Primary 3 Physical & Health Education (PHE) Scheme of Work

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About Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Physical and Health Education for Primary 3 is a fitness and health subject that caters for the pupil’s physical and health wellness. In this class, the pupils will be educated on physical fitness, ball games, tennis safety, swimming etc.

The topics covered under this subject are; Physical fitness, athletics, ball games, tennis safety rules, swimming, and first aid.

This subject is practical. Educators should make the pupils practice sure activities after being taught in class. They should be cautioned about the safety rules of each sport before the commencement of the activities. 

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 3
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Basic 2 workRevision of Basic 2 work
2Moving our body partsBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. demonstrate the imitate movements and sound made
by people, animals and machine
ii. describe movements made in animals, people
iii. demonstrate the fundamental movement patterns
e.g bending, crawling, galloping, climbing etc
3MovementBy the end of the leson pupils should be able to;
i. what is movement
ii. State types of movement patterns
iii. Demonstrate different movement pattern eg bending
crawling galloping etc
iv. explain the safety rule of movement pattern
eg crawling, galloping bending dimbmg etc
4Physical FitnessBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain what is physical fitness
ii. Mention components of physical fitness
iii. Demonstrate components of physical fitness
e.g endurance, strength, agility, flexibility.
5-6Physical FitnessBy end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to
i.list and explain fimess e.g endurance, strength, flexibility
ii. Demonstrate the basic components of physical fitness
iii. Describe the physical fitness activities to achieve e.g
a. endurance
b. strength
c. flexibility
-Track event
By the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to
i. Explain sprints race e.g 100m, 200m, 400m
ii. Mention the different types sprints races, 100m, 200m,
400m, etc
iii. Mention the skill and techniques involved in the
sprints race e.g take off, acceleration
iv Describe the safe rules in sprint race
-Field event
-high hump
By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to
i. Mention the phases humps approaching, take off flight,
ii. Demonstrate the jumping activities e.g jump and reach,
jump and touch, jump on the spot
iii. Discuss the concept of long jump
iv. Demonstrate phases of long jump on the field

Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness test/
Revision of 2nd term work
Readiness test/
Revision of 2nd term work
2SwimmingBy the end of leson; pupils should be able to
i. meaning of swimming (Aquatic)
ii. Mention the basic style/stroke in swimming
e.g freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breast stroke etc.
iii. list the basic styles in swimming
3-4SwimmingBy the end ofthe less on; pupils should be able to
i. Demonstrate the basic skill in swimming
ii. Perform the basic style/stroke in swimming free style,
crawl, brust stroke, back stoke buterfly etc
iii. Explain the safety rules in swimming
iv. State the health benefit of swimming
5Health and hygiene pollution
-Types of pollution
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. State meaning of pollution
ii. Mention types of pollution, air pollution,
noise pollution, land pollution. water pollution
iii. Explain the kinds of pollution
(Noise pollution in chemical pollution, air pollution etc)
-Types of pollution
-And Prevention
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. Describe the kind of pollution, air pollution,
noise pollution, chemical pollution
ii. State the meaning of noise pollution. air pollution and
chemical pollution
iii. Describe ways of preventing pollution e.g air pollution,
noise polution and chemical polluüon
iv. Mention the effects of air pollution. noise pollution
and chemical pollution
8-9First AidBy the end of the class pupils should be able to
i. Discribe the meaning of first aid
ii. Describe the duties of a first aider
iii. Explain the qualities of a first aidcr

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Health and HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I.Enumerate some ways of purifying water.
2-Describe some ways of purifying water.
2HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. demonstrate the process of purifying water.
ii.explain how they purify water at home
3HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should able to
-purification of hand at home
4Rest and sleepAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. identify proper way of resting and sleeping
5Safety EducationAt the end ofthe leson, pupils should be able
i. explain the meaning of safety education
ii. list the safety education condition for first aid treatment.

6First AidAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. state conditions that requires first aid treatment
ii. Decribe how to treat the treatment
7Mid-Term Assessment
8-9First Aid ContinueAt the end of the leson, pupils should be able to:
i.explain more condition that requires first aid treatment
10Road user
-Meaning of road
-Road users Correct use of the road
Pupils should be able to.
i. say the meaning of roads;
ii. identify different road users (e.g. cars, bicycles, motor cycle,
humans, animals etc)
iii how each user correctly use road;

Recommended Physical and Health Education Textbooks for Primary 3

PHE- Main Text

  1. Aiyegbusi, Fitness and Fun, Learn Africa, 2015.
  2. Samuel Sodipe, Basic Science and Technology, Tanus, 2015.
  3. Naomi Baba Gbefwu, WABP PHE, WABP, 2014.
  4. J.O. Ilesanmi, Ilesanmi PHE, Ilesanmi Press, 2014.


  1. Fadoju A.O. et al, Nelson P.H.E, Nelson, 2014.
  2. Naomi Baba Gbefwu, WABP P.H.E, WABP, 2014.
  3. S.O. Oriofo et al, Evans P.H.E, Evans, 2015.
  4. J.O lge. B.A. Adeniyi et al, Melrose P.H.E, Melrose, 2012.
  5. J.O. Ilesanmi, Ilesanmi PHE, Ilesanmi Press, 2014.
  6. Fadoju. A.O, Nelson P.H.E, Nelson, 2014
  7. S.O. Olurankinse, Comprehensive P.H.E, Litramed, 2015.
  8. S. .O. Oriafo, Evans P.H.E, Evans, 2015.

Supplementary- Safety Book
Oluwakemi Oluwaseyi, Safety Talk, Top Flight Consultant, 2016.


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