Primary 3 National Value Education Scheme of Work

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About National Value Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

National Value Education is a three-in-one subject that comprises Civic Education, Security Education and Social Studies. This subject aims to inculcate the values needed by the pupils at this age. 

Each of these subjects has its topics and what they aim to achieve by the end of the academic session. The topics covered in this subject include: Civic Education; the Meaning of Civic Education, components of civic education, rights and duties of civic education, the benefit of democracy etc. Security Education; Element of security, components of security, empathy, causes of crimes etc. Social studies; types of family, members of nuclear and extended family, meaning of marriage, types of marriage in Nigeria, objects used in marriage, the meaning of drugs etc.

By the end of this academic session, the educators should make sure the pupils can: identify family, family members and relationships, discuss marriage practice among the three major ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria, define drugs and differences between orthodox medicine and local herbs, define meaning and consequences of drugs etc.

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for National Value Education

National Value Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTNational Value Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Cicic Education)Meaning of Civic educationPupils should be able to:
i. discuss the meaning of civic education
ii, Identify reasons for civic education in the society
(Security Education)Elements of Security:
– Confidentiality
– Integrity
– Authenticity
– Availability
By the end of dis lesson pupils should be able to:
i.Explain, elements of security
ii. Give examples of elements of good security
(Social Studies)Meaning and types of FamilyPupils should be able to:
i. Define Family
ii. Mention the types of family
iii. Differentiate the types of Family
iv. Draw Family tree
2-3(Civic Education)Components of civic educationPupils should be able to:
i. dentify the component of civic education
ii. explain the meaning Nationality
iii. highlight conditions of belonging to a state
(Security Education)Elements of Security IntegrityBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of integrity.
ii. Discuss why integrity is a vital element of security
2(Social Studies)Members of Nuclear and Extended
Pupils should be able to
i. identify a nuclear family and extended family
ii. Demonstrate how to show respect to members of
the nuclear and extended family
iii.List members of nuclear family and extended family
3(Security Education)Elements of Security: ConfidentialityBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i Describe confidentiality
ii. Illustrate the importance of confidentiality
3(Social Studies)Functions/ Roles of extended family
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the roles each family members plays in
raising a child
ii. compare and contrast the roles of each member of
the family
iii. demonstrate the roles of a child in the family
4(Civic Education)Component of Civic education contd.
-Benefits of being a nationale
-Right to vote -Acess to government
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the word Nationale
ii. identify the Benefits ofbeing a nationale
iii. discuss the of being a nationale
(Security Education)Element of Security.
Bythe end of this lesson, pupils should be able to
i.Explain authenticity
ii. Outline the importance of authenticity
4(Social Studies)Meaning of marriagePupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of maniage
ii. decide the appropriate time for marriage in life
iii. discuss the importance of marriage
5(Civic Education)Right and duties
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of rights / duties
ii. identify various examples of rights and duties of an
iii. highlight the importance of rights & duties to
individual in the society
(Security Education)Elements of Security:
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe availability
ii. Discuss the importance of availability
(Social Studies)Types of marriagePupils should be able to:
i. Identify the major types of marriage in our society
ii. Compare and contrast the major tymes of marriage
in our society
iii. Explain the of marriage practiced in their culture
6(Cicic Education)Rights and duties
– Right to life
– Right to education
Pupils should be able to:
i. discuss on rights in relaåon life and education
ii. highlight types of rights
iii. demonstrate various types of rights and dutes
(Security Education)EmpathyBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. Explain the meaning of empathy
ii. Discuss the necessity for empathy in human
(Social Studies)Marriage practices in NigeriaPupils should be able to:
i. Describe how marriages are contacted.
ii. Explain marriage according to religion practice
iii. Compare and confrast marriages among the three
religious group in our society
8(Cicic Education)Democratic practices
Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of
ii. democracy
iii. describe democracy in the immediate
iv. identify and discuss democratic practices
(Security Education)Partnering with Key Security
Department e.g
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i.Identify the key security department Army, Police,
ii. Enumerate the importance of partnering with the
key security department
(Social Studies)Objects used in Marriage
Pupils should be able to:
i. Itemize the objects used in marriage practiced in our
ii. Differentiate objects used in marriages according to
religious practices
iii. Compare åe objects used in marriage according to
religious practices in our society
9(Cicic Education)Benefit of democracy
-Freedom of speech
-Freedom of association
-Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the benefit of democracy in the society
ii. discuss and explain
-Freedom of speech with example
-Freedom of Association with example
iii. Differentiate bebueen freedom of speech and
freedom of associaäon
(Security Education)Elements of Security
Creativity in Sharing Information
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Provide helpful information or evidence needed on
any matter.
ii. Recognize the proper channel to share the
information with the security agents
(Social Studies)Meaning of drugs types of drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. Define drugs
ii. List types of common drugs in our society
iii. Mention appropriate means of getting drugs in our
10(Cicic Education)Community values:
-Types of values
-Honesty -Cooperation
-Self reliance
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of Value
ii. highlight various types of value
iii. discuss the different types of value and its
(Security Education)Audio Awareness
-Materials in Security
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be ablc to
i. explain audio awareness materials
ii. Highlight the importance of audio materials
(Social Studies)Identification of modern common
medicine or drug
Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify modern common drugs in our society
ii. Classify modern common drugs in to tablets,syrups,
ointments and injection
iii. Mention forms of taking common modern drugs in
our society
11(Cicic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)RevisionRevision
(Social Studies)Identification of local herbs and drugsPupils should be able to:
i. Define herbs.
ii. Mention components of herbs
iii. Classify herbs into seed, leaves and barks


Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for National Value Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTNational Value Education
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Civic Education)Revision of First Term’s Work/First
Term Examination Questions
Pupils should be able to:
-Answer some questions from last term topics through
revision done with them by the teacher
(Security Education)Revision of Last Term’s Work 
(Social Studies)Revision of First Terms Work 
2(Civic Education)National Identity
-Meaning of National Identity
-Element of naåonal Identity
Pupils should be able to;
i. Explain community
ii. Analyze the types of community
iii. Highlight various types of community
(Security Education)Identification of Criminal BehaviorBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i Describe Criminal Behavior
ii. Avoid criminal behavior in school and at home
(Social Studies)Meaning of Drug AbusePupil should be able to;
i. Define drug and drug abuse
ii. List examples of drugs that can be abused
iii. Mention the right people to administer drug
3(Civic Education)Elements of National Identity
-National Anthem
-National Pledge
-National Currency
-Nigerian Passport etc
-Working for the success of the nation
-Payment of taxes
Pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning/
ii.elements of national identity
iii. recite the national anthem
(Security Education)Cause of Crime
e.g. Poverty. Parental Neglect,
By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the causes of crime in the society
(Social Studies)Ways of knowing someone who has
abuse drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify people who abuse drugs
ii. Mention symptoms of taking excess drugs
iii. Explain importance of taken right dosage of drugs
4(Civic Education)Elements of national Identity (Contd)Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify the elements of national identity,
ii. highlight the examples Of element of national
iii. recite the National pledge
(Security Education)Categories of Crime e.g.
Personal and state
By the end ofthis lesson, pupils should be able to:
i Differentiate between the two categories of crime e.g.
personal and state crime

(Social Studies)Effects of Drug AbusePupils should be able to:
i. State effects of drug abuse
ii. Explain methods of abusing drugs
(e.g. smoking cigarette)
iii. Identify drugs that should be taken with strict
supervision of medical personnel or parents or
5(Civic Education)Patriotism
-Meaning of patriotism
-How to show patriotism. e.g.
Promoting our civic responsibilities
Pupils should be able to;
i. explain patriotism
ii. demonstrate and explain how to show patriotism
iii. analyze ways to promote our civic responsibilities
(Security Education)Factor Affecting Criminal BehaviourBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Enumerate the factors that affect criminal behavior
(Social Studies)Ways of helping people who has
abused drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of helping people who abuse drugs
ii. Explain signs of identifying people who abuse drugs
iii. Discuss the appropriate authority to report to
incase of drug abuse
6(Civic Education)Reasons why Nigerians should be
-To promote unity
-To promote development
-To ensure full and proper use of
-To help the nation benefit from our
knowledge and skills
Pupils should be able to:
i. highlight the reasons for patriotism.
ii. explain ways to promote unity in class and at home
iii. discuss ways the nation can benefit from our
knowledge and skills
(Security Education)Common Criminal BehaviorBy the end ofthis lesson, pupils should be to:
i. Explain common criminal behavior
ii Identify the effect of common criminal behavior in
the society
(Social Studies)Meaning of illnessPupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of illness
ii. List major causes of common illness in our society
iii. Mention examples of common illness in our
community(Malaria, Typhoid, diarrhea, dysentery etc)
8(Civic Education)Reasons for patriotism (contd.)
-Consequences of not being patriotic as
a nation
-Benefits of being patriotic as a nation
Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify the consequences of not being patriotic as a
ii. discus some of the consequences.
iii. explain some of the benefits of being patriotic as a
(Security Education)Common Criminal Bchaviour:
Examination Malpractice
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of examination malpractice
ii. Outline the causes of examination malpractice
(Social Studies)Common illness in the communityPupils should be able to:
i. Identify common illness in our community.
ii. State preventive measures against common illness
in our community
iii. Mention importance of living in a clean
9(Civic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)Preventive Measures of Common
Crimes, Primary Prevention
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Analyze the ways to prevent common crimes
(Social Studies)Symptoms of
common illnesses in the community
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention the symptoms of common illnesses in our
community such as (malaria, typhoid)
ii. Explain immunization as a means o preventing
some illnesses
iii. Discuss importance of sanitation
10(Civic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)-Preventive Measure of
Common Crimes
-create, Implement and monitor a
national security
By the end ofthis lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Create and implement policy that helps to monitor a
national security
(Social Studies)Causes of common illness:
Pupils should be able to:
1. Identify causes of common illness such as dysentery
etc in our community
11(Civic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)Preventive measures against theft III
-Seek international responds to global
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. Describe theft
ii. Indicate the preventive measures that can be taken
against theft
(Social Studies)Prevention of common diseasesPupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of preventing common illness in the
ii. List ways of providing good hygiene to prevent
common illness in our community

