Primary 3 Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) Scheme of Work

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About IRS Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Islamic Religious Studies for primary school is designed to instil the basic knowledge of the Qur’an and its meaning, the sunnah, Iman, and spiritual and moral knowledge on how to live their day-to-day activities.

The Islamic religious studies for primary 3 cover both Islamic and moral values.

The topics covered are the Vocalisation of Arabic letters, surah al Kawthar to Maun, beautiful names of Allah, belief in angels and their function, belief in jinn, belief in the existence of shaytan, Prophet Muhammad hijrah and his persecution, duties towards parents and teachers and others, human relationship and cooperation, truthfulness etc.

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for IRS

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
TERMFirst Term
TOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness Test/ Revision 
2Vocalisation of Arabic letters
(Afif to Yäw) with Fätihah
By the end of thc lesson. the pupils should bc able to:
i. identify Arabic letters from Alif to Yäw
ii. vocalize cach letter with Fätihah vowel
iii. creatc three Iettcr words with Fätihah vowel
3Süratul Kawthara (Q108)By the end ofthe lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul Kawthara correctly
ii. translate Süratul Kawthara into English
4Asmäullahhil Husnä
(Beautiful Names of Allah)
-Al-Mutakabir (The Majesty).
-Al-Khaliq (The Creator),
-Al-Baariu (The Evolver),
-Al- Musawwiru (The Fashioner),
-Al-Ghaffar ( The Forgiver)
By the end of the lesson. the pupüs should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of the five names of Allah
ii. relate these name of Allah as it affects man
iii. memorize these name of Allah with their meaning

5Asmåullähil husnä
(Beautiful Names of Allah)
By the cud ofthe Ison. the pupils should be able tm
i. explain the meaning of following names of Allah
Al-Qahär (The Subduer),
Al- Wahäb (The Bestower),
A-Fatah (The Opener).
Ar-Razäq (The Enricher)
Al- Alim(The All Knowing)
ii. relate these names of Allah as it affect man
iii. memorize these name of Allah with their meaning
6Belief in Angels of Allah and their
-Angel Jibril
By te end of die Leson. the pupils should be able to:
i. mention the name of some prominent Angels orAllah
ii. examine the special features and functions of Angels of
ii. discuss the purpose of their creation by Allah
7Mid Term Tests/Opcn Day/Mid-Term Break end
8Süratul- Fatihah
-Recitation, Translation.
-Importance and the Uses
By the or the lesson, the pupils should bc able to:
i. read SüratuI-Fatihah in Arabic/Transliteration;
ii. explain the English translation of the Süroh;
iii. Illustrate the importance of the Sürah in Muslims’ live
9Belief in jinnBy thc cnd or thc lcssom thc pupils should bc ablc to:
i. say thc meaning of thc jinn with rcference to Q 15 V27
ii. differentiate between the jinns and Angels of Allah
iii. statc the Islamic point or views on jinns
10Bclicf in thc cxistcncc of ShytanBy the cnd or thc lesson, pupils should bc ablc to:
i. Discuss who Shaytän is. with refernce to Q15 verse 27
ii. examine the position of Shaytän before creation of Adam
iii. state the reason for the removal of shytan from paradise
11Prophet Muhammads’ Hijrah and
his persecution
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain how Muhammad was called to Prophethood
ii. examine the factors responsible for the opposition of
Makah to message of the Prophet
iii. state the signifiance of the migration of the Prophet and
his followers to the development of Islam

Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for IRS

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness test / RevisionBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. List some topics treated last term
ii. justify the relevance of those topics
iii. solve questions rclatcd to the last term’s work done
2Introduction of Wäw and Yäw as
By the end or the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. identify Waw and Yäw as consonants
ii. memorize the usage of these two consonants
iii. write thesc two consonants correctly
3Introduction of Wäw and Yaw as
elongation letter of vowel sound i and ü
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. identify the two as letters of vowel sound i and ü
ii. memorize the two as elongation letters
iii. write Arabic words that has both or either of the vowel
sounds (i and ü)
4Identification of Arabic Vowels and
Tanwin (Nunation)
By the end of lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. identify the signs of Arabic vowels and relationship with
Tanwin :- Fatia/äin. and Duma/äin
ii. apply Arabic vowels and Tanwin on Arabic nouns
iii. use Arabic vowels and Tanwin effectively on Arabic words
5Süratul-Ma’ün (Q107) Verses 1-3By the end of the the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul•Mä’ün verse 1-3
ii. translate these verses into English
iii. state the benefits of reating the Sürah
6Süntul-Mä’ün (Q107) Verses 4-7By end ofthe lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. recite the remaining verses (4-7) of Suratul-Mä’ün
ii. translate these verses into English
iii. state the lessons from Süratul Mä’un as it affect man
7Mid Term Tests/Open Day/Mid Term Break
8Things that spoil SalihBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. mention those things that spoil salat
ii. justify the reasons they spoil salat:
iii. provide ways or avoiding things that vitiate our salat
9Tayammum (Dry ablution)By the end ofthe lcsson, thc pupils should be ablc to:
i. explain the meaning or Tayammum
ii. justify the reasons and how Tayammum is performcd
iii. state items used in performing it and things that spoil
10Hijrah (The Migration of the Prophet
(SAW) from Makkah to Madinah) I
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. discuss thc events that led to the first Muslim’s Hijrah to
ii. explain how Muslims were accommodated in Abyssinia
iii. state the benefits of the first Hijrah to Muslims and Islam
11Hijrah (The Migration of the Prophet
(SAW) from Makkah to Madinah) Il
Bythe end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. discuss the events that led to the Prophet Hijrah
ii. justify the reasons for the Prophds Hijrah
iii. explain how Prophet established Muslim Ummah in

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for IRS

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Rediness Test/Revision 
2Introducion of TanwinBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. identify the signs of Arabic vowels and relationship with
Tanwin :- Fatia/tain, Kasra/tain and Duma/tain
ii. apply Arabic vowels and Tanwin on Arabic nouns
iii. use Arabic vowels and Tanwin on Arabic
3Suratul Quraysh (Q100 verse 1-2)By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to;
i. recite Süratul Quraysh verse 1- 2
ii. translate verse 1-2 of Süratul Quraysh into english
iii. state the benefits for reciting Süratul Quraysh
4Süratul Quraysh
(Q106) verses 3—4
By the ad of the fre pupils should be able
i. recite Süratul Quraysh verse 3 -4
ii. translate verse 3 -4 of Süratul Quraysh into English
iii. examine the lessons from Süratul Quraysh as it affects
5Salätul-Jum’ah (Friday Prayer)By the end of the lesson, the pupils sould be able to:
i. Cite the verses that discuss Salätul Jumu’ah
ii. state the governing it and its importance
iii. demostrate how Salatul-Jumu’ah is performed.
6PunctualityBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain the mening of punctuality
ii. examine the instance of punctuality
iii. mention the importance of punctuality.
7Mid Term Tests/Open Day/Mid Term Bruk
8Duties towards Parents and TeachersBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. describe who a parent is and who a teacher is;
ii. categorize the duties towards Parents and Teachers:
iii. cite a reference from the Glorious Quran
i.e chapter 17 verse 23
9Duties towards othersBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of “others” in term of society,
peer group or government;
ii. mention the duties towards others;
iii. cite a reference from Hadith of the Prophet that supports
duties to others e.g La yuhminu ahdukum hata yuhibul akihi
mä yuhibu linafsihi.
10Human Relationship and
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of human relationship and
ii. categorize the types of relationship and cooperation;
iii. state the needs for human relationship and cooperation
in our society.
11TruthfulnessBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. say the meaning of truthfulness and cite examplcs;
ii. justify the importance of truthfulness
e.g confidence in person, Acceptance in society;
iii. cite a reference from the glorious Qur’an that supports

Recommended IRS Textbooks for Primary 3

Main TextbooK

  1. M.M. Yakub, Islamic Studies, Learn Africa, 2017.
  2. Abd- Azeez, Khalid and others, Islamic Studies for Primary, Sterling Bool, 2014.
  3. M.M. Tukur, The Path to Allah, Evans, 2016.
  4. T.O. Salaudeen, Comprehensive RNVE, Litramed,2015.
  5. Muhib O. Opeloye, RNVE Islamic Studies,WABP, 2015.
  6. Habeeb A.B. & others, RNVE Islamic Studies, Tanus, 2014.
  7. AbdulMojeed, New Rev.Curr. Islamic Studies,Amft, 2010.
  8. Waheed A. Olajide, Islamic Studies, HEBN, 2010.
  9. sayed H.A. Malik, Isl. Rel. Studies & Nat. Values, University Press, 2015.
  10. Aminat bint Imran, Isl. Rel. Studies & Nat. Values, Rasmed, 2016.
  11. Malik Umar, Religion and National Values, Extension, 2017.

Supplementary Text Book

  1. S.A. Fatokun and others, Rel & National Values (IRS), Melrose Books, 2015.
  2. Sayed H.A Malik & others, Isl. Rel. Studies & Nat. Values, UP Plc, 201

Work Book

  1. M.M Tukur et al, The Path to Allah IRS, Evans, 2016.
  2. sayed H.A. Malik, Isl. Rel. Studies & Nat. Values, University Press, 2015.

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