Primary 3 Social Studies Scheme of Work

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About Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Social studies is a subject that is designed to encourage the pupil in studying their environment and surroundings. The primary 3 social studies expose the pupils to various family types, diverse ethnic and religion in Nigeria , drugs hygiene etc.

The topics covered in this subject are; Types of family, members of nuclear and extended family, meaning of marriage and types of marriage in Nigeria, objects used in marriage, marriage practice in Nigeria etc.

By the end of the academic session, the pupils should be able to discuss marriage practice among the three major ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria, define drugs, the type of drugs and difference between orthodox medicine and local herbs, identify forms of accident causes and prevention etc. 

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Primary 3 First Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTSocial Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of First Terms Work 
2Meaning of Drug AbusePupil should be able to;
i. Define drug and drug abuse
ii. List examples of drugs that can be abused
iii. Mention the right people to administer drug
3Ways of knowing someone who has
abuse drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify people who abuse drugs
ii. Mention symptoms of taking excess drugs
iii. Explain importance of taken right dosage of drugs
4Effects of Drug AbusePupils should be able to:
i. State effects of drug abuse
ii. Explain methods of abusing drugs
(e.g. smoking cigarette)
iii. Identify drugs that should be taken with strict
supervision of medical personnel or parents or
5Ways of helping people who has
abused drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of helping people who abuse drugs
ii. Explain signs of identifying people who abuse drugs
iii. Discuss the appropriate authority to report to
incase of drug abuse
6Meaning of illnessPupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of illness
ii. List major causes of common illness in our society
iii. Mention examples of common illness in our
community(Malaria, Typhoid, diarrhea, dysentery etc)
8Common illness in the communityPupils should be able to:
i. Identify common illness in our community.
ii. State preventive measures against common illness
in our community
iii. Mention importance of living in a clean
9Symptoms of
common illnesses in the community
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention the symptoms of common illnesses in our
community such as (malaria, typhoid)
ii. Explain immunization as a means o preventing
some illnesses
iii. Discuss importance of sanitation
10Causes of common illness:
Pupils should be able to:
1. Identify causes of common illness such as dysentery
etc in our community
11Prevention of common diseasesPupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of preventing common illness in the
ii. List ways of providing good hygiene to prevent
common illness in our community

Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTSocial Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of First Terms Work 
2Meaning of Drug AbusePupil should be able to;
i. Define drug and drug abuse
ii. List examples of drugs that can be abused
iii. Mention the right people to administer drug
3Ways of knowing someone who has
abuse drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify people who abuse drugs
ii. Mention symptoms of taking excess drugs
iii. Explain importance of taken right dosage of drugs
4Effects of Drug AbusePupils should be able to:
i. State effects of drug abuse
ii. Explain methods of abusing drugs
(e.g. smoking cigarette)
iii. Identify drugs that should be taken with strict
supervision of medical personnel or parents or
5Ways of helping people who has
abused drugs
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of helping people who abuse drugs
ii. Explain signs of identifying people who abuse drugs
iii. Discuss the appropriate authority to report to
incase of drug abuse
6Meaning of illnessPupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of illness
ii. List major causes of common illness in our society
iii. Mention examples of common illness in our
community(Malaria, Typhoid, diarrhea, dysentery etc)
8Common illness in the communityPupils should be able to:
i. Identify common illness in our community.
ii. State preventive measures against common illness
in our community
iii. Mention importance of living in a clean
9Symptoms of
common illnesses in the community
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention the symptoms of common illnesses in our
community such as (malaria, typhoid)
ii. Explain immunization as a means o preventing
some illnesses
iii. Discuss importance of sanitation
10Causes of common illness:
Pupils should be able to:
1. Identify causes of common illness such as dysentery
etc in our community
11Prevention of common diseasesPupils should be able to:
i. Mention ways of preventing common illness in the
ii. List ways of providing good hygiene to prevent
common illness in our community

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 3
 SUBJECTSocial Studies
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Second Terms Work 
2Meaning of Road AccidentPupils should be able to:
i. Define road and road accidents
ii. Classify roads into private drive pathways,
two-lane highways, dual carriage easy and
iii. Describe road on each classification of roads.
3Causes of Road AccidentsPupils should be able to:
i. List causes of mad accidents.
ii. Describe how drivers and other mad users should
maintain mads
iii. Explain in dctails of road sign and their meaning
4Effecs of Road accidentBy the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Mention effects of road accidents on the victim
ii. Discribe the damage done to the road and vehicle
5Solution to Road AccidentPupils should be able to:
i. Identify solution to the road accidents
ii. Mention security agents that help people at the
scene of road accidents
6Meaning of first aidBythe end of this lesson, pupils should be able to
i. Define First Aid and Aid Box
ii. Explain who a First aid gver is.
iii. State emergency hotlines in Nigeria (767)
8Objects found in First Aid BoxPupils should be able to:
i. List the contents of First Aid Box.
ii. Explain the uses of each contents of the first aid box
9Simple fist aid reamentPupils should be able to:
i. Describe how simple first aid is applied to an
accident victim
ii. Give report of what has been done for the victim
and call for emergency if need be. (767)
10Security Agencies and their Primary
Pupils should be able to:
i. Define security
ii. Mention security agents in Nigeria
iii. Mention the duties of security agencies

Recommended Social Studies Textbooks for Primary 3

Social Studies-Main Textbook

1. Bamiteko G.O et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learning Solution, 2016.

2. Salawu, K. A. et al, National Values Social Studies for Primary Schools, Litramed, 2016.

3. Odedokun, M.O. et al, Primary Social Studies RVE, WABP, 2015.

4. Obebe, B.J. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learn Africa, 2016.

5. Dada T.A. O. et al, Social Studies and Security Education for Primary School, Ilesanmi Press, 2015.

6. Funmilola G. et al, Religion and National Values: Social Studies for Primary School, Tanus Books, 2015.

7. Akusu, F.O. et al, Religion and National Values: Social Studies for Primary School, HEBN Publishers, 2014. 

8. Adeshina, A.D. O. et al, Interactive Social Studies for Primary Schs, Melrose Books, 2012.

9. Koledoye, S.O. et al, Classic Social Studies for Primary Schs, Thursmay Pub, 2014.

10. Elaturote, D.F. et al, Modular Social Studies for Primary Schs, Evans, 2016.

11. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary Schools, Farafina Educ. 2012.

12. Gbenga Babalola, Social Studies for Primary Schools, Metropolitan Pub, 2017.

Social Studies- Workbook

13. Koledoye, S.O. et al, Classic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Thursmay Publishers, 2012.

14. Bamiteko, Geo. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learning Solutions, 2015.

15. Ayodele Jegede et al, Brilliant Social Studies Workbooks, Macmillan, 2014.

16. Odedokun, M.O. et al, Primary Social Studies Workbook (RVE), WABP, 2015.

17. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary SchooIs, Farafina Educ. 2012.

18. Otite, O. et al, Modular Social Studies for Primary Schools, Evans Brothers, 2013.

Supplementary Textbook
19. Ayodele Jegede et al, Brilliant Social Studies, Macmillan, 2014.

20. Mang. l. et al, Modern Social Studies for Primary Schs, Africana First, 2014.

21. Tunde Odekunle et al, Social Studies for Primary School, Bounty, 2014.

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