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for National Value Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTNational Value Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Cicic Education)RevisionPupils as a class should be able to:
-Answer questions on some topics from previous
(Security Education)Revision of Last Term’s Work 
(Social Studies)Revision of Second Terms Work 
2(Cicic Education)Description of national symbols
– National map
-Coat arm
-National anthem
-National Pledge
Pupils should be able to:
i. descibe the significance of each national symbols e.g.
The eagle in the coat of arm represent strength
-The green colour of the national flag stands for
ii. recite the National anthem and National pledge
(Security Education)Avoiding Criminal BehaviourBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify ways to avoid involving in crime.
(Social Studies)Meaning of Road AccidentPupils should be able to:
i. Define road and road accidents
ii. Classify roads into private drive pathways,
two-lane highways, dual carriage easy and
iii. Describe road on each classification of roads.
3(Cicic Education)Description of national symbols
-The coat of arms
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the feature of the coat of arm
ii. discuss and describe what each features of the coat
of am represents
(Security Education)Anti- Social Behavior (ASB)
e.g. Aggressive behavior,
Violence, Racism
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe anti- social behavior in the society.
ii. Discuss the effects ofantisocial behavior in the
(Social Studies)Causes of Road AccidentsPupils should be able to:
i. List causes of mad accidents.
ii. Describe how drivers and other mad users should
maintain mads
iii. Explain in dctails of road sign and their meaning
4(Cicic Education)The need for constituted authority of
law and order
-Protection of rights and dignity
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning constituted authority’
ii. analyze the need for constituted authority
iii. highlight the importance of constituted
(Security Education)Violence offers e.g. Murder: Rape,
Robbery, Man Slaugher
By the end of this leson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain violence
ii. Give examples of some violence offences in be
(Social Studies)Effecs of Road accidentBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Mention effects of road accidents on the victim
ii. Discribe the damage done to the road and vehicle
5(Cicic Education)Difference between national symbol
and other symbol
e.g national symbols are for the entire
country while other symbols
are for group/organtzation
Pupns should be able m:
i. Identify the importance of national symbols in the
ii. differentiate between national symbols and other
iii. draw the Nigeria national flag correctly
(Security Education)Solution to road accidentBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe road accident
ii. Proffer solution to road accident
(Social Studies)Solution to Road AccidentPupils should be able to:
i. Identify solution to the road accidents
ii. Mention security agents that help people at the
scene of road accidents
6(Cicic Education)Respecting national symbols e. g
stand attention
Pupils should be able to:
i. discuss the importancc of respecting the national
ii. recite the National anthcm and National pledge
iii. demonstrate the respect for national symbols
(Security Education)Sexual OffencesBythe end ofthis lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe sexual offences
ii. Itemize some sexual offences
(Social Studies)Meaning of first aidBythe end of this lesson, pupils should be able to
i. Define First Aid and Aid Box
ii. Explain who a First aid gver is.
iii. State emergency hotlines in Nigeria (767)
8(Cicic Education)Highway codesPupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of highway codes
ii. identify simple highway codes
iii. Identify the importance of highway codes
(Security Education)Avoiding Criminal Behaviour e.g.TheftBy the end ofthis lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain theft
ii. Describe actions that could be referred to as theft
(Social Studies)Objects found in First Aid Box
Pupils should be able to:
i. List the contents of First Aid Box.
ii. Explain the uses of each contents of the first aid box
9(Cicic Education)Highway codes (contd)
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain in details the simple highway codes
ii. demostrate ways to take caution when crossing the
(Security Education)Avoiding peer pressure
By the end ofthis lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe peer pressure
ii. Identify the behavior that could be the result of peer
(Social Studies)Simple fist aid reamentPupils should be able to:
i. Describe how simple first aid is applied to an
accident victim
ii. Give report of what has been done for the victim
and call for emergency if need be. (767)
10(Cicic Education)Respecting other symbols
Traditional leaders, staff of office,
religious leaders, highway codes
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify other symbols that can be respected
ii. describe who religious leaders and traditional
leaders are.
iii. explain the meaning of staff of office
(Security Education)Avoiding Criminal Behavior e.g.
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe gang
ii. Outline the characteristics of a gang
(Social Studies)Security Agencies and their Primary
Pupils should be able to:
i. Define security
ii. Mention security agents in Nigeria
iii. Mention the duties of security agencies
11(Cicic Education)Respecting other national symbols e.g.
-National anthem
-The constitution
Pupils should be able to:
i. demonstrate respect for national symbols
e.g. stand at attention
ii. highlight Other symbols that can be respected.
iii. discuss what the maze represents
(Security Education)Contentment as an instrument of
avoiding criminal behaviour
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain contentment
ii. Discuss the Characteristics of satisfaction
(Social Studies)RevisionRevision
12(Cicic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)Enlightenment on Good Family
By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Give the characteristics of a good family life
ii. Analyze the advantages of a good family life.
(Social Studies)RevisionRevision

