Primary 3 Information Technology Scheme of Work

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About Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Information Technology for Primary 3 is a subject that exposes the pupils to communication technology. This subject aims to equip the pupils to be computer literate at a young age.

This topic covers different operating and application systems, and it also covers computer hardware and software. The topics covered for this academic session include the generational development of computers, system units, software applications, operating systems, the difference between hardware and software, components of CPU etc.

This subject is a practical subject and educators should make sure that the pupils are taken to a computer laboratory to be given first-hand experience about what they are being taught. 

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTInformation Technology
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Basic 2 work 
2Generational development of
-From Abacus to smart phone
i. Outline the various stages in computer development
ii. Match the year and the advancement of computer
3Generational deeloprnent computers
-From Abacus to smart phone
i. Outline the various stages in computer develcpment
ii. Match the year and the of computer development
4System Unit
-Internal features of CPU
-Bios battery
– fan
-RAM slot etc
Identify the various internal features of CPU and state
their uses.
5System unit
-Intemal features of CPU
-Bios batery
-RAM slot etc.
-Identify the various intemal features of the CPU and
state their uses.
6Hardware devices of a computer
-Input & output devices
i. Define hardware devices
ii. Outline and identify the various hardware devices
8Software application
-Operating system
-System applications
-Explain software application, operating system and
system application.
9Operating system
i. Compare and contrast between the various types of
operating system
ii. State the functions of the different operating system
iii. Outline the uses of the different operating system
10Operating system
i. Compare and contrast between the various types of
operating system
ii. State the functions of the different operating system
iii. Outline the uses of the different operating system

Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTInformation Technology
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of 1st term workRevision of 1st term work
2System Application
-Microsoft office
-Mavis Beacon
i. Explain the term system application
ii. Identify the various types of system application
3Air in Motion Il
-Harmful effects of wind
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify the useful effect of wind
ii. explainthe harmful effect of wind on living and
non-living things.
iii. demostrate the bad effect of wind.
4Difference between hardware and
-Compare and contrast between hardware and software
5Qualities of water
-Meaning of water
-Qualifies of good/pure
-Contamination of water
-Dangers of drinking bad water
By the end of the leson, pupils should be able to
i. mention the methods of determining good quality water
from their past
ii. the qualities of good water
iii. differentiate between good and bad water,
iv. list the qualities of good water;
v. substances that can contaminate water making it unfit
for use;
vi. discuss the dangers of drinkng bad water.
6Components of CPU
-Login Unit
-Storage Unit
i. Explain the term Arithmetic
ii. Login Unit and Storage unit
iii. Outline the function of Arithmetic Login Unit and
storage Unit
8Components of CPU
-Arithmetic Login unit
-Storage Unit
i. Explain the term arithemetic
ii. Login Unit and Storage unit
iii. Outline the function of Arithmetic Login Unit and
storage Unit
9Input devices
-Flash drive
-Hard drive etc
i. Define input devices
ii. Outline the functions of the various types of input
10Launching of Microsoft wordLocate and launch Microsoft word

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Information Technology

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTInformation Technology
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readines test/
Revision of 2nd term work
Readines test / Revision of 2nd term work
2Microsoft Word
-Identfy various tools on the tool bar and state functions
3Microsoft Word
-Tool bar
Identify various tools on the Tool bar and state their
4Menu BarIdentify various items on the Menu bar and state their
5Menu BarIdentify various items on the Menu bar and state their
6Typing and saving on Microsoft wordi. Type and save a short composition about themselves
8Typing and saving on Microsoft wordType and save a short composition about themselves
9Formating-Load and save composition and format it
10formattingload the saved composition and format it

Recommended Information Technology Textbooks for Primary 3

Information Technology-Main Text

1. Olajumoke A. Olabode, Computer Studies Pry Semes Fundamental Book 3, Philomena, 2017.

2. Moses N.K. Adeyemi A.A, Start Right Compt. Studies for Pry Sch 3, Learning Solution, 2016.

3. E.O. Adegbeyeni, Foundation Computer Studies for Pry Sch, Learn Africa, 2015.

4. Chigozie Mathew, Ugochukwu Ada, Extension Modern Computer Studies for Pry Sch 3, Extension, 2013.

5. Egwudikwe D.C, Computer Studies for Pry Educ 3, HIIT, 2017.

6. Okolin S. Intensive Computer Studies for Lower Basic Sch 3, Noble Resources, 2013. 

7. Henry O. Udu, Simple Guide to Computer for Primary Sch Book 3, Trendsetter, 2015.

8. AS. Mitchel, Online with Compt. 3, Rasmed, 2014. 

9. Adekunle Oduronke Eyitayo, My Computer Book 3 Computer and Me, Bounty, 2017.

Information Technology-Workbook

10. Adewate, Okuko, WABP Information & conun. Tech for Pry Sch. 3, WABP.

11. E.O. Adeqbeyens, Fundamental Computer Studies for Pry Sch, Learn Africa.

12. HIIT, Computer Studies for Pry Edu for BooK 3, HIIT.

13. Owteke B, Information Communication Tech or Basic Edu 3, Metropolitan.

14. Adeyoyin Magaret Talabi, Computer Studies for Pry Sch , Datalink.

15. S. O Akinola&C.A. et al, Information Technology (or Pry Sch\N/B 3, Nelson.


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