SS1 Civic Education Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Civic Education Scheme of Work

Civic education for SS1 (Senior Secondary 1) in Nigeria extends what was studied throughout junior secondary school. It helps to impart students with an understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and duties as citizens. This subject instils knowledge of democratic principles, governance structures, and the importance of the rule of law. 

At this level, SSS1 students explore various topics, including the constitution, civic duties, human rights, and national values, to develop a strong sense of national identity, ethical judgement, and active civic participation. The Lagos state unified scheme of work for civic education is designed to help mould informed, responsible, and engaged citizens who can actively contribute to Nigeria’s development.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 1, students are assessed in Civic Education based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests) and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 Civic Education Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 ClassS.S.S 1
 SubjectCivic Education
 TermFirst Term
1Values I1. Meaning of values. 2. Types of values e.g. Honesty, Justice etc 3. Justice, its variation and sources.
2Values II1. Incidences of selfless activities. 2. Instances of selfless activities e.g. charity and destitute homes, good Samaritan (Lk. 10.30-37), Red Cross Society etc. 3. Non Governmental Organizations [NGO’s].
3Values III1. Opportunity to defend oneself e.g. contact the police, report to the authority, run to church etc 2. Involvement in the community services e.g. National Youth Service Corps [NYSC] of Nigeria, Boy’s Scouts and Girl’s Guide etc 3. Reasons to get involved in community service i. one feels good ii. it can strengthen one’s family iii. it promotes sense of oneness etc
4HIV/AIDS I1. Meaning of HIV/AIDS. 2. Causes of HIV/AIDS. 3. Symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
5HIV/AIDS II1. Preventive measure of HIV/AIDS e.g. use of condom, faithfulness to partners etc. 2. Stigmatization of PLWHA. 3. Solution for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) e.g. Awareness campaign, Enlightenment etc.
6Youth empowerment I1. Concept of youth empowerment. 2. Meaning of empowerment. 3. Empowerment strategiese.g. education, organization etc. 4. Objectives of youth empowerment.
7Youth empowerment II1. Importance of youth empowerment e.g. it makes one-self relevant, it reduces crime. 2. Different youth empowerment skills e.g. hat making, bead making etc 3. Hindrances to youth empowerment.
8Citizenship I1. Meaning of citizenship. 2. Goals of citizenship education. 3. Benefits of citizenship education
9Citizenship II1.Meaning of laws. 2. Types of laws e.g. private law, public law, criminal law etc. 3. Different between public and private law
10Nationalism and major world civic problems.1. Meaning of Nationalism. 2. Reasons for Nationalism. 3. Roles of individuals, groups and political parties.


SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 TermSecond Term
1Representative Democracy1. Define representative Democracy. 2. Characteristics of representative Democracy. 3. Advantages of representative Democracy. 4. Disadvantages representative Democracy.
2Rule of Law1. Meaning of rule of law.
2. Feature/Attributes of the principle of rule of law e.g. equality before the law, right to personal liberty etc.
3. Maximum liberty for citizens.
3Rule of LawRole of majority with adequate safe guards to the minorities e.g. geographical representative, proportional representative
4Pillars of Democracy1. Meaning of constitution.
2. Types of constitution e.g. written constitution, flexible constitution etc.
3. Features of constitution
5Strong institutions as major pillar of democracy.1. Strong institution as a pillar of democracy e.g. the Arms of government.
2. Other strong institutions e.g. Armed forces, the civic societies etc.
6Federalism, State and Local Government.1. Meaning of federalism.
2. Reasons for the adoption of federalism e.g. common colonial experience, desire for local autonomy etc.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of federalism.
4. Citizen’s responsibilities.
7Political parties1. Meaning of political parties.
2. Functions of political parties.
3. Types of political parties e.g. mass party, elite party
4. Party system e.g. one party system, two party system etc.
8Free press1. Meaning of press.
2. Types of press e.g. media, prints, electronic etc.
3. Roles of free press in a democratic rule.
4. Limitations of the press.
9Human rights1. Meaning of human rights. 2. Examples of human rights. 3. History of UDHR.
10The seven freedom of UDHR.1. Meaning of the seven core freedoms of UDHR. 2. Seven core freedoms of UDHR e.g. freedom discrimination, want fear etc.


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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 TermThird Term
1Responsibility of individuals and groups in maintaining human rights [UDHR]1. Role of individuals and groups e.g. advocacy through prints, electronic media, awareness campaigns etc.
2. Examples of individual e.g. Gani Fawerimi, Femi Falana etc.
3. Examples of groups NGO’s, NUJ, Amnesty international etc.
2Responsibilities of Government in maintaining human right.Establishment of agencies e.g. legal aid council, UBE, NAPEP, TIO, NAPTIP etc.
3Cultism I1. Meaning of cultism.
2. Different cult groups [especially in schools] e.g. Black Axe, Buccaneers, Eiye etc.
3. Origin of cultism
4Cultism II1. Reasons for joining cult e.g. the urge and desire to be important, to look tough, sense of security etc. 2. Girls in cult.
3. Consequences of cultism e.g. expulsion, ,murder, untimely death etc.
5Cultism III1. Preventive measures against cultism e.g. abiding in rules and regulations, studying hard, faith in God as a protector etc
6Orderliness1. Meaning of orderliness. 2. Examples in the society e.g. listening skills, driving skills. Decorum, queuing culture etc
7Human trafficking1. Meaning of human trafficking.
2. Causes of trafficking e.g. poverty, greed, corruption, low self-esteem etc.
3. Universal causes of human trafficking e.g. lack of public awareness of dangers of trafficking, lack of effective anti-trafficking legislations etc
8&9Human trafficking II1. Causes of human trafficking e.g. abject poverty, lack of political, social and economic stability etc.
2. Causes of human trafficking from countries, origin of destination.
10Human Trafficking III1. Effects and consequences of human trafficking e.g. death, unwanted pregnancy, loss of man power, drug and alcohol addiction etc 2. Government and individual effort to stop human trafficking e.g. NATIP, Enactment of law, Roles of NGO’s like WATCLEF.


Recommended Civic Education Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended Civic Education textbooks for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Model Civic Education for Senior Secondary school with workbook by Anene Anthony – Mid-Field Publishers Ltd SS 1 -3 
  • Pacific Civic Education for Upper UBE Class by Victor Emeka Okafor, Francis O Arinze 

        Pacific Publishers Ltd SS 1-3 

  • WABP Civic Education 

        Dayo Olagunju 

        West African Book Publishers SS 1-3 

  • Varsity Model Civic Education for Secondary School and Colleges 

        Babalola G.M, Ogbalu et al 

        Varsity Publishing company SS 1-3 

  • Religion and National Values by Olisa A.C 

        New Age Press Ltd SS 1-3 

  • Model Basic Civic Education 

        Obi, Franca Ego, Ph.D, et al. 



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