SS1 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work

Junior Secondary Agriculture introduces students to the basics of farming, crop production, animal care, and simple gardening, emphasizing hands-on activities to foster interest and foundational knowledge. On the other hand, Senior Secondary Agriculture offers an in-depth study of advanced topics like agricultural economics, soil science, pest management, and modern farming techniques. 

Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary 1 (SS1) in Nigeria introduces students to agriculture’s fundamental principles and practices. The Lagos state unified scheme of work for Agricultural Science in SSS1 is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of agricultural concepts, including crop production, livestock management, soil science, and agricultural economics.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 1, students are assessed in Agricultural Science based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests), practical exercises, and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science

 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 ClassS.S.S 1
 SubjectAgricultural Science
 TermFirst Term
1Meaning and important of Agriculture1. Definition of Agricultural Science.
2. Importance of Agricultural Science to individual, community and the Nation.
2Problems of Agricultural development and possible solutions.1. Problems related to land tenure, basic amenities, finance, transportation, storage and processing facility, agricultural education and extension tools and machinery, farm inputs, marketing system, environmental degradation, etc.
2. Possible solutions to identified problems.
3Meaning and Differences between subsistence and commercial Agriculture.1. Meaning of subsistence and commercial agriculture.
2. Differences between subsistence and commercial agriculture based on their characteristics.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of subsistence and commercial agriculture.
4. Problems of subsistence and commercial agriculture.
4Role of Government in Agricultural Development.Roles of Government in Agricultural Development
-Agricultural finance, credit subsidy
-Agricultural Education
-Agricultural extension and services
-Agricultural policies and programmes review of past and present e.g. OFN, ADP, etc.
5Role of Nongovernmental Organization in Agricultural Development.1. Meaning of nonGovernmental Organization NGOs
2. Roles of NGOs in Agricultural Development e.g.-capacity building-extension services
6Agricultural laws and reforms.1. Land tenure system in Nigeria.
2. The land use decree of 1978 and its implications for agricultural development.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of land use decree in Nigeria.
7Meaning and importance of Agricultural Ecology.1. Meaning of Agricultural ecology and ecosystem.
2. Components of farm ecosystem e.g. Biotic, abiotic, autotrophism and heterotrophism.
3. Interactions of the components in the terrestrial and aquatic agroecosystem.
-mono or sole cropping system.
-mixed cropping system.
-mixed farming system.
-fish ponds.
-forest rainforest or savanna.
8Land and its uses1. Meaning of land.
2. Characteristics of the land-free gift of nature, immobile, limited in supply, etc
3. Uses of land:
-agricultural purposes
-crop production
-Wildlife conservation
-game reserves
-livestock production etc.
4. Non-Agricultural purpose:
-transportation etc.
9Factors affecting land availability for agricultural purposes.Factors affecting land availability for agricultural purposes
-land tenure system
-population pressure
-soil type and topography etc.
10 1. Agro-based industries and raw materials:
-paper industry pulpwood
-beverage industry cocoa, tea, etc.
-textile industry cotton.
-soap industry
-oil seeds etc.
2. Relationship between agriculture and industries:
-agriculture provides a market for industrial products e.g. Farm machinery, and chemicals.
-agriculture provides food for industrial workers etc.


SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science

 TermSecond Term
1Environmental factors affecting Agricultural production1. Environmental factors affecting crops and animal production
a. climate factors e.g. rainfall, temperature, light, wind, etc
b. biotic factors e.g. predators, parasites, soil micro-organisms etc interrelationships such as competition, parasitism symbiosis etc c. edaphic factors–soil Ph, soil texture, soil structure, soil type, etc
2Soil formation1. Processes of rock formation.
2. Types of rock-igneous-sedimentary-metamorphic
3Soil formation and profile development.1.Factor of soil formation the parent rock, organisms, climate, topography and time.
2. Outline of soil formation process e.g. Weathering process.
4Soil profile development.1. Soil profile development.
2. The basic principles of soil classification
5Types, composition and properties of soil I1. Types of soil.
2. Chemical or mineral matter such as clay, sand and silt.
6Types, composition, and properties of soil II1. Soil Ph
2. Physical properties of soil-soil texture-soil structure
3. Soil classification system.
7Simple farm tools Uses and maintenance I1. Meaning of simple farm tools.
2. Types of simple farm tools cutlass, hoe spade, shovel, etc
3. Identification and description of each of the tools.
8Simple farm tools Uses and maintenance II1. The uses of simple farm tools.
2. General maintenance of simple farm tools.
9Farm machinery and implements IFarm machinery:
-milking machines etc
10Farm machinery and implements IITractor-coupled implements:
-sprayers, etc


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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science

 TermThird Term
1Maintenance practices and precautionary measures1. Reasons for maintaining farm machines.
2. Maintenance of farm machinery
– check water and oil level regularly
– carry out routine service
– keep the machine clean etc
2Problems of Agricultural mechanization.1. Meaning of agricultural mechanization.
2. Mechanized agricultural operations.
3. Advantages of agricultural mechanization e.g. increased productivity, reduced drudgery, timeliness of operation etc.
4. Disadvantages of agricultural mechanization e.g. displacement of workers, destruction of soil structure, environmental pollution etc
5. Limitation of farm mechanization
– economic limitations
– technical knowhow etc
3Prospects of agricultural mechanizationPossible ways of improving agricultural mechanization
– developing less expensive machines.
– establishing agricultural engineering school for personal and fabricate simple machines etc
4Sources of farm power.1. Source of farm power
– human, animal, mechanical, electrical, solar, wind, water
2. Advantages and disadvantages of each type.
5Classification of crops.1. Classification of crops based on their use
-Cereals, pulses, roots and tubers, vegetables.
2. Classification based on their life cycle.
-Annual, biannual, perennial, ephemeral.
3. Classification based on their morphology
-Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous crops
6Husbandry of selected crops I1. Botanical name and local or common names of the crop
2. Varieties or types
3. Climatic and soil requirement
4. Land preparation
5. Methods of propagation, planting date, seed rate, spacing, sowing depth and cultural practices, supply, thinning, manuring and fertilizer applications, weeding, pests and diseases
6. Harvesting, processing and storage of the selected crops
7Husbandry of selected crops II1. Botanical name and local or common names of the crop
2. Varieties or types
3. Climatic and soil requirement
4. Land preparation
5. Methods of propagation, planting date, seed rate, spacing, sowing depth and cultural practices, supply, thinning, manuring and fertilizer applications, weeding, pests and diseases
6. Harvesting, processing and storage of the selected crops
8Husbandry of selected crops III1. Botanical name and local or common names of the crop
2. Varieties or types
3. Climatic and soil requirement
4. Land preparation
5. Methods of propagation, planting date, seed rate, spacing, sowing depth and cultural practices, supply, thinning, manuring and fertilizer applications, weeding, pests and diseases
6. Harvesting, processing and storage of the selected crops
9Pasture and forage crops I1. Meaning of pasture and forage crops.
2. Uses of forage crops.
3. Types of pasture crops:
– natural pasture
– artificial pasture and their characteristics.
3. List types of pasture and characteristics of such type.
10Pasture and forage crops II1. Common grasses and legumes used for grazing
Livestock their botanical names and characteristics of some of them.
2. Factors affecting the distribution and productivity of pasture.
3. Establishment of pasture.
4. Management practices of pasture.


Recommended Agricultural Science Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended Agricultural Science textbooks for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Agriculture for junior/senior secondary schools by Dairo S.D et al 

       Spectrum Books Ltd

  •  Agriculture by L.A. Are et al 

         University Press Plc

  • Fundamental Agricultural Science  by Nnoka C.N et al

       Noble Publishers  

  • Senior secondary Agricultural Science by Akinsanmi O. 

        Longman Group Ltd

  • Current Animal Husbandry by  M.C Okechukwu et al 

        Mis-Fav Publishers SS 1-3 

  • Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary with workbook by Udofia Elizabeth et al University Press Plc


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