SS1 Building Construction Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Building Construction Scheme of Work

Building construction plays a crucial role in human progress by creating the structures we live and work in, improving our quality of life. In Senior Secondary School 1 (SSS2), students start learning the basic principles and methods of building construction. This subject aims to give students a thorough understanding of it, setting them up for future studies and careers in the construction industry.

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for SSS1 includes various topics like the history of construction, types of buildings, materials used, tools and equipment, and construction processes. It is important to study Building construction using the Lagos state unified scheme of work because it helps students understand the theory and practice of building construction through hands-on activities and projects.

By the end of SSS1, students will have an early foundation in both the theoretical and practical sides of construction. This prepares them for further studies in related fields and provides them with the necessary skills to enter the workforce.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS1 session, students can;

  • Identify the various types of building and their purposes;
  • Know the safety conditions to be observed at the workside;
  • Know the functions of basic hand tools, equipment, and machines;
  • Understand the difference between working drawing and construction drawing;
  • Identify and describe the basic site planning process and principle;
  • Know the various types of excavation;
  • Know the factors that affect the bearing capacity of subsoil;
  • Describe materials used for damp proofing;
  • Understand the differences between manual and mechanical types of moulding machines.

Assessment Guide

In SSS1 building construction, assessment methods include written exams to evaluate theoretical knowledge, practical projects to test hands-on skills, class participation for ongoing engagement, assignments and homework for individual learning, and periodic tests for continuous assessment. Additionally, students might be assessed through group work to encourage teamwork and presentations to develop communication skills

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Building Construction

Building Construction Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define building as a discipline
ii. state the purpose of building
iii. describe types of buildings
iv. distinguish between types of buildings
– Purpose
– Safety regulations
– Hazard in construction sites/workshop
– First Aid
– Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
– Personal Safety Habit
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the safety conditions to be observed at the workplace
ii. explain the need for observing health and welfare regulations at worksite
iii. demonstrate care and maintenance of tools and equipments
iv. use equipments at construction sites
– Identification of tools and uses
– Block laying tools and uses
– Carpentry and joinery hand tools
– Numbering hand tools
– Maintenance of hand tools
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state functions of basic hand tools, equipment and machines
ii. identify the basic hand tools
– Client team
– Contractor’s team
– Statutory personnel
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. outline and identify parties in a construction team
ii. describe the duties and relationship of the various teams that make the construction team
iii. distinguish the roles and relationships between the members of each team
– Client team
– Contractor’s team
– Statutory personnel
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. outline and identify parties in a construction team
ii. describe the duties and relationship of the various teams that make the construction team
iii. distinguish the roles and relationships between the members of each team
– Types of working drawings
– Elevation plan sections
– Functions of grid lines
– Types of plans: site plans, block plan, foundation plan, ground floor plan
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. differentiate between working drawing and construction drawings
ii. explain the purpose of terms involving in working drawings
iii. explain the functions of grid lines on a site plan
iv. sketch a block plan of a proposed building
v. convert design data construction information and clearly communicate that information into layman’s term
– Details of a building
– Building terms
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. do freehand sketching of a bungalow
ii. identify building parts and their terms
– Basic processes, location, and sizes,
– Problems caused by poor site layout
– Purposes of site layout
– Items in site layout
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and describe the basic site planning process and principles
ii. explain the purpose of the site layout
iii. sketch a simple layout of a site
– Learning activities preceding actual building construction
a) site acquisition
b) provision of access road
c) site clearance
d) site offices and storage facilities
e) provision of site services
f) site investigation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term preliminary operations as used in building construction
ii. identify the key features to be addressed in a quality building process
iii. recognize the risk and opportunities surrounding preliminaries
iv. prepare and interpret preliminary records in lender documents
– Tools and equipments for setting out
– Methods of setting out using 3,4,5 method
– Using the builder’s square method
– Steps in setting out using both methods
– Building line and boundary line
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe tools and equipments for setting out
ii. describe precautions to be he taken before setting out operation
iii. differentiate between a building line and a boundary line
iv. demonstrate the procedure for erecting profiles using both setting out methods
12REVISION/PROJECTBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. do a project on production of a model of two bedroom flat with cardboard and other durable materials. Scales 1.20

SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Building Construction

– Purpose of excavation
– Types of excavation equipment
– Use of excavation materials
– Types of excavation
– Support two sides of trenches
– Safety methods in trench work
– Causes of collapse in trench sides
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the purpose of excavation
ii. identify types of equipments for excavation
iii. state the uses of types of excavation equipment
iv. describe types of excavation
v. demonstrate the procedure for supporting the sides of trenches
vi. sketch a typical timber support to trenches in various types of soil
vii. demonstrate the methods of ensuring safety when digging a trench
– Purpose of excavation
– Types of excavation equipment
– Use of excavation materials
– Types of excavation
– Support two sides of trenches
– Safety methods in trench work
– Causes of collapse in trench sides
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the purpose of excavation
ii. identify types of equipments for excavation
iii. state the uses of types of excavation equipment
iv. describe types of excavation
v. demonstrate the procedure for supporting the sides of trenches
vi. sketch a typical timber support to trenches in various types of soil
vii. demonstrate the methods of ensuring safety when digging a trench
– Purpose of excavation
– Types of excavation equipment
– Use of excavation materials
– Types of excavation
– Support two sides of trenches
– Safety methods in trench work
– Causes of collapse in trench sides
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the purpose of excavation
ii. identify types of equipments for excavation
iii. state the uses of types of excavation equipment
iv. describe types of excavation
v. demonstrate the procedure for supporting the sides of trenches
vi. sketch a typical timber support to trenches in various types of soil
vii. demonstrate the methods of ensuring safety when digging a trench
– Definition
– Functions of foundations
– Types
– Factors influencing choice of foundation
– Factors determining the hearing capacity of sub soil
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the functions of a foundation
ii. describe the sizes of the types of foundation
iii. explain the factors that affect the bearing capacity of a subsoil
– Types of wall at sub-structure level
– Materials for types of walls
– Functions of sub-structure walls
– Bonding for walls
– Erection of walls
– Description of types of mortar for walls
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe types of sub-structure walls
ii. describe materials for types of walls
iii. explain the functions of sub-structure walls
iv. explain types of bonding for walls
v. demonstrate ways of erecting walls in different bonds
vi. describe types of mortar for walls
– Defects to sub-structure work
– Protection against damage to sub-structure work
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. describe some defects in sub-structure work
ii. demonstrate the methods of protection against damages to sub-structure work
– Definition
– Types
– Functions
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term damp proofing
ii. describe materials used for damp proofing
iii. explain the purpose of using damp proofing in buildings
– Functions
– Types
– Materials
– Composition
– Construction
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. state the function of ground floor
ii. list types of ground floor
iii. give functional requirements of ground floor
iv. sketch structure of a ground floor
– Floor finishes
– Spreading
– Tiling
– Mosaic work tiles
– Terrazzo tile
– PVC tiles
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. list materials for floor finishes
ii. select suitable materials for finishing a given floor
iii. prepare floor to receive a finishing
iv. mix floor finishing materials to required ratio
v. lay floor finishing

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Building Construction

– Identification of building materials
– Block/brick materials
– Mix ratio
– Sizes of blocks/bricks
– Differences between bricks and blocks
– Advantages and disadvantages of making bricks and blocks
– Fundamental properties of bricks and blocks
– Types of binding material
– Properties of cement
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify building materials
ii. select materials for making bricks/blocks
iii. state the mix ratios for types of blocks/bricks
iv. state the recommended sizes of blocks/bricks
v. describe manufacture of blocks and bricks
vi. distinguish between blocks and bricks
vii. compare the manufacture of concrete blocks by hand and by machine methods
viii. identify binding materials
ix. explain types of binding materials
x. explain the manufacture and properties of cement
– Identification of building materials
– Block/brick materials
– Mix ratio
– Sizes of blocks/bricks
– Differences between bricks and blocks
– Advantages and disadvantages of making bricks and blocks
– Fundamental properties of bricks and blocks
– Types of binding material
– Properties of cement
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify building materials
ii. select materials for making bricks/blocks
iii. state the mix ratios for types of blocks/bricks
iv. state the recommended sizes of blocks/bricks
v. describe manufacture of blocks and bricks
vi. distinguish between blocks and bricks
vii. compare the manufacture of concrete blocks by hand and by machine methods
viii. identify binding materials
ix. explain types of binding materials
x. explain the manufacture and properties of cement
– Identification of building materials
– Block/brick materials
– Mix ratio
– Sizes of blocks/bricks
– Differences between bricks and blocks
– Advantages and disadvantages of making bricks and blocks
– Fundamental properties of bricks and blocks
– Types of binding material
– Properties of cement
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify building materials
ii. select materials for making bricks/blocks
iii. state the mix ratios for types of blocks/bricks
iv. state the recommended sizes of blocks/bricks
v. describe manufacture of blocks and bricks
vi. distinguish between blocks and bricks
vii. compare the manufacture of concrete blocks by hand and by machine methods
viii. identify binding materials
ix. explain types of binding materials
x. explain the manufacture and properties of cement
– Identification of building materials
– Block/brick materials
– Mix ratio
– Sizes of blocks/bricks
– Differences between bricks and blocks
– Advantages and disadvantages of making bricks and blocks
– Fundamental properties of bricks and blocks
– Types of binding material
– Properties of cement
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify building materials
ii. select materials for making bricks/blocks
iii. state the mix ratios for types of blocks/bricks
iv. state the recommended sizes of blocks/bricks
v. describe manufacture of blocks and bricks
vi. distinguish between blocks and bricks
vii. compare the manufacture of concrete blocks by hand and by machine methods
viii. identify binding materials
ix. explain types of binding materials
x. explain the manufacture and properties of cement
– Meaning
– Mechanical steps in the production of concrete bricks and blocks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify different types of moulding machines
ii. differentiate between manual and mechanical types of moulding machines
iii. use the various steps in the the production of concrete bricks and blocks
– Definition
– Types
– Supporting beams and columns functions
– Materials and construction
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define concrete upper floor
ii. identify various types of floor
iii. state functions of the supporting beams and columns
iv. describe materials used in constructing timber floors
– Definition of a wall
– Types of a wall
– Functions of walls
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the term walls in super structure
ii. recognize load and non-load bearing walls
iii. explain functions of the types of walls
– Purpose of a ceiling
– Sound and thermal insulation
– Part of a ceiling sheet, noggins, strut and bitterns
– Materials for ceilings
– Procedures for construction of a ceiling
– Safety requirements
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the purpose of a ceiling
ii. prepare ceiling parts
iii. select appropriate parts used for ceiling
iv. state safety requirements for the construction of a ceiling


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