writing: composition on
(how I spent my last holiday)
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss the narrative composition;
(ii) write out point on how “I spent my last holiday”;
(iii) write a composition on the given topic.
Dictations for the WeekLeamers are to be guided to:
i.)learn the following words: forward, further, gateway, salary,
general, genetics, genius, gigabit, greater, hungry, hanging,
heading, healthy.
A. Structure: Expressing
future actions in the negative form
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) identify modal verbs for future;
(ii) produce correct sentences in the simple future tense;
(iii) answer correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted
forms of “will” and “shall*.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) identify new words and pronounce them;
(ii) recognize new words’ meanings;
(iii) demonstrate the meaning of the new words•v
(iv) use the new words in sentences,
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the poem
(ii) use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
(iii) identify values and lessons in given poems;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing: What I would like to be in
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentences to discuss the narrative composition;
(ii) write out points on “What I would like to be in future;
(iii) write a composition on the given topic.
E. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) share with other pupils the story read;
(ii) discuss lessons learnt from the book;
(iii) relate events in the story to their personal lives,
A. Structure:
Using past Continuous tense in sentence.
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) explain past continuous tense;
(ii) recognize past continuous tense in sentences;
(iii) create sentences with past continuous tense
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) identify new words and pronounce them;
(ii) recognize new words’ meanings;
(iii) demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
(iv) use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and Witten comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the poem
(ii) use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
(iii) identify values and lessons in given poems;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing. Composition about Mother”By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition;
(i) write out points about “my mother”;
(iii)write a composition on the given to topic.
A. Structure:
Present perfect (“ed and en ending s)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) identify the present perfect tense using ‘ed and ‘en’ ending;
(ii) express appropriate use of the present perfect with
‘ed’ and ‘en’ endings respectively;
(iii) use the present perfect tense in sentences.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) identify new words and pronounce them;
(ii) recognize new words’ meanings;
(iii) demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
(iv) use the new words in sentences.
C. Oral and written comprehensionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the passage
(ii) use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
(iii) identify values and lessons in given passages;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personnal
D. Writing. Composition about myself”By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss discriptive composition
(ii) write out points about ‘myself’
(iii) write a composition on the given topic
A. Structure:
using past continous tense in sentence
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) recognize past contious tense in sentence
(ii) explain appropraite use of the past continous tense
(iii) differentiate between present continous and past
continous tense
(iv) create sentence with past continous tense.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) identify new words and pronounce them;
(ii) recognize new words’ meanings;
(iii) demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
(iv) use the new words in sentences.
C. Reading:
Oral and Witten comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the passage
(ii) use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
(iii) identify values and lessons in given passages;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing:
Composition on classroom
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss the descriptive composition;
(ii) write out point on umy classroom”;
(iii) write a composition on the given topic.
E. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) Share with other pupils the story read;
(ii) Discuss lessons learnt from the book;
(iii) Relate events in the story to their personal lives.
7-Mid-term tests
– Open day
– Midterm break
– Home work
A. Present perfect with “since” and “for”By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) recall present perfect tense;
(ii) identify present perfect with ‘since’ and ‘for’;
(iii) express correct use of present perfect with ‘since’ and ‘for.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) read a passage to identify and pronounce new words;
(ii) deduce meaning of the unfamiliar words contextually from
the passage;
(iii) use the new words in speaking and writings.
C. Reading:
Oral and written comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i)discuss the main idea of the passage;
use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas;
(iii) identify values and lessons in given passages;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing:Composition on ‘my classroom’By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss the descriptive composition;
(ii) write out point on “My classroom”;
(iii) write a composition on the given topic.
A. Structure: Interrogation with response
using present perfect
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) identify interrogative statements;
(ii) construct present perfect tense in question forms;
(iii) supply appropriate responses to such question forms orally
and in witing.
B. Vocabulary building
(Teaching of new words)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
(i) identify new words and pronounce them;
(ii)recognize new words’ meanings;
(iii) demonstrate the meaning of the new words;
(iv) use the new words in sentences.
C. Reading:
Oral and Written comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the passage
(ii) use evidence from the passage to discuss supporting ideas
(iii) identify values and lessons in given passages;
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the passage to personal
D. Writing: Composition about ‘A dog’

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition;
(ii) write out points about “a dog”;
(iii) write a composition on the given to topic.

E. Supplementary ReadingBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) share with other pupils the story read;
(ii) discuss lessons leamt from the book;
(iii) relate events in the story to their personal lives.

A. Structure:
Present perfect tense and past perfect

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) Recall present perfect tenses and past perfect tense
(ii) Express correct use of present perfect tense and
past perfect tense
(iii) Differentiate between present perfect tense and past perfect
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) read a passage;
(ii) identify and pronounce unfamiliar words;
(iii) derive the meaning of unfamiliar words contextually;
(iv) use the new words in speaking and witings.
C. Reading:
-Oral and written comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) read a given passage;
(ii)repeat the story in their own words;
(iii) answer questions on the main points in the story in their
own words.
D. Writing:
Composition about “my father”
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition;
(ii) write out points about “”my father”;
(iii)write a composition on the given topic.
A. Structure:
-Present perfect tense and Past perfect
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i)recall the meaning present perfect tenses and
past perfect tense;
(ii)express correct use of present perfect tense and
past perfect tense;
(iii) differentiate between present perfect tense and
past perfect tense.
B. Vocabulary buildingBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) read a passage;
(ii) identify and pronounce unfamiliar words;
(iii) derive the meaning of unfamiliar words contextually;
(iv) use the new words in speaking and witings.
C. Reading:
Oral and written comprehension
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the main idea of the sentence to the given topic
(ii) use the evidence from the passage to discuss surpporting
(iii) identify values and lesson in the given passage
(iv) relate the ideas and values in the given passage to personnal
D. Writing:
Composition about “what I do everyday”
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(i) use simple sentence to discuss a descriptive composition;
(ii) write out points about “what I do everyday”;
(iii)write a composition on the given topic.

Recommended English Studies Textbooks for Primary 3

Main Text
1. Adeoye et al, Nigerian Primary School English, Learn Africa.

2. Chukwudi et al, English Studies for Pry Sch, Bk 2, University Press, 2017.

3. C.U Chukwudifu et al, Learn English Bk 3, WABP, 2016.

4. Nick Coates et al, The new Priemer English Bk 3, Learning Solution.

5. Judeson Ogbehara, Inside Out English Bk 3, Learn Rite, 2016.

6. Anthonia et al, Primary English project Pry 3, Pearson. 

7. Damilola Olatunji et al, Shower Book English Pry 3, Pearson, 2014.

8. Pointer Pal & Target Tunde, Pinpoint English, First Veritas, 2016.

9. U, I. Nwachuwku et al, New English Course Book 3, Nelson, 2016.

10. Funso et al, Prime English Pry 3, HEBN, 2014.

11. E.O. Awopotu et al, Communicative English Basic 3, Melrose, 2016.

12. C.A. Okodara et al, Lantern Comprehension, Lantern, 2016.

13. C.IJ. Chukwudifu et al, Learn English Work Book, WABP, 2013.

14. E.O. Awopetu et al, Conununicative English, Melrose, 2016.

15. S., O, Ayodole et al, Modular English Course, Evans, 2016.

16. Nick Coates et al, The new Priemer English Bk 3, Learning Solution.

17. Pointer Pal & Target Tunde, PinPoint English Work Book, First Veritas, 2016.

18. U.l. Nwachuwkwu et al, New English Course Book 3, Nelson, 2016.

19. Adotugbo et al, Prime English project Pry 3, HEBN.
Scholastic, Active English, CSS, 2013.


Spelling and Phonics
20. C.E. Aliegbo E, Phonics is Fun, Learn Africa, 2016.

21. Omole M. Davidson, Africa Resource Phonics, Africa Resource, 2016.

22. CSS T & Le shop Ltd, Working with Sounds Phonics, Sterling, 2013.

23. Adesina Adeola O. Showers Books English Phonetic, Shower Kiddies, 2015.

24. HEBN, HEBN Spelling Bee Series, HEBN, 2016.
New Wave, Spelling (New Wave), Rasmed, 2015.

25. John Smith, Spelling Book 3, Bounty Press, 
Hooked on Sounds, Tayo Felas Nig. Ltd, 2011.


26. Kwas Beatrice N et al, Leaders in Sound and World Building, CSS, 2016.

27. Lanre Biobaku, Africa Resources Composition, African Resource, 2016.

28. Sam. O. Ayodele & Obiageli C.N et al, Creative Composition, Evans 2015.

29. Lantern, Creative Composition, Litramed Pub, 2016.

30. CSS, Comprehensive Strategies, Learners, 2013.
Elijah O.O A, Start Right Basic, Start Right, 2011.

31. Femi Fadau, MainStream guide to Composition and Lovity, Mainstream, 2014.


32. P.A Ogundipe et al, Brighter Grammar, Pearson.

33. Samuel C. Kwashie, English Grammar for Basic Education, Metropolitan, 2015.

34. I.L Wanchoo et al, Active Eng. Grammar & Composition, Rasmed, 2015.

35. Ayo Ogunsiji et al, Brilliant Pry English, Macmillian, 2010.

36. First Veritas, Grammar and Comprehension, First Veritas, 2014.

37. Oloruntimilehin, Functional Daily Language and Grammar, Functional Book, 2015.

38. .K. oni T.B. Olajide et al, Melrose Grammar for Success, Melrose, 2014.\

39. Rosalind Ferguson, Learners Grammar Plus, Learners, 2012.

40. Hope Yates, Brilliant Grammar and Punctuation, Learning Solution, 2016.

41. U.I Nwachukwu et al, A Grammar Practice Book, Evans, 2016.

42. Anuradha Verma, Enrich your Grammar, Epsilon Book, 2013.


Verbal Reasoning
43. Olubunmi Ajoola, Verbal Reasoning Practice, Tanus, 2013.

44. O.O Mbah et al, Classic Verbal Reasoning, Thursday, 2013.

45. Folu Alonga, Verbal Reasoning, Learn Africa.

46. Ikenna C. lgwe et al, Verbal Reasoning, Metropolitan, 2012.

47. Waste Afonor M et al, Showers Book Verbal Reasoning, Shower Kiddies, 2015.

48. Ore Olunloyo, Lantern Verbal Reasoning, Litramed, 2015.

49. Sunday Okoh, Seun Ojo, Macmillan Verbal Reasoning, Macmillian, 2015.

50. Daniel Eyango, Straight Gate Verbal Reasoning, Straight Gate, 2015.

51. B. Wellington et al, Bounty Verbal Reasoning, Bounty, 2013.

52. Judson Ogbehara, Verbal Reasoning, Learn Rite, 2016.

53. Rotimi Oladele et al, Verbal Reasoning, Megavons, 2014.

54. Vera Effong Uyaietal, Sterling Verbal Reasoning, Sterling, 2012.

55. Alexander Ado et al, Precious Seed Verbal Reasoning, Precious Seed, 2013.

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