Recommended National Value Education Textbooks for Primary 3

Civic Education -Main text.
1. Gentle Chue, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Treasure Pub, 2017.

2. S.C. Ciebe, Basic Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Learn Africa, 2015.

3. A. A. Adeyinka , Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Bounty Press, 2013.

4. Gbenga M. Babalola, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Metropolitan Pub, 2016.

5. O.E Ojedokun, Civic & Security Education for Primary School, Litramed Pub, 2016.

6. Chima C. Amazu, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Sterling Nig, 2013.

7. G.O Bamiteko, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Learning Solutions 2015.

8. Aminat Adeola, We are Nigerian Civic & History for Big Schs, Kachifo Ltd,2011.

9. Joseph Ogunyemi et al, Civic Edu for Pry Sch,Tanus Book, 2013.

10. Ngbendin I.A et al, Intensive Civic Education for Primary School, Noble Resources, 2013.

11. Adetoro et al, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Melrose, 2012.
Civic Education-Workbook

12. I. O Osho, Civic Edu for Pry Sch,WABP, 2015.

13. B.J. Obebe et al, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Learn Africa, 2015.

14. R.A. Adetoro et al, Civic Edu for Pry Sch, Melrose, 2012.

Civic Education Supplementary Book.
15. Kanayo Onyekwere, Speaking My New Alphabet, Blue Educ Impact, 2014.
Security Education

16. Babalola T.A. RNVE Security Educ. for Pry 3, Tamkid, 2015.

17. Abayomi Odunaike et al, Tanus RNV Security Edu 3 , Tanus, 2015.

18. Alexander A.A. et al, RNVE Security Educ Pry 3, Extension, 2015.
Social Studies-Main Textbook

19. Bamiteko G.O et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learning Solution, 2016.

20. Salawu, K. A. et al, National Values Social Studies for Primary Schools, Litramed, 2016.

21. Adedokun, M.O. et al, Primary Social Studies RVE, WABP, 2015.

22. Obebe, B.J. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learn Africa, 2016.

23. Dada T.A. O. et al, Social Studies and Security Education for Primary School, Ilesanmi Press, 2015.

24. Funmilola G. et al, Religion and National Values: Social Studies for Primary School, Tanus Books, 2015.

25. Akusu, F.O. et al, Religion and National Values: Social Studies for Primary School, HEBN Publishers, 2014. 

26. Adeshina, A.D. O. et al, Interactive Social Studies for Primary Schs, Melrose Books, 2012.

27. Koledoye, S.O. et al, Classic Social Studies for Primary Schs, Thursmay Pub, 2014.

28. Elaturote, D.F. et al, Modular Social Studies for Primary Schs, Evans, 2016.

29. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary Schools, Farafina Educ. 2012.

30. Gbenga Babalola, Social Studies for Primary Schools, Metropolitan Pub, 2017.

Social Studies- Workbook
31. Koledoye, S.O. et al, Classic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Thursmay Publishers, 2012.

32. Bamiteko, Geo. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learning Solutions, 2015.

33. Ayodele Jegede et al, Brilliant Social Studies Workbooks, Macmillan, 2014.

34. Odedokun, M.O. et al, Primary Social Studies Workbook (RVE), WABP, 2015.

35. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary SchooIs, Farafina Educ. 2012.

36. Otite, O. et al, Modular Social Studies for Primary Schools, Evans Brothers, 2013.

Supplementary Textbook
37. Ayodele Jegede et al, Brilliant Social Studies, Macmillan, 2014.

38. Mang. l. et al, Modern Social Studies for Primary Schs, Africana First, 2014.

39. Tunde Odekunle et al, Social Studies for Primary School, Bounty, 2014.

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