SS1 Catering and Craft Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Catering and Craft Scheme of Work

Catering and Crafts in SSS1 is a subject that teaches culinary arts and practical craftsmanship. It covers food preparation, nutrition, menu planning, and cooking techniques in catering. In crafts, students learn artisanal skills like weaving, pottery, bead-making, and fabric design, fostering creativity and hands-on craftsmanship.

Studying Catering and Crafts in Senior Secondary School 1 (SSS1) under the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work offers a comprehensive foundation in culinary arts and practical craftsmanship. The curriculum typically begins with an introduction to the basic principles of catering, emphasizing hygiene, nutrition, and food safety regulations. Simultaneously, the Crafts component of the curriculum focuses on developing students’ skills in various handicrafts and creative arts. Practical sessions allow students to experiment with different materials and tools, fostering creativity and craftsmanship.

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work ensures a balanced approach, integrating theoretical lessons with practical applications to provide a holistic learning experience.

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS1 session, students can;

  • Identify bar equipment;
  • Differentiate between non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages;
  • Enumerate dish costing;
  • Make appropriate use of kitchen equipment;
  • Classify cleaning agents and make use of them.

Assessment Guide

Assessment in Catering and Crafts in SSS1 typically includes practical tasks such as preparing and presenting dishes or crafting handmade products. Students are evaluated on their skills in food preparation, creativity in crafts, adherence to safety and hygiene standards, and understanding of theoretical concepts like nutrition and design principles.

Assessments are designed to evaluate knowledge acquisition and practical skills, preparing students for further studies in catering, hospitality management, or entrepreneurship in the culinary and crafts industries.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Catering and Craft

Catering and Craft Practice Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1
 SUBJECTCatering and Craft Practice
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Introduction to catering craft
-Origin of catering craft
-Career in catering craft
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. trace the origin and history of catering craft
2. highlight the careers in catering craft
2Hospitality industry in
-Definition of hospitality
-Relationship between
hospitality industry and
catering trade
-Classification of hospitality
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. discuss hospitality industry
2.point out the relationship between hospitality and
catering trade
3. classify hospitality
3Components of hospitality
-Importance of hospitality
-Characteristics of hospitality
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. state the importance of hospitality industry
2. enumerate the characteristics of hospitality
4Catering establishments
-Classification of catering
-Types of catering
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. classify catering establishments
2. pin point and explain types of catering
5Catering Establishments
-Functions of catering
-Hotel Rating
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. identify the functions of catering establishments
2. highlight types of hotel rating
6Culinary Terms
-Culinary terms commonly
used in catering
-Glossary of culinary terms
-Compilation of menu in
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the term culinary
2. differentiate between culinary and cullination
3. indicate and explain some of the culinary terms
4. compile menu in French
8Safety precautions in the
-Meaning of safety
-Types and causes of accidents
-Prevention and managements
of accidents in the kitchen
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss the meaning of safety
2. enumerate the types and causes of accidents in
the kitchen
3. identify the prevention and management of
accidents in the kitchen
9First Aids
-Meaning of first aid, first aider
first aid box
-Fire control. fire lighting
equipment and their uses: A
bucket of sand, water and soap
fire extinguisher
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain first aid, first aider and first aid box
2. highlight the content of a first aid box
3. discuss fire control
4. give example of fire fighting
-Meaning of sanitation
-Aims of sanitations
-Types of sanitation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the meaning of sanitation
2. state aims of sanitation
3. point out types of sanitation
-Meaning of hygiene
-Types of hygiene
-Food contamination and food
-Causes and examples of food
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. discuss hygiene in catering
2. practice personal hygiene
3. prepare, cook, hold and serve food properly
4. differentiate between food contamination and
food poisoning

SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Catering and Craft

 SUBJECTCatering and Craft Practice
 TERMsecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of last term’s work/
Pre-Resumption test
-Food commodities
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. recall the memory of previously taught topics in
first term
2. itemize food commodities
2Study of food commodities
-Meat/Game(Bush Animals)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the term poultry
-state the nutritive value of poultry
2. prepare different types of poultry products
3. differentiate between meat and game
4. highlight cut of meat
-pinpoint meat dishes
3Study of food commodities
-Dairy products(Milk and milk
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. identify fish
2. classify fish with example
3. enumerate factors to consider when selecting fish
4. discuss milk
5. give samples of milk products
4Study of food commodities
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the structure of an egg and its
2. itemize the nutritive value of eggs
3. state the uses of egg in cookery
4. discuss factors to consider when buying egg
5. plan and prepare dishes using egg
5Study of food commodities
-Fruits and vegetables
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. distinguish between fruits and vegetables
2. classify fruits and vegetables with examples
3. enumerate factors to consider when cooking
fruits and vegetables
4. state the importance of fruits and vegetables in
our diets
6Study of food commodities
-Cereals and pulses
-Spices and herbes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. differentiate between cereals and pulses
2. state factors to consider when buying cereals and
3. store cereals and spices
4. explain herbs and spices
5. pinpoint factors to consider when using herbs
and spices
7Mid-Term Test/Open Day/Mid Term Holiday
8Principles of cooking methods
-Types of heat transfer
-The effect of heat of food
-Classification of cooking
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the principles of cooking methods
2. identify the types of heat transfer
3. state the effect of heat on food nutrient
4. classify cooking methods.
9Methods of cooking
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. discuss boiling, poaching, steaming and stewing
2. highlight the advantages of boiling, poaching,
steaming and stewing
10Methods of cooking
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain frying, baking, roasting and grilling
2. enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of
frying, baking, roasting and grilling
11Practical on food commoditiesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. practice different dishes from food commodities
2. prepare cook and serve different dishes from food

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Catering and Craft

 SUBJECTCatering and Craft Practice
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Welcome test/Revision of last
term’s work
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. answer test questions correctly
2. recall the memory of previous topics taught in
last term
2Food and beverage service
-Food and beverage manager
-Restaurant manager
-Head waiter
-Banquet hall waiter
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. analyze the functions of food and beverages
2. enumerate the duty of the restaurant manager
3. identify the responsibilities of head waiter
4. state the functions of banquet hall waiter
3Personnel in food and
beverages area
-Station water
-Wine stewards
-Junior water
-Barman, bartender, mixologist,
bar keeper,
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. highlight personnel in food and beverage area
2. discuss the responsibilities of each personnel in
food and beverages area
4Types of food services
-Plate service
-Family service
-Cafeteria service
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain food service
2. analyze the difference between plate service,
family service and cafeteria service
5Types of food service
-Self service
-Guendon service
-Silver service
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. discuss self service
2. differentiate between guendon service and silver
6Demonstration on types of food
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. demonstrate different types of food service
7Mid-Term Test/Open Day/Mid-Term Holiday
8Table Cover
-Meaning of cover
-Types of cover
-Laying the table
-Table wares
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the meaning of cover
2. enumerate types of cover
3. state the items needed for laying and setting a
4. set a table
9Napkin foldingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain napkin folding
2. highlight types of napkin folds
3. analyze methods of folding napkin
4. fold a napkin
10Demonstration of napkin folds
and placement of table wares
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. explain the different types of napkin folds
2. state the different steps in folding a napkin
3. fold a different napkin and place table wares